
  • Air Date - 11 September 2024

    Yesterday, I was walking on the trails – asking questions of the universe and as soon as I had a thought that made me smile, a snake crossed my path.

    Snakes have to be my spirit animal – for real – and the ironic thing is I used to be terrified of snakes… still not a fan!

    As soon as I saw the snake, I was startled and my heart burst open with laughter and surprise – and in that moment I knew that something massive had transformed in my life… something that I have spent 40 + years trying to change.

    It was a eureka moment and the truth is I have had many eureka moments out in the trails and in nature.

    Transformation is something that we strive to achieve- we work hard, process, go to the therapist, meditate, all because we are looking for those eureka moments.

    What we sometimes miss is that transformation happens in the little moments. The surrender allows change to happen organically in the unexpected moments.

    And the best part, is you don’t have to work so hard to make it happen, you ask for change and then allow those moments to appear… and then you watch what needs to leave your life so you can make space for what’s to can!


    #Transformation #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

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  • Air Date - 28 August 2024

    The other day I saw a woman I hadn’t seen in over 6 months and she barely recognized me – she asked if I was on ozempic and I laughed.

    For the last year and a half, I stopped rigorous exercise, I started eating mostly plant-based although in the last month started eating meat and animal fats again. I slept more, rested more, walked occasionally and things in my life started to shift dramatically.

    I lost over 15 pounds, my business built itself, my friendships & relationships in general improved, I had a sense of peace and calm, and I realized that I had found a way to release the fight or flight in my system, naturally lower cortisol, and have much fewer stress responses in my daily life.

    I started using the methods I discovered with my clients and things in every area of my life dramatically improved.

    When we take the time to regulate our nervous system and prioritize peace and calm, we can dramatically change our lives.

    Come listen to how this episode may help you have better sleep, improved mental health, less stress, and an overall sense of preach and calm!

    You can get a free download on my website for healing your nervous system.


    #NervousSystem #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

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  • Air Date - 21 August 2024

    The Two Most Important Aspects to Thriving In All Your Relationships – Hint – it’s not Communication!

    We all long for deep friendships, big love, thriving business connections and so much more, but let’s face it – relationships can be challenging.

    I’m no relationship expert, but I do know a few key aspects that are instrumental in thriving in all your relationships.

    Join us today for a candid look at what you might be missing and what you can do to remedy the situation.

    If you resonate with this show, skip the waitlist and get instant access to a free master class that will allow you to shift Your perspective and truly discover what it takes for you to have thriving relationships with yourself and others! http://www..katherinemcintosh.com/LSASMC


    #Relationships #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

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  • Air Date - 14 August 2024

    I’ve had the pleasure of being around some of the most fascinating people in the world.

    From 2 year-olds to some of the most brilliant creative successful adults in the world.

    And so many of them have a unique gift that doesn’t fit the spectrum of business plans or business schools, isn’t practical, logical, or linear, and doesn’t fit the norm – for all of you out there searching to fit in – don’t. Your uniqueness is what creates success, joy, aliveness, and everything in between.

    Especially for those of you who spent your lives trying to fit in a didn’t or for those of you who are raising amazing-spirited kids – listen up! This one is for you!!


    #Spectrum #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

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  • Air Date - 07 August 2024

    So many times we focus on what we can do in the external realm to shift our health, relationships, abundance, business, work life and so much more. But true change happens when we focus on the inside.

    When you begin to shift your perspective to focus on all that is good I. Your life, appreciating what is working – it activates the good energy in your life and opens the door for things to shift from the inside out.

    Instead of focusing on results (which takes you out of being connected and present with yourself, allow yourself to anticipate all your dreams, goals, and visions coming true. Feel

    What it feels like, open your heart to the moment, feel the expansion from the inside out and you will be astounded at how quickly things around you begin to transform.

    Know that when you focus on what matters – the energy inside your body, spirit, and soul, the external world starts to organize itself to contribute to you and then you will begin to comprehend the magic of letting yourself come alive.

    For free downloads. Access to masterclasses, and so much more, go to; www.katherinemcintosh.com

    #Anticipation #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

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  • Air Date - 17 July 2024

    What happens when the body breaks down and you no longer feel in control?

    I see it all the time… an incredibly successful businessman, or a beautiful woman, or someone who’s been a health nut their whole life, gets diagnosed with a disease…

    It can be a very scary, heartbreaking moment. Most people then spend their time, focus, and energy on the diagnosis and trying to fix the symptoms.

    Today, we’re going to take a different spin on what’s actually happening, how to take back control, and what you can do to empower yourself on a healing journey.

    Warning, I am not a doctor or a medical professional. I have spent my life helping people overcome the impossible and shift their perspective so they can take back control of their lives.


    #BodyBreaksDown #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

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  • Air Date - 10 July 2024

    Ending the Need for Validation: Breaking Free to Achieve Your Dreams

    Life is hard enough. Needing validation from other people’s approval only drains your energy, leaves you second-guessing yourself, and distracts you from your truth.

    When we work hard to try to fit in or make others happy, we stop being ourselves, which creates disease, disconnection, depression, and more…

    Discover why it’s so important to honor you, pay attention to your truth, and live your life on your terms..

    Skip the waitlist and get instant access to a free masterclass to awaken you to your best life – https://www.katherinemcintosh.com/LSASMC


    #Validation #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

    Connect with Katherine McIntosh at https://www.katherinemcintosh.com

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  • Air Date - 26 June 2024

    What if you know more about your body, your business, your life, and the next steps to take more than anyone else?

    The trick to following your inner guidance isn’t logical. It’s an internal compass that navigates itself on the subtle energies of your asks.

    Oftentimes, taking that leap of faith and saying yes to things that aren’t logical requires a few things

    Let go of judgment of yourself, your body, your past, and your choices
    Have no regrets
    Don’t make decisions based on other people’s opinions
    What other people think about you is none of your business
    Don’t base your choices on fears and insecurities (and definitely don’t expect those to be absent in order to make a decision)
    Learn to pay attention to your body’s communication style
    Trust your YES- especially when it makes no sense.
    When we look at the unknown future, oftentimes we buy into the fear we feel, thinking it’s real, but fear and excitement are the exact same vibration so instead of letting fear stop you, use it as a guide to propel you to places and spaces you’ve never been before.


    #DecisionMaking #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

    Connect with Katherine McIntosh at https://www.katherinemcintosh.com

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  • Air Date - 19 June 2024

    I have always resisted the word boundaries because I’ve seen it be misused. But what if the best way to create your life, increase your intuition, and lead you to trust your gut so you can make the best choices for your life has more to do with knowing what is true for you?

    When you get clear on your core values and the energies you want to focus on, you create a clear container where you know exactly what you will and will not allow in your life.

    This is one of the quickest ways to create your life, reduce stress, lower cortisol, and set you up for success.

    If you’d like to learn more, you can skip the waitlist and go straight to a free masterclass that could change your life! https://www.katherinemcintosh.com/LSASMC

    #Boundaries #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

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  • Air Date - 12 June 2024

    If you have been busy trying to figure out what to do to change your body from health, fitness, weight loss, chronic pain, digestion issues, skin disorders, autoimmune deficiencies, and more, this episode is for you.

    In a world full of quick fixes, action-based remedies, and externally focused solutions, your body is designed to do one thing: to heal itself.

    Discover how to activate your body’s natural ability to restore order and health and why what you’re doing hasn’t been working.

    If you’d like access to a free masterclass where you can further explore how to set you and your body free go to: https://www.katherinemcintosh.com/masterclass-opt-in

    #Health #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

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  • Air Date - 22 May 2024

    Chances are, if you are here, you have dreams and visions, and desires for your life that exceed where you are now. You probably meditate, visualize, and take action toward the greater future you can see…

    Whether it’s in relationships, your business, finances, health, wealth, family, or your life, you might not be paying attention to the invisible roadblocks you’ve put in place that are slowing down the process or stopping it all together.

    Come listen as we explore the underbelly of creation and why expectation might be just what you need…

    Learn More HERE! – https://www.katherinemcintosh.com/connect?event-id=5463&utm_medium=company-page&utm_campaign=past-event&utm_source=loup

    #Expectations #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

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  • Air Date - 08 May 2024

    Our body’s natural ability is to heal itself, but when stress, anxiety, fear, shame, and overwhelm dominate our energy field, the body cannot regulate itself either ease. Higher cortisol levels prevent the body from regulating the nervous system, which can lead to weight gain, slowed metabolism, irregular heart beat, a compromised immune system, digestive issues, gas, bloating, and do much more.

    The majority of health issues can stem from chronic nervous system stress.

    Discover why it’s so important to prioritize you nervous system health and begin to come alive!

    Learn More HERE! – https://www.katherinemcintosh.com/connect?event-id=5463&utm_medium=company-page&utm_campaign=past-event&utm_source=loup

    #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

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  • Air Date - 01 May 2024

    Sometimes we hang onto a job, a project, a relationship, a business for too long. Afraid of letting it go or letting it transform into what it can truly be in the world.

    We fear what we think we will miss, we cling to hanging on, but on the journey of life and in the pursuit of making dreams come true, we must be willing to let go to make room for what’s to come.

    You cannot evolve when you are clinging, you cannot grow if you aren’t willing to let go.

    We look at what we’ll lose when we let go. But what if you started to look at what you would gain?

    Let go of the fear, let go of working hard, let go of the need to figure things out, let go of judgment and see what could come your way!

    What is meant for you will always find you.

    In the letting go… you will make space for what you could gain.

    Learn More HERE! – https://www.katherinemcintosh.com/connect?event-id=5463&utm_medium=company-page&utm_campaign=past-event&utm_source=loup

    #LettingGo #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

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  • Air Date - 24 April 2024

    When we want to change our lives, we look to see what we need to do, and that’s different, but what if the true power of change and transformation lies in the power of our thoughts?

    As an Intuitive Consultant, I see most changes happen when we reach the energetic root. The truth is that most of us will never cognitively know what that root is, but our bodies and spirits usually know energetically.

    You become what you think and feel; what if it’s way easier than you think?

    Learn More HERE! – https://www.katherinemcintosh.com/connect?event-id=5463&utm_medium=company-page&utm_campaign=past-event&utm_source=loup

    #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

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  • Air Date - 17 April 2024

    Yesterday, I was talking to a woman over the phone whom I’d never met before. At 50+ years of age, she wanted to awaken to her true gifts. I knew nothing about this woman, didn’t know what she looked like, didn’t know where she was born, knew very little of her story, but she said in her quest to awaken she was still terrified of letting her true self, her innate healing powers emerge from the depths of her soul. She was afraid if she let them out it would destroy her. This is a common thought amongst most healers.

    Within just a few minutes, I could see in her body where she was blocked… I told her it was like dark charcoal going from the Middle of her jaw line on her left side, down the front side of her thyroid on the left side - this was the block. I explained more and then asked if what I was saying resonated, she said she had been struggling with her thyroid for most of her life.

    This block had been in her body for many lifetimes, over many different incarnations and needed to be removed.

    In this episode, come Discover the true power of stepping into your gifts and why, up until now, you have been blocked, afraid or hesitant.

    In the age of Aquarius it is time to awaken to the power within, to overcome the obstacles, and to set both the blockages, as well as imprinting of those blockages free.

    #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

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  • Air Date - 10 April 2024

    The Importance of Letting Things Go – The Power of a Breakdown, Eclipse Season and Preparing for What’s Next

    When you are ready to change something in your life, the universe will collaborate with you to help release anything that doesn’t match your requests.

    So often, we look at the downside of letting things go, afraid of what we might lose. Being willing to let things go makes space for new things to enter your life.

    You cannot hang onto the hold and make space to create the new, so if the universe is airing to help you, let the universe help you; it’s meant to support your future.

    So let them go. Cry it out, leave your shame, guilt, or regret behind, and say yes to the unknown.

    Breakdowns happen when we aren’t prepared or aren’t ready to let things go. This is why a breakdown can lead to a powerful breakthrough and why the power of the two eclipses is helping support your evolutionary journey.

    Make space for what’s new…

    The Eclipse asks us to be mindful of our energy, to return to our dreams, to stop living in mediocrity, and to start prioritizing ourselves, our health, our wealth, our finances, and our relationship with ourselves.

    If you have personally been struggling with people-pleasing and fatigue based on taking care of others… you may want to clear out your people-pleaser so you can be clear, have energy, say yes to what’s next, and allow the energy of the eclipse to support your momentum! Welcome to People Pleasing—The Class, Designed to wake you up, help you evolve, and truly live the life of your dreams…

    #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

    Connect with Katherine McIntosh at https://www.katherinemcintosh.com

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  • Air Date - 03 April 2024

    We all seek something that gives us a sense of freedom. But what if certain aspects of the quest to feel free could cost you the very thing you seek?

    I grew up with a fiercely independent, hard-working mother. I learned not to depend on anyone or anything to fulfill my needs. Relying on others didn’t feel safe.

    Listen to a show that might give you a different perspective on freedom and independence. And how to create the magnificent life you desire.

    Discover the downside of independence.

    And how it can wreak havoc on your nervous system And your ability to receive the abundance meant for you.

    #Independence #IndependentWomen #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

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  • Air Date - 20 March 2024

    Most women believe they must work hard to get what they want, but this pattern cuts off women’s natural ability to receive.

    When we allow ourselves to surrender instead of push, to allow instead of force, to pay attention to actions, not words, a different level of possibilities opens up.

    To all the women working hard to heal, transform, and create, this one is for you!

    #Women #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

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  • Air Date - 13 March 2023

    Most trauma is either preverbal or nonverbal. Those energies get stuck in the physical body. Most of us want to talk about it to understand it because we think once we know it, we can change it, but that’s not how the body works. The body does not need to understand it; it wants to eliminate it.

    Your body does not speak in words, so understanding where you are stuck is not necessarily the key to releasing.

    That only provides a platform for us to recreate our past and our traumas.

    If you are still having a trauma stuck in your body, here are a few things you can do to provide relief so you can move forward in a healthy, healing way.

    #Trauma #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

    Connect with Katherine McIntosh at https://www.katherinemcintosh.com

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  • Air Date - 06 March 2024

    So often, we try to get rid of the wounds and discomfort of the pains of our past. We want to heal them by clearing them, but what if everything in our life was diagnosed to give us information? That information can be a contribution.

    So, instead of trying to get rid of your wounds - fear, shame, or insecurities, what if you changed your relationship to them instead?

    #Wounds #KatherineMcIntosh #TrustingYourGut #Intuition #Consciousness #Lifestyle #BodyAwareness #Health #Wellness

    Visit the Trusting Your Gut Show Page https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/trusting-your-gut

    Connect with Katherine McIntosh at https://www.katherinemcintosh.com

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