
  • Your diet and the food that you eat is incredibly important when it comes to weight loss, and without being in the right calorie deficit you won't lose weight.

    But numbers and calorie deficits aren't the only thing that are important. Weight loss should be seen as a journey, with twists and turns, bumps and bruises. It's very rare that weight loss goes 100% to plan.

    Underestimating factors like realistic timeframes, missing non-weight successes and failing to prepare for stress periods can completely derail your attempts at weight loss.

    In this episode, I walk you through 10 mindset tips which have the potentially to transform your weight loss journey and your life.

    Want to try a free, high protein vegetarian meal plan that comes with an automatic grocery list?
    👉 Check it out here: https://hurrythefoodup.com/try to see how amazing, filling and rewarding the vegetarian diet can be!

  • Many people love the idea of going vegetarian. But is it really as simple as just cutting out meat?

    The reality is often far more difficult. In today’s episode I sit down with Dave Bell, one of the co-founders of Hurry The Food Up, and talk to him about his journey into vegetarianism, practical tips for beginners transitioning to a vegetarian diet, as well as some of the misconceptions surrounding the health benefits of it.

    He’s got some incredibly insightful perspectives on vegetarianism, as well as practical experience having lost weight and gained muscle after cutting out meat.

    He also tried to go vegetarian once in his younger years which didn't go well, and he's got some helpful advice on avoiding some of the pitfalls when trying the vegetarian diet.

    Want to try a free, high protein vegetarian meal plan that comes with an automatic grocery list?
    👉 Check it out here: https://hurrythefoodup.com/try to see how amazing, filling and rewarding the vegetarian diet can be!

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  • In this episode, I discuss the art of goal setting, particularly focusing on goals that enhance our longevity like improving diet, increasing exercise, or giving up smoking. I explore the psychological aspects of setting realistic short-term and long-term goals, and how they align to make meaningful changes in our lives.

    Drawing from personal experiences and client interactions, I delve into common pitfalls and practical strategies for overcoming them, highlighting the role of structured goal-setting systems like SMART and OKRs.

    I also introduce the concept of 'stretch goals', pushing the boundaries of what we think is possible, while maintaining an emphasis on sustainable, healthy practices.

    We'll also tackle the biggest challenges that might be holding you back and how to navigate them effectively.

    Want to try a free, high protein vegetarian meal plan that comes with an automatic grocery list?
    👉 Check it out here: https://hurrythefoodup.com/try to see how amazing, filling and rewarding the vegetarian diet can be!

  • In this episode, I unpack the world of weight loss diets, combining robust scientific evidence with real-world experiences to guide you towards the most effective and enjoyable way to lose weight.

    We'll dive into the pros and cons of popular diets like Keto, Mediterranean, and intermittent fasting, and discuss common diet myths. Discover the pivotal roles that protein and fibre play in feeling satiated and how psychological factors influence our eating habits.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to understand not just how to lose weight, but how to maintain a healthy lifestyle without succumbing to the attraction of quick fixes. Join me as we cut through the noise to find clarity and practical insights in the science of weight loss.

    Want to try a free, high protein vegetarian meal plan that comes with an automatic grocery list?
    👉 Check it out here: https://hurrythefoodup.com/try to see how amazing, filling and rewarding the vegetarian diet can be!

  • In this episode, I dive into the controversial world of junk food, challenging the common perception that it's inherently bad. Despite its reputation for leading to obesity and health issues, there's much more to the story.

    We'll explore how context and overall dietary habits matter more than simply labelling foods as "good" or "bad." From real-life examples of significant weight loss on unconventional diets to a deeper understanding of our relationship with food, this episode offers a fresh perspective on how we perceive and consume junk food.

    Listen to discover why a little indulgence might not be as detrimental as you think and learn practical strategies for incorporating all types of food into a balanced lifestyle.

    Whether you're struggling with dieting or just curious about food science, this episode will equip you with insights to rethink how you eat. Join me as we debunk myths and establish a healthier, guilt-free approach to enjoying food.

    Want to try a free, high protein vegetarian meal plan that comes with an automatic grocery list?
    👉 Check it out here: https://hurrythefoodup.com/try to see how amazing, filling and rewarding the vegetarian diet can be!

  • In this episode, we discuss a key but often neglected component of our diet: fibre.

    Despite its proven benefits for health and longevity, many of us fall short of the daily recommended intake. Through research-backed insights and practical advice, I aim to demystify fibre's role in our diet, addressing common challenges and misconceptions that prevent people from reaching their fibre goals.

    We kick off the discussion with a real-life scenario highlighting a common issue: a significant gap in fibre intake despite an otherwise healthy lifestyle. This story sets the stage for exploring the multifaceted benefits of fibre, from reducing disease risks to aiding in weight management, and underscores the necessity of this nutrient for overall well-being.

    Fibre's contribution to health is vast, impacting everything from heart disease risk to blood sugar levels and digestive health. The episode breaks down the science into two main types of fibre, soluble and insoluble, each with unique benefits for our body's functioning. Yet, despite its importance, the average intake remains alarmingly low, with most people consuming just about half of the recommended amount.

    Addressing this gap, I offer straightforward strategies for incorporating more fibre into your diet, emphasizing the transition to whole grains and the significance of fruits and vegetables. We also tackle the common issue of digestive discomfort associated with increased fibre intake, providing tips for gradually adapting your diet to minimize potential side effects.

    Lastly, I delve into fibre's role in weight management, illustrating how high-fibre foods can enhance satiety and reduce overall calorie intake.

    Want to try a free, high protein vegetarian meal plan that comes with an automatic grocery list?
    👉 Check it out here: https://hurrythefoodup.com/try to see how amazing, filling and rewarding the vegetarian diet can be!

  • Struggling to keep up with your exercise routine?

    This is an issue I hear so frequently and it's usually caused by the same root problem... This episode addresses this common challenge head-on. I explore the real reasons behind the difficulty of maintaining a consistent exercise regimen and reveal one significant change that can make all the difference.

    Hear the story of someone who went from zero to hero in their fitness journey, only to hit a wall of burnout. This story explains why enthusiasm for exercise often wanes and will show you how to prevent this from happening.

    Instead of pushing through with sheer willpower or adhering rigidly to the most demanding workouts, I suggest a different approach. Join me as we discuss how to balance different types of exercise, manage intensity, and keep the joy in your fitness journey. I also offer practical advice for those days when motivation is low, ensuring you have strategies to maintain your routine without burning out.

    Want to try a free, high protein vegetarian meal plan that comes with an automatic grocery list?
    👉 Check it out here: https://hurrythefoodup.com/try to see how amazing, filling and rewarding the vegetarian diet can be!

  • I take a look at the pivotal role of resistance training in enhancing health and extending life. This episode challenges common misconceptions and highlights the importance of strength training for individuals of all ages, emphasizing its role beyond just muscle building to include benefits for overall health and wellness.

    We begin by defining resistance training in its broadest sense, covering activities ranging from yoga to heavy lifting, and emphasizing its applicability to various lifestyles, including those of vegetarians. The conversation then moves to the concrete health benefits associated with resistance training.

    First, we examine its effectiveness in combating sarcopenia, the natural decline in muscle mass with age. I go through some research to discuss how resistance training can safely improve strength, muscle performance, and lean body mass in older adults. This segment also touches on how increasing muscle mass can enhance metabolic rate, aiding in weight management and reducing the risk of obesity-related diseases.

    Next, we talk about whether resistance training impacts bone health, including its effect on bone density and the risk of osteoporosis. We also explore the mental health benefits and the link between regular strength training with reductions in symptoms of anxiety, depression, and an improvement in cognitive function.

    Finally, I discuss how resistance training can benefit heart health by lowering blood pressure, improving blood circulation, and impacting cholesterol levels positively.

    Want to try a free, high protein vegetarian meal plan that comes with an automatic grocery list?
    👉 Check it out here: https://hurrythefoodup.com/try to see how amazing, filling and rewarding the vegetarian diet can be!

  • In this episode titled, we take a journey to demystify carbohydrates and their pivotal role in supporting exercise and overall health. Shedding light on the complexities surrounding carbs, we tackle the widespread myths and provide a clear, evidence-based perspective on how carbohydrates function as a primary energy source for the body.

    The episode begins with an exploration of the science behind carbohydrates and energy production, explaining how the body processes carbs into glucose and glycogen for immediate and future energy needs. We delve into the significance of carbohydrates during high-intensity exercise, where they become crucial for peak performance due to their efficiency as an energy source.

    We also differentiate between simple and complex carbohydrates, discussing their impacts on energy levels and exercise performance. I give practical advice on the optimal timing and quality of carbohydrate intake to maximise energy and recovery, tailored for both immediate and sustained energy needs.

    I highlight the best sources of both simple and complex carbohydrates within a vegetarian diet for vegetarian athletes, as well as give tips for meal planning and preparation.

    I tackle some common myths about carbohydrates, such as the misconception that carbs inherently lead to weight gain, and the suitability of low-carb diets for athletes. By debunking these myths, the episode aims to foster a healthier relationship with food and a better understanding of nutrition.

    Link to the podcast episode below, with a transcript available for a reader friendly option:

    Want to try a free, high protein vegetarian meal plan that comes with an automatic grocery list?
    👉 Check it out here: https://hurrythefoodup.com/try to see how amazing, filling and rewarding the vegetarian diet can be!

  • In this episode, I explore the critical role of protein in maintaining health and vitality throughout the aging process. With a focus on evidence-based information and practical advice, the episode breaks down the science behind protein's functions in the body, such as muscle maintenance, immune response, and hormone production. I address how aging affects protein synthesis and the body's increased need for protein to maintain muscle mass and overall health, including strategies to prevent sarcopenia, age-related muscle loss.

    Special attention is given to the unique challenges vegetarians face in meeting their protein requirements, debunking myths about protein sources and providing innovative meal ideas to ensure adequate intake. The episode also covers common obstacles for aging vegetarians, like decreased appetite and altered taste preferences, offering solutions to overcome these challenges.

    Beyond muscle mass, we connect protein intake with other aspects of health, such as bone density, metabolic health, and longevity, emphasizing the importance of a balanced diet.

    Link to the podcast episode below, with a transcript available for a reader friendly option:

    Want to try a free, high protein vegetarian meal plan that comes with an automatic grocery list?
    👉 Check it out here: https://hurrythefoodup.com/try to see how amazing, filling and rewarding the vegetarian diet can be!