
  • This is an episode about a Russian student, interested in art, rebellious in nature, who moves to Berlin and realises she has room to extend her arms and take in a deep breath, and continues her passion as she knows best.

    It could easily have been a podcast about a librarian creating a podcast about librarians (there is also famously another librarian making positive waves in the US).

    This podcast could also easily have been about learning to embrace your own culture even when the political tides push you away from the shores of home.

    We touch on all of these in parts, and stay focused on the source of all, Lulu, a humble, creative and open woman looking to share the fantastic impressions of art as she sees it, with the world.


    Here are some important links to topics raised during the podcast. Please check out Lulu's blog page.




    And here's a link to the organisation that brought us together: wir.de

    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    Oh, and if there is a possibility to do some rating, that would be nice as well. Thank you.

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...!

  • During the talk Tania mentioned a number of different links and activities and websites and she has very kindly supplied with the following starting points for the curious listener:

    A list of all the nationally recognized Scout Associations can be found on the WOSM site here: WS Members Portal (scout.org)

    Kandersteg International Scout Centre: Kandersteg International Scout Centre (kisc.ch)

    UK Scout Association: Scouts

    In Germany there are 4 Associations, which work together via the Ring deutscher Pfadfinder*innen-Verbände Pfadfinden in Deutschland! - Pfadfinden in Deutschland (pfadfinden-in-deutschland.de)

    1. Bund der Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder (BdP) : Bund der Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder e.V. | Bund der Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder e.V. (pfadfinden.de)

    2. Deutsche Pfadfinderschaft Sankt Georg (DPSG): dpsg | Pfadfinden ist mehr als ein Abenteuer!

    Verband Christlicher Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder (VCP): VCP - Verband Christlicher Pfadfinder*innenBund muslimischer Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder Deutschlands (BMPPD): Bund Muslimischer Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder Deutschlands – BMPPD (muslimische-pfadfinder.de)

    Here is the link with more Information to the Impact of Scouting Seminar that I referred to: Media | World Scout Foundation

    The Youtube video of Gidds from Uganda and his amazing story can be found here: KISCImpact - Gidds Bambaga (youtube.com)

    Thank you very much Tania for your time.


    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

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  • We have all used the adjective “inspiration” to refer to someone or something at some point in our lives. It is then followed by a brief period of gaiety, energy and positivity. How long that lasts probably depends on too many factors to name, it could even be completely random.

    Yet would that same gaiety, energy and positivity have occurred without the sense of ‘inspiration’ from whatever had apparently ‘inspired’ us?

    I draw a practical conclusion from “inspiration” and wonder whether it actually originates from somewhere far closer to us all…?

    I would love to hear your thoughts on it so please, do not be shy.

    TwoandaMic clocking out!


    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    Oh, and if there is a possibility to do some rating, that would be nice as well. Thank you.

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...!

  • We live in a society where bad people do horrendous things and are rewarded for doing them. We see it in every society played out on varying levels of insanity, like a video game going from Big Boss to Big Boss, without end.

    The topic for this episode refers to Azerbaijan and Aliyev’s bloodthirsty policy towards the Armenians native to Kharapagh. He had their towns and villages bombed, the soldiers’ dead bodies humiliated, and their leaders imprisoned. They remain in prison to this day. And Azerbaijan is rewarded by hosting an event the government cares not a whit for.

    On June 7 2024 at 14:00 at the World Conference Center, Platz der Vereinten Nationen 2, there is a demonstration in Bonn to address this grave injustice where people and countries are being called NOT to boycott COP29, because the event itself is fundamentally important, but the delegates are being asked to raise their voices and demand explanations of their hosts.

    The hashtags are: #COP29 #greenwashgenocide #freearmenianprisoners

    Thank you, Jonathan, for your time and your passionate words.


    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    Oh, and if there is a possibility to do some rating, that would be nice as well. Thank you.

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...

  • It is with pleasure I return to Melville’s short form. Are salespeople ever welcomed more heartily than this one here? I would think not and yet, having been so welcomed, he sets about displaying the exact characteristics that have always turned me away from a career in sales (not forgetting that I am a terrible salesperson anyway). In addition, the salesman is only too happy to speak of his own superior knowledge in a way that Rebecca Solnit would quite happily have coined him “mansplainer” I doubt not.

    Melville’s clever turn-of-phrase in dialogue is sweetly in evidence once more.


    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    Oh, and if there is a possibility to do some rating, that would be nice as well. Thank you.

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...

  • How did people of African countries see themselves in the past? How do they see themselves today? It’s an interesting perspective to consider especially as so much of the history about people from Africa has been written by non-natives. Yet those false narratives continue to shape perceptions of Africans.

    When we consider the slave trade, historical references list slaves as objects of trade and they remain represented as such. They are objects, assets, numbers, profits or whatever else the slave trading Europeans considered them to be. The histories account for this as well and in learning this we fail to recognise that there were considerable rebellions, uprisings, resistance to the slave trade. Slavery ended because of such resistance. It stopped because the fightback organised and executed by people who had slavery forced upon them, overcame the odds. They fought back and they won their freedom. History records it as though their freedom, having been taken by the European, was graciously and generously returned to them. As Adémola puts it in talking with me, “As long as there was slavery, there was slave resistance!”

    Thank you Adémola for the inspiration you are and I hope we will have a chance to speak again soon.


    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    Oh, and if there is a possibility to do some rating, that would be nice as well. Thank you.

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...!

  • What follows is an introductory analysis into a term I first picked up in Germany, which in being in German makes complete sense of course – Fehler Kultur. Despite my falling into the trap of assuming the English false friend of ‘failure’ of course I had in mind, ‘mistake,’ which is naturally what the word ‘Fehler’ would signify, given a choice between the two…but on the meaningful side of the issue, Lilek and I jump into a brazen discussion on what having a ‘culture that accepts mistakes’ and that is set up to “embrace” the errors of team members in the pursuit of a “growth mentality” within the organisation signifies.

    We look at politics and point to examples of bad practice in businesses too and emerge at the end with suggestions on how people might individually pave the way for boldness, fortifying their growth mindset and being the change they so desire.

    Thank you, Lilek, for your time and thoughts as always.


    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    Oh, and if there is a possibility to do some rating, that would be nice as well. Thank you.

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...

  • The sci-fi juggernaut that is 3 Body Problem has left a multidimensional impact on the landscape of storytelling. It throws the reader into the past and picks them up again feeling relatively queasy at some point in the present, with a few notes of futurism thrown in for good measure.

    It’s a sci-fi story with a lot of science and a lot of story, and a thick pinch of fiction. It is not for the faint hearted, but having said that, it has a depth not commonly found in modern stories. The TV show is easier on the mind intellectually speaking, but as Greg says here, “stands alone”.

    Thank you, Greg, for your time. It’s always a pleasure to catch up.


    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    Oh, and if there is a possibility to do some rating, that would be nice as well. Thank you.

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...

  • Continuing with the corruption theme I began some weeks ago, here is a short analysis on democracy. Yes I know, for everyone democracy is the holy grail of political ideologies. I understand that we cannot mess with your prized baby when it comes to the champion of liberty. Yet when was the last time you stopped to question exactly whether what we have is a democracy at all?

    From a certain point of view, the question must be asked, is it really a democracy if it has to be exported at the point of a bayonet? What is on the menu nowadays? Coup for starters, bombs for the mains, and democracy for dessert, as long as people choose someone we like to lead the liberation movement, and then award us all the juicy contracts.

    Democracy in its current guise is corruption made real on a global scale. Not because the idea of democracy is bad, but because the leaders of democracies aren’t interested in the democratic values of the system, just the profit margins. Voting every few years is an exercise in voicing your thoughts, but what if the whole thing is fixed? What if whoever you vote for delivers the same long-term results? What if the business interests in the background, own both stables in a two-horse race? And just to keep those two horses in the lead, a third more gruesome creature lurches on the sidelines as a marker…

    It sounds all conspiratorial but it’s just a description of what we can see happening. In some countries one of the two main parties have absorbed the creature, in others they remain temporarily isolated yet heavily influential.

    If people really care about their democracy and they really want to protect it, then they need to do more than vote every few years. If people want to value the freedoms that the declaration on Human Rights guarantees, we need to make sure that we are willing to become active, loud, and inconvenient in the face of oppression, no matter how familiar or friendly that face may appear…!

    Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Amnesty International


    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    Oh, and if there is a possibility to do some rating, that would be nice as well. Thank you.

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...

  • Amber has fast become the go to person for all things new and fantastical on TV. She has successfully negotiated 3 Body Problem, Fallout, WoT of course, and also Shogun. She has also spoken a lot about The Expanse, and I am sure there are some others I can’t think of off the top of my head.

    What is extremely impressive remains the dedication, professionalism and ever-increasing regularity with which Amber produces top quality, critical content. In addition to this, she has made the jump to regularly recording video content with her guests which is an undertaking I am still not technically willing to consider. What I mean with all this, is that Amber is a lot braver than I am.

    Here we discuss some of the shows mentioned above, the art of escapism, and how online trolling really doesn’t make any sense.

    Thank you Amber for your time as always!


    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    Oh, and if there is a possibility to do some rating, that would be nice as well. Thank you.

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...

  • How do we achieve peace from chaos? How do we find a path to respect and understanding when society is pushing us towards anger, frustration and playing the blame game on unsuspecting people. How do we speak with our native wisdom and receive answers?

    If I could answer those questions I’d be a much wiser person than I really am. We don’t all possess the same set of keys, we don’t find ourselves on the same paths. We need to use different skills in different ways to achieve our unique results.

    In this podcast Tanja talks about her experiences in Thailand where she went to meditate in a monastery, to help find her way back to her inner peace. I myself can’t make such a trip and I suspect that many people can’t. Yet we need not all do so to find our own path towards calmness and understanding. Tanja talks about some of the experiences she has had and the thoughts that occurred to her, and perhaps within the sharing of these experiences, others can find some answers to the questions posed above.

    Thank you again Tanja for your time.


    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...!

  • When we use words we learned as children, we feel safe in their usage, because they were taught by trusted teachers in a trusted institution. We don’t always reflect on where they come from, what they signify, or how they may be interpreted by others. For some it doesn’t even matter. For many it matters more than they know.

    Breaking down biases that have built up walls in our minds can be an arduous and painstaking task. Yet in a society becoming constantly more diverse, do we not see the need to reanalyse how we communicate and the words we use to communicate with? Or do we try to deny diversification, even when it is there, staring at us, waiting to be understood?

    In this episode I refer to the boxes we start to build from our childhood and just a single phrase. How many more simple phrases have etched unconscious biases into the fabric of our thoughts? At what stage do we go back and try to identify what effect those biases have?

    It’s likely time already.


    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...

  • This is a podcast about basketball. It is about sporting greatness and about NBA history. It is about what sport means to a young person growing up and being surrounded by people who love sport and want to share in that with you.

    It’s about what that sport represents to a person. It’s about disappointment when someone big does something you can never reconcile yourself with.

    This podcast looks to answer a simple question. Did LeBron ruin the NBA?

    Let me know what you think.

    Thanks for your time, Chris.


    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...!

  • This is one of my favourite poems because it speaks to me of a parent’s love for their child and of a person wishing to impart wisdom in an affectionate manner.

    It is a little dated, yet the words remain delicately selected and impressive. It was written in the 19th century as a tribute to Leander Starr Jameson, from whom Kipling hoped his son would draw inspiration. It is perhaps here that my discomfort stirs. The odour of colonialism and elitism is somewhat pungent.

    In my spoken introduction I refer to ‘chivalry’ as a value I appreciate. I cannot separate the knightly virtue from my thought as being a value for good. I know that most knights who claimed to follow that path were only chivalrous to people of a ‘higher station,’ however, and that is where the dream fades. Chivalry for me, is a non-sexist, non-political, tolerant, respectful, and temperate code. Chivalry should ALWAYS protect the dignity of ALL others, without selective consideration for personal reward thereafter.

    We face a world today where chivalry is only a faint ideal conjured up by old movies that tell of glorious pasts, and that which fail to present the complete picture of those times. It is not the job of a movie-producer to record history as a historian would. Though perhaps we should use movies we like as inspirational material to learn what really happened, and to whom, and why.

    TwoandaMic clocking out!


    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...

  • Writers so often take the most mundane and show us the potential depths to their apparent shallowness. So it is with Marquez here. Not only does he dramatize the mundane, he does so in under a thousand words.

    The themes he calls upon us to consider are corruption, power, vengeance. They sway, they comingle, they wrestle and then they simply drift apart.


    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content.

  • This podcast asks why it is we can today accept such poor leadership. It’s about how we have allowed ourselves to be so poorly managed. It’s about we don’t demand more.

    This is the first part of a few podcast monologues I will be throwing out there to add my voice to the clamour of voices demanding more, better, and damn quickly too.


    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...!

  • Mischka and I cover a variety of topics under the very general title of feminism and patriarchy. As this episode is released on the eve of International Women’s Day, activists are still fighting for women’s equality and it is important to remind everyone of some of the original characters in the suffragette movement and the various waves of feminism over the last 100 years.

    Injustice is the relentless shadow of humanity that we may never truly unburden ourselves of, yet if we can one day attain true equality for women, maybe that shadow will also be thrown off.

    Here below is a list of some of the books and movies that Mischka recommends on the subject of feminism.

    Thank you for time Mischka.



    1. Bittersweet by Susan Coin: Longing for something, even for equality can be a great way of how to use an artistic expression

    2. Burnout by Emily & Amelia Nagoski (2019)

    3. Use of the Erotic by Audre Lorde (1978)

    4. Wages for Housework by Louise Toupin (2018) draws on history of feminist movement between 1972 – 77


    British Women Rights Activists: Film called Suffragette

    American Women Rights Activists: Film Iron Jawed Angels shows that U.S suffragette were inspired by British suffragette.

    Episode Art Photo by Paul von Brunn.

    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...!

  • I often went to bed thinking “I don’t know if they’re going to make it.” In June last year a chance meeting allowed Dr Boshart to solidify plans for a dream that she has had as a medical doctor in providing her community, the Anishinaabe people, the kind of healthcare that addresses their needs. As Dr Boshart explains, that goes beyond the purely medical and physical needs. It addresses social, spiritual and mental issues, developing relationships, building on the blocks of understanding to deliver what the community wants, not what the healthcare system feels they should be provided.

    The day after our podcast, Dr Boshart and her team had to go in and pack everything away. The people they had temporarily given hope and dignity back to from a medical standpoint, would no longer have access to her caring, empathetic, authentic care.

    Thank you Dr Boshart for taking the time to talk about this extremely emotional story.


    Here is a link to the first podcast we did: https://rss.com/podcasts/twoandamic/1012570/

    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content.

  • In this glorious poem, T S Eliot shows not only his depth of thought, but also the breadth of his reading and the respect he had for those who came before and who stepped alongside. It was first published in 1915 in the magazine Poetry: A Magazine of Verse.

    The poem did not receive the plaudits it deserved at the time, but in retrospect it is given great respect.


    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content...

  • How do we envision our futures? Politicians are really lacking in this area. There is no vision for the future. Communities need to decide what they need, and we need decentralised systems to provide us what we need.

    The SDGs are a wonderful set of ideas and principles, but they are not a rule book and they do not provide nations, regions or governments of any size a playbook by which to mitigate the effects of climate change or to specifically protect the environment, endangered species and delicate ecosystems.

    There are scientists fighting a battle of information uphill and with one hand tied behind their backs against the lobby machines of powerful corporates whose annual dividend increases are the only changes they are interested in. These corporate machines hold the golden-black strings of political influence and media control. When people talk of a systemwide change that needs to come in, these are the kinds of factors that need to be addressed.

    We can make changes at local and regional levels that will send out ripples across the vastness of our lands. Through these ripples we can adjust what needs to be adjusted, help communities become self-sufficient and inspire hopes of fairness, equality and sustainability through practical measures.

    Thank you Saroj and Philippe for your time and for sharing your thoughts and experiences.


    Welt Hunger Hilfe: Für eine Welt ohne Hunger und Armut - Welthungerhilfe

    Nutrition Smart Community: NutritionSmartCommUNITY (@nutritionsmartcommunity) • Instagram photos and videos

    A video to the project: https://youtu.be/4x7sxPRcxfc?feature=shared


    Why India's Gen Z and millennials feel more stressed – DW – 01/29/2024


    I welcome opinions of every kind so please come and find me on social media at:

    Instagram: TwoandaMic

    Twitter: TwoandaMic1

    Should I really have to ask? 😉 If you like the developing story of this social journey unfurling in my series of podcasts, feel more than free, feel partially responsible for spreading the word by subscribing and sharing and where possible, liking. It is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    PS. The transcript has been generated automatically and does not always reflect what has been said with 100% accuracy. I hope however that it will still provide some clarity on the content.