
  • Because of scheduling issues, we had to record this episode over a week before its release. An hour after recording, the scrapping of the idiotic "British ISA" was announced. That's why we don't mention it. We may do next episode. Don't bank on it #AbsoluteShambles

    In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    Topical issues, including DFA movie premiere, TRAP saying “No” to Tough Mudder in 2024, private equity to retail investors, protection review, Standard Life retirement survey, Budget what-ifs, Norges BankMeat and Potatoes: Efficient Market HypeQuestions posted by our beloved TRAPist www.twitter.com/pdragoumisCulture Corner

    Show links: http://tiny.cc/traplinks

    Take part in the conversation! We want YOU to suggest topics and questions you’d like the Trap Pack to answer. The best way to do this is to ask them here.

    Help us to help you! The more followers we have, the more we can do stuff going forward. So please:

    Subscribe and Like our YouTube Channel Leave a 6/5 star review on iTunes Share TRAP with your peers and colleagues 'Enjoy' the Twitter chat at @AdviserPodcast.
  • In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    Topical issues, including more Irish fraud, US rookie adviser failure rate, UK IFA profitability trends, Central Bank of Ireland on crypto, BestInvest’s Spot The Dog, Vanguard getting “expensive”, SJP and Polaris, boring CVs, US pension horror stories, another AI startupMeat and Potatoes: KPIs - Key People of InfluenceQuestions posted by our beloved TRAPists Russ M and Ollie L (neither had socials)Culture Corner

    Links referred to in the show:

    NL: turns out Hargreaves Lansdown DOES have a Slavery Policy. FFS. Goodnight, UK plc: https://x.com/HatTipNick/status/1824716616099156147CW: Investment Fraud alive and well in Ireland https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2024/0823/1466327-investment-fraud/#:~:text='Staggering'%20rise%20in%20investment%20fraud,%E2%82%AC28m%20stolen%20last%20year&text=Garda%C3%AD%20have%20warned%20of%20a,than%202021%20and%202022%20combinedNL: Cerulli 2023 report into US adviser numbers and rookie failures: https://www.cerulli.com/press-releases/the-financial-advisor-industry-has-a-headcount-problem H/T to Ermos Erotocritou CFP https://www.linkedin.com/in/ermos?miniProfileUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afsd_profile%3AACoAAAIJTVEBxQYOFu0tzywLz5MvLmC_1bYQ2yo&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_detail_base%3BXD36DPgCTYWqsIEDTo2ciQ%3D%3DAS adviser profitability trends https://www.professionaladviser.com/news/4343067/profits-financial-adviser-firms AH - HL cash rates https://www.hl.co.uk/charges-and-interest-rates - Trading 212 5.2% to 5% - Transact 4.95% - CD Impact - What do DFMs pay. CW: The Central Bank of Ireland view on Cryptocurrency https://www.centralbank.ie/consumer-hub/crypto-consumer-information#:~:text=Crypto%20is%20not%20a%20regulated,crypto%20and%20crypto-related%20productsNL: https://www.ft.com/content/495a5329-c4f7-4731-938d-a2ef48851558 BestInvest’s “Spot The Dog”. H/T to Robin Powell.CW: Laya Healthcare increase prices again

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  • In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    Topical issues, including FPSB Ireland making great strides, Truflation, the primacy of equities, CISI Chartered Status, Verve Incubator, Hargreaves Lansdown delisting, HUM London nearly sold outMeat and Potatoes: Much Ado About NothingQuestions posted by our beloved TRAPist https://twitter.com/JoinedUpJillCulture Corner

    Links referred to in the show:

    Shrinking advice market https://www.moneymarketing.co.uk/news/access-to-advice-shrinking-as-firms-focus-on-clients-with-higher-assets/ https://citywire.com/new-model-adviser/news/we-culled-20-of-our-clients-advisers-on-consumer-duty-one-year-on/a2447375?re=122463&refea=2113338&link_id=1678599 AH - FT Funds offering protection from volatility fail to deliver in sell-off - https://www.ft.com/content/2d2ce18b-f842-4912-babf-f4b8c1190c0d CW - FPSB Ireland - 5-year strategic plan https://www.fpsb.ie/cfp-professionals-area/financial-planning-awareness/AS - Truflation - 37% since 2020 (BofE says 23% CPI!) https://truflation.com/calculator NL - despite recent market downside volatility, equities retain primacy: https://monevator.com/us-historical-asset-class-returns/AS - CISI creates Chartered status based on a number of years working. CW: Mind-boggling Irish pillar bank profits https://www.rte.ie/news/business/2024/0731/1462736-bank-of-ireland-h1-results/AS - Verve adviser incubator- last cohort of 2024 https://www.professionaladviser.com/interview/4342130/adviser-incubator-meet-graduate-rebecca-bonnerAH - Kyle Walker divorce papers made public - https://assets.caselaw.nationalarchives.gov.uk/ewfc/b/2024/212/ewfc_b_2024_212.pdf NL/AH - Hargreaves Landsdown delisting: will the last company to leave UK plc please turn off the lights: https://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/markets/article-13728573/Founders-line-850m-payday-Hargreaves-Lansdown-goes-private-5-4bn-takeover-agreed.htmlAH -

    Take part in the conversation! We want YOU to suggest topics and questions you’d like the Trap Pack to answer. The best way to do this is to ask them here.

    Help us to help you! The more followers we have, the more we can do stuff going forward. So please:

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  • In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    Topical issues, including cyber security, Monzo pensions, DFA Matrix Book, Métis Ireland work award, Consumer Duty one year on, stupid market predictions from Morgan StanleyMeat and Potatoes: What’s Risk Got To Do With It?Questions posted by NO beloved TRAPist because of timeCulture Corner

    Links referred to in the show:

    Meat and Potatoes backstory:
    https://x.com/alanjlsmith/status/1815729851082400199?s=46AH - Wealth giant Evelyn up for sale as Permira seeks exit for £1.5bn - https://www.thetimes.com/business-money/companies/article/wealth-giant-evelyn-up-for-sale-as-permira-seeks-exit-for-15bn-gtcnw2s5f AS - Monzo pensions https://monzo.com/pensions AS - New DFA Matrix book is out https://tinyurl.com/4bmxwsne CW: Metis Ireland featured in Best Places to Work https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:7218177619588976640/?actorCompanyId=1912648CW: Morgan Stanley - “markets should brace for a 10% correction”https://www.independent.ie/business/world/markets-should-brace-for-a-stocks-correction-of-10pc/a2102767540.html?mc_cid=97232c45dc&mc_eid=f47c629345AS - advice to younger financial planners https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/my-advice-financial-planners-entrepreneurs-alan-smith--ckkae?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios&utm_campaign=share_via AS - Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive: Outsell, Outmanage, Outmotivate and Outnegotiate your Competition https://amzn.eu/d/03sTVyQm NL: The Great Post Office Scandal by Nick Wallis: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Great-Post-Office-Scandal-multimillion/dp/1916302386CW: Do Business, Do Life Podcast with Brad Johnsonhttps://bradleyjohnson.com/episode/entrep

    Take part in the conversation! We want YOU to suggest topics and questions you’d like the Trap Pack to answer. The best way to do this is to ask them here.

    Help us to help you! The more followers we have, the more we can do stuff going forward. So please:

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  • Della Voce was bobbing along lost somewhere in the Atlantic; Storyteller was in an internet-lousy Turkey. So we had a guest host in Samantha Russell, a “Chief Evangelist” or something. Check out her profile here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/samanthacrussell/recent-activity/all/

    In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    Topical issues, including the Euros, TRAP’s first award (yes, really), IRIS, JP Morgan Guide to Retirement, Powerball winners fleeced, humans trusted more than AI (no shit), Schroders Adviser Survey 2024, Tavistock v Titan, Meat and Potatoes: Universal Marketing TruthsQuestions posted by our beloved TRAPist Jake: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jacob-parsons1664Culture Corner

    Links referred to in the show:

    Sam - https://news.northwesternmutual.com/planning-and-progress-study-2024 (People of all generations trust humans significantly more than AI when it comes to helping them with their financial plans, NL - IRIS tax-return software: https://www.iris.co.uk/products/iris-elements/tax/AH - JP Morgan Guide to Retirement 2024 PDF https://am.jpmorgan.com/us/en/asset-management/institutional/insights/retirement-insights/guide-to-retirement/ NL - US$60M Powerball winners fleeced by commission-based adviser: https://www.wsj.com/finance/investing/a-couple-won-the-powerball-investing-it-turned-into-tragedy-fc8fd31c?st=2kwdddr07zzvgb4&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalinkAH https://advisoryai.com/ Sam - wealth in America Edelman financial engines https://www.edelmanfinancialengines.com/wealth-in-america-2023 NL: Schroders Adviser Survey 2024: https://mybrand.schroders.com/m/698c9b0d5bf92c4/original/Schroders-Adviser-Pulse-Survey-2024.pdfAS - Tavistock/Titan debacle https://www.cityam.com/titan-and-tavistock-descend-into-legal-spat-over-sustained-period-of-unacceptable-performance/ NL: friend of the show Banker On Wheels, useful guide to indexes and comparison of MSCI v FTSE:

    Take part in the conversation! We want YOU to suggest topics and questions you’d like the Trap Pack to answer. The best way to do this is to ask them here.

    Help us to help you! The more followers we have, the more we can do stuff going forward. So please:

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  • In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    Topical issues, including Della Voce’s 50th party, 12% commission for bust DFM, painful banking for IFAs, Vanguard’s 365 program, L&G workplace pension going into private equity, potential TRAP Tough Mudder team, Taylor Swift takes over Ireland, Debbie Condon’s LOA guide goes online, wasteful public pensionsMeat and Potatoes: The Greatest Scandal of AllQuestions posted by beloved TRAPist Catherine Morgan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/catherine-morgan-a762a413/Culture Corner

    Links referred to in the show:

    Della Voce’s 50th party, 12% commission for bust DFM, painful banking for IFAs, Vanguard’s 365 program, L&G workplace pension going into private equity, potential TRAP Tough Mudder team, Taylor Swift takes over Ireland, Debbie Condon’s LOA guide goes online, wasteful public pensionsAH - The football, England 3 games away from lifting the trophy. Carl’s big birthday: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/SVTHjdpcFXUAll - advising on potential changes – removal of TFC, pre funding school fees etcCW: 12% commission for bust DFM https://citywire.com/new-model-adviser/news/dfm-directors-banned-for-69m-commission-driven-bond-scheme/a2445021?re=121444&refea=1287904&link_id=1652775NL - business banking thread in IFA Forum: good reports on Revolut, NatWest/Mettle, Lloyds. Very negative on Santander. Tide, Metro and Starling blow hot and cold.AS - Be Long https://www.be-long.co/ CW: Vanguard 365 Practice Management https://www.vanguard.co.uk/professional/vanguard-365/practice-management/marketing/how-to-build-your-professional-investor-branAH - L&G Workplace pensions to be diverted into private equity https://www.thetimes.com/article/22a4b825-b0ab-443c-b84b-80c55fb6e6ad?shareToken=544da25f69a4c890d0ca6acbb7f806ad AS - TRAP Tough Mudder Team.DFA resources https://www.dimensional.com/gb-en/financial-professionals/dimensional-360/business-strategy CW: Taylor Swift hits IrelandNL - Debbie Condon’s LOA guide goes online. It’s £4pm plus VAT: https://www.intuitivesupportservices.com/registerAS - Index Fund Advisors article http

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  • In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    Topical issues, including Storyteller’s Munich Massacre, useful online calculators, ATR questionnaires for three year olds (!), MPs and double standards (!), nomination of beneficiary woes, Vanguard TRAP seminar feedback, Ade Edmondson investment gaffMeat and Potatoes: Of Tournaments and Trophies: The Awards IndustryQuestions posted by our beloved TRAPist Tom NCulture Corner

    Links referred to in the show:

    NL: reminder of how useful Hargreaves L online calculators are: https://www.hl.co.uk/pensions/tax-relief/calculatorCW: Central Bank of Ireland “Dear CEO” letter critical of compliance standards: https://www.independent.ie/business/personal-finance/brokers-heavily-criticised-for-poor-practices-by-central-bank/a1180315516.html?mc_cid=560d48dbac&mc_eid=f47c629345AH - MPs accused of double standards over pension scheme Only 1% of parliamentary retirement fund is invested in UK equities, despite politicians talking up the case for investing in Britain https://www.thetimes.com/article/705a7372-86cc-4bf4-af88-b4b5db9ff9ce?shareToken=5c0f02e19a8c5e3b990c965b10d058c8NL: WSJ story on nomination of beneficiary horror tale: https://www.wsj.com/personal-finance/inherited-retirement-savings-beneficiary-breakup-divorce-849e3ff2?st=r25xsho331jpvgg&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalinkAS - Vanguard TRAP Webinar on Adviser Alpha (300 registered - 200 attended live) Recording available https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/4584722/8D0D76D89A13CF7D9AF43C6FD0F9DD84AH - Credit Suisse Global Investment Returns Yearbook 2023 - https://www.credit-suisse.com/media/assets/corporate/docs/about-us/research/publications/credit-suisse-global-investment-returns-yearbook-2023-summary-edition.pdf - JP Morgan, Barclays, CS, all conclude the markets beats any humans NL: Adrian Edmondson, another celebrity/influencer/endorser of property over pensions/GCOTW: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/kusalariyawansa_property-stockmarket-ugcPost-7206179916441104388-Hc_p?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_d

    Take part in the conversation! We want YOU to suggest topics and questions you’d like the Trap Pack to answer. The best way to do this is to ask them here.

    Help us to help you! The more followers we have, the more we can do stuff going forward. So please:

    Subscribe and Like our YouTube Channel Leave a 6/5 star review on iTunes Share TRAP with your peers and colleagues 'Enjoy' the Twitter chat at @AdviserPodcast.
  • In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    Topical issues, including BTC ETFs coming here, insurance payouts from Royal London, SPIVA Persistence, Bank of Ireland saving rate rises, pension dashboard (really dull), Canada Pension Plan active follies, Abrdn price cutsMeat and Potatoes: Politics - do you or don’t you?Questions posted by our beloved TRAPist www.twitter.com/DomSpaldingCulture Corner

    Links referred to in the show:

    Vanguard TRAP landing page: https://www.vanguard.co.uk/professional/insights-education/events-webinars/vanguard-at-the-real-adviser-podcastTimeline TRAP landing page: https://www.timeline.co/trap-liveCW: The US TRAP?! The Unlock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GP-laLIlssAS - BTC ETFs arrive in the UK https://www.ft.com/content/76e9ecf3-4429-42c5-a945-43ab92abfda4AH Royal London 2023 claims payout - https://adviser.royallondon.com/protection/our-claims-record/ NL: Neil Woodford’s excellent piece on the decline of the UK stock market (as covered by us in episode 17) (https://www.buzzsprout.com/2056762/12602273)
    https://www.woodfordviews.com/post/a-quarter-century-of-damaging-reformsAS - SPIVA Persistence Report Card https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/spiva/article/europe-persistence-scorecarCW: Bank of Ireland raises interest rates https://www.rte.ie/news/business/2024/0529/1451872-bank-of-ireland-deposit-rates/AH - Pension Dashboards - Aviva and Scottish Widows plan to become official pensions dashboard operators, joining a coalition of companies seeking to breathe life into the long-delayed project. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/aviva-and-scottish-widows-to-join-pension-dashboard-coalition-55f5ctfnf NL: Canada Pension Plan Fund tale of active woe: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-eighteen-years-and-46-billion-later-the-cpp-admits-it-could-have/AS Abrdn price cut - are we heading to 100 bps all in? AH YES WE ARE. AH - Motem - client journey Melissa Kidd - https://m

    Take part in the conversation! We want YOU to suggest topics and questions you’d like the Trap Pack to answer. The best way to do this is to ask them here.

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  • TRAP Live!

    This is a TRAP episode recorded on 9th May 2024 in front of 140 adoring TRAPists at Lola's, the louche, loose, slightly dangerous bar in the underground caverns of the world-famous London Hippodrome casino.

    Our sources confirm that this is the first (last?) UK financial services-related live podcast held in the UK and, secondly, there has never been any financial services event in the UK involving so much alcohol.

    The show follows the normal format, albeit in a slightly more "shambolic" fashion than normal.

    At the end, there's a bonus 30-minute Q&A session where the TRAP Pack fields an assortment of idiotic questions from our beloved TRAPists.

    Thanks to Emmelia Powell for emceeing the chaos and Dan Haylett for his excellent pre-recording presentation. And lots of love for our event partners (with special TRAP-focused landing pages), Vanguard and Timeline.

    No thanks at all to the striking train drivers. Bring on the robots.

    Take part in the conversation! We want YOU to suggest topics and questions you’d like the Trap Pack to answer. The best way to do this is to ask them here.

    Help us to help you! The more followers we have, the more we can do stuff going forward. So please:

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  • So today is TRAP Live, and we can't put out a show. Fear not, TRAPists, the live show is being recorded and will come out in two weeks, on 23rd May, Episode 45.

    For the moment, here's a compilation of bits from previous episodes. Enjoy!

    Take part in the conversation! We want YOU to suggest topics and questions you’d like the Trap Pack to answer. The best way to do this is to ask them here.

    Help us to help you! The more followers we have, the more we can do stuff going forward. So please:

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  • In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    Topical issues, including the imminent TRAP Live event, superb service, FCA fee review update, Ultra’s new book (yes, really), Voice’s “planning” week, more Irish investment fraudMeat and Potatoes: Bricks and TortureQuestions posted by our beloved TRAPist Patrick DugganCulture Corner

    Links referred to in the show:

    Meanwhile, service standards elsewhere are awful: https://www.ft.com/content/0a5d30ed-164f-4b9f-a049-fc9692219f79CW: Investment fraud https://www.rte.ie/news/2024/0405/1441779-investment-fraud/NL: Leveraging Wealth: The Advice Amplified podcast with IFA Pete Ridlington.Property vs. Equity: Tej Singh: https://pca.st/736pxk89Keeper Security over LastPass? https://www.keepersecurity.com/en_GB/ H/T to Jon Doyle www.twitter.com/juniper_jonDiary of a CEO - Jimmy Carr: "I've Found The Cure For My Anxiety!" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uHLAazKUU68CW: David McWilliams Podcast - interview with Michael Lewis re SBF https://podcasts.apple.com/ie/podcast/the-david-mcwilliams-podcast/id1462649946?i=1000651097893AS - Brett Davidson newsletter https://fpadvance.com/blog/

    Take part in the conversation! We want YOU to suggest topics and questions you’d like the Trap Pack to answer. The best way to do this is to ask them here.

    Help us to help you! The more followers we have, the more we can do stuff going forward. So please:

    Subscribe and Like our YouTube Channel Leave a 6/5 star review on iTunes Share TRAP with your peers and colleagues 'Enjoy' the Twitter chat at @AdviserPodcast.
  • TRAP LIVE IS HAPPENING ON 9th MAY 2024. BUY TICKETS HERE: www.therealadviserpodcast.com

    In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    Topical issues, including Paddy Andrews Métis Norway appt, US$90 trillion to move between generations, surge meeting review, SPIVA S&P Global, the passing of Danny Kahneman, another unregulated investment scheme goes belly up, Ali Hussain in the Sunday Times on adviser fee refundsMeat and Potatoes: AIQuestions posted by our beloved TRAPists www.twitter.com/@SamColbyButcher and https://www.linkedin.com/in/janemcaleeseCulture Corner

    Links referred to in the show:

    CW: Paddy Andrews appointed Director at Metis Ireland: https://businessplus.ie/news/metis-ireland-paddy-andrews/NRL: 4 million US citizens will turning 65 every year until 2030. “A study from Knight Frank details that over $90 trillion in assets will move between generations over the next 20 years.”: https://www.morningstar.com/financial-advice/record-number-americans-are-turning-65-thats-great-news-financial-advisors?utm_source=eloqua&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter_advisordigest&utm_content=52931AH surge meeting season over, thoughts, reflection, points to note. CW: Would a round table of active fund managers say the same? https://citywire.com/new-model-adviser/news/do-etf-bosses-invest-in-their-own-products/a2439481?re=118846&refea=1287904AH - Spiva S&P Global - https://www.spglobal.com/spdji/en/research-insights/spiva/NRL: “For all his knowledge of how foolish investors can be, Danny didn’t try to outsmart the market. “I don’t try to be clever at all,” he told me. Most of his money was in index funds. “The idea that I could see what no one else can is an illusion,” he said.“All of us would be better investors,” he often said, “if we just made fewer decisions.” Jason Zweig (paywall) article on the late Danny Kahneman: https://www.wsj.com/finance/investing/daniel-kahneman-behavioral-economics-270c9797?mod=djintinvestor_tCW: Solar 21 going pear-shaped despite “ray of light” last summer:

    Take part in the conversation! We want YOU to suggest topics and questions you’d like the Trap Pack to answer. The best way to do this is to ask them here.

    Help us to help you! The more followers we have, the more we can do stuff going forward. So please:

    Subscribe and Like our YouTube Channel Leave a 6/5 star review on iTunes Share TRAP with your peers and colleagues 'Enjoy' the Twitter chat at @AdviserPodcast.
  • TRAP LIVE IS HAPPENING ON 9th MAY 2024. BUY TICKETS HERE: www.therealadviserpodcast.com

    In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    Topical issues, including Finish fables, JISA joys, Leffler love, cheap online tax-returns, total returns mean dividends, FCA thematic review #1,242, True Potential CEO says the quiet part out loudMeat and Potatoes: Clients or Customers?Questions posted by our beloved Steven S www.twitter.com/passivevanguardCulture Corner

    Links referred to in the show:

    Edward Leffler: https://www.ft.com/content/6d4f870c-f39a-4a06-a18f-f1e65484f35aAH - https://www.taxd.co.uk/ Easy/Cheap Tax Filing. NL on this: should 40% PAYE taxpayers trust HMRC or should they self-assess as a matter of course?CW: Idea for your advisory firm ….. Metis 5K Fund Run for Charity https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7173968807340691458AS - total returns https://www.timeline.co/blog/is-the-ftse-100-misleading NL - 100 years of Edward Leffler’s transformational idea: https://www.ft.com/content/6d4f870c-f39a-4a06-a18f-f1e65484f35aAH - FCA - Article - Undertaking cashflow modelling to demonstrate the suitability of retirement-related advice https://www.fca.org.uk/firms/undertaking-cashflow-modelling-demonstrate-suitability-retirement-related-advice CW: Metis Ireland is hiring https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7176905922131173376AS FCA Thematic Review / AS - Fees for no service https://www.fca.org.uk/publication/thematic-reviews/tr24-1.pdfCW: Most clients don't need advice according to True Potential CEO https://citywire.com/new-model-adviser/news/true-potential-ceo-its-very-rare-our-clients-need-advice/a2438636?re=118418&ea=1287904&utm_source=BulkEmail_NMA_Daily_Single_EAM&utm_medium=BulkEmail_NMA_Daily_Single_EAM&utm_campaign=BulkEmail_NMA_Daily_Single_EAM

    Take part in the conversation! We want YOU to suggest topics and questions you’d like the Trap Pack to answer. The best way to do this is to ask them here.

    Help us to help you! The more followers we have, the more we can do stuff going forward. So please:

    Subscribe and Like our YouTube Channel Leave a 6/5 star review on iTunes Share TRAP with your peers and colleagues 'Enjoy' the Twitter chat at @AdviserPodcast.
  • TRAP LIVE IS HAPPENING ON 9th MAY 2024. BUY TICKETS HERE: www.therealadviserpodcast.com

    In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    - Topical issues, including Artic Rambles, Bitcoin yawns, Irish Banks, double-dipping, British ISAs, good PR firms, Best Buy lists
    - Meat and Potatoes: SJP: Big Brands, Big Challenges
    - Questions posted by our beloved TRAPist Will Bennett: https://www.linkedin.com/in/will-bennett-dippfs-7a230792/
    - Culture Corner

    Links referred to in the show:

    - NL - TRAP YouTube hits the Steve Harris mark. http://www.youtube.com/@adviserpodcast
    - AS - double dipping saga continues https://citywire.com/new-model-adviser/news/revealed-the-8-platforms-double-dipping-before-fca-s-deadline-today/a2437299
    - AH - Norwegian Oil Fund to diversify to PE 3-5% - the fund drags to the extent it’s under-exposed to global equities. NEXT, all funds and all investors do. https://www.ft.com/content/55837df7-876f-42cd-a920-02ff74970098
    - NL - Budget and British ISA! My LinkedIn piece: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/hattipnick_dear-worldnaacs-if-you-think-im-changing-activity-7171425884334182400-4tPp?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
    - CW: A good PR firm = priceless https://www.irishtimes.com/business/2024/02/29/goodbody-fined-1225m-by-central-bank-for-breach-of-market-abuse-laws/
    - AS: 80/20 Principle - Richard Koch https://www.amazon.co.uk/80-20-Principle-Secret-Achieving/dp/1857883993
    - CW: John Collison & Charlie Munder podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/a-conversation-with-charlie-munger-john-collison/id1154105909?i=1000637534393
    - NL: Tribes, by Seth Godin: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/12262996-tribes
    - AH - Morning Brew Daily Email https://www.morningbrew.com/daily
    - AH - The Billionaire, The Butler, and the Boyfriend - https://www.netflix.com/title/81306326

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  • TRAP LIVE IS HAPPENING ON 9th MAY 2024. BUY TICKETS HERE: www.therealadviserpodcast.com

    In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    Topical issues, including Meta declaring its first dividend, update on TRAP Live, another FIRE story, Lombard Loans, Nikkei back to 1989, the “death” of the value premiumMeat and Potatoes: You’re Fired - Sacking Yourself OffQuestions posted by our beloved TRAPists Alastair P www.twitter.com/ap592dCulture Corner

    Links referred to in the show:

    Financial Life Planner https://open.spotify.com/show/6vdF54D6IfBGy20h6Xvt4k Bulletproof Entrepreneur https://open.spotify.com/episode/0rcawAuktBSE66w7axio7V?si=xrfZjevNSLKlqkA6TnRRJQ Lick’s latest Substack squib: https://www.hattipnick.com/p/a-quick-one-1989-and-all-thatNL - Meta pays its first dividend. US$0.50 a share but it’s a start: https://www.morningstar.co.uk/uk/news/245717/metas-first-dividend-explained.aspxCW: Latest article re FIRE movement https://www.irishtimes.com/your-money/2024/02/21/fire-is-financial-independence-retire-early-possible-look-at-how-you-are-spending-your-money/AS: Lombard loans https://www.firenzeme.com/NL - The Unhedged Podcast (FT): https://pca.st/ducu3zgtAS: Perplexity. Ai https://www.perplexity.ai/ AS: Excellent article on Kitces blog https://www.kitces.com/blog/prospect-process-advisor-value-client-relationship-trust-building/ AH - Pots of Gold - https://www.mygsn.co.uk/ cheap, healthy, simple and nice. The busy professionals dream. CW: Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker - https://amzn.to/3IesCBm

    Take part in the conversation! We want YOU to suggest topics and questions you’d like the Trap Pack to answer. The best way to do this is to ask them here.

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  • TRAP LIVE IS HAPPENING ON 9th MAY 2024. BUY TICKETS HERE: www.therealadviserpodcast.com

    In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    - Topical issues, including TRAP Live announcement, scams, the Irish FPSB, accountants and pensions and misconceptions, Irish consolidation, retirement living standards, the destruction AND creation of wealth, HUM Premium price changes, MS Copilot
    - Meat and Potatoes: The Wealth Transfer: Hype or Real?
    - Questions posted by our beloved TRAPists Will Bennett https://www.linkedin.com/in/will-bennett-dippfs-7a230792/
    - Culture Corner

    Links referred to in the show:

    CW: Samantha Russel is www.twitter.com/samanthatwenty
    NL: www.tiny.cc/ifaforum
    AS - Scams https://x.com/alanjlsmith/status/1751905578580873378?s=46&t=sRHfdIQon2TfFJRFg7K23w
    AH -THE RETIREMENT LIVING STANDARDS - pro savings and thinking https://www.plsa.co.uk/Policy-and-Research/Topics/Retirement-Living-Standards - https://moneytothemasses.com/news/pension-needed-in-retirement-rises-in-2024-amidst-cost-of-living-crisis
    AS - Wealth destruction at scale https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/funds/cathie-wood-ark-invest-wealth-destroyed-tech-stocks-morningstar-arkk-2024-2
    AH - 15 Top Wealth Creators in the Fund Industry - https://www.morningstar.com/funds/15-top-wealth-creators-fund-industry-2
    Wealth Transfer - Is the Hype Real? - https://www.humansundermanagement.com/blog/wealth-transfer -
    AH - Stutz - Phil - Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/81387962
    AS - Tim Ferris with Noah Kagan podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_htIvi4JzOs
    CW: Happy Birthday Triplets this Valentine’s Dayhttps://music.apple.com/ie/album/this-is-the-one/325549329?i=325549345

    Take part in the conversation! We want YOU to suggest topics and questions you’d like the Trap Pack to answer. The best way to do this is to ask them here.

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  • TRAP LIVE IS HAPPENING ON 9th MAY 2024. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST HERE: www.therealadviserpodcast.com

    In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    Topical issues, including Transact price reductions, disastrous Lifestyling consequences, Métis Annual Planning Day, US$6TN in cash, Financial Planning Week, Irish IX set for launch, Hargreaves Lansdown pension complainant, Capital is recruiting, HUM London speaker suggestions please, TRAP Live updateMeat and Potatoes: Investment Fundamentals 101Questions posted by our beloved TRAPists Chris Bowers: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-bowers-043190174/ Culture Corner

    Links referred to in the show:

    NL Investment Philosophy: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ow70abae5od6a52tymvan/V2V-Investment-and-Asset-Allocation-Philosophy-2024.pdf?rlkey=w2yg7mbt3eyoznckdcm1hje3s&dl=0AH - Transact price reductions - https://www.transact-online.co.uk/introduction-january-2024/AH - Lifestying revisited - FT Podcast - high return to low return - missed returns now capital destruction - https://www.ft.com/content/ab059105-b9f5-4e7e-8896-dbdede87c3af
    Lifestyling your way to poverty - Maven Money - https://www.mavenadviser.com/podcast-9/lifestyle-poverty CW - Metis Annual Planning Day https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7153120249381376001/NL: Record amount sitting in cash in the US ($6TN): https://apolloacademy.com/6-trillion-on-the-sidelines-in-money-market-funds/AH - Financial Planning Week 2024 - Jan 22-28th - https://www.cisi.org/cisiweb2/wayfinder/tips-and-toolsAS - New HMRC app https://apps.apple.com/gb/app/hmrc/id514561561AS/NL: lunatic gambles away pension pot and then runs to Mummy crying: https://www.ftadviser.com/sipp/2024/01/22/pensioner-urges-hargreaves-to-create-safeguards-after-he-gambled-away

    Take part in the conversation! We want YOU to suggest topics and questions you’d like the Trap Pack to answer. The best way to do this is to ask them here.

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  • TRAP LIVE IS HAPPENING ON 9th MAY 2024. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST HERE: www.therealadviserpodcast.com

    In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    Topical issues, including Irish salary sacrifice, Ray Trapani interview with Storyteller and BitCoin ETFs, NextGen and Verve adviser resources, cash flow as an “optional extra”, Timeline Classic 50 MPS lauditsMeat and Potatoes: ABL - Always Be LearningQuestions posted by our beloved TRAPists www.twitter.com/abb04645603Culture Corner

    Links referred to in the show:

    CS - salary sacrifice https://www.revenue.ie/en/tax-professionals/tdm/income-tax-capital-gains-tax-corporation-tax/part-05/05-01-01k.pdfAH - a year in returns: https://novelinvestor.com/2023-a-year-in-returns/?mc_cid=dd7293af86&mc_eid=60c55a4dd8AS - NextGen and Verve resources: https://www.nextgenplanners.co.uk/academy https://thevervefoundation.co.uk/incubator/NL - BitCoin ETF: https://news.bitcoin.com/vanguard-deepens-anti-crypto-stance-after-disallowing-spot-bitcoin-etf-trading-ark-ceo-says-its-a-terrible-mistake/AH - Timeline Classic: https://portfolio-adviser.com/defaqto-names-timeline-classic-50-as-most-recommended-mps-by-advisers/Google Keep: https://keep.google.comEvernote: https://evernote.com/Readwise: https://readwise.io/CW: Michael Kitces podcast on the “big swap” for Finacial Advisers - health and wealth https://podcasts.apple.com/ie/podcast/financial-advisor-success/id1190341231?i=1000640311861NL: Dead In The Water:Murder and Fraud in the World's Most Secretive Industry
    https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dead-Water-Murder-Secretive-Industry-ebook/dp/B09LXD9LSP/ref=tmm_kin_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=AS - Ali Abdaal Feel Good Productivity https://www.amazon.co.uk/Feel-Good-Productivity-Achieve-More-Matters/dp/184794373X y AH - The Family Board Meeting: You Have 18 Summers to Create Lasting Connect

    Take part in the conversation! We want YOU to suggest topics and questions you’d like the Trap Pack to answer. The best way to do this is to ask them here.

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  • TRAP LIVE IS HAPPENING ON 9th MAY 2024. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST HERE: www.therealadviserpodcast.com

    In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    Topical issues, including a clash over FIRE, Morgan Stanley’s woeful 2023 prediction, the follies of mis-asset allocation, BitCoinMeat and Potatoes: Three Wins, Two Learns, One GoalQuestions posted by our beloved TRAPists Guy Skinner (http://linkedin.com/in/guy-skinner-citygate-financial-planning) and Benjamin Mitchell (www.twitter.com/themoneyscot)Culture Corner

    Links referred to in the show:

    NL: IFA Forum late burst on 31st December to 428 members. www.tiny.cc/ifaforumNL: Morgan Stanley prediction for 2023: https://www.thinkadvisor.com/2022/12/19/new-stock-market-low-coming-in-2023-morgan-stanley-strategist/?kw=New%2520Stock%2520Market%2520Low%2520Coming%2520in%25202023:%2520Morgan%2520Stanley%2520Strategist&utm_source=email&utm_medium=enl&utm_campaign=topstories&utm_content=20221225&utm_term=tadvAS - comments on LI post https://www.linkedin.com/posts/alancapital_heres-where-the-sharpest-brains-on-wall-activity-7146472490666508288-nN2b?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_iosCW: The bitcoin story in full Bitcoin above $45,000 for first time since April 2022 (rte.ie)NL: Top books from 2023
    https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/122765395-elon-muskCW: Netflix Blue Zones https://www.netflix.com/ie/title/81214929AH - The Love Expert: The REAL Reason We’re Lonely, Loveless, Depressed - Alain De Botton, School Of Life - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oI7BxBNp1uE AS: Salary Survey BWD Financial

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  • TRAP LIVE IS HAPPENING ON 9th MAY 2024. REGISTER YOUR INTEREST HERE: www.therealadviserpodcast.com

    In this latest pile of TRAP, the Trap Pack discuss

    Topical issues, including a Royal London/Lang Cat report on value, the strong market close to 2024, some boring Bitcoin updates, the wickedness of pension complications, and client Xmas pressies - yes or no?Meat and Potatoes: Crushing Content CreationQuestions posted by our beloved TRAPists www.twitter.com/@paulcleworth https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulcleworthCulture Corner

    Links referred to in the show:

    AS: https://pca.st/episode/cc60d64a-b361-455c-8366-ed7be8ce04cf://pca.st/episode/cc60d64a-b361-455c-8366-ed7be8ce04cf https://adviser.royallondon.com/campaigns/people-powered/deliver-value-for-your-clients/explore-our-meaning-of-value-research/ NL: it’s almost wicked how complicated pensions have become again. The layman has no chance: https://techzone.abrdn.com/anon/public/pensions/finance-bill-tax-free-cash-2024?Opendocument=&utm_campaign=ADV-TEC-Not-Eligible-18122023&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Eloqua&utm_content=CSLAR000000163451&SHA=155d4e8dc50eeae367eafd2801a697a915f33e1ab43bb7a960f033783dd77950AS GEM ; Hugh van Cuylenburg Video! https://watch.amazon.co.uk/detail?gti=amzn1.dv.gti.374d37ba-da4f-4b30-a297-912cfea97173&territory=GB&ref_=share_ios_movie&r=web AS - Jeff Bezos on Lex Friedman https://youtu.be/DcWqzZ3I2cY?si=dvG79OxOkStq9c6F NL: Trillions (Kindle) by Robin Wigglesworth: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=trillions+robin+wigglesworth&crid=3G26J5N00FU6M&sprefix=trillions%2Caps%2C84&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_2_9
    Robin was on Bulletproof Entrepreneur S2E3: https://pca.st/ro3od2niAH - Historical Newspapers - https://www.historic-newspapers.co.uk/ CW: Accepting Change - a meditation by Sarah Blondin

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