Ne csak olvasd, hallgasd is, mi történt a sztárokkal! - A legizgalmasabb beszélgetések már nemcsak olvashatóak, de hallhatóak is. A mikrofonnál a Best magazin újságírói, akik profizmusukkal a legzárkózottabb sztárokat is képesek megnyitni és igazi baráti hangulatot teremtenek a stúdióban. Szó lesz kultúráról, művészetről, színpadról, sikerekről és kudarcokról… sztárköntösbe csomagolt valódi emberi sorsokról.
Hosted by CNBC's Brian Sullivan, "Last Call" is a fast-paced, entertaining business show that explores the intersection of money, culture and policy. Through panels, debates and newsmakers, the "Last Call" podcast delivers fresh takes on the biggest business topics of the day while also shining a light on the other important stories that listeners may have missed.
Host Michael Sheehan's ability to help people communicate at the highest level was dubbed by New York Magazine as "the Sheehan effect." With breaking news happening constantly, Sheehan looks outside the 24/7 news cycle to wonder what politicians can learn from professional wrestlers. How politicians can get laughs, intentionally, with advice from renowned comedians. And how losing candidates can be turned into winning ones with insight from legendary professional sports coaches. It's politics, policy, and people through Alice’s looking glass.
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Since its origins, democracy has been a work in progress. Today, many question its resilience.
How to Fix Democracy, a collaboration of the Bertelsmann Foundation and Humanity in Action, explores practical solutions for how to address the increasing threats democracy faces. Host Andrew Keen interviews prominent international thinkers and practitioners of democracy. -
WMC Live with Robin Morgan is a nationally syndicated American radio show with an international audience in 110 countries around the globe.
The weekly show (additionally available online at iTunes and at is hosted by Robin Morgan, the award-winning author of over 20 books, political analyst, former editor in chief of Ms. Magazine, and, in 2005, co-founder—with Jane Fonda and Gloria Steinem—of The Women’s Media Center.
Praised as "talk radio with a brain" by The Huffington Post, the show has enjoyed exponential ratings growth, not only because of its world-class host, but because of its world-class guests. -
Oktoobris jätkuvas "Peresaates" kõnelevad Katrin Saali Saul ja Siiri Tõniste häbist, enesetapust, vananemisest, emotsionaalsest vägivallast, ihast paarisuhtes ja paljust muust. Saade on Vikeraadio eetris pühapäeviti kell 16.05.Vikerraadio "Peresaade" räägib perest, paarisuhtest ja kõigest sellega seonduvast. Saadet teevad pereterapeudid Katrin Saali Saul ja Siiri Tõniste."Peresaade" on eetris pühapäeviti kell 16.05 ja kordub neljapäeva õhtuti kell 21.05. Saate helirežissöör Anna-Maria Kurrel. Kirjad ja küsimused on oodatud aadressile [email protected]