Kako v radijskem mediju zajeti vizualno in likovno umetnost? To je naš izziv, saj želimo v radijski formi umetnost približati širšemu krogu poslušalk in poslušalcev, a hkrati ohranjati kompleksnost in strokovno raven. Spremljamo dogajanje v umetnosti, predvsem v Sloveniji, občasno pa opozorimo tudi na večje dogodke v tujini ali se problemsko posvetimo kakšni temi – tako iz zgodovine umetnosti kot sodobnega ustvarjanja.
Storytelling For Content Design is a podcast by Neil Petty, a strategist and content designer with experience in UX writing and brand-building for agencies and companies of all shapes and sizes. SFCD dives into Neil’s tips and knowledge, so you can build frameworks for brand voice, personality, and much more. We’ll also discuss the future of content design for new mediums like the metaverse, audio, and AI, and where the intersection of brand strategy and content design will come into play.
Gostimo pomembne domače in tuje ustvarjalce ter poslušalce seznanjamo z odmevnimi dogodki ali fenomeni na kulturnem področju doma in v tujini. Sporadično objavimo besedila, ki obravnavajo področja literature, gledališča, filma, arhitekture, oblikovanja, likovne umetnosti in prevajanja.
From No Crypto To Know Crypto started with one goal: To educate others and help new people start to understand the importance of cryptocurrency, open and decentralized blockchains, and related technologies that will positively impact the world. We will feature people and projects that are doing their part to onboard new people into the space and solve problems that will foster global adoption.
از من مباش غافل من یار مهربانم
📚 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚 📚
پیشنهادات و انتقادات خود را با ما در میان بگذارید.
[email protected]
از اینکه ما رو به دوستانتان معرفی می کنید سپاسگزاریم.♥️ -
Hi Book Babes! Do you love to read spicy books? Then this is the place for you. Join your two co-hosts as they spend each episode diving into a new smutty book and talking about all the things their mothers would wash their mouths out with soap for even thinking about. No topic is off limits here!
Although Halle and Taylor may not be freaks in the sheets, that doesn't stop them from living vicariously through their favorite steamy reads. They promise to always be a hot mess and to keep you laughing. This podcast is guaranteed to be your new guilty pleasure!
Halle and Taylor love connecting with their listeners, so slide into our DMs on Instagram @letstalkaboutsmutpodcast or email us at [email protected]. -
V oddaji Od slike do besede gre za poglobljeno podajanje širše kulturnih in umetnostnih tem, ki se vežejo na literaturo, gledališče, glasbo, upodobitvene umetnosti … V njej najdejo mesto za pogovor avtorji, kritiki in preizpraševalci oz interpreti umetniških del. Oddaja je namenjena izobraženi publiki s posluhom za teme, ki so se in se pojavljajo v umetnosti. V oddaji gostimo številne nagrajence različnih nazorov in umetniških področij, ki predstavljajo in razmišljali o svojem delu in o širšem kontekstu umetnosti.
Za ljubitelje literarnih del, ki ne morejo več brati sami, so slepi oz. slabovidni ali zgolj radi prisluhnejo zborni in lepi radijski izreki, je na voljo Radijski roman. Prebriramo daljša in krajša literarna dela starejših in novejših datumov, ki imajo krščansko podlago ali sporočilo. Do zdaj ste lahko že spremljali dela: Arški župnik, Frančiškan v SS, Prerok, Povest družine Martin, Samo ljubezen ostane, Nokturno za Primorsko, Ukradli ste mi srce, Mati velikodušne ljubezni, Pastirica Urška, Brez očeta, Brez matere ... Od jeseni 2017 naprej prebiramo roman Brez otrok Briana J. Gaila.
Predstave, razstave, koncerti, knjige, festivali in druge teme kulture in umetnosti imajo svoje mesto v Svetu kulture, edini dnevni informativni oddaji Radia Slovenija o kulturi. V zgoščeni obliki predstavljamo novosti – spremljamo predvsem kulturno dogajanje pri nas, občasno pa tudi v tujini.
Join author John King for eclectic interviews with writers from a variety of genres, including fiction writing, poetry, memoirs, and journalism. From literature to genre writing to the movies, all writing is up for discussion. In particular, The Drunken Odyssey features discussion of all aspects of the writing process—not just the published manuscript, pristinely presented to the entire literate world, but also the scrawled notes and tortured drafts that lead writers there. In long-form interviews, writers discuss their process and the way that writing has influenced their lives. Besides this interview, each episode also features a short memoir essay from a writer about a beloved book, plus John King responds to listener’s questions and observations about the writing (and the drinking) life.
For more information, see our website at