From paper 139 we explore the personalities as they are described n the Urantia Book regarding John Zebedee and Judas Iscariot, two apostles who could not be farther apart in personality, character and faith in the their faith with Jesus.
You will be more than captivated learning about these two men who were part of the most important spiritual event in the history of mankind, being ambassadors for the Son of Man and Son of God.
Paper 72, section 11 teaches about life on a planet and no country not unlike our own, with a similarly checkered past, and a time line commensurate with our own present advancement.
We are also informed this other off-world nation is a constitutional Republic like the United States, coexisting alongside more hostile neighboring countrries with corrollating geo-political threats similar to our own.
Why would the Revelators share this story ?
Could the revelators foresee a dangerous trajectory for our world and thought it wise to offer solutions gleaned from another sister sphere located somehwere in our galactic neighborhood?
Nowhere else in the Urantia Book are we given such a detailed description of life of other humans beings. This should stir anyone’s imagination.
It is also self-evident that our world faces grave challenges between preserving the peace, or continue suffering from more genocidal conflict. In this context, it behooves us to consider what our unseen celestial friends have to share.
Saknas det avsnitt?
A continuation of our discussion on the impact the Urantia Book is making today.
Rick Lyon has been studying the Urantia Book since 1978, when he found an original first edition Urantia Book in a landfill.
Today, Rick looks back to decades of studying and sharing the Urantia Book with thousands of people through his work with the Urantia Association, and talks about where the Urantia Movement is today, and what's to come.
In this podcast we talk about early criticism of the Urantia Book, the integration of AI and the Urantia Book, and Rick's recent involvement with the CenterforUnity.org
From Paper 38 we delve into the character, nature and purpose of these high spirit personalities who serve ascendant mortals as guides and protectors.
"Only good can come from you learning more about them," the Urantia Book says, and it is in these two groups we have our deepest relationships along the spirit journey.
This episode is about Paper 36 on the mission of Life Carrier Sons, a unique order of divine Son's whose mission it is to design and implement progressive life on the worlds of time and space.
Author and lecturer Byron Belitsos returns to discuss many great endeavors he is involved with in an attempt to create new brodges with other religious communities, using the Rodan approach in his mission.
Check out his Rodan Institute
Plus, the Urantia movement and why it stalled in the beginning, and what we can learn from the Eastern Orthodox approach to Christ's teachings.
#Eatern Orthodox
#Western Christianity
In this episode, we look at what the Urantia Book tells us about these 'ancient aliens' who were a rich part of our pre-history, including the One-Hundred Dalmatians (who later became known as the Nodites and Nephilim), and of course, the Adamic race, who have had a profound impact on our later history and human spiritual development.
Were these the ancient aliens who spawned the stories of the Anunnaki and "Giants in those days," or is there a deeper story to be considered.?
This episode focuses on why human beings are pre-disposed to believe we came from advanced superior race. Our folklore is filled with this so-called superior races theory, stretching back even to the Greek Gods 2500 years ago, as descendants of this one time golden era.
Amazingly, a brief section of Paper 52 outlines what stage humanity is in right now, why were are out of step with what they call "normal evolutionary worlds," and what is required for us to get to the next stage - and what awaits us if we make it.
Paper 52 is one of the most unique and thrilling chapters in the whole revelation, and it certainly gives us the tools we need to ensure our survival as a planet.
Brad Garner joins us to talk about life under a Urantia philosphy growing up (as a 2nd generation reader), plus his work with Symmetry of Soul, an online open study group that digs deep on Urantia topics, and a candid view of the world today and how the Urantia Book can benefit mankind.
Examining Paper 195, we look at the revelators warning about the crisis of secularism and materialism on mondern society and how the teachings of Jesus are the only way to save society from collapse.
Join me as we get to know the folks behind a new global Urantia Book-based initiative called The UB Read Thru Project, an innovative online effort to bring students of the Urantia Revelation together to read the papers as a global community.
Diane Labrecque, Conrad Lavallee, Erica Montgomery and others join me to talk about their unique Urantia Book experiences and what this project means to them.
In our two-part series showing the Urantia Book is a revelatory document, we look at three three areas of science that have only recently caught up to statements made in the Urantia Book in 1935.
In this episode we look at the Star of Bethlehem, Neanderthals, and the Piltdown Man hoax as examples of how the Urantia Book has been ahead of science, and continues to offer advanced knowledge.
In this short video (trial) presentation I share some of the real world benefits of studying the Urantia Book.
From paper 132 we explore some of the teachings Jesus instructed to religious leaders he met while traveling to Rome.
In this podcast episode we explore what jesus teaaches about time and space from God's perspective, and the important of morality in society.
We discuss Paper 130, section 4 from the Urantia Book. IN this paper Jesus gives a discourse on reality to his young Indian traveler Ganid.
What makes this profound is the Son of man, the highest personality source in the universe is explaining what WHAT REALITY IS.
Engineer, author and Urantia Book student Joel Garbon joins us to talk about his experience talking about the Urantia Book on Coast to Coast with George Noory, the #1 night time radio show in America.
Also, is it time to be more open publicly about the Urantia Book?
Part of our discussion this time on Urantia Radio.
A heartfelt discussion about the need to help restore Christianity and Jesus teachings in a world in slow decay.
Reference is to Paper 99 on The Social Problems of Religion.
There are the Old and Bew Testaments; is the Urantia Book the third testament?
In this episode we read the story of the resurrection of Lazarus as it appears in Scripture (John 11 1-44) and by comparison, how it appears in Paper 168 (The Life and Teachings of Jesus).
It's a great example of how the revelation only enhances one's appreciation of the biblical truths.
It is also one of the most remarkable events to ever occur in our world's history.
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