Communication seems like a completely natural, obvious and fundamental part of being a person living amongst other people in society. It doesn't take a whole lot to communicate, and we do it all the time in direct and indirect ways. Which is the exact reason for studying it at an academic level.
Professor at communication studies, Sine Nørholm Justesen joins the studio to talk about the course.
Sine explains why and how studying communication at RUC makes sense, and how the fact that it's the first communication course in Denmark, makes it such deep-rooted and thouroughly thought out. We also talk about what 'professional' communication skills means, how communication can be bound together with any other academic field and how a muddied information landscape in the future, makes communicative experts even more needed.
Remember to also read about the subject at ruc.dk.
Developed, hosted and produced by Mathias Broby Petersen. -
Everywhere there are businesses which run smoothly, while incorporating a bunch of different disciplines. To make it all run as intended, the businesses juggle an active network of dynamics and impulses from both internal and external forces.
Head of study at business studies, Mette Apollo Rasmussen joins the studio to talk about the course.
First of all, Mette explains how this combi subject course differentiates itself from the similar single subject course at RUC; business administration. Mette also talks about how the course implements different disciplines like law, accounting and HRM. Other than that she expands on how business studies is able to follow current developments within the business world, and which projects the students write during the course.
Remember to also read about the subject at ruc.dk.
Developed, hosted and produced by Mathias Broby Petersen. -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Physics is one of the fundamental scientific disciplines, which seeks to understand essential behaviours in our universe. That, and the fact that it’s one of the oldest academic subjects, obviously tells you why it’s mega important.
Head of study at physics at RUC, Nicholas Bailey hops into the studio to talk about the course.
We talk about what kind of motivation you should have to study physics, which should come from within. We also talk about admission requirements, why quantum mechanics is a larger focus on the course and how physics can help with solving green transitions.
Remember to also read about the course at ruc.dk.
Developed, hosted and produced by Mathias Broby Petersen. -
Biological processes goes on around us all the time, and is obviously a part of shaping our everyday life. Understanding these processes are therefore essential for understanding ourselves and the surrounding world.
For this episode we’ve have invited head of study at bioprocess science at RUC, Per Meyer Jepsen into the studio to talk about the course.
Per explains about how the course at RUC focuses on the bioprocesses in a truly interdisciplinary way, but doesn’t purely develop technological solutions. We talk about how the course is inspired by the natural world in service of mankind, its relevance for modern circular supply chains and how the students excitement in the lab can be hard to control. Per also inform us about the story of a bachelor’s student getting a job at Novo Nordisk.
Remember to also read about the course at ruc.dk.
Developed, hosted and produced by Mathias Broby Petersen. -
Mathematics are so fundamental to understanding how things work in our modern world. Its underlying equations are the same, whether you’re creating models for pandemics or creating data programs.
Head of study at mathematics at RUC, Jesper Schmidt Hansen jumps on the mic to talk about the course.
We talk about which focus mathematics at RUC has, its role in understanding artificial intelligence and how the basic tools you get from mathematics at RUC can be used in a plethora of ways. We also talk about one of the most quoted scientists in Denmark, who’s actually a mathematician from RUC.
Remember to also read about the course at ruc.dk.
Developed, hosted and produced by Mathias Broby Petersen. -
Businesses are everywhere you look, and seemingly they run smoothly day after day, week after week. To keep them running, there's a lot of disciplines that come into play. It's a fine network of impulses shooting back and forth, which keeps all of these different and diverse businesses on the right track.
Head of study at business administration, Mette Apollo Rasmussen joins the studio to talk about the course.
Mette talks us through how different disciplines like law, accounting and HRM intertwine at the course, and more importantly, how they convey it to students in a comprehensive and adequate way. We also talk about how the lecturers invite real-life businesses to RUC, how the course can help structuring organizations in the future and how even the smallest daily behavior patterns can help paint a broader picture of businesses.
Remember to also read about the subject at ruc.dk.
Developed, hosted and produced by Mathias Broby Petersen. -
Our environment is something that we cannot avoid, and we’re constantly engaged in a relation with it. That’s why the bachelor’s subject environmental biology exists at RUC.
Head of study at environmental biology, Per Meyer Jepsen joins the studio to talk about the course.
Per talks us through the different aspects of environmental biology, and explains how it’s grounded in good old fashioned biology. We also talk about how the students are out collecting samples from nature, and bring them home to examine at the the labratory in close collaboration with lecturers at the university. Other than that, we talk about their field work week, what projects the students write and how environmental biology can help with explaining all of the unknowns present in nature.
Remember to also read about the subject at ruc.dk.
Developed, hosted and produced by Mathias Broby Petersen. -
Cultural encounters is a constant in the contemporary lifestyle, and if it isn't, everyone still gets affected by cultural encounters in a multitude of intertwined and complex ways.
Lecturer at the bachelor's course, cultural encounters at RUC, Louise Tranekjær takes us through different aspects of her course in this episode of Tusinde og To Valg.
We talk about how the course can encompass such a vast and complex field of studies, and how a fundamental understanding of cultural interactions have got a wide range of uses. We also talk about the international nature of the course, and how the students draw upon their own real-life experiences throughout their studies. For example when undertaking a study of cultural encounters in the 5C bus in Copenhagen.
Remember to also read about the subject at ruc.dk.
Developed, hosted and produced by Mathias Broby Petersen. -
Chemistry is here, there and everywhere. It's a essential part of fulfilling peoples most basic needs, which makes it quite a rich and complex subject area. And the again, maybe not.
We talk with head of studies at chemistry at RUC, Anders Malmendal, and he helps us grasp what the course contains.
He breaks the course down, and explains what chemistry is about in very simple terms. Anders also tells us about which unique opportunities you have at RUC, to get a wide and ground-level understanding of chemistry, before you specialize further. Other than that, he emphasizes the use of experiments, and draws on his own experiences to point out, that you can use chemistry in a surprisingly diverse way.
Remember to also read about the subject at ruc.dk.
Developed, hosted and produced by Mathias Broby Petersen. -
Bæredygtig omstilling lyder som et par buzzwords, der er gået inflation i de seneste år. Kandidatfaget bæredygtig omstilling på RUC er dog alt andet end et par buzzwords. Det er et fag, som går til de store samfundsmæssige problemstillinger vi står overfor, indenfor områder som klima og energi, med en naturfaglig og teknisk viden.
I denne episode af Tusinde og To Valg taler vi med lektor Thomas Budde Christensen om kandidatuddannelsen bæredygtig omstilling på RUC.
Thomas forklarer hvordan bæredygtig omstilling overhovedet skal forstås, og hvordan de studerende bliver undervist i at koble samfundsvidenskab, naturvidenskab og teknik sammen. Det giver dem nemlig evnen til at integrere en bred palette af vidensfelter i helt konkrete og håndgribelige løsninger, som faktisk kan bruges ude i samfundet. Vi kommer også ind på deres hyggelige studieture til Bruxelles, der naturligvis ikke foregår i et fly.
Husk også at læse om faget på ruc.dk.
Udviklet, beværtet og produceret af Mathias Broby Petersen. -
What is social psychology of everyday life?
In this episode of Tusinde og To Valg, we talk to subject module coordinator, Charlotte Grum about the bachelor’s subject at RUC.
Charlotte gives us insight into how the teaching of social psychology of everyday life at RUC is able to capture this large field. Among other things, this is done by focusing on the subjective experience of people in a wider context.
We also learn about which subjects the students write about in their projects, how the mix of students create a better understanding of daily life and which jobs the students get after studying social psychology of everyday life at RUC. -
In this week's episode of Tusinde og To Valg, we talk to Klaas Dykmann, head of studies at international studies, about the bachelorsubject at RUC 🌍
You will gain insight into the structure of the course and what you can expect from its content. You will be informed about what makes the subject unique at RUC and what future opportunities it offers, as well as how previous students have used the education 💡 -
Hvad er tværvidenskabelige sundhedsstudier? 💉
I denne episode af Tusinde og To Valg taler Mathias med studieleder for tværvidenskabelige sundhedsstudier på RUC, Nicole Thualagant.
Vi taler om hvordan tværvidenskabeligheden er med til at forme uddannelsen. Vi kommer også rundt om fagets store aldersdiversitet, hvor de studerende tager i praktik og hvordan de studerende kan være med til at forme fremtidens sundhedssystem.
Husk også at læse om faget på ruc.dk.
Udviklet, beværtet og produceret af Mathias Broby Petersen. -
I denne kandidatuddannelses studieordning er der et billede af et SPYO værk, hvor der står ‘Forbliv naiv’. Det er måske den bedste tilgang til at forstå det felt som By & Plan beskæftiger sig med, fordi det er fyldt med hensynstagen og problemforståelse.
I ugens episode af ‘Tusinde og To Valg’ taler vi med studieleder Kristian Nagel Delica om kandidatuddannelsen By & Plan på RUC.
Kristian fortæller os om hvordan alumnerne ikke uddannes i en traditionel, men ikke desto mindre en højaktuel profession. Han udfolder deres tredelte uddannelsesstruktur, fagets feltture og hvilke jobs man kan få med kandidaten.
Husk også at læse om faget på ruc.dk.
Udviklet, beværtet og produceret af Mathias Broby Petersen. -
Økonomi foregår vel altid i samfundet. Det var den første tanke, der sprang frem under forberedelsen til denne episode. Samfundsøkonomi er dog for nyligt blevet sat i verden særligt med ét formål, hvilket er at forstå økonomi i kontekst på en bæredygtig facon.
I denne episode af Tusinde og To Valg taler vi med studieleder Jakob Vestergaard om bachelorfaget samfundsøkonomi på RUC.
Jakob fortæller os om hvordan samfundsøkonomi, der er en af få etfags-bachelorfag på RUC, helt nøjagtigt skal forstås. Vi taler med ham om hvordan de har inkorporeret bæredygtighed i faget, om der er meget matematik og hvilke aftagere der er på arbejdsmarkedet.
Husk også at læse om faget på ruc.dk.
Udviklet, beværtet og produceret af Mathias Broby Petersen. -
Vores dagligdag er efterhånden godt sovset ind i data og digitale systemer. Det gør at der bliver nødt til at være studerende, som bliver undervist i at lave den slags på en god måde. Derfor bliver datalogi kun mere og mere relevant i fremtiden.
I denne episode af Tusinde og To Valg taler vi med lektor Maja Hanne Kirkeby om bachelorfaget Datalogi på RUC.
Hun fortæller om hvorfor datalogi på RUC gør de studerende klar på den virkelighed de kommer ud til. Vi kommer rundt om hvordan man anvender den viden man får fra undervisningen, sociale komsammener som ‘pizza & kodning’ samt hvorvidt de studerende koder i undervisningen.
Husk også at læse om faget på ruc.dk.
Udviklet, beværtet og produceret af Mathias Broby Petersen. -
Fysik er på en måde et fag man har lidt ærefrygt for, fordi det er en af de ældste og største akademiske discipliner. Det gør dog ikke noget ved nytænkningen på et fag, hvor eksperimenter er i højsædet.
I denne episode af Tusinde og To Valg taler vi med studieleder Kristine Niss om bachelorfaget fysik på RUC.
Hun fortæller os om hvordan et højt begynderniveau ikke er så intimiderende, som det måske kan virke til for studerende.Vi taler også om hvordan kurset indrammer fagets mange discipliner, legepladsprojekter og den fremtidige digitalisering af fysikfaget.
Husk også at læse om faget på ruc.dk.
Udviklet, beværtet og produceret af Mathias Broby Petersen. -
Hvad er politik og forvaltning?
Politik og forvaltning lyder en smule tungt og tørt, måske særligt forvaltning. Det er dog langt fra virkeligheden. Det er nemlig netop det fagområde, der sørger for at vi lever i et dynamisk, moderne og velfungerende samfund.
I denne episode af Tusinde og To Valg taler vi med studieleder Carina Saxlund Bischoff om bachelorfaget Politik og Forvaltning på RUC.
Carina fortæller os om hvordan politik og forvaltning går hånd i hånd i vores samfund. Derudover talte vi med hende om hvilke arbejdspladser alumnerne ender hos, om hvorfor forvaltningen af offentlige midler er vigtig at forstå og at faget også kan læses som en etfags-bachelor.
Husk også at læse om faget på ruc.dk.
Udviklet, beværtet og produceret af Mathias Broby Petersen. -
Hvad er virksomhedsstudier?
At studere virksomheder lyder ret ligetil. Men det handler ligeså meget om at nytænke virksomheder, og ikke kun forstå dem.
I denne episode af Tusinde og To Valg taler vi med studieleder Margit Neisig om bachelorfaget virksomhedsstudier på RUC.
Margit fortæller os om hvorvidt det bare er en halv HA, hvor meget matematik der er og hvordan man skal huske at se virksomheder som sociale og organisatoriske strukturer.
Husk også at læse om faget på ruc.dk.
Udviklet, beværtet og produceret af Mathias Broby Petersen. -
Hvad er geografi?
Mange forbinder geografi med kort og ekspeditioner, og det er ikke helt forkert at gøre. Dog er der meget mere til geografi.
I denne episode af Tusinde og To Valg taler vi med lektor Thomas Skou Grindsted om bachelorfaget geografi på RUC
Thomas giver os en større forståelse af geografi, og fortæller om hvorfor det ikke bare er et atlas eller ekspeditioner. Vi taler med ham om hvordan det sted vi bor og lever er centralt for alle mennesker og hvordan det er vigtigt at tænke natur, samfund og kultur sammen.
Husk også at læse om faget på ruc.dk.
Udviklet, beværtet og produceret af Mathias Broby Petersen. - Visa fler