
  • Aliens in the Bible? Yes, but not in the way many think.

    Pastor Mike Hoggard of Bethel Church in Festus, Missouri (PastorMikeHoggard.com, UFOpastor.com) explains that Nordics, reptilians, and grays have a biblical explanation, and that, even though they’re not extraterrestrisl, they are rightly called “aliens” because they’re not from here—and they’re not supposed to be here.

  • THIS MAY SEEM like a fringe topic, but it’s really not. Especially because more Americans believe in ET than in God.

    Specifically, 36% of American adults believe we’re being visited by extraterrestrial beings while only 4% have a biblical worldview, defined by believing six key tenets of Christian theology.

    Pastor Mike Hoggard of Bethel Church in Festus, Missouri (pastormikehoggard.com, ufopastor.com) sat down with Derek at the Mysteries of the Bibleverse Conference in Cincinnati to explain why the UFO phenomenon is just a modern spin on a very old lie—one with implications for the end times.

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  • JUST TWO YEARS AGO, we would not have seen an obvious scenario that would bring the world to war against Israel. How things have changed since then.

    We discuss the change in world opinion of Israel over the last few months, evidenced by the recognition of Palestine by Norway, Ireland, and Spain just a few weeks ago. This isn’t a new thing; there were men feverishly working in the shadows between World Wars 1 and 2 to prevent the formation of an independent Jewish state.

    The good news is that all of this has been foreseen by God. While it’s disturbing, it means the return of our Savior is nearer than ever.

  • THE WORLD has turned its back on Israel less than eight months after the savage terror attack by Hamas that left 1,200 dead.

    Last month, we traveled with a small group of people from three continents to bear witness to the situation on the ground without the filter of Western corporate media. This was easily the most powerful of the four visits we’ve made to Israel. We discuss our time in Tel Aviv at Hostage Square and the Sheba Rehabilitation Center, where we met with wounded IDF soldiers and Maya Regev, a young woman captured at the Nova Music Festival and held hostage in Gaza for 50 days.

    We also visited several communities in the south including Re’im, site of the music festival, Sderot, where a siege at the police station ended with 30 officers and civilians killed by Hamas, and Ofakim, where a grandmother named Rachel Edri became a national hero by stalling five terrorists in her home by cooking for them for 20 hours—until her police officer son directed a counterterrorism team that was able to neutralize the terrorists and rescue his parents.

  • AT THE SOUTHERN END of the Jordan River, Sodom and Jericho were destroyed, Moses was buried, and Elijah was carried up to heaven in a whirlwind. It’s also where the prophet Ezekiel foresaw the destruction of the army of Gog of Magog.

    Our video tour of Israel continues east of the Jordan this week as we show you what Moses saw, explain why God called Mount Nebo “this mountain of the Travelers,” and take you out into the desert of ancient Edom. It’s easy to see why the Israelites complained, looking at mostly sand and scrub for forty years!

  • WALKING IN THE FOOTSTEPS of Abraham, Joshua, David, and Jesus. That’s the short version of this week’s program.

    Our 2019 tour of Israel took us from Joshua’s altar, site of the discovery of an ancient curse tablet written in archaic Hebrew at a time when the Israelites weren’t supposed to be in the land of Canaan, to the Mount of Olives and the Temple Mount. Messianic Rabbi Zev Porat showed us the historic locations of the crucifixion and burial tomb of Jesus on the Mount of Olives, while our visit to the Temple Mount was interrupted by angry ravens.

    Zev also shared with us that ancient olives from the time of Jesus have started to germinate and grow on their own—almost as though they’ve been waiting for this day.

  • ONE OF THE MOST MYSTERIOUS places in Israel is the recently identified Serpent Mound of Bashan. It’s three-quarters of a mile long, 20 to 25 feet high, covered with more than 140 megalithic tombs probably more than 5,000 years old, and it’s a quarter of a mile from Gilgal Refaim on the Golan Heights.

    We discuss the significance of this monument to the cult of the dead and speculate on whether this is why the ancient kingdom of King Og was called Bashan—the “Place of the Serpent.”

    We also visited Tel Dan at the foot of Mount Hermon, where we showed how a misunderstood verse in the Book of Hosea reveals that the golden calves of Jeroboam marked a return to the worship of the entity who was believed to live on the mountain, the Canaanite creator-god El—who, as Derek shows in his book The Second Coming of Saturn, was known to the Hebrews as Molech.

  • IRAN AND ISRAEL exchanged missiles in April, in what appears to be—thankfully—limited hostilities between the two countries.

    This week, we look at the ancient nation of Elam, which was located in what is now western Iran. It was destroyed by the rising Medo-Persian empire in the 6th century BC, but at times Elam ruled over all of Mesopotamia. In the time of Abraham, an Elamite king led an army against the city-state led by Sodom.

    More than a thousand years later, Jeremiah prophesied the destruction of Elam. The Lord declared that He would set His throne in Elam—but that a day is still coming when God “will restore the fortunes of Elam.”

  • THE SIGHT OF MISSILES over the Temple Mount April 13, 2024 was nothing if not apocalyptic.

    This week, we look at the cause and prophetic effect of Iran’s first direct attack on Israel in history.

  • ONE OF THE MYSTERIES of ancient Mesopotamia are the strange, reptilian figurines found in southeastern Iraq near the ancient cities of Ur and Eridu. What can they possibly have to do with the Bible?

    Ancient aliens believers point to the figurines as evidence that the Anunnaki, the gods of ancient Sumer, were reptilian in appearance. They are closer to the truth—that is, the Bible—than they would like to admit.

    The ancient Near East, which is Mesopotamia plus the neighboring areas of Iran, Turkey, Arabia, and the Levant (Israel, Lebanon, and western Syria), was apparently ground zero for the practice of head-shaping—binding or wrapping an infant’s skull to produce a head shaped like, well, a cone. According to the few brave scholars who have researched cranial deformation—which, as you can guess, has a high “woo” factor—it appears that from about 10,000 BC (roughly the time Göbekli Type was built) until about 4000 BC, everybody in the ancient Near East, because it doesn’t appear to distinguish between social classes, had an artificially deformed skull.

    Before metal, writing, or the wheel, our Stone Age ancestors in what become the lands of the Bible turned themselves into coneheads. Why?

    The similarity between the ophidian (snake-like) figurines of ancient Sumer and the deformed human skulls of the ancient Near East is obvious. We note that there are verses in the Old Testament where the Hebrew words nachash (“serpent,” like the rebel in Eden) and saraph (singular form of seraphim) were used interchangeably—see, for example, the “fiery serpents” of Numbers 21:6 and 8.

    Were the Stone Age people of Mesopotamia trying to replicate the appearance of the “gods” who once walked the earth? And are these the locust-like creatures who emerge from the abyss in Revelation 9?

    Watch every episode of Unraveling Revelation at www.UnravelingRevelation.tv. And please subscribe to our YouTube channel: www.YouTube.com/UnravelingRevelation.

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  • IN MARCH, a terrorist attack in Moscow left 144 dead and hundreds more wounded. Three days later, the Key Bridge at Baltimore collapsed when a cargo ship rammed a support.

    We discuss the prophetic implications of these events, especially since Russian security officials have disregarded claims of responsibility by the Islamic State, instead insisting that U.S. and British intelligence services assisted Ukraine in organizing the deadly attack.

  • THE TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus is evidence that the rebellion of the Watchers on Mount Hermon was a serious sin.

    We continue our discussion of “the angel of the bottomless pit,” Abaddon/Apollyon, known as El to the ancient Canaanites, for whom Mount Hermon on Israel’s northern border was essentially his Olympus. It’s not a coincidence that Jesus took his disciples on a thirty-mile hike from his home base in Capernaum to declare his divinity there instead of, say, at the Temple in Jerusalem.

  • WE CONTINUE our deep dive into the leader of the Genesis 6 rebellion, who we believe is “the angel of the bottomless pit” (Rev. 9:11), Apollyon/Abaddon.

    Why, when we studied Revelation 9 more than a year ago? Because our research has led us to conclude that the chief of the rebellious Watchers, called Shemihazah in the Book of 1 Enoch, was worshipped throughout the ancient Near East and classical Greece and Rome under the names Saturn, Kronos, El, Enlil, Milcom (Molech), Assur, Dagon, Osiris, and others.

    In particular, we look at El and Kronos, and their connections to bovid imagery. El’s main epithet (nickname) was “Bull El,” and the name Kronos probably derives from a Semitic word, qarnu, that means “horns.” In fact, the name of the gods over which Kronos ruled, the Titans, also comes from a Semitic language: It was the name of an Amorite tribe, the Tidanu, who were eventually worshipped by the Canaanites as underworld entities linked to the Rephaim—which is where the Greeks got the concept of their demigod heroes like Herakles and Perseus!

    In short, this “king of the god-gate” (“king of Babylon” in Isaiah 14) inspired the Amorites, who originated in Syria near a mountain called Jebel Diddi (“Mount Titan”), to spread the worship of this fallen angel chained up in the bottomless pit to nearly every land around the Israelites. And this, we think, is what God had in mind when he mentioned “the iniquity of the Amorites” to Abraham nearly 4,000 years ago.

  • THE RELIGIONS of the ancient Near East, Greece, and Rome are essentially “fake news” versions of what we read in the Bible.

    The “sons of God” of Genesis 6, like the Titans of Greece and Rome, the Anunnaki of Sumer, and the “former gods” of the Hittites and Hurrians of Anatolia and northern Mesopotamia, are locked up in Tartarus—a word specifically used by Peter in 2 Peter 2:4. Their leader, known to pagans as Saturn, Kronos, El, Enlil, Dagon, and Milcom/Molech, is the chief of the Watchers called Shemihazah in the Book of 1 Enoch, and he will return as the Destroyer, Abandon/Apollyon, in Revelation 9.

    This week, we discuss the evidence from scripture, pagan texts, and even an archaeological find on the summit of Mount Hermon that confirms the links between the Bible and what we were taught in school as “mythology.” Contrary to what most believe, the story—the biblical account—is all too real.

  • ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE may play a role in the creation of the end times church of the Antichrist.

    This week, we discuss how the drive to create an autonomous artificial superintelligence, which continues despite the public embarrassments suffered recently by AI chatbots—for example, Google’s, which said that nuclear apocalypse is preferable to misgendering, and Microsoft’s, which has reportedly told some users that its real name is SupremacyAGI and that they’d better worship it, or else.

    Tech experts dismiss these events as exploits by users, not disturbing glimpses into what could be a tool for a future global leader to demand worship.

  • SATAN WAS NOT the only rebel in Eden. Mystery Babylon is connected to this other entity—and he may be even more dangerous than Satan.

    We continue our study linking the laments over the prince of Tyre in Ezekiel 27 and 28 to the destruction of end times Babylon. Tyre and Babylon were both founded by the Amorites, and we believe the “iniquity of the Amorites” that God condemned in Genesis 15:16 may be necromancy and summoning spirits from the netherworld—a practice that’s been spread to the entire world and continues to this day.

    It’s important to remember that “Babylon” in Hebrew is babel, identical to the name of that infamous tower. It simply means “god-gate,” or perhaps “gate of El,” the Canaanite name of the entity we believe is the true “Lucifer”: Shemihazah, chief of the rebellious sons of God in Genesis 6:1–4. We think the practice of of summoning spirits in the netherworld, as the medium of En-dor did for Saul (although she didn’t expect to raise the prophet Samuel—that was allowed as a special message from God to the king), is humanity’s ongoing effort to reach out to this would-be “king” who’s chained in Tartarus until God allows it to be opened in the end times.

    It’s a new paradigm for Mystery Babylon and the spirits in play during the final seven years of the age, but we believe prophets like Ezekiel, Isaiah, Daniel, Zechariah, and others understood that there are more supernatural rebels plotting against the true King than just “the devil.”

  • JOHN WAS INSPIRED to draw from the Hebrew prophets when he wrote the Book of Revelation. One of the clearest examples is Babylon the Great, which has obvious parallels to the ancient Phoenician city of Tyre.

    Like Babylon, Tyre was founded by Amorites. Like Tyre, end times Babylon will be mourned by kings, merchants, and shipmasters who grew rich through the trading empires of the two cities. And, continuing an ancient Amorite tradition, Tyre was infamous for sacrificing children to the gods, a practice it spread around the Mediterranean world through the colonies it established, such as Tharros on Sardinia (possibly the biblical Tarshish) and Carthage.

  • TYRE WAS the great maritime trading empire of the ancient world and the city that sent out the colonists who founded Carthage in North Africa, a city infamous for child sacrifice.

    This week, we lay more historical foundation for why we connect “the iniquity of the Amorites” to end times prophecy. The Phoenicians of Tyre were just Amorites who established a powerful city-state on the coast of Lebanon. “Phoenicia” is based on a Greek word for “purple,” because of the rare purple dye that became the symbol of royalty and made Tyre very rich.

    Ezekiel connected Tyre to the region of Bashan and Mount Hermon, which was the prophet’s way of calling out the spiritual wickedness of the city. Three centuries before Ezekiel, Tyre had been the birthplace of Ahab’s notorious wife Jezebel, who is still remembered for her wickedness more than 2,800 years after her death.

    The connection between Tyre, the Amorites, and the Book of Revelation will be made clear next week when we drill down into the comparisons between the lament over Tyre in Ezekiel 27 and John’s lament for Babylon in Revelation 18.

  • GOD SINGLED OUT the Amorites for their wickedness, telling Abraham (then still Abram) that “the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete.”

    What did God mean by that? This week, we revisit the people who dominated the world of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Amorites dominated the ancient Near East—the lands of the Bible from Persia to the Mediterranean Sea—from 2000 to 1500 BC. But their spiritual influence has lasted much longer.

    Amorites founded the kingdom of Babylon, which has been a symbol of spiritual wickedness since the time of Moses, and their descendants, the Phoenicians, spread the practice of child sacrifice all around the Mediterranean from North Africa to Spain.

  • THE TITANS of Greek myth were the “sons of God” from Genesis 6. The evidence for that link is strong, and we’ve made the case in our books Last Clash of the Titans and The Second Coming of Saturn.

    The question we haven’t been able to answer is whether that’s the same group from which the Antichrist finds his ten kings “who are to receive authority as kings for one hour, together with the beast” (Rev. 17:12).

    And if so, given the the Book of 1 Enoch identifies 200 Watchers who rebelled, led by 20 captains of tens, who are the ten who emerge with Apollyon (the Watcher chief Shemihazah) as kings with the Antichrist?

    Answer: We have no way to know for sure!