A podcast all about the stylophone and the people who do cool things with it. Each episode I interview guests about their stylophone journeys, projects and passion for the stylophone product range. There's also a fun musical challenge or two.
Hosted by Mari Dangerfield.
Editing and music by Mari Dangerfield. Artwork by Leigh Kemp.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
“30 Bach” explores one of the most profound pieces of music ever written: J.S. Bach’s “Goldberg Variations.” Although the piece is over 280 years old, it continues to capture the imaginations of musicians and listeners alike. Through interviews with leading musicians as well as with devoted listeners, the podcast explores why the work is so meaningful to so many and explores the diverse and profound ways that listeners relate to the piece.
The Omnibus Press podcast features musicians and writers in wide ranging conversations about music books.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We are your favourite friendly neighbourhood budtenders, giving you the ins and outs of the legal Canadian Cannabis industry. We are experimenting on the daily, and have the insights of what gas is lurking upon your local dispensary. We can provide the information, so you can find those perfect strains for whatever you Potheads get up to, without taking a risk on the unknown. Like most daily consumers, we try to go for quality and something worth the price you’re paying. Whether you consume medically or recreationally, we got your back.
Wer mit Sprache umgeht wie Julia Engelmann, muss ziemlich verknallt sein. Verrückt nach Formulierungen, beeindruckt von ihrer Wirkung, hingerissen von Kreativität. Sicher schreibt sie auch deshalb unentwegt: Ihre Gedichte in Buchform waren zweimal Spiegel Bestseller und haben sich über eine Million Mal verkauft – die vertonten wurden als „Poesiealbum“ ECHO-nominiert und direkt in die Top Ten der deutschen Charts gehört.
Am herrlichsten ist Kommunikation allerdings im Austausch. In ihrem neuen Podcast "Club der stillen Poet:innen" spricht Julia deshalb mit Menschen über ihre ganz persönlichen kreativen Prozesse und darüber, wie es ist, sich zu trauen, den eigenen Weg ernst zu nehmen. Für alle, die von der Muse schon geküsst wurden oder einfach gerne dabei zuhören. -
A podcast where we talk about all things dance; be it learning dance in the studio, the history of different types of dance, the dance community, our mental health, keeping fit, and the story behind a creative process. Our goal is to get to know each other better and foster healthy conversations within the dance community so we may grow and support each other with love.
We welcome feedback and topic suggestions so feel free to hit us up on Instagram @shoesoffnocap.
Diyana @hipjabidancer
Eli @eliorkid
Izzaz @izzaz_iii
Producer: Shaun @shaunchin_
Logo art: Ammar @robotalienmonster -
Amanda Palmer is a rock star, best-selling author, TED speaker and community leader who does everything on her own terms simply by asking. Now, she turns the tables on her colleagues and heroes to find out how they create art, love difficult people, work for change, and survive the worst moments of their lives. From porn stars to empathy researchers, and cartoonists to climate scientists, no topic is out of bounds.
Established in 2019 Progressive House UK is a global Progcast station & electronic music mix show for like-minded people. Each week we produce a new 'In The Mix' show from our team of resident underground DJs. We also feature a very special 'Guest Mix' series and partner with Flux Electronic Music to bring you the very best of scenes from renowned or emerging international DJs.
You can also find us online on Facebook & Instagram where we create & share unique content, discuss music, UK events, DJ stories and general memorabilia from the electronic music scene.
Music Is Our Shared DNA. -
Maureen Vanden Berghe reçoit un·e invité·e qui lui parle d'un moment précis dans un morceau qui lui retourne la tête.
Voici une playlist Spotify reprenant les titres et épisodes des deux saisons :
@atthismomentpodcast sur insta.
© Studio Camino
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Step aboard our cosmic vessel and embark on a thrilling journey through the annals of science fiction history. Delve into the realms of imagination with us as we traverse the vast expanses of the solar system, encountering aliens, robots, and spacefaring brigands amidst the twinkling stars.
Join us several times a week as we unearth timeless tales penned by the luminaries of vintage sci-fi literature. From the visionary minds of Philip K. Dick to the poetic prose of Ray Bradbury, from the boundless imagination of Isaac Asimov to the pioneering works of H. G. Wells, Arthur C. Clarke, Harlan Ellison, and countless others, we bring you short stories that have shaped the genre for generations.
Prepare to journey back in time a hundred years, or more, to an era when these awe-inspiring narratives first graced the pages of pulp magazines and sci-fi anthologies. Yet, paradoxically, our destination often lies in the distant future, where the echoes of these literary marvels continue to resonate.
Guiding us through this celestial voyage is our narrator, Scott Miller, who serves as your companion and guide as we traverse the cosmos, exploring the wonders of yesteryear and the possibilities of tomorrow. Join us as we navigate the depths of space and time, embarking on an adventure that transcends the boundaries of imagination.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Daan Mackel spricht mit Künstlern und Kreativen über die Kunst, das Leben und noch viel mehr... Hi, ich bin Daan und bin Darstellender Künstler, Jongleur und Moderator. Getrieben von der Neugier und voller Freude auf die Menschen die mir auf meinem Weg begegnet sind habe ich diesen Podcast gestartet. Begleitet mich auf meinem Weg, hört die Geschichten der Artisten, Musiker, Photographen, Schauspielern und Darstellern jeder Art. Podcast ist echt nicht einfach, der Name ist Programm! Auch als Video auf YouTube
Cheers -