Everything we have received, our talents and gifts, as well resources, all comes from God, for He is the giver of life. In Him we live and move and have our being.
It takes faith to believe in God. It takes faith to follow and obey God.
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As an act of worship, let us open our hearts ready to receive from the Lord and ready to obey Him.
Let us follow Jesus who modeled for us how to live a life fully dependent and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
May we live lives as followers of Christ, denying ourselves, and taking up our cross to daily follow our God and Savior.
Our worship is an offering that is pleasing to the Lord.
It takes faith to serve, to believe in the future. It takes faith to finish til the end, and it also takes faith to entrust that God will be involved.
What is God saying to our situation now? Let us listen and obey because that could be our way to our breakthrough.
Faith means walking with God even when our sight fails us.
As we worship today, let us accept the invitation of Jesus that will change and impact our lives forever.
Our worship declares that our ultimate loyalty and allegiance are to God, His people, and His purposes.
May the Lord grant us the grace to faithfully follow Him today.
Let us make Jesus known through the gospel. God became man in Jesus, who lived and died in our place. Whoever trusts in Him by faith will experience eternal life.
The love of God is truly amazing. God can and wants to save and rescue us now.
Throughout the day, may we encounter Jesus, be led by Jesus, and be empowered by the Holy Spirit.
As we share this love with one another, a spiritual community is built that is founded on the unconditional, sacrificial, self-giving love of and from God.
Giving generously to the needy is also an act of worship and obedience to the Lord.
We can start and spend today freely worshiping God because of His love for us as shown and shed on the cross through His Son, Jesus Christ.
In what specific ways can you model Christ’s love in your family, workplace, or community this week?
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