
  • Dottie Rogers, writer, therapist, educator, and scholar, joins us to talk about brit milah, covenant, circumcision, and the life of Abram-Abraham.

    Follow Dottie on Twitter and read her writing.

    Please SUBSCRIBE to the podcast wherever you listen, give us a 5-star rating and a glowing review, share the podcast with your friends, family, and community, and consider supporting our work on Patreon.

    We're very happy to hear your thoughts, so connect with us! Two Christians and a Jew has a Facebook page; we also have a Facebook discussion group.

    Get more Dr. Jen on her blog and on Twitter @JenBrownJones.

    Get more Frank on his blog and on Twitter @Paceaux.

    Get more Meir-Simchah on Twitter @meirsimchah and teaching Hebrew, Bible, theology, or philosophy, from a Jewish perspective (+972 546375740, [email protected]).

    Our music was arranged and performed by the fabulous David Frankel.

  • Prof. Carmen Joy Imes joins us to delve into the idea of being created "in the image of God." What's that mean? Who exactly is in God's image? Did we lose it with the "fall"? Does it have moral and ethnical ramifications for us today? Do some traditional understandings of being "in the image" exclude people with various disabilities? Is Adam whose name means earth more akin to God or to earth? Also a magical creature, a wild etymological adventure, and some thoughts about how we evaluate traditional interpretations.

    Catch Prof. Carmen Imes on her YouTube channel, on her blog, read her books (Carmen on Amazon, Carmen on Goodreads), and follow her on Twitter.

    Rabbi Josh Yuter provided invaluable assistance in the preparation of this episode with his brief article on the topic. His website is filled with fantastic content, so check out joshyuter.com.

    While your at it, please SUBSCRIBE to the podcast wherever you listen and give us a 5-star rating and a glowing review wherever you. You can also support our work on Patreon.

    We're very happy to hear your thoughts, so connect with us! Two Christians and a Jew has a Facebook page; we also have a Facebook discussion group.

    Dr. Jen has a blog which includes an interview with Carmen. You can get her on Twitter @JenBrownJones.

    Frank also has a blog, and he's on Twitter @Paceaux.

    Meir-Simchah is available to teach in your community on many different subjects, including Hebrew. Just get in touch. +972 546375740 | [email protected] | @meirsimchah on Twitter.

    Our music was arranged and performed by the fabulous David Frankel.

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  • In this episode we speak with Prof. Mark Boda about the prophecy of Zachariah, specifically chapter 4 with the vision of the Golden Lamp (menorah), and about its connection to Chanukah. We hope you enjoy!

    Meir-Simchah is available for three different workshops:

    Great Hebrew MenGreat Hebrew WomenHebrew: The Language of the Torah.

    Each will be tailored for your community. Get in touch to schedule and find a price good for your community. Private Hebrew lessons are also available, for people at any level of experience. +972 546375740 | [email protected] | @meirsimchah on Twitter.

    You can connect with Jen on jenniferbrownjones.com or on Twitter @JenBrownJones and with Frank on blog.frankmtaylor.com or on Twitter @Paceaux.

    If you enjoyed Two Christians and a Jew, please subscribe with your favorite podcast app, share it with friends, and give us 5-star ratings and glowing reviews :-) If you have the means, we appreciate any portion of your tithes which you contribute at patreon.com/2c1j.

    Our music was arranged and performed by the fabulous David Frankel.

  • Shaneen Thompson joins us to discuss Eve's conversation with the snake. We dig into deep differences of interpretation, including how we understand the serpent's cleverness, Eve and Adam's nakedness, their lack of shame, and original sin vs. the origin of sin. We get into Satan, sexuality, talking animals, RPGs, what's really so bad about knowing good and evil, and the relationship between science and love of God.

    Find Shaneen at thehootandhowl.com; on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook; and on her podcast 1geek411.com.

    Meir-Simchah is available for three different workshops:

    Great Hebrew MenGreat Hebrew WomenHebrew: The Language of the Torah.

    Each will be tailored for your community. Get in touch to schedule and find a price good for your community. Private Hebrew lessons are also available, for people at any level of experience. +972 546375740 | [email protected] | @meirsimchah on Twitter.

    You can connect with Jen on jenniferbrownjones.com or on Twitter @JenBrownJones and with Frank on blog.frankmtaylor.com or on Twitter @Paceaux.

    If you enjoyed Two Christians and a Jew, please subscribe with your favorite podcast app, share it with friends, and give us 5-star ratings and glowing reviews :-) If you have the means, we appreciate any portion of your tithes which you contribute at patreon.com/2c1j.

    Our music was arranged and performed by the fabulous David Frankel.

  • Laura Robinson of New Testament Review joins Two Christians and a Jew to discuss Matthew 21, Zachariah 9:9, "fulfillment passages" (which Meir-Simchah finds bizarre), how Matthew writes (one of Laura's areas of expertise), and different visions of what being a messiah is about. Laura is a PhD candidate at Duke and the host of the New Testament Review (Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/new-testament-review/id1377442882, YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR8SeIgZf4x0-wUMWVvWchw). You can follow the podcast on Twitter at @NTReviewPod, and Laura at @LauraRbnsn.

    In this episode, the main sources are Matthew 21 and Zachariah 8-9.

    Meir-Simchah is available for three different workshops:

    Great Hebrew MenGreat Hebrew WomenHebrew: The Language of the Torah.

    Each will be tailored for your community. Get in touch to schedule and find a price good for your community. Private Hebrew lessons are also available, for people at any level of experience. +972 546375740 | [email protected] | @meirsimchah on Twitter.

    You can connect with Jen on jenniferbrownjones.com or on Twitter @JenBrownJones and with Frank on blog.frankmtaylor.com or on Twitter @Paceaux.

    Check out Jen on the upcoming KLICE webinar, Saturday, 21 November 2020, 16:00-18:00 UK time. She'll be speaking about creation and suffering. Details here: https://klice.co.uk/events.

    If you enjoyed Two Christians and a Jew, please subscribe with your favorite podcast app, share it with friends, and give us 5-star ratings and glowing reviews :-) If you have the means, we appreciate any portion of your tithes which you contribute at patreon.com/2c1j.

    Our music was arranged and performed by the fabulous David Frankel.

    Meir-Simchah apologizes for his audio issues.

    Our theme music was arranged and performed by David Frankel https://classicalguitarisrael.com/.

  • Traci Rhoades joins Two Christians and a Jew for a discussion of what Torah is. Traci is the author of Not All Who Wander (Spiritually) Are Lost https://www.amazon.com/Not-All-Wander-Spiritually-Lost/dp/1640652795, in which she discusses her experiences seeking God in different church communities. Check out her blog https://www.tracesoffaith.com/ and follow her on Twitter @tracesoffaith.

    We discuss the Written Torah and the Oral Torah, the nature of the Oral Torah and interpretation, the branching off into Christian denominations and Jewish 'movements', and music. If you've ever wondered what Jews include in the Bible, what the Torah is, what Tanakh is, what the Mishnah (or Mishna), Talmud, and Gemara are, etc., we made this for you. We also discuss how the organic structure of the Torah, both in terms of its paragraphs and its music. That's right: the Torah is a song.

    In this episode, the main sources are Exodus 19:3-9, Exodus 24:2-7, and Deuteronomy 31: 16-30. Be sure to check out the show notes on our site TwoChristiansAndAJew.com because there are loads of links there with resources for your musical and intellectual enjoyment.

    Meir-Simchah is available for three different workshops:

    Great Hebrew MenGreat Hebrew WomenHebrew: The Language of the Torah.

    Each will be tailored for your community. Get in touch to schedule and find a price good for your community. Private Hebrew lessons are also available, for people at any level of experience. +972 546375740 | [email protected] | @meirsimchah on Twitter.

    You can connect with Jen on jenniferbrownjones.com or on Twitter @JenBrownJones and with Frank on blog.frankmtaylor.com or on Twitter @Paceaux.

    Our theme music was arranged and performed by David Frankel https://classicalguitarisrael.com/.

  • In this episode we focus on Rosh Hashanah, one of the four Jewish new years, a day of judgment, and a fearful but festive holiday which Jews around the world celebrated just days before we recorded. We introduce Christians to the holiday from a Jewish perspective, discuss the idea of a new year, the nature of judgment, the trouble Christians have with Leviticus, and how Jews see Leviticus very, very differently. We also delve into the nature of creation, define the word mitzvah (“commandment”), describe the shofar (ram’s horn trumpet, and here’s how they’re made: https://youtu.be/yC_OlvUU7_A), and quickly define what is Shabbat (“the Sabbath”). Since this is our first episode, we start off by sharing our hopes and visions for the podcast.

    In this episode, the main sources are Leviticus 23:23-26, Numbers 29:1-6, and The Mishnah, Tractate Rosh HaShanah 1:1-2. The source sheet on our website includes additional sources and notes, as well as Meir’s translations.

    Please share the show generously. And check out our website 2c1j.com where we have a source sheet for each episode and a glossary of Torah terms. Meir-Simchah is available for three different workshops:

    Great Hebrew MenGreat Hebrew WomenHebrew: The Language of the Torah.

    Each will be tailored for your community. Get in touch to schedule and find a price good for your community. Private Hebrew lessons are also available, for people at any level of experience. +972 546375740 | [email protected] | @meirsimchah on Twitter.

    You can connect with Jen on jenniferbrownjones.com or on Twitter @JenBrownJones and with Frank on blog.frankmtaylor.com or on Twitter @Paceaux.

    Our theme music was arranged and performed by David Frankel https://classicalguitarisrael.com/.