You know you're clear on the goal of attaining financial independence but sometimes when the rubber meets the road it can feel like life is just getting in the way of your goals!
What then?
Is it still worth the effort?
In today's episode, I share with you a couple of my own experiences and want you to remember that I get it. If FI was easy, everyone would be, right?
Spoiler alert: I absolutely think financial independence (and really what this provides) is worth the fight.
Be encouraged and keep taking action!
Want to gain access to a Roadmap for 6-Figure STRS?
Want to know how I find, furnish, and fill profitable short-term rentals?
Visit ginnytownsend.com/rental to discover exactly how you can make this dream of financial independence a reality for your family (and probably sooner than you think!).
Thanks for joining me today and until next time, continue to be up and to the right.
You read that title right... I'm so excited to share this powerful conversation with Capital Gains Expert, Brett Swarts.
While I spend a lot of time talking about how to get INTO a short-term rental property, it's incredibly valuable to think about how to realize the biggest gain possible when you do choose to sell it.
You'll want to bookmark this episode because it'sa game changer. As you'll notice, I keep trying to find "the catch" for this powerful tax-saving method throughout the show but as it turns out, this is just a very underutilized, totally legal strategy.
Want to hear more from Brett Swarts? Find him here:
Capital Gains Tax Solutions Podcast
Capital Gains Tax Solutions YouTube Channel
Brett Swart's LinkedIn Profile
Saknas det avsnitt?
Are you determined to achieve financial independence for yourself and your family but are in a very busy season right now?
ESPECIALLY in busy seasons, this important goal can seem further away than it typically does.
So, how do we gain ground? How do we make progress on this very important goal while we have all of the other demands at the same time?
That's what today's episode is all about: Making progress on the IMPORTANT and NOT just the URGENT.
Tyranny of the Urgent (Audible)
Getting Things Done (GTD)
My Freedom Roadmap
The 6-Figure Vacation Rental Roadmap
If you're excited about getting your first Airbnb online but don't exactly WHERE it should be, this episode was made for you!
Today, I share two simple (yet powerful) strategies to help you narrow down - or simply confirm - where to invest in an Airbnb.
AirDNA's Airbnb Calculator
AirDNA's March 2021 Report
The 6-Figure Vacation Rental Roadmap: How to Find, Furnish, and Fill a Profitable Short-Term Rental
If you're considering a short-term rental as your next move to financial independence, you could NOT have picked a better time to do so!
In today's episode, I unpack 3 barriers to entry that have held people up in the past and why I think they are lower now than ever before.
Take a listen and if this is your year... If you're willing to be slightly more active than a sloth ;) then The 6-Figure Vacation Rental: How to Find, Furnish, and Fill a Profitable Short-Term Rental was made just for you.
Check it out at ginnytownsend.com/rental
AirDNA's March 2021 Report
Thanks again for joining me! And until next time, continue to be up and to the right.
Are you looking for a long-term revenue stream that could also give you a way to maximize your returns when you sell it one day?
This is yet another reason why I love the STR market and why I think you'll love today's episode.
Today, I interview Charles Sunnucks, a professional investor and former fund manager who has a knack for simplifying the complicated world of company (or in this case) property valuation.
Some of my favorite takeaways of our conversation are:
1. Look at the exit strategy from the get-go.
2. How exactly you could sell your short-term rental for MUCH more than it would be worth retail simply by using this one valuation technique.
3. If you're looking to invest abroad, he shares the 3 things you MUST know before you even look at one property.
Want to learn more about Charles Sunnucks and his new book, The Company Valuation Playbook? Check out companyvaluationplaybook.com for all of this and more!
Thanks again for joining me today. And until next time, continue to be up and to the right!
The question I ask in today's episode could change your financial future... I know that's a BOLD statement but I believe it to be a true one.
When we focus our actions down to those that have a ripple effect, that is an effect that reaches much further than the effort we put in, this is when we see a REAL transformation to our financial (and any other) situation.
Are you looking to achieve financial independence?
Do you want to spend more time with the people you love doing the things you love?
Are you looking to live a powerful legacy (both financial and otherwise) for your children?
It's all about the ripple effect actions...
And that's what we're talking about in today's episode.
So, after you listen, I encourage you to think about this question... What are you doing today that's bringing a lasting ripple effect in your life?
It's not always about the "big rock" moments... It's often times about the small pebbles you keep tossing out that really lead to some amazing ripples.
Looking to make a ripple effect and move toward financial independence today?
If short-term rentals are right for you, I've got you covered.
In The 6-Figure Vacation Rental Roadmap: How to Find, Furnish, and Fill a Profitable Short-Term Rental, I break it all down for you, step by step.
You're not alone in this.
And you're probably much closer to financial independence than you think.
Let's do this.
Visit ginnytownsend.com/rental to get started today!
Thanks for joining me. And until next time, continue to be up and to the right.
While this topic may sound like a slight departure from my typical episodes that are geared toward helping you launch a profitable short-term rental and live the passive income dream, I think this episode is a very important complement.
If you always feel exhausted, how can you actually do the upfront work needed to have a lucrative Airbnb property (Or two, or three...)?
If we don't have energy, we don't have much...
So along those lines, I want to share with you my top 3 never-fail tricks to instantly increasing my energy and focus (without drugs or anything like that!).
I hope you find these simple yet POWERFUL tricks helpful but better yet, I hope you try them out and see how effective they can be.
Now, are you ready to get this Airbnb thing going?!
Are you sick of putting this dream off to another week, another weekend, another month, another season... blah, blah, blah?
The solution is actually much simpler than you think. AND, I've created a roadmap just for YOU to banish the guesswork and get your profitable short-term rental online!
Want to learn more? Discover all the details at ginnytownsend.com/rental
Thanks again for joining me and until next time, continue to be up and to the right!
Are you considering the addition of a short-term rental to your income portfolio but aren't quite sure what your funding options are?
Do you have to have a down payment to secure your property? Or, if so, how much?
These are the questions I address in today's episode and I present the options in a choose-your-own-adventure style... You can select the option that works best for you, your situation, and your goals!
So, now that you know it's possible, I want you to know there is a roadmap to walk you through... step by step... the entire process of bringing a profitable short-term rental to market.
The in's and out's. The things I wish I'd known when I first started out. I don't hold anything back in The 6-Figure Vacation Rental Roadmap: How to Find, Furnish, and Fill a Profitable Short-Term Rental.
Want to learn more? Check out ginnytownsend.com/rental
Or, did gaining access to a one-on-one mentor (me) resonate with you? Would you like someone to talk with you and help you troubleshoot each step of the way?
If you want to learn more and see if this is a good fit, book a call. Let's talk: talkwithginny.com
Thanks again for joining me today! And until next time, continue to be up and to the right.
Are you wondering about what's possible in the "Airbnb Economy" during a worldwide pandemic? In today's episode, I interview Tia Bailey, who is sometimes referred to as "The Airbnb Whisperer."
She started co-hosting Airbnb properties while she was still in college, but how she's developed a powerhouse of a business and is now in multi-state projects, AND she's redefining what it looks like to be a successful Airbnb host.
The link referenced in this episode:
Discover more about Tia Bailey here:
There is already momentum building for the post-COVID economic recovery. And in today's episode, I share how I'm thinking about positioning myself and my business to take advantage of the growth that is to come.
And what made me think about all of this was a family afternoon outside working on the property with Claire and Drew.
Join me in this up-close-and-personal chat about preparing for the high-growth season.
And if you're excited about positioning yourself to make the most of this recovery...
And if you've decided that short-term rentals make the most sense for you as your next step, you DON'T have to go it alone.
If you're looking for a mentor, if you're looking for a roadmap... you've found both right here!
Want to learn more? Hop over to ginnytownsend.com/rental to take ACTION!
Your future self will thank you.
Thanks again for joining me today and until next time, continue to be up and to the right.
Tell me if this sounds like you... your venture is growing... But you feel like you've reached an inflection point and you're becoming the bottleneck in your own business!
This moment happened to me this past week when my daughter got sick (she's all better now!) and everything I was working on screeched to a halt.
All I could think was "ENOUGH! This HAS to change!"
So, here's my exact three-step process I'm using to free up my time and only focus on the tasks that really move the needle.
Speaking of passive income strategies, did you know that short-term rentals can be extremely passive?
If you've been listening for a while and have decided that today is the DAY to take action and move toward financial independence with short-term rentals, I've got your back.
The 6-Figure Vacation Rental Roadmap was created with you in mind... to walk you through the process, step by step, of bringing a PROFITABLE short-term rental online.
If this sounds like a breath of fresh air, visit ginnytownsend.com/rental, and let's get this thing going today.
Thanks again for joining me. And until next time, continue to be up and to the right.
Do you already have an investment property? Is it (most likely) a long-term rental?
Are you frustrated that your LTR isn't generating as much cash flow as you'd like? Does it feel like it'll take you FOREVER at this rate to become financially free?
If so, this episode was created just for you!
We're simply approaching this issue as a business owner would... we're questioning the return on assets (Or ROA) this existing rental is providing.
Want to grab the free resource I mentioned in today's episode... The LTR to STR Challenge, visit ginnytownsend.com/ltr
And once you've discovered the AMAZING potential short-term rentals allow... you're probably wondering, "What's next?"
If that's the case, I've got you covered, friend!
I created The 6-Figure Vacation Rental Roadmap: How to Find, Furnish, and Fill a Profitable Short-Term Rental just for YOU!
To learn more and claim your copy today, visit ginnytownsend.com/rental
Thanks again for joining me today. And until next time, continue to be up and to the right!
Are you looking for a way to accomplish more things in your business than your industry peers?
Do you KNOW that between you and your financial independence are a couple of projects that you can't quite seem to finish?
Then, this episode was created just for you!
In it, I share the exact strategy I use right now to get the important things DONE... the things that will move the needle in my business!
Looking for that free PDF? Grab yours here: ginnytownsend.com/episode79 (No opt-in required!)
And if you know that adding a short-term rental is the next project for you... the one that WILL MOVE THE NEEDLE in finally achieving financial independence, I've created a powerful program just for you.
And utilizing this simple strategy I'm sharing today, is a great way to keep your tasks organized as you complete this program...
It's called The 6-Figure Vacation Rental Roadmap: How to Find, Furnish, and Fill a Profitable Short-Term Rental
Grab your copy today! ginnytownsend.com/rental
Thanks again for joining me. Until next time, continue to be up and to the right.
Is achieving financial independence for you and your family a priory for you... but you're sick and tired of hearing about this Hustle-Hustle-Hustle entrepreneurial culture?
Friends, I have a confession. I hate the Hustle Culture, too!
It's showy, it's flashy, and it's all about the LOOK of success versus the actual success.
So, today I wanted to share with you why I think vacation rentals are the perfect Anti-Hustle business and why I think it's the perfect passive income strategy.
Want to see the image I referenced? Check it out at ginnytownsend.com/ep78
And want to grab your FREE copy of the My Freedom Number Roadmap and discover the exact day you could be financially free? Grab it here at ginnytownsend.com/freedom
And if you know this is your year... if you know this is the TIME to gain financial independence, to finally ditch that Hustle Culture, to be free AND have more time for the people you love, then I've got the Roadmap just for you!
It's called The 6-Figure Vacation Rental Roadmap: How to Find, Furnish, and Fill a Profitable Short-Term Rental.
And if this is your day, visit ginnytownsend.com/rental and grab your copy today!
Freedom is calling.
Thanks for joining me today. And until next time, continue to be up and to the right.
What if this was possible? I know I can't guarantee anything - because I can't guarantee your action - but what if you knew a very realistic, very possible date in which you would be officially financially free?
Booya! Why would you not do everything you could do to reach that goal?
This whole episode (AND the FREE resource I created just for you) was inspired by an episode of the show Billions...
In the episode I reference, Chuck Rhodes, the antagonist or protagonist (depending on your view) shares what he learned while out hunting wolves... the only trap that will catch us all is TIME.
And the way I see it, he's right.
Time will pass either way. Whether we act or whether we sit and binge the next big thing on Netflix.
So, take a listen and LMK what you think.
Gain access to the FREE My Freedom Number Roadmap I referenced in today's episode here: ginnytownsend.com/freedom
And if you're ready to take action and hit that freedom number date, I've created a course just for you!
Claim your copy of this program today at ginnytownsend.com/rental
Thanks again for joining me today. And until next time, continue to be up and to the right.
Are you looking for the perfect side hustle in 2021 and beyond? Great! I made this episode with you in mind.
I truly believe Airbnb is the best side hustle and today I'm going to share with you 7 reasons why I think this is the case.
Episodes I referenced:
Ep 69: How I Accidentally Made $7,000/hr With My First Airbnb... A Breakdown of an Hourly and Annual Rate for Short-Term Rental Owners
Ep 74: 5 Reasons Why Airbnb is One of the Most Simple Passive Income Strategies Available for Entrepreneurs Today! (HINT: It's a Marketer's Dream)
High-End Apartments in Miami I referenced: NatiivoMiami.com
Take a listen and I hope you finish the episode feeling inspired and ready to take action.
And speaking of, if you know adding a short-term rental is the best move for you in 2021, I've created a course just for you!
It's called The 6-Figure Vacation Rental Roadmap: How to Find, Furnish, and Fill a Profitable Short-Term Rental.
If this is your time, then hop over to ginnytownsend.com/rental to grab your copy today!
Thanks again for joining me. Until next time, continue to be up and to the right!
Have you considered adding a short-term rental to your income portfolio but haven't because you're worried about needing certain skill sets? Or you haven't because you're worried that you'd be too busy to make it work?
If so, take a listen because today's episode is for you!
Today, I unpack the top 3 reasons why a short-term rental is a perfect investment for busy professionals like you.
Resources I mentioned in today's episode:
Smartbnb.comAnd if you're ready to step forward and add this incredible revenue stream to your portfolio, congratulations!
I've created a roadmap just for you... It's called The 6-Figure Vacation Rental Roadmap: How to Find, Furnish, and Fill a Profitable Short-Term Rental
Visit ginnytownsend.com/rental today to grab your copy of this program today!
Thanks again for joining me. And until next time, continue to be up and to the right.
Have you thought about starting your own business but are a bit concerned because you've never done any marketing?
Or, have you launched a business before and know just how much time and effort marketing can take and are therefore nervous to launch a new income stream?
Either way, I've made this episode just for you!
Today, we discuss 5 reasons why I think the short-term rental market is a MARKETER'S DREAM! That means, there are 5 HUGE components to marketing that you don't have to even think about when you launch an Airbnb.
Click listen to learn more!
And if you're ready to move forward with your dream of having a short-term rental but don't know where to start...
If you know 2021 is your year to diversify your income streams...
If you're ready to act and just want someone to show you exactly what they did to grow a 6-figure vacation rental business...
You're in the right place.
I've created The 6-Figure Vacation Rental Roadmap just for you.
If this is you, then hop over to ginnytownsend.com/rental to grab your copy of this powerful program today.
Thanks again for joining me. And until next time, continue to be up and to the right.
If you're considering the addition of a short-term rental to your income portfolio, you know I'd give you a high five! But did you know I encouraged my brother and his wife to do the same?
Joining me today are the incredibly amazing Jonathan and Hannah! Other than being family, they've lived abroad for nearly a decade and after moving back to the States in 2019 took the plunge into real estate investment and added a short-term rental to their portfolio.
We have a fun, honest, and transparent look at their story and how Airbnb fits into their goals as a couple.
Here are two of the biggest takeaways I had from our conversation:
1. You can be as involved or uninvolved with your short-term rental as you'd like. There's no wrong answer here and you can decide exactly what you want things to look like!
2. Short-term rentals can be a part of your real estate investment strategy or they can be the main thing. Again, no wrong answers here!
I can't wait for you to meet them, let's dive in!
Have you decided that short-term rentals are the best fit for your next real estate investment move?
Do you know vacation rentals have the opportunity to bring in much higher margins than long-term rentals but don't know where to start?
Would you rather learn from someone who figured it out and can give you the roadmap as opposed to stumbling through to figure things out on your own?
If so, then I've created the program for you!
It's called The 6-Figure Vacation Rental Roadmap and I can't wait for you to dive on in.
Visit ginnytownsend.com/rental to learn more and grab your copy today!
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