This conference addresses important changes in the representation of crime, litigation, and justice in Britain over the period 1660-1850, and particularly the constitution of public opinion about justice by "performances" which touched the emotions. The principal objective is to encourage a second wave of historical studies relating to the "theatre" of justice in this period; one that builds upon earlier work by transcending the boundary between courtrooms and the public gaze and recognizing the importance of representation and performance.
A history podcast about the Middle Ages and warfare during those times. From knights to Vikings, crusaders to kings, we will explore the medieval world and its military history.
Hosted by the editor of Medieval Warfare magazine, this podcast features guests discussing various topics about warfare, including battles, sieges, weapons, military organization, chivalry and more.
We will have conversations with the leading historians and archaeologists in the field, who can tell us about the latest research and debate questions on medieval military history.
Look for at least one episode each month. -
Herzlich Willkommen bei Jüdische Geschichte Kompakt.
Auf unserem neuen Kanal können Sie einzelne Forschungsprojekte zur deutsch-jüdischen Geschichte und Gegenwart genauer kennenlernen und neue Perspektiven auf vermeintlich Alt-Bekanntes erhalten.
In unterschiedlichen Staffeln können Sie so wie durch ein Schlüsselloch einen Blick auf das weite Feld der Forschung zur deutsch-jüdischen Geschichte werfen und dabei gleichzeitig ganz bequem von zu Hause aus Neues und Interessantes über unser Land und unsere Geschichte erfahren. Die Staffeln werden mal gemeinsam, mal abwechselnd vom Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden ( in Hamburg und dem Moses Mendelssohn Zentrum für Europäisch-Jüdische Studien ( in Potsdam bespielt.
An jedem ersten Freitag im Monat wird eine neue Folge des Podcasts online geschaltet und damit ein neuer Blick auf die jüdische Geschichte und Gegenwart freigegeben.
Wir wünschen Ihnen viel Spass beim Reinhören. Bleiben Sie interessiert und gesund!
Ihr Jüdische-Geschichte-Kompakt-Team -
The core idea of this podcast comes from David Graeber, who wrote that our everyday life is mostly run on anarchism, and at the same time people believe that anarchism doesn’t work. One of these is wrong.
I hope to illuminate how our communities already depend on Mutual Aid, in big and small ways. I'll do that by excavating the historical events and cultural trends you already know about, but have never thought about in terms of anarchism.
Find me at -
Range: Stories and Trailblazers of the New American West. Host Amy Westervelt and a revolving cast of Western reporter co-hosts dig into the stories and people who embody the outlaw spirit of the West, ranging from the startups of Silicon Valley to the cowboy poets of the mountain West.
Foreigners of Iran is an oral history project about the lives of Westerners who were in Iran between 1940 and the 1979 Islamic revolution. In this podcast I interview them. This project transcends US-Iran political hostilities by focusing on person-to-person connections. These Iran-Western connections during that era forever touched Iranians and forever emotionally connected Western visitors to Iran, with Iranians.
Relationships, experiences, places and thoughts. I speak with individuals I have met along the way, talking about personal stories, impressions, life and dreams. Society is the sum of ups and downs, some we share, most we never hear of. Here some voices rise above the rest to tell their unique tales and I thank you all for allowing me to listen and record your stories. Find me on Twitter @TwoandaMic1
Cover Art photo by Nassos.
Jingle (from episode 157) by Omish Njash.
Welcome to Grappling With Canada! Each month Andy "The Taxman" is joined by various guests to take a deep dive into the past of some of Canada's most influential, infamous and impressive Wrestling exports! Not a Canadian? Don't worry, no passport needed! The international connections of wrestling with and to Canada will surprise you!
Going "Beyond The Brochure", The Barefoot Backpacker looks at one concept or destination every episode, taking trips along the road less travelled and talking about issues related to travel, including politics and history, as well as specific topics like Bucket Lists & Hometown Trips.
Life long best friends starting a conversation. A conversation exploring today's taboo topics in relation to what we believe in: radical self-acceptance, women's rights, feminism, sexual exploration, and gender studies. The history of a whole lot of stuff you never asked for, plus anything else that comes up along with way.
Emisija je koja se bavi hrvatskim identitetom. Kroz zanimljive rubrike obrađuje književnost, glazbu, velikane hrvatske prošlosti, prirodnu i kulturnu bastinu, gastronomiju i etnografiju. Otkrivamo zanimljivosti iz bogate tradicije i predstavljamo vam čuvare i promotore nepreglednog blaga Hrvatske.
Welcome to Mum Made Me Do It.
Join Saffron Barker and her mum Wendy as they chat all things mums and daughters in everyday life, totally unfiltered.
They'll be chatting about everything from relationships to body confidence, growing up to YouTube, giving you guys some advice and getting their bug bears off their chests.
Get involved!
Email us with your questions, ask for advice and of course send in your bug bears to: OR 07745 266 947
Follow us on Instagram: @Saffronbarker @wendybarker100 and @mummademedoitofficial -
Crime is so commonplace that it takes something particularly shocking to be labelled the “crime of the century.” Even so, there are a lot of cases that have earned the distinction. In each episode of Crimes of the Centuries, award-winning journalist Amber Hunt will examine a case that’s lesser known today but was huge when it happened. The cases explored span the centuries and each left a mark. Some made history by changing laws. Others were so shocking they changed society.