
  • Podsters, THIS IS YOUR REMINDER! Grab your favorite notebook and pen and let’s write out that Summer Bucket List!

    What if I told you there is a way to celebrate joy, focus on your priorities, hold yourself accountable for what matters most, and have a boatload of fun along the way?

    Would you do it?

    Would you want to do it? I know you would. Who doesn’t want more happiness in their life.

    That's exactly what I’m going to share with you today. The why, how, and what to add to your summer bucket list.

    This isn’t just another to do list where it feels like work to cross things off. It’s a list that is celebrating, enjoying the moments, and focusing on things that make you happy.

    Trust me, making the list will create accountability to keep joy as a focus this summer.

    So buckle up, Podsters. It's going to be a fun and powerful conversation.


    Join Speaker School: ⁠Sign Up⁠⁠Speaker School | Nancy Medoff

    Connect with Nancy on Instagram @‌nancy.medoff

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message
  • Podsters, I'm back and fired up! Fired up about you and the endless possibilities available to you this summer or specifically... how to have fun, level up your career and make a few new friends or acquaintances along the way. Effortlessly and non- sleazily.

    If you want to change your life, job, or career, you CANNOT wait until
    summer fun is over. I'm all for summer fun, but if you check out, you'll be at the back of the herd come fall. And no one wants to be at the back of the herd.

    We’ve been talking for the past couple of weeks about how you can have your summer fun while also leveling up your life. And we’ll continue to talk about how you can take now so you're ready by the end of summer. We’ve already talked about why you shouldn't wait, and last week, Miranda showed us how to level up our LinkedIn.

    Today, let's talk about networking without feeling gross and how summer is the best time to network. I'll give you a boatload of tools and refer you to past episodes on leveling up your network and networking without sleaze.

    Remember, networking is simply talking to people. You do not have to go to a BBQ or a pool party or the beach thinking about your next client or who you can meet. That’s stressful and we don’t do that over here. Instead, think today we talk about how to respond or start a conversation effortlessly and authentically.

    And – the secret sauce to these summer conversations? FOLLOW UP.

    You must follow up within 72 hours of meeting someone. This is the difference between thriving at work and sitting around hoping for divine intervention to make the change.

    It’s time to think differently, act differently, and follow up.

    Here you have it Podsters, the keys to the kingdom. The networking playbook. Use this advice, apply at least one thing from today, and let's make this summer count!

    Listen to:

    EP 91 Slay, Don't Sleaze: Mastering the Art of Forensic Networking

    EP61 Level Up Your Network to Level Up Your Life

    EP109 Make the CHANGE before it CHANGES You!

    EP 110 Leveraging LinkedIn – Three Quick Branding Tips to Amplify Your LinkedIn Profile this Summer and Set Yourself Up for Fall with Miranda Von Fricken

    Ready to do the thing? Bold moves require bold action and if you’re here, you’re ready. Apply to join the 1:1 Success Accelerator HERE

    Grab Your FREE Network like a Ninja Tool HERE

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message
  • Saknas det avsnitt?

    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • Summer is here, Podsters! No one loves summer more than I do and as a follow up to last week’s episode, we're diving into how you can make the most of your summer- at work AND at home.

    Today we are talking about the “wait until I’m more focused” approach and how this will always lead you back to bring one of the herd. We won’t do that around here at Unmute Yourself the Podcast so today I’ve brought in THE leading authority on LinkedIn and global branding expert – Miranda Von Fricken. This Queen of Cool is walking us through three immediate and actionable steps you can take this summer so that you don’t wake up in September and say “oops, should have started sooner”.

    Miranda lives and breathes LinkedIn and today is not about giving you corporate tips and tricks- today is about showing YOU how you are showing up personally, in the professional world.

    Many people come to me in May, saying they want to work on their career or business but will wait until after summer. This makes Miranda and me twitch!

    So, I invited Miranda today to spill the tea on three things you can do to optimize your LinkedIn profile this summer and trust me, these tips are golden nuggets.

    Whether you’re looking to level up your career or turn your side hustle into a full-time job, now is the time to act.

    Here's why waiting is a bad idea: to stand out in a crowded market, you need to do what others aren’t doing. When people take breaks, like in the summer, you double down. You can still enjoy your summer while being intentional about your efforts on LinkedIn. As Miranda says, "If you're not on LinkedIn, what are you even doing?"

    Miranda also just released an incredible book called "Own Your Awesome on LinkedIn: There Are One Billion Members, But Only One You." For those who think LinkedIn is overrated, this book is for you. A few strategic actions can make a big difference in your networking efforts.

    So, Podsters, let’s not wait! Start optimizing your LinkedIn profile now and get ahead of the game.

    Let’s make this summer count!

    Connect with Miranda



    Grab her book https://MirandaVonFricken.com/book

    Listen to her podcast Own Your Awesome HERE

    Connect with Nancy on Instagram HERE @nancy_medoff

    Sign up to work with Nancy: ⁠One On One Success Accelerator Application

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message
  • It’s June, Podsters and who else is here for summer? I am so here for summer. As you know, my summer word is “barefoot” and I’m coming in with a PSA for you…

    Every year, I have the same conversation in the spring or early summer. People want to make a move, they want to DO THE THING and the they say, "Let's circle back at the end of the summer." They want to enjoy their summer.

    I get it, I do. I love summer as much as you do, and if you’re in a toxic work environment, or you want to make THE BIG CHANGE, taking a break from thinking about it is a bad idea.

    If you're in a job or running a business that doesn’t feel good, you have got to take action, NOW.

    Here's why.

    When you take that break, summer becomes fall, and then it's back to school, busy budgets, travel, and trade shows. Then comes Thanksgiving, the holidays, and you wake up six months later still in that miserable job.

    You have to make a change before it changes you.

    The three lies I hear us going back to the most are:

    · "Summer is not a good time to focus"

    · "Summer is not a good for me to network"

    · "No one’s hiring in the summer."

    None of these are true.

    Summer is the perfect time to focus, network, and lay the groundwork for future opportunities.

    Take action now, and make a change before it changes you.

    You deserve the best because you are the best.

    One On One Success Accelerator Application

    Free Strengths Test | Find Your Unique Talents and Character Traits


    Get Your Full Strengths Report and Unlock Your Potential

    (Paid, detailed version)

    2024 Visioning Exercise

    Sign Up

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  • Today, I’m here to close the loop on something I’ve promised to discuss. For those of you who have been following along, you know I’ve been going through some stuff lately, and I said I’d come back to talk about it. So here I am, ready to share why it’s okay not to be okay and why we need to normalize it.

    When I was going through my rough patch, it was shocking how often people would ask how I was doing, and I’d automatically respond with, “I’m great, how are you?” even when I wasn’t. It felt so inauthentic, and that’s why I think we need to talk about it, not as a Debbie Downer, but to be honest and authentic and create genuine connections. It’s essential to recognize that it’s okay not to be okay.

    We all need help at some point, yet we often say we’re fine when we’re not.

    Over the past 12 weeks, I kept telling people I was fine when I wasn’t, and it felt like a narrator in my head said, “She was not indeed fine.” every time I said those words, “I’m okay”.

    No one wants to dump their problems on a casual acquaintance, but with close ones, we should be truthful. It’s important to admit when we’re struggling, both to ourselves and to our loved ones.

    By pretending to be okay, we miss opportunities for genuine connection and support. When we say we’re fine when we’re not, we shame ourselves unnecessarily.

    I learned that lesson the hard way, feeling like I had always to be great. I wasn’t being authentic, and it took a toll on me. It’s essential to be honest and seek help when needed.

    Podsters, let’s normalize not being okay. If someone asks how you are, be honest. You don’t have to explain everything, but you can say, “I’ve been better.” Let’s be real with ourselves and each other. It’s okay not to be okay; acknowledging that is a step towards healing.

    Join Speaker School: ⁠⁠Sign Up⁠⁠⁠⁠Speaker School | Nancy Medoff⁠

    Connect with⁠ Nancy on Instagram @‌nancy.medoff

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message
  • Podsters, what if I told you there is a way to celebrate joy, focus on your priorities, hold yourself accountable for what matters most, and have a boatload of fun along the way?

    Would you do it?

    Would you want to do it? I know you would. Who doesn’t want more happiness in their life.

    That's exactly what I’m going to share with you today. The why, how, and what to add to your summer bucket list.

    This isn’t just another to do list where it feels like work to cross things off. It’s a list that is celebrating, enjoying the moments, and focusing on things that make you happy.

    Trust me, making the list will create accountability to keep joy as a focus this summer.

    So buckle up, Podsters. It's going to be a fun, whimsical, and powerful conversation.


    Join Speaker School: ⁠Sign Up⁠⁠Speaker School | Nancy Medoff

    Connect with Nancy on Instagram @‌nancy.medoff

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message
  • Hello, Podsters! I’ve been noticing recently that every woman I’m working with, particularly in ⁠Speaker School⁠- EVERY ONE has one thing in common. It doesn’t matter if they want to share their stories on stage, host workshops, write books, or simply live their truth; there is ONE common thread between everyone.

    It’s the power of their story.

    So today, we are diving in. Head first into the TRUE WHY for your story. Your goals. Your dreams. WHY is THIS THING so important? And why is that why so important?

    Today I’m taking you through the “why” exercise which you may remember from several months back. I use this exercise with every one-on-one client and each time – the ultimate result is the same. It doesn’t matter how we get there, or how much resistance comes to the surface – EVERY TIME, we end up with an epiphany which reveals the true “why” behind this desire the change. This why becomes your True North and propels you forward when you consider giving up.

    So, Podsters today we will explore your “why” and this new awareness will help you live your truth.

    Because once you tap into your “why”, you will NEVER look back.

    Grab the FREE Own Your Why Exercise HERE:

    Listen to Episode 37, Own Your Why, HERE

    Join Speaker School:

    Sign UpSpeaker School | Nancy Medoff

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message
  • Hey Podsters, today is about REMEMBERING WHO YOU ARE.

    Why is this important? Because when you show up as someone other than yourself, when you lose your way, when you can’t find your True North - you get stuck. You spiral. You show up without joy. And Podsters - that’s not fun for anyone.

    Today I’m walking you through an exercise to help you get back to you. To go back to your True North. This exercise will help you find YOU so you can authentically and confidentially show up for yourself and experience more joy.

    We start with honing in on your values. Your values are your compass. They guide you back to you when things get uncomfortable or misaligned.

    So buckle up, we are going deep into your core values so that you can show up for yourself again and again and again.


    I walk you through this process today and if you don’t have time to grab the tool - I’ve got you! All you need is a pen and a piece if paper and I’ll take you through finding your True North.

    Until next time, keep it real, stay true to you, and Podsters, Peace out!

    Connect with Nancy on Instagram

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message
  • Podsters, there is only one word to describe this week’s episode and it’s ELECTRIC. That’s right - we are back with a renewed energy, outlook and electricity and diving deep into the one thing that holds most of us back from living a life where we truly THRIVE. Get ready to unleash your inner powerhouse as we uncover the secrets to overcoming imposter syndrome, fear of being seen, and other limiting beliefs.

    Joining me today is the incredible Branda Johnston, a subconscious mindset strategist and energy mentor who you may remember as the NUMBER ONE most popular episode from a year ago. Today and together, we're peeling back the layers of what holds ALL OF US back and uncovering the path to unshakeable confidence. We'll explore why we fear judgment, how to silence that nasty inner critic, and the transformative power of self-connection.

    Throughout this dynamic conversation, we'll share practical strategies to check in with yourself and harness the power of connection to propel you forward regardless of what’s happening at the moment. Together we kick imposter syndrome to the curb, embrace being seen and step boldly into the spotlight. Get ready to unlock your limitless potential and create the career and life you know you deserve!

    Buckle up, Podsters because today we ignite your passion, amplify your voice, and redefine what's possible for you. Don't miss out on this empowering conversation that will leave you inspired, motivated, and ready to DO THE THING! Let's do this!

    OWN THE STAGE WITH SPEAKER SCHOOL! Private, one on one speaker coaching with Nancy Medoff: Apply HERE

    LIVE YOUR TRUTH Values Exercise Grab it HERE

    Connect with Brenda on Instagram (@_brendajohnston)

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  • I’m serving up an oldie, a goodie, and a quickie, Podsters! Get ready for a treat as we revisit one of our most popular episodes: 'Letting Go of What's No Longer Serving You,' featuring the fabulous Beth Knauss, co-founder of Unmute Yourself podcast.

    It's a quickie, but boy, do we pack a punch as we dive into the art of purging and letting go—be it people, places, things, habits, or beliefs. Because sometimes, making space for the new requires shedding the old.

    I'll be back with a bang next week and in the meantime, I'm taking a quick break to recharge and recalibrate.

    Until next, Podsters, remember to let go of what no longer serves you. Peace out!

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message
  • OK Podsters, today we are diving headfirst into optimism and reinvention.

    Picture this: you, yes, YOU, as the architect of your future, armed with nothing more than the belief that you DESERVE the life you are seeking and a little dash of courage, ready to create that life that says to the world, "I'm here, and I'm fantastic!"

    Let's cut to the chase. Age, background, limiting beliefs, these are barriers (created by you, by the way) simply waiting to be bulldozed by your determination. That's right, whether you're fresh out of college or seasoned like a fine cabernet, the power to reinvent yourself is available to you.


    1: You believe that you can reinvent yourself at any time.

    2: You are willing to invest the time and you have the chops to go after it.

    That’s right, Podsters, stepping into the life you know is out there for you is not only about desire and determination. You MUST tap into some of that mindset magic. Our minds will seek what we think, confirmation bias to its core. What you believe WILL shape your reality as long as you are willing to put the work into making it happen.

    What vision do you have for your future?

    Think of this like a crystal ball that shapes reality itself. Believe in the possibilities, and watch as the universe conspires in your favor.

    Remember, you're not just curating a future; you're crafting a legacy that'll make heads turn and jaws drop.

    Who’s with me?

    Work with me in my private success accelerator coaching. Apply here, and let’s get you locked and loaded to curate the life you want and know you deserve. Apply to work with Nancy 1:1:

    ⁠⁠⁠⁠One On One Success Accelerator Application⁠⁠⁠

    Join my ⁠⁠⁠FREE Confidence Community HERE

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message
  • The celebration continues, Podsters! We did it! ONE HUNDRED episodes!

    I’m still in awe that this little idea, this little spark, the smirk, the “hey maybe I can actually do this” has grown into a top 5% podcast WORLDWIDE thanks to YOU.

    Each and every one of YOU who listens, shares, comments and reaches out to let me know you’re out there listening. We are in this together, Podsters!

    So today, for you, in true Unmute Yourself form I am giving it to you straight in a love letter of sorts:

    Part Two of 100 life lessons, battle tested by yours truly.

    So - buckle up Podsters cause this one is OFF THE RAILS!

    Work with me in my private success accelerator coaching. Apply here, and let’s get you locked and loaded to curate the life you want and know you deserve. Apply to work with Nancy 1:1:

    ⁠⁠⁠One On One Success Accelerator Application⁠⁠

    Join my ⁠⁠FREE Confidence Community HERE

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message
  • It’s time to celebrate, Podsters! We did it! ONE HUNDRED episodes!

    I’m still in awe that this little idea, this little spark, the smirk, the “hey maybe I can actually do this” has grown into a top 5% podcast WORLDWIDE thanks to YOU.

    Each and every one of YOU who listens, shares, comments and reaches out to let me know you’re out there listening. We are in this together, Podsters!

    So today, for you, in true Unmute Yourself form I am giving it to you straight in a love letter of sorts:

    100 life lessons, battle tested by yours truly.

    So - buckle up Podsters cause this one is OFF THE RAILS!

    Work with me in my private success accelerator coaching. Apply here, and let’s get you locked and loaded to curate the life you want and know you deserve. Apply to work with Nancy 1:1:

    ⁠⁠One On One Success Accelerator Application⁠

    Join my ⁠FREE Confidence Community HERE

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message
  • Hey, Podsters! Today we are talking about a topic that hits close to home for many of us: BURNOUT.

    Now, before you roll your eyes and think, "I've heard it all before," you might want to stick around because you could be in the middle or approaching burnout, and thinking you’re just tired.

    Still doubtful? Would you be shocked if I told you nearly 50% of women reported experiencing burnout even BEFORE the pandemic?

    Here’s why I’m bringing this topic to you today and it’s still a little raw for me. A few weeks back, I hit a rough patch. Despite my usual “glass half full” optimism - I found myself feeling drained, unable to catch up on my energy and walking around with a consistent case of the blahs. Eventually I realized that I wasn’t simply tired or lacking vitamin D.

    I was burnt out.

    And if it happened to me, I know it's happening to others too.

    Now, burnout isn't just about feeling tired or overworked. It could show up for you as exhaustion, overwhelm, cynicism, lack of motivation, or detachment from the things that used to bring us joy. Perhaps all at the same time. Yikes.

    What many people like us don’t realize as we “power through” is that is left unaddressed, burnout can last weeks, months and even years.

    So buckle up - as it’s time to check yourself before you wreck yourself!

    The best way to deal with burnout is to avoid it in the first place and here are three things you can do now to avoid or bring f yourself out of this undesirable state of being.

    Boundaries. At work, with clients, at home or wherever you may be: setting clear boundaries is the key. Learn to say no when necessary and prioritize your well-being. Listen in today for real life scripts.

    Physical self-care. This is not about facials and pedicures. It's about drinking water, getting enough rest, and moving your body. Doing what you know works for you physically.

    Connection. Whether it's reaching out to a friend, a partner, or a therapist, connecting with another person to let them know what’s going on is not only suggested, it’s necessary.

    So Podsters, if you're feeling the burn, know that you're not alone. With the right tools and support, you can overcome burnout and thrive once again.

    Spring is here—a perfect time for a reset, renewal and self-care.

    Who’s with me?

    EP51 - Boundaries with the Boundary Boss: CLICK HERE to Listen

    EP76 - Boundary like a boss : CLICK HERE to Listen

    Work with me in my private success accelerator coaching. Apply here, and let’s get you locked and loaded to curate the life you want and know you deserve. Apply to work with Nancy 1:1:

    ⁠One On One Success Accelerator Application

    Join my FREE Confidence Community HERE

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message
  • Are you ready to step into the spotlight and the power of your personal style?

    Today we're diving into the transformative power of personal style. Gone are the days when fashion was just about looking good. Now, your style is your super-power and a tool to unlock your confidence, live your brand and engineer your own success.

    “When my clothes don’t fit, I feel like I don’t fit”. Nancy

    There’re nothing more uncomfortable than feeling like you don’t fit. Style is not a size and in a world where conformity overshadows individuality, authenticity is the game changer. When you feel comfortable and confident in what you wear, you exude your unique magnetic energy that captivates everyone around you. By staying true to yourself and your personal brand, you become unforgettable, leaving a lasting impression wherever you go.

    You are your brand. Your brand is you. Your brand never sleeps. It's not just about the clothes you wear but also how you carry yourself and the message you convey to the world. On the plane, in line for coffee, picking up your kids – every day you create your own opportunity when you show up on brand, and today we should you how to align your personal style with your brand identity.

    Get ready to unleash your inner style icon and become the unforgettable force you were meant to be.

    It's time to step into the spotlight, Podsters and live your truth, make a statement, and leave a lasting impression that resonates long after you're gone.

    Let's get styled, Podsters!

    Connect with Elise Ellis HERE: ⁠Personalized & Empowered Style - TurnkeyStyle.com⁠⁠

    Work with me in my private success accelerator coaching. Apply here, and let’s get you locked and loaded to curate the life you want and know you deserve. Apply to work with Nancy 1:1:

    One On One Success Accelerator Application

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message
  • I got hit with a sucker punch, Podsters and here’s what happened.

    I threw a curveball at a trusted colleague by asking him to share the unfiltered truth with me about how I’m perceived by a specific group of people.

    I asked him, thinking that I knew the answer. Hey, I’m self-aware. I know my faults; I know where I need to improve and I’m already working on myself! Lucky for me, my buddy didn't sugarcoat it. And while his response was not what I was expecting, he did me a huge favor by giving it to me straight. I now know exactly what I’m facing as I work towards changing these perceptions.

    Imagine if I hadn't asked.

    I could've been living in la-la land, thinking everything's great, my message is crystal clear, people know who I am and continuing on with that same narrative. While out there, people were making assumptions about me and my messaging was NOT resonating. Ouch.

    Think about your career and your goals. Are you skipping the uncomfortable feedback? Are you assuming (like I did) that you’ve been doing this so long, people MUST know the real you?


    When you receive feedback that’s hard to hear or that you weren’t expecting – two things can happen. One, you hear a real truth and you can then own it, address it, and come back stronger.

    Or two, what you’re hearing is a perception and they are seeing you through their own reality. Their truth. Which may be very different than yours. Manage that perception, and you're in the clear. But remember, their perception is their reality, not necessarily yours.

    Not so easy. Here’s how you can overcome a perception:

    Debunk the idea or have an open conversation. Thoughtfully and unemotionally address the assumptions (even if they are incorrect) and if someone's dodging your olive branch, don’t stress. You made the effort. You took the high road. And if and when that negative feedback resurfaces - you can remain confident in who you are because you know you did the right thing.

    Bottom line? Embrace the feedback, whether it's legit or not, because knowing how people perceive you is your golden ticket to accessing your next level. No one grows by only looking at the good things – we grow by understanding and embracing our imperfections.

    ⁠Apply to Work with Nancy 1:1 by Clicking HERE⁠

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message
  • Big news, Podsters! Today I’m sharing my Career Commandments – the three things I wish I knew (or had listened to) that would have saved me a lot of time, energy and angst.

    BUT! Before we dive in – it’s time to celebrate together! Together we have grown our Unmute Yourself community and hit a major podcast milestone – we hit 10,000 downloads! This is a huge deal Podsters because this means we have affected the life and career of over 10,000 listeners! I am truly humbled and grateful for all the shares, the listens and the support. Keep the comments and suggestions coming!

    Now on to today’s podcast.

    Think about all the time, money, and energy invested you’ve invested in your career. Think about all the times you threw up your hands and said “I JUST WISH SOMEONE WOULD GIVE ME THE PLAYBOOK!”.

    I’ve got you! Today I’m sharing the top three career tidbits which I think are most important to catapult you and your career.

    #1 - The best candidate does not always get the job. Hard to hear and also true. You know this happens and maybe it’s even happened to you. The candidate who gets the job has less experience, less time with the company, less all the things. And yet – they get the job. Today I’m telling you why this happens, how this happens and most important – how you can stop this from happening.

    #2 - Titles and salary matter. I know how this sounds, Podsters and I personally have never chased either. What I’m sharing here is that your salary should be commensurate with how YOU feel you are valued in the role. If you are in a space where money isn’t as important as what you are actually doing all day – great! I am suggesting here that you make sure that you feel you feel valued in the role and for many people, this means money or a title.

    As for the title – also an area I have never been too concerned – unless the title will help you to open doors. There truth here is that there are many Posters organizations where the “bigger” title gets more resources and support. So, if this is your environment, I suggest in this case that the title DOES matter. Again, I go back to feeling valued. Are you doing the work of three people, continuously taking on more, and staying the same in terms of salary and title? If you aren’t feeling good about this – it’s time to listen to your instincts.

    #3 – You have GOT to get feedback from people who don’t like you. Here’s why: If there are people out there who don’t want to work with you, it’s highly probable that they are making this known. And when your name comes up for a project or assignment – you want to be considered no matter WHO is on the team.

    I’m not suggesting that you be fake, or drink the Kool-Aid – I’m saying that the more you know about your blind spots, the more you can overcome these and work with anyone. And THAT is how you want to be known. It’s uncomfortable and it’s also the best kind of feedback you can receive. out a trusted advisor or mentor who will give it to you straight. Even better – talk to the person with whom you are having conflict to figure out a way to work together. I promise you this is how you win.

    Podsters, these three Career Commandments (and the bonus one as well!) changed the trajectory of my career and they can change yours too.

    I believe in you!

    Join the next round of SPEAKER SCHOOL By CLICKING HERE

    Connect with Nancy on Instagram HERE

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message
  • Podsters – we are bringing the heat today because I'm fired up about a common misconception I keep hearing. It's the whole "I can't change careers because I'll have to take a pay cut" misunderstanding.

    You know how this goes: you've worked really hard, you make made good money, and you're not about to have to “start over” after all of this hard work and sacrifice.

    Well, I'm here to tell you – YOU DO NOT HAVE TO START OVER.

    I'm baffled by the number of people who think changing careers means an automatic pay cut. Or an automatic demotion. Or an automatic “start all over”. Where does this even come from?

    You don't have to start over. Your skills are transferable. And in fact, this new perspective if you’re coming from another field may even be a competitive advantage. \

    So, let's debunk the myth that changing careers means losing money. This is simply not true.

    Take your strengths, your top three, and understand that these strengths – your greatest contribution to your CURRENT role is precisely your ticket to that new gig.


    Here’s an example: Let’s say your jam is “building relationships”. You’re the best. A pro. People LOVE opening up to you and it’s helped you tremendously in your career.

    Awesome. That skill is pure gold in any industry. Whether it's sales, human resources, or project management, it's about human connection, and every company, boss and hiring manager wants more human connection.

    And if you’re worried about losing benefits when taking that side hustle full-time, let's clear this up as well. A decent healthcare plan can be procured for around $1k per month and in some cases, even less. So do the math, factor in an additional 12k you will need in your business plan and suddenly, it's not as daunting as you think.

    So, Podsters, as we head into job-seeking season, remember this, YOUR SKILLS are your CURRENCY, and you don't have to settle for less.

    Don't let assumptions and fears keep you in a place you know you don’t belong.

    Let’s DO THIS!

    ⁠Apply to Work with Nancy 1:1 by Clicking HERE


    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message
  • Hey Podsters - you know that feeling, when you’re hitting it on all cylinders, life is good (on paper) and still something feels off? Or, when you think you SHOULD be? Should be doing, thinking, feeling, acting a certain way – and you’re simply not?

    When this feeling comes and goes, (and hopefully it goes more than it shows up) – the cause could simply be that you’re in a new season of your life.

    We’re not talking about seasons like spring summer and fall – we’re talking about the ebbs and flows of our lives. Expectations, values, priorities – these all change! Of course they change. They change as WE change.

    Holding on to who you used to be, what those priorities were in the past, old patterns, beliefs and thoughts – this is what creates that uneasy feeling when everything is “fine”.

    And today, my guest, Erin Gerner, corporate-lawyer-turned-advocate-for-women-in-law is dishing out golden nuggets on what it takes to show up for yourself through every season.

    Today we take a look at expectations and share with you how to break free of the should and the shame.

    You know we are all about the power of words here at Unmute Yourself. So let’s skip the "shoulds" and lean into "coulds," "would like tos," and "prefers." Because, let's face it, when "should" shows up, she usually brings along her faithful sidekick - shame.

    It’s time Podsters. Time to align our careers with our core values.

    So, if you're ready to let go of the guilt, cozy up to your current season, and explore the benefits of community, join us as we share what it takes to be a real POWERHOUSE in your life.

    And…how one decision can change your whole life.

    ONE SPOT LEFT in my private success accelerator coaching. One spot! Apply here and let’s get you locked and loaded to curate the life you want and know you deserve.

    Apply to Work with Nancy 1:1 by Clicking HERE

    Connect with Erin: http://eringerner.com

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message
  • Love is in the air, am I right Podsters? Valentine's Day vibes are strong and today’s episode is a love letter from me to you, about you and for YOU.

    It’s not surprising there’s a special place in my heart for Galentine’s Day; for someone whose life work is celebrating and empowering women there’s not much better than a holiday where women celebrate women!

    And also, Valentine's Day can be tricky for many of us: solo or partnered up – with all of this love coming at us, I can’t help but think about how we are loving OURSELVES. How we are speaking to ourselves, about ourselves. How we are filling our own cup.

    It’s easy to feel depleted and to run on empty – we all do it. In today’s episode I talk about the things I do to make sure I’m showing up for myself.

    Managing my accessibility (hello, boundaries), knowing and DOING what works in my daily routines, and being super vigilant about over-extending myself are three of the ways I honor and commit to myself.

    Let’s be honest here, Podsters. At the end of the day, you are all you’ve got. Sure, you have friends, a family, maybe you’re partnered up or playing the field. Today isn’t as much about loving those AROUND you – it’s about how you’re showing up for yourself. You are the only one who is guaranteed to show up for you. So, are you?

    Podsters, this is my Valentine’s wish for you: take care of yourselves, be kind to yourself, make sure you are saving time and energy for yourself, and stay tuned for more powerful episodes and insights.

    Peace, love, and see you next week!

    Spoiler alert: my new book (“with the title Change the Conversation, Change Your Life”) is coming out in Q1 so hop on the ⁠**[Pre-launch list HERE**] ⁠to be the first to get your signed copy!

    JOIN MY CONFIDENCE COMMUNITY https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/gWU7owR

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/nancy-medoff/message