
  • Art is a mysterious thing. It’s hard to pin down why one thing moves us and another does not. Similarly, it can be hard to identify that special spark, that unique creativity that an artist can have that lifts their work into something magical. If you don’t have that, all the technical skill and carefully won knowledge in the world won’t get you to that special place. Unless, of course, you just steal it from someone else. This is “Faking It: Art’s Greatest Forger.”

    This is a fun one, y'all. Opulent settings. Drama even a fan of telenovelas might find over the top. International intrigue...and salmon throwing?

    Fake! by Clifford Irving
    New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/1983/04/08/obituaries/fernand-legros-dealer-in-art.html

    Join Katie and Whitney, plus the hosts of Last Podcast on the Left, Sinisterhood, and Scared to Death, on the very first CRIMEWAVE true crime cruise! Get your fan code now--tickets on sale now, and payment plans are available: CrimeWaveatSea.com/CAMPFIRE Follow us, campers!

    Patreon (join to get all episodes ad-free, at least a day early, an extra episode a month, and a free sticker!): https://patreon.com/TrueCrimeCampfire
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    Email: [email protected]
    MERCH! https://true-crime-campfire.myspreadshop.com

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.

  • We’ve covered some real nasty pieces of work on our show over the years. Dive into true crime for any length of time, and you’re bound to come across plenty of people you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley. Or a lit one, even. But even among the rogue’s gallery of devil’s rejects out there, there are some in a league of their own. People so devoid of morals and human empathy that they should really just be shoved in some dank little spider-infested oubliette somewhere and forgotten about, just to protect the rest of us. Today, we’re gonna tell you about two of them.

    Case 1: Hell's Belle - The Crimes of Melissa Patterson
    Case 2: Making a Killing - The Story of Mark Barton, the Day Trader Killer

    Join Katie and Whitney, plus the hosts of Last Podcast on the Left, Sinisterhood, and Scared to Death, on the very first CRIMEWAVE true crime cruise! Get your fan code now--tickets go on sale February 7: CrimeWaveatSea.com/CAMPFIRE

    Appeals court filings, Patterson v State: https://casetext.com/case/patterson-v-state-2099
    Investigation Discovery's "Diabolical," episode "The Rich Get Richer"
    Oxygen's "Snapped," episode "Melissa Patterson"
    Martin Knell's Obituary
    KRGV: https://www.krgv.com/videos/murder-victim-s-only-son-speaks-out-following-conviction/
    My RGV: https://myrgv.com/local-news/2023/09/23/five-years-later-monica-melissa-patterson-still-claims-innocence-despite-the-evidence/
    Time magazine: https://time.com/archive/6736072/a-portrait-of-the-killer/
    New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/1999/07/31/us/shootings-in-atlanta-the-overview-killer-confessed-in-a-letter-spiked-with-rage.html
    Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1999/07/31/killer-wrote-of-fear-hopelessness/af33786a-de37-45cd-9d5f-1098379892dd/
    South Coast Today: https://www.southcoasttoday.com/story/news/nation-world/1999/07/31/atlanta-shooter-had-been-disgruntled/50508538007/

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.

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  • Last week, we learned the identity of the man hired to kill Rozanne Gailiunas—Andy Hopper, an insurance adjustor turned weed dealer who had apparently added “hitman” to his list of careers. But investigators were still uncertain whether Andy was who they were after, or just a middleman who could lead them to the real killer. So they let him remain free—and then, tipped off by his girlfriend, he vanished. Join us for the conclusion of “Bound by Hate: The Murder of Rozanne Gailiunas.

    Join Katie and Whitney, plus the hosts of Last Podcast on the Left, Sinisterhood, and Scared to Death, on the very first CRIMEWAVE true crime cruise! Get your fan code now--tickets go on sale February 7: CrimeWaveatSea.com/CAMPFIRE

    Open Secrets by Carlton Stowers
    D Magazine: https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-magazine/1991/july/fatal-obsessions/

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  • In last week’s episode, young nurse Rozanne Gailiunas was brutally murdered while her young son slept in the room next door. Suspicion initially fell on both her estranged husband, Peter, and her new boyfriend, Larry Aylor. But evidence was thin on the ground, and the case went cold. Three years later, Larry was the target of a botched assassination attempt, but had trouble getting the police to take it seriously. No one connected this shooting to Rozanne’s death. Then, out of the blue, a mysterious woman called investigators and laid the blame for Rozanne’s murder at the feet of her menacing husband, Bill Garland. This mysterious caller turned out to be Carol, the elder sister of Larry Aylor’s wife Joy. And she said Joy was behind the whole thing. Join us for part 2 (of 3) of this twisty tale.

    Join Katie and Whitney, plus the hosts of Last Podcast on the Left, Sinisterhood, and Scared to Death, on the very first CRIMEWAVE true crime cruise! Get your fan code now--tickets go on sale February 7: CrimeWaveatSea.com/CAMPFIRE

    Open Secrets by Carlton Stowers
    D Magazine: https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-magazine/1991/july/fatal-obsessions/

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    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.

  • The late, great Bo Diddley asked one of life’s big questions in one of the 20th century’s greatest songs—“Who Do You Love?” That’s a simple question, but in some relationships, the answer isn’t simple at all. Love, money, revenge—people kill for all kinds of reasons. And in this week’s case, those motives tangle together in a way that will tear lives to pieces. A woman torn between two men, a crime scene straight out of a nightmare, and an investigation that twisted and turned for years.

    Join Katie and Whitney, plus the hosts of Last Podcast on the Left, Sinisterhood, and Scared to Death, on the very first CRIMEWAVE true crime cruise! Get your fan code now--tickets go on sale February 7: CrimeWaveatSea.com/CAMPFIRE

    Open Secrets by Carlton Stowers
    D Magazine: https://www.dmagazine.com/publications/d-magazine/1991/july/fatal-obsessions/

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  • We’ve covered our share of scary ladies on this show. In fact, bad bitches are one of our special interests. There was Tracey Richter, who murdered an innocent neighbor to frame him for a crime he didn’t commit. Marie Hilley, the serial poisoner who eluded police for years and once passed herself off as her own (fictional) twin sister. Marjorie Orbin, the Vegas showgirl who murdered her husband for his life insurance and left his dismembered body in the desert. I could keep going—there are a lot of ‘em. But this week, I think we may have found the scariest one yet. You can tell us if you think I’m wrong, but I think the woman we’re about to tell you about may be the worst of all the women we’ve covered so far…a woman whose heart is a swirling black hole of need and darkness. This is Schemer: The Crimes of Sheila Davalloo.

    Obsessed by M. William Phelps
    Oxygen's "Snapped," episode "Sheila Davalloo"
    Killer Women with Piers Morgan
    Murderpedia (various articles): https://murderpedia.org/female.D/d/davalloo-sheila.htm

    Follow us, campers!
    Patreon (join to get all episodes ad-free, at least a day early, an extra episode a month, and a free sticker!): https://patreon.com/TrueCrimeCampfire
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  • Benjamin Franklin wrote, “Money has never made a man happy yet, nor will it.” To which I think a lot of people would say, yeah, try being poor, Benny. A couple thousand dollars would make me plenty happy right now. But, once you’re beyond the stage of having enough wealth to be comfortable and free from fear of destitution, I think his point mostly stands. We’ve seen a lot of cases involving very wealthy people, and I don’t think you could say they were any happier than the average Joe. If anything, just the opposite. That’s definitely true in this week’s case, which involves a staggeringly wealthy family with a whole collection of messy, grasping lives that culminate in tragedy.

    Serpent’s Tooth Christopher Andersen https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1986/08/07/in-florida-murder-most-malevolent/3c1c9fb0-560b-4b40-8185-fc701724d936/ https://www.naplesnews.com/story/news/local/2016/04/01/medical-examiner-says-benson-was-stabbed-to-death-in-prison/85873180/

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  • Most people love getting a peek behind a fellow human’s carefully managed facade. We’re delighted when we see the local magistrate gettin’ wrecked at a dive bar two towns over. We catch a glimpse of our married coworker making out with a guy who’s not her husband behind the building, and we can’t wait to tell somebody. We love a hot mic moment, when a news anchor or politician drops the mask for a second and acts like the flawed human they are. I think that’s one of the reasons we love hit-man stings on this show. A recording of somebody offering money in exchange for murder—it's the most authentic peek behind the curtain you could possibly get. A person making an inexplicable, evil choice, dropping the face they normally show to the world to show the darkness underneath. This week we have two cases for you: One where a career fraudster and general snake in human form stays exactly true to his character, and one where a respected member of the community does something light-years out of hers.

    Oxygen's "Murder For Hire," episodes "Revenge! Revenge!" and "Wrong Side of the Law"
    CNBC's "American Greed," episode "A Con Man's Deadly Revenge"
    Court papers: https://law.justia.com/cases/colorado/supreme-court/1987/86sc254-0.html
    New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/04/15/nyregion/inmate-gets-life-in-prison-for-plotting-to-behead-a-judge-and-a-prosecutor.html

    Follow us, campers!
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    Facebook: True Crime Campfire
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    Twitter: @TCCampfire https://twitter.com/TCCampfire
    Email: [email protected]
    MERCH! https://true-crime-campfire.myspreadshop.com

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.

  • I have vivid memories of the night of March 22, 1997. Part of it has to do with, y’know, young dumb love—but most of it has to do with the Hale-Bopp Comet, also known as the Great Comet, which was brilliantly visible from my hometown that night. I had a huge crush on this guy, and he invited me to watch the comet with him. We climbed up on the rooftop of this neighborhood bar with a bottle of screw-top wine, and we watched the sky—and suddenly, there it was, a bright silvery ball with a long glowing tail. Magic. I’ll never forget it—wrote some bad poetry about it later that night. And then a couple mornings later, I woke up to the strangest news story of my life. A group calling themselves Heaven’s Gate had taken their own lives en masse out in California—and they’d left behind a video explaining why. They were catching a ride on the comet, with the full certainty that it would take them to paradise. They were leaving their human bodies behind, chasing the pure perfection of enlightenment. These were smart, educated people with families who loved them. What led them to this? Join us for the story of one of the deadliest cults in American history: Heaven's Gate.

    Heaven’s Gate: America’s UFO Religion, Benjamin Zeller https://web.archive.org/web/20081003124716/
    Cult Education Institute
    https://www.heavensgate.com/ https://web.archive.org/web/20080122002236/http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,986136-1,00.html
    Wikipedia "Comet Hale-Bopp" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_Hale%E2%80%93Bopp

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  • As Abe Lincoln once said—or possibly some guy named Peter Drucker, depends on who you ask—the best way to predict the future is to create it. But for a lot of us humans, that’s a little too loosey-goosey. We’re not big fans of the unknown, and we tend to seek out people who claim they can tell us what to expect from the future. Americans, for example, spend billions a year on psychics. A lot of these are legitimate businesspeople who genuinely want to provide counseling and comfort for their clients. But there’s also a bustling trade in psychic fraud—run by people who have no qualms about taking advantage of you at your most vulnerable and desperate. Today we’re gonna tell you about two of those cases. Case 1: The Mysterious Death of Seth Tobias. Case 2: Psychic Scammer Gina Marks

    New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2007/12/04/business/04tobias.html
    ABC News: https://abcnews.go.com/Business/story?id=4279324&page=1
    New York Magazine: https://nymag.com/news/features/43914/
    The Times: https://www.thetimes.com/article/hunt-for-tiger-the-go-go-boy-after-seth-tobiass-death-5n923qml8pf
    The Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/feb/12/bob-nygaard-private-investigator-psychic-fraud
    NBC: https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/maryland-psychic-sentenced-to-6-years-for-scamming-clients/155294/
    TV show "Pink Collar Crime," episode "The Psychic Didn't See Him Coming"

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  • Some of the easiest people on the planet to fool are those who have a real high opinion of their own brains based on very little evidence. A classic con-artist trick is to make the mark think they’re the one in charge, they’re the one making the decisions. They don’t realize they’ve been taken until their bank balance is empty and they’ve signed away the deed to granddaddy’s farm. Sometimes they won’t even see it then, because that would mean facing up to some unpleasant realities about themselves. In this week’s story, the consequences of gullibility and manipulation are a lot heavier than financial ruin—three generations of a family have their lives torn to pieces over greed and a web of the darkest lies imaginable.

    Daddy’s Girl by Clifford Irving
    Court papers: https://casetext.com/case/ray-v-state-51
    The Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1985/02/26/true-confessions/718e2739-0997-4ac0-a551-d860a9f51b7f/

    Follow us, campers!
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    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.

  • On June 10th, 1983, the decomposing body of a well-dressed man was found in a desolate canyon near Los Angeles. John Doe #94 would soon be identified as missing variety show producer Roy Radin. He'd last been seen after meeting with a mysterious woman in a gold dress. Her name was Lanie Jacobs. Jacobs and Radin were obsessed with becoming Hollywood movie producers. And when their paths collided, it led them to a tantalizing film deal promising fame and fortune. But then, a twisted script unfolded, plunging them into a million-dollar cocaine and cash heist, a tangled web of lies, and ultimately – murder.

    The trail led investigators right to Hollywood's doorstep, linking former golden boy producer Robert Evans to the case and dredging up Radin's own troubled past. But the case turned ice cold. It would take more than five years of dogged pursuit by the L.A. Sheriff’s Department detectives, a secret undercover witness, and another murder almost 3,000 miles from Hollywood – to unlock the truth. This is the story of a doomed Hollywood partnership, a grisly murder and the search that stretched across the country for a killer – or killers. From Wondery, and the team behind the hit series Hollywood & Crime: The Dating Game Killer, The Wonderland Murders, Death of Starlet, and the Execution of Bonny Lee Bakley comes a six part series that dives into the dark side of Hollywood through a shocking murder – fueled by ruthless ambition and desperate dreams. Co-hosted by Tracy Pattin and Josh Lucas. Listen to Hollywood & Crime: The Cotton Club Murder: Wondery.fm/TCCM_TCC

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.

  • When we left you at the end of Part 1, fourteen year old Steven Stayner had escaped from seven years of captivity and abuse at the hands of child predator Kenneth Parnell—and he’d rescued Parnell’s next intended victim, a little boy named Timmy White. The story made international headlines, and Steven Stayner became his hometown’s living legend. It was March 1980, both boys were back home safe and Kenneth Parnell was behind bars where he belonged, waiting to go to trial. It seemed like a happy ending. But the story doesn’t end there. The second half of the Stayner saga is even darker than the first. Justice is denied. Secrets come to light. And another member of the family lets his most depraved fantasies cross over to real life.

    Big thanks to Mike Moran of the podcast Confessional with Mike Moran for doing much of the work/research on this one and last week's!

    Wikipedia: Cary Stayner
    A&E's American Justice, episode The Yosemite Killer
    The Crime Reel: Part 2 of The Troubled Lives of the Stayner Brothers
    Casefile (podcast): Yosemite Sightseer Murders Parts 1 and 2
    CBS News: The Yosemite Murders
    SF Gate: https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/defense-to-fight-for-stayner-s-life-lawyers-2820211.php

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    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.

  • In classic literature—and in soap operas, too—there are a lot of families who become lightning rods for misfortune. Sometimes it really strains your suspension of disbelief—like, come on, one family could never go through this much tragedy. But every now and then, a family just seems to be haunted by something sinister. From February through July of 1999, the bodies of four women turned up around Yosemite National Park in California—all brutally murdered and mutilated. The killer was a handsome, likable guy named Cary Stayner, who confessed to the four murders once they had him in custody, and is suspected of quite a few more. And during his confession, the investigators realized why his name had seemed familiar to them. Cary was the brother of Steven Stayner, kidnapped by a pedophile in 1972, forced to change his name to Dennis and held captive for years, until one night in 1980 when he walked into a police station and said, “I know my first name is Steven.” That case captured the world, with books and documentaries covering Steven’s years-long ordeal and the courage of his escape. Now, nearly 20 years later, the Stayner family was once again in the throes of a nightmare. Would Cary have become a serial killer if his brother had never been kidnapped, or was that evil always lurking inside him? It’s a Shakespearean tragedy of a story, and we’ll be telling it in two parts. This is part one--the abduction of Steven Stayner.

    Big thanks to Mike Moran of the Confessional Podcast for doing much of the work/research on this one!

    All That's Interesting: https://allthatsinteresting.com/steven-stayner
    Wikipedia: Kenneth Parnell
    The Crime Reel: Part 1 of 2: Steven Stayner. The Troubled Lives of the Stayner Brothers
    Casefile (podcast): Ep. 154, Steven Stayner
    This Is Monsters (podcast): The Story of Kenneth Parnell, the Kidnapping of Steven Stayner

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  • In Part One, we met high-powered millionaire Ted Ammon and his…let’s say “eccentric” soon-to-be-ex-wife Generosa. When we left off, the Ammons were embroiled in a vicious divorce and a struggle over Ted’s wealth and custody of their twin children. Generosa, staying at the ritzy Stanhope Hotel, was renovating a townhouse and had just met a young electrician by the name of Danny Pelosi. Join us for part 2 of this wild true story.

    Almost Paradise by Kieran Crowley

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  • As much as most of us might try to live easy, conflict-free lives, sometimes you just can’t avoid an uncomfortable interaction. Maybe an unpleasant neighbor gets in your face about nothing at all, maybe someone behind a counter gives you all kinds of attitude, it’s more or less inevitable that sooner or later, someone will throw some grit into the smoothly turning gears of your life. And most of us just deal with it and forget about it. Most of us don’t have actual “enemies,” but the main character in this week’s story made enemies like it was her full-time job. She would burn down years-long friendships over the smallest imagined slight, and if there were an actual, real betrayal—well, she’d burn down your whole life. Join us for part 1 of a story of explosive rage and revenge, set in one of the richest neighborhoods in the world.

    Almost Paradise by Kieran Crowley

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  • Monsters in folklore are easy for us to comprehend. You can only kill a werewolf with a silver bullet, to stop a zombie for good, you have to destroy its brain, and vampires can’t enter your home without your permission. They also have pretty straightforward motivations. Werewolves: Animalistic rage. Zombies: Brains. Vampires: Blood. Human monsters have motivations that are a lot more opaque. What would possess someone to kidnap a woman in broad daylight? To break into a home in the middle of the night to kill the strangers inside? What if no one saw anything? How do you catch a ghost?

    Case 1: The Murder of Ethel Kidd
    Case 2: The Miyazawa Family Murders

    https://www.theguardian.com/world/2001/jan/07/jonathanwatts.theobserver https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/drumoorhouse/setagaya-family-murders-unsolved https://migration.ucdavis.edu/mn/more.php?id=1784
    https://japantoday.com/category/features/kuchikomi/new-book-claims-to-shed-light-on-2000-setagaya-family-murders https://mcsmrampage.com/2020/10/text/ https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/garden-of-unborn-children https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-12-29/the-house-of-horrors-in-setagaya-japan/11771304
    https://medium.com/the-mystery-box/what-we-really-know-about-the-setagaya-family-murder-a87389875e71 https://www.keishicho.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/multilingual/english/safe_society/wanted/seijo.files/eng.pdf https://www.keishicho.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/multilingual/english/safe_society/wanted/seijo.html Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Stack, Season 4, Episode 3 https://www.courtlistener.com/opinion/1074838/edward-wayne-beverly-v-commonwealth-of-virginia/

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  • We tend to cover strange cases on our show. We seek them out, because we find that there are always interesting lessons to be learned there. But when it comes to weird, some cases are in a category all their own. Like a pair of high school students so upset about a grade that they plot the brutal murder of their Spanish teacher…and a mother so obsessed with protecting her child from pain that she loses all sense of right and wrong. They’re two very different cases on the face of things, but underneath they have one major thing in common—the motive is just bizarre.

    Case 1: Final Bell: The Murder of Nohema Graber
    Case 2: Dark Magic: The Murder of Joey Fischer

    Interrogation of Willard Chaiden Miller by Fairfield PD
    Interrogation of Jeremy Goodale by Fairfield PD
    Law & Crime network, YouTube
    Couch Detectives, YouTube
    NBC: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/slain-iowa-teacher-nohema-graber-remembered-best-us-rcna4710
    The New Yorker: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/1993/09/13/murder-on-the-border https://blog.chron.com/narcoconfidential/2013/09/twenty-years-later-recollections-of-wilder-than-fiction-south-texas-murder/

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    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.

  • The philosopher and all-round barrel of laughs Albert Camus wrote, “To be happy, we must not be too concerned with others.” Like any good philosophical quote, you can interpret it in a few ways. To not worry overly much about other people’s opinion of you can be a healthy lesson to learn, for example. But the main character in this week’s case would have a different interpretation—nothing and no-one mattered except his own grasping need for money and control, a need that would tear into pieces the lives of everyone around him. Join us for the story of a serial black widower--a man whose charm and pious Christian exterior hid a devious, murderous heart.

    Free shipping and 365-day returns from Quince: https://quince.com/happycamper

    Black Widower by Michael Fleeman
    Rolling Stone: https://www.rollingstone.com/feature/black-widower-how-one-man-allegedly-murdered-two-wives-199999/
    Court papers: https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/us-10th-circuit/1868895.html

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    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.

  • In the depths of the dark net, tech journalist Carl Miller makes a disturbing discovery: a secret Kill List targeting hundreds of innocent people on a murder for hire website. When the police decide not to investigate, Carl is thrown into a race against time to warn those in danger and uncover the truth about the people who want them dead. From Wondery and Novel, comes a true story about obsession, control and the price of life and death.

    Listen to Kill List on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts: Wondery.fm/KL_TCCF

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    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/true-crime-campfire--4251960/support.