
  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Joanna Waddell who is a counsellor, and a breathwork and meditation teacher.


    After rushing around and attempting to do it all, Joanna became ill with chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). As she began to search for answers to assist with her recovery, she came to realise that we are encouraged to spend so much time being busy that we spend little time on our self-care. Understanding that this had to change, Joanna embarked on embracing a gentler way of living, something which she now nurtures within her clients and herself.



    Rest and self-care need to be seen as a priority.In order to function in our lives effectively, we need to take care of ourselves. What is happening in the world around us can impact our health and wellbeing.Community is important for wellbeing.Resting is a skill that many of us need to learn which needs to be practised.Our body and mind communicate with us to give us messages.We are a part of the natural world and when we connect with it, we feel better.



    “I found myself listening to their stories. It felt really important to listen to people's stories. And I found I worried that I didn't know how to listen appropriately to people's stories.”“And then I was kind of doing self-care, sort of tacked on to the end of a very long day if I had anything left. And yeah, I just started to become really ill. I got brain fog, that was so bad. I couldn't recognize people's faces. I couldn't drive. I was so exhausted.”“I felt a great deal of shame about getting so sick when I kind of should have known better because I was caring for other people's mental health and the knock-on effects on their physical health and yet managed to get so ill myself.”“And so, I sort of created it as, you know, a gentle way of living for people, for communities, and for the planet.”“I realized that actually a big part of what people need is community and, places to be together with other people who, you know, want to live more gently, to sort of share ideas, but also to learn practices of rest.”“Whereas now I if I have those sorts of playful thoughts, I think that's what my body's asking for you know and go and do it.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Samantha Dolling who is a medical herbalist, reader, energy healer, and witch.


    During their discussion Sam notes how she has been drawn into researching the lives of witches throughout history and has developed a calling to heal the witch wound within herself and within others. Sam highlights that the historical treatment of witches still has an impact and plays a role within modern society, with many individuals feeling afraid to tune into their energy, wisdom and magic due to the perception of others.


    To help overcome this, Samantha notes that it is important to connect in with what you enjoy, find like-minded individuals that you can share openly with, and also to do the self-healing work that you require.



    There has been a re-emerging interest in witches and witchcraft in recent times.Healing the witch wound is a re-occurring theme that comes up within the therapy setting and within the life of many individuals. Healing past life trauma can help release the witch wound.Working on healing the self is part of the ascension path.As we heal, we step into our power.Life is about finding out what you enjoy and connecting into that.



    “I think it's one of those subjects isn't it that everyone, you know, most people have some kind of interest in witches, whether it be the Disney side of things, or the magic or nature, because it seems to thread through so many different layers of things, doesn't it?”“They were just women who were natural healers and midwives, herbalists, and people who knew that there was energy.”“And you know, these doors are opening, but they're opening as well because we're moving through a time where we need to heal karma. You know, we need to rid everybody of all their karma so we can move into a more peaceful way of living.”“And these women are our ancestors, you know, we're all connected, all of us, and these are real women with real children and real lives.”“There's no wonder that many of us who have come down to earth at this time are here to find our voice again.”“The water holds energy and consciousness, the trees, you know, it's all just energy, whether we call it, energy or whether we call it quantum physics, science. It's the same thing, isn't it? It's just different ways of practicing and there's no right way and no wrong way, you know, we're all different, but we all have something to give.”“We're all supposed to be in jobs and living our life with things that are fun. You know, we're not meant to be doing a job from eight till six every day that we absolutely detest just to pay for the roof over our head.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Stuart Kerry, a Reiki Master who has a passion for helping others to recognise their own healing potential and innate wisdom through the power of reiki.


    Stuart came to Reiki 16 year ago when his wife had a treatment. Upon seeing instant improvement, they embarked upon their reiki training journey, setting their intention on helping and supporting as many others as possible.


    Through this he set up a weekly reiki share, where individuals of all levels of experience come together to share the gift of reiki with one another, healing and supporting each other in their understanding and growth.



    We all have energy flowing through us.When there are blockages within our energy, it can lead to mental, emotional and physical imbalances.It is beneficial to connect to others along the healing journey.Through following the reiki principles, we can live our lives more positively.Everyone can learn how to use and access reiki.Self-healing and self-care are an essential aspect of wellbeing. We all have the power to make the world a better place.



    “I cannot help every single one, but we can help one. And if each of us help one person, I'm sure we'd make the place, you know, the world a better place.”“At the time my wife had, problems with her mental health, and it helped her change the way thinking more or less overnight.”“And then when you’ve taught them all they need to know, they completely change. You become more confident, more outgoing, you know, and that's the whole idea of these things.”“And when she passed away, it was, I will honestly say, it was some of the darkest times of my life ever. And then I sat there one night thinking, well, yeah, okay, I've lost somebody, but they have as well. So, the students have lost a mentor, a friend, a confidant, that sort of thing. So, I went back and opened the doors, and it was one of the hardest things I've done.”“Reiki gives you that bit of extra confidence.”“Healers need healing too. It's as simple as that. We are not infallible; we are only human. For me, there's five, ten minutes, you know, sitting down, cup of coffee, hand on your heart, just topping your energy up.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with John Bowtell who helps individuals explore their emotions through the use of drama and play using developmental transformations.


    Through his theatre background, John became aware of dramatherapy, a type of psychotherapy; and how the intentional use of drama techniques and ideas could assist in the therapeutic encounter.


    During his work with his clients, John becomes a part of the unfolding drama to safely co-create the experience with his clients, exploring whatever roles or scenarios are relevant to meet their therapeutic needs at that time.



    We play different roles within our daily life.Through the use of drama therapy, we can work through what is stuck mentally or emotionally to transform it into something different.Drama therapy can be a safe way to explore aspects of ourselves that we do not feel able to show the rest of the world.Through dramatherapy, an individual can not only explore their obstacles but also how to successfully move away from them.Drama therapy can be used to explore different power structures within our lives and within society.Play is important for wellbeing.



    “It's something that kind of comes naturally. So, I think of drama as an art form. It's the one that's closest to normal life. So actually, we're all doing, you know, we're doing an improvisation now. We're playing our roles, we're performing. This is very natural human activity.”“But in order to do your role effectively, it's going to change in relation to your client. So, the way that you show up for one client is different from the way you show up for another client.”“It's much more fun playing the bad guys, playing the people that you're not, right? And you can then present aspects of yourself that are not socially acceptable or they're not potentials that you can bring forward in your everyday life.”“These things, if they're unexplored or unexpressed, then they can cause blockages in us.”“Basically, we agree it's pretend. We agree that it's play. It's not for real. That's the deal. It's defined by restraining from harm.”“This is a kind of everyday miracle to me. That however heavy the material is, actually it can all be played with, and it can all be transformed.”


    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Nawab Pasnak, the head of the International Sufi Movement.


    During this conversation Nawab will discuss how he came to learn about the Sufi movement and how this led him to be a seeker of wisdom as he embarked on a process of purification, unlearning preconceptions and dogmas that he had been carrying around with him.


    Nawab focuses on the importance of working on ourselves, unlearning the preconceptions and limiting beliefs that hold us back so that we can connect in to love, hope, and joy. A significant aspect of this is through connection to the breath and our intuition guiding us to recognise we are all connected.



    The attitudes and assumptions that we learn throughout life can become a barrier to true connection with ourselves.When working on the heart it encourages compassion, kindness, generosity and acceptance.For our happiness, we need to recognise that we can control our mind, and we can change it.Our breath is a current of energy that flows through us which his directed through our words, thoughts, actions and feelings. When we listen to our intuition, we discover a connection that we are part of everything and everything is part of us.


    “So if we think that Sufi is about wisdom, then it means that it's someone who is looking for wisdom, not somebody who claims to have wisdom, because anybody who says they're wise is obviously a fool.”“There's a couple of chronic illnesses that the world suffers from right now. One is that we think too much, or we overthink everything. Another is that we're extremely materialistic. We try to quantify and measure everything, and it's all in terms of our sensory experiences, which is always limited, that can only take you so far. And the third illness, common chronic illness that we suffer from, that the world suffers from, is to have a frozen heart.”There's meant to be a stream, a well that flows out of the heart, but you have to dig for it, because often the well has been, you know, there's a lot of sediment in there, and you have to dig down. And if you're willing to do the work and get through the mud that you do encounter when you start to excavate your heart, then in time the stream flows, and that flowing helps to purify the channel.”“If you're playing with a child, if the child says something rough or hurtful, well, you wish they would behave better, and you try to teach them better behaviour, but you don't feel crushed because a child says something rude to you. Well, in fact, most of the world, with all love and respect to them, they're still children."“The spirit of guidance works on different levels. On the physical level, spirit of guidance, you could say is about reflexes... When the Spirit of Guidance speaks through what we call our mind, we call it intuition. And if we listen, our hearing becomes sharper. We begin to hear more messages.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Carol and Don Harradine who practice Tai Chi, Qigong, and a range of Malaysian arts.


    A number of years ago Carol suffered an injury during a sword fencing competition. Looking for gentle exercise to aid her recovery, she stumbled upon a Tai Chi class. After they both attended the classes, they were amazed by the benefits, which encouraged them to pursue 33 years of studying various energetic wellbeing practices. As part of this journey they have followed the Sufi path, helping them to incorporate a spiritual element to everything they do.



    Tai Chi and Qigong can be used for spiritual development, health and wellbeing, concentration and self-discipline.We get the most benefit when we practice any well-being and healing practices regularly. Having an awareness of the breath helps with healing and balance within the system.There is an overlap and a connection between different philosophies and forms of well-being practice.The breath is the essence of everything.



    “So there's no excuses anymore for people saying, I can't do that. As long as you can sit up straight or lie straight or whatever, you can breathe and you can concentrate, then you can do qigong, tai chi.”“It's really trying to be a pupil of humans because what you have to do is you listen to people and find out what they want to achieve, what we think they need. And then we try to give them that. It's easy being a teacher, but the truth of it is, you've got to go back and you've got to be a pupil, you've got to study and you've got to study the people that come along to you.”“If you can breathe properly, if you can just imagine for a while that what you're breathing in is not just gas and chemicals, but it's an energy.”“So you're breathing that energy in. And then you're moving that energy around the body, and you know, and some people take it further, they move the energy around and they give it to other people.”“Trust me, your mind wanders off and you have to bring it back. It's one of the most hardest things. So all of this is teaching you willpower to do that.”“To get the real benefits, you have to do a little bit very often, a little bit, and the old Chinese masters always say, it's like putting down a piece of rice paper on the ground, put a bit down one day, two days, three days. After a year, you can actually see you've got a pile of paper.“So, when you start to think about your thoughts, and then to say those thoughts, you have to have breathe to say the thoughts, to say the words, and that then gives you the impetus for the good deeds."“Get to the nuts and bolts of them all and dig deep. You'll find the same message and philosophy going through the whole thing.”“Live your life by that, good thoughts, good words, resulting good deeds.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Heidi Dawson, a coach and therapeutic practitioner who works with both individuals and within the corporate world.

    As part of what she does, she works alongside her team of horses to help others to heal and learn about themselves as they explore a range of different areas such as social and emotional development, mental health, wellbeing, leadership, and team development.


    Heidi believes that horses are the epitome of emotional intelligence, being able to see into our souls; this allowing for authentic interaction, providing a safe space for individuals to explore who they are.



    Horses and animals are adept at reading our energy.By tuning into our emotional intelligence and what our bodies are telling us, it can help us to find solutions and move forward. Being with the horses creates a safe space to explore emotions. Animals can communicate with us to show us what we need to know about ourselves and each other.We are all connected to one another energetically.We can influence our environment by working on ourselves.



    “Ironically it was a riding accident that, because I haven't really done anything with horses for many years apart from every now and again go through a ride with a couple of friends. And on this occasion, I had a hideous accident, ended up in being airlifted to hospital.”“They just see into our souls. And they require us to be authentic because they don't know how to be anything other than that. And they're the epitome of emotional intelligence as well.”“That's just something special to be around that kind of energy and what they need from us is for us to get out of our heads and work with our own emotional intelligence and listen to what our bodies are telling us.”“They can't do role play. They don't, it isn't on their agenda. They don't know how to do it. So, every interaction is completely genuine and honest.”“The horses were where I found my safe place, so I just used to ignore the horrid girls who were picking on me and just go and spend time in a field or a stable with a horse and I was as happy as Larry and they just create that safe space.”“We've got a great connection. And so, I kind of feel what they're showing me and what they're telling me, but, and I've always assumed it's just because I've grown to know them.”“And that's something that I believe very strongly, that on that energetic level, we are all connected and anything that I do in the here and now ripples out and affects, you know, completely everybody and everything.”“I think the main one for me is get out of your head and listen to what your body is telling you about the situations that you find yourself in and the relationships that you find yourself in. Really tune into those gut instincts and listen to your emotional intelligence.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Emma Chandler, a bodywork practitioner who specialises in massage and yoga, looking at how the nervous system interplays with the muscles and joints.


    Emma always had a passion for helping others, initially wanting to train as a nurse, however opting to study chiropractic’s. After suffering from a broken bone, she was re-directed into hands on work in the form of massage; adapting her practice to support the clients she worked with within the family therapy practice.


    A big lesson for Emma has been to learn the balance between giving and maintaining personal boundaries, something which many of us have to learn how to navigate.



    Yoga can be for anyone.Taking time to look after your body should be seen as a necessity rather than a luxury.The body is a complex system that can be impacted in lots of different ways.Having a safe and supportive space to explore your wellbeing can be transformational.It is important that people feel listened to and heard.Self-responsibility is an important aspect of healing.In order to help others, we can’t do the work for them. They need to be ready and willing to put the effort in.



    “I wanted to, like, practice yoga and even become a yoga teacher for a long time but didn't think that I would be able to do it.”“And I just took up the thing of studying it (yoga) and kind of fell in love with it and then started teaching it within the practice from a sort of functional perspective and movement perspective because that's obviously what we're all about.”“I think working within sort of like the spinal health and chiropractic clinic, it helped me see the body from sort of the nervous system perspective as well and how the joints and the bones work and how all the muscles really truly attach and move and everything.”“I was one of those people that thought that you know, you had to be a certain person to go and do yoga. You know, you had to be able to stick your leg behind your head and everything like that.”“And yoga is, it's about the movement. It's about the breath, but everybody is different, and everybody can adapt it and it literally is for everybody and can be for everybody.”“I think first and foremost, your true passion has to be about helping people.”“It's a hard journey, isn't it? It is hard, and sometimes you still, feel like,’ Am I doing the right thing here? Am I, or am I being mean?’”“You have your body for life, so you need to take care of it. Your body takes care of you. You need to take care of it.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Laura, who holds women’s and men’s circles, giving individuals the opportunity to share their deepest thoughts, loves and fears within a safe space so that they can heal and grow.


    Laura believes that through individual and group healing we also influence the timeline of the collective. In this upbeat episode, Laura shares that she feels there is lots of positive healing and transformation occurring on the planet right now and we can all do our bit by working on ourselves.



    An individual may benefit from healing at multiple different levels - mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic and spiritual.Circles are a safe place to hold space for one another to change, evolve, heal and grow.Having the support of others can help to encourage you to make positive changes within your life.The simplicity of being heard is very healing and really important.Societal expectations can sometimes be in conflict with our authentic selves. The healing journey is an ongoing process.Having a safe space to explore who you are can allow you to come to your own conclusions.We can change our timeline and that of the collective for the better.



    “I do try to kind of keep the mind, body, soul aspect, depending on a person’s personality, like where they'll resonate the most, you know, cause some people it will be with the body, they want to physically release something. Some people will be with the mind, so we can do like guided meditations and stuff, and some people are on a real, you know, spiritual level where it really is just a spiritual healing.”“I'm finding that at the moment I'm definitely attracting like the women who are already on a precipice of knowing I'm changing, I'm evolving, there's something more out there that I need to discover. Maybe just a little bit, feeling a little bit mundane, maybe in ordinary lives and stuff. So it's, it's women who are already intrigued, who are already interested in sort of I can move it to the next level or something like that.”“It fills you up and just to watch, you know, humanity, just make this leap forward in consciousness.”“But being in a space where you're held, where you're listened to, where you're not questioned, where you're not said, oh no you're wrong, don't say that. And it's just a sense of, like, unleashing something inside people that they just feel they're so empowered.”“I often wonder in society, what would society be like if we actually nurtured each other to be our own expressive, unique selves, rather than putting all of those confines and constraints on each other.”“We've got another aspect of ourselves over here, who is I'm called the wild person, the wild person that is saying, I'm not this person with the mask, I am this, I am that, I want to be free.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Ana who reads the tarot. Ana, who is from Brazil, was brought up to explore various healing traditions, her father being a healer within their community. From a young age, this opened her up to the complexities of how our energy and intentions have an impact on our wellbeing.


    When Ana was first guided to read the tarot, she was initially overwhelmed, unsure as to how this would be incorporated into her life. Over time however she began to find it an insightful tool to create a picture and to tell stories to guide the individuals that she worked with. Over time she developed additional skills such as studying astrology which she incorporates into her readings.



    Having a reading can help to give confirmation about how we feel and where we want to go within our lives.A good quality tarot reading can help to show us what we need to know or what is playing out within our subconscious mind.To learn the tarot takes time and patience.When tuning in to another’s energy, or giving a reading, it is important that the practitioner is in a good place mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Astrology can give a lot of insights into a person’s character, their past and the challenges that they face.Tarot cards work best when they are read in conjunction with one another to give a deeper insight.



    “I think that it was back in 2014, one of my guides said to me, you need to start being very prepared because you are going to be a healer of healers and then I was just like, oh my God, you must be joking.”“I think, I believe that it's the most precious thing that I ever came across in my life because it shows exactly what the eyes cannot see, you know? So, shows things about the subconsciousness. It shows like really, really everything that it's behind.”“You must be joking. I'm not going to buy tarot cards. And they were like, yes, you are going to buy tarot cards. And then I got really upset. You know what I mean? Because my first deck, I was just open it. And then I was just spreading the cards and I couldn't read anything. And I was just like, why are you doing that to me?”“But nowadays when I spread the cards in there, I see as they become like motion pictures.”“My father was a healer. So, six years old he was already like initiated me. Nine years old I was already like giving Reiki to people. So, they are like, it's studying and studying. I'm someone that studies a lot, quantum mechanics, archetypes. I study numerology, astrology.”“You know, every single card, it's so precious on its own and has its own, like, story to tell.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Zoe Smart who is a creative mindful practitioner who works with children to access and understand their feelings and emotions, using mindfulness-based practices to assist with this.


    During this conversation Zoe highlights that we all have our struggles and difficulties, but we are not taught how to effectively deal with these from being young. Zoe believes that if we were, we would be able to regulate our emotions with increased ease which would in turn improve our connection with ourselves and others.



    Emotions are there to give us a message.When we understand the messages that emotions give us, we can make positive changes.Mindfulness based techniques can help us to regulate our emotions and reactions.Emotions are transitory.We are not our behaviours.We can learn from our mistakes.Other people feel similar things to what we feel at different times of our lives.



    “I just think it, for anybody, it can only be a good thing to understand yourself better and be kind to yourself as well.”“Just think from my own experience as well, of having mental health conditions from, so I had OCD from when I was six, and it's been a very hard journey for me. And we didn't have the kind of understanding, or it was like, ‘Oh, don't cry’.”“We're not alone. We all feel like this sometimes. Because I think that was a huge thing for me, actually, when I was little, I thought I was the whole world, like, and I just felt like nobody understood. I was all on my own, but we all have our struggles, and we all have our things.”“I think often we can be so critical and so harsh on ourselves. Far harsher than we would be if anyone else came to speak to us and said they were having a problem.”“You can't always control external life events but what you've always got that you can control and keep your power with is how you choose to think, feel and react.”“And you just think it's such a shame. I think because of the school system and how I feel really sorry for them because I know they try really hard, the teachers, but obviously there's so many children with different learning styles and different interests and not everybody is going to fit into that umbrella.”“Do you need a little cry? What do you need? Why are you here? Is there a reason you're visiting me?”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with David, a yoga practitioner who is also an experienced nurse and mental health practitioner.


    David initially began his yoga practice for fitness, in time noticing that the benefits went way beyond this, assisting with mental and emotional wellbeing, and spiritual connection.


    During this conversation, David discusses the parallels he has made between the medical model and within therapeutic and energetic practices such as yoga and different types of therapy, noting how these can play a vital role in supporting our health and well-being.



    There is often an overlap between different types of therapies and well-being practice.When we resist life’s circumstances, we struggle. We have innate wisdom within us to heal and release.Acceptance is an important aspect of healing.When we take care of our needs, it is easier to make better judgements and decisions.It is important to be able to honour and release different emotions.



    “I see it in the way we respond when we have to go into a particular posture in yoga or one of the asana. This, and a lot of the grounding techniques that we accept, you know, that calm the nervous system, science recognizes them, they have been around for millennia.”“I think we still have the wisdom; I think innately we have it; I think it's ingrained. If you look at animals and kids for instance, like if a dog's stressed and it gets away and shakes off, doesn't it? You know, we do that as humans, but we kind of stop ourselves doing it because of the way we might look, you know, or how we're perceived.”“I mean the asana, the postures themselves, there's no hierarchy in them. So, I struggle in Sukhasana, which is easy pose. I struggle in that. But these postures I think are meant to represent the challenges in life. You know and completing them isn't the aim, it's how you respond to them.”“The most important relationship in the world is with yourself.”“And that's what suffering is, isn't it? It's resistance.”“And the more we do this, these little maintenance things for our lives, whether it is exercise, sleep, hydration, you know, co-regulation, you know, being with others, these little, tiny things, what that does to you is it affirms you, and you're then able to make better, more well-informed judgments and decisions.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Jacqui Marsh an intuitive reader who attends and organises Mind, Body and Spirit Events.


    Whilst suffering from anxiety Jacqui became interested initially in crystals, obtaining an extensive collection. During this time, to help with her anxiety Jacqui would play cards. It was suggested to her that she would be using cards to give readings in the future, a message that only later on Jacqui came to understand.


    Jacqui now uses her skills of connecting with each individual that she works with to give them guidance and support in their current circumstances, highlighting the importance of working ethically to meet the needs of each customer.



    Card decks can be used as a tool to help you connect into your intuition.Meeting people who you share common interests with can be very supportive and uplifting.Mind, Body and Spirit events are a place of community.Different people need different therapeutic and wellbeing approaches depending on their preferences and what is occurring in their lives.When looking for a reader, find one with has a good reputation and who is willing to work ethically.Having an external viewpoint of a situation can help us to find internal resources to make positive change.



    “I met a lady there who was a customer and she said to me, you're going to be doing, she was a reader as well, she said, you're going to be doing this. Well at the time, I was playing Patience. I suffer quite badly with anxiety, so the game of Patience calmed me. And I could honestly play it for about six hours at a time. It was ridiculous, got ridiculous. And I thought she was referring to that.”“I bought myself a tarot deck, the Scarpini tarot deck. If you don't know what that is, don't bother because it's beautiful to look at, but possibly one of the most difficult decks to get to grips with.”“Now my mentor, who is a wonderful woman, she, at that time, also introduced me to paganism. Which I'm very, well I live my life with the seasons, etc, and the moon phases and all of that.”“I then started organizing my own MBS fairs, which I've been doing that for about 25 years. And I love doing that. I have met some awesome people.”“What I love about the well-being industry, really, because we're such a community. And you make lifelong friends, and there's those people that I know if I'm ever having a bad day, if I'm struggling, if I'm feeling overwhelmed, we’re there to support each other, to help each other, to guide each other and just bring each other back onto our paths.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Gary Whitt, The Urban Monk, who works with individuals to educate them on the journey to well-being and enlightenment.


    Gary, whilst serving in the police force, was a self-professed functioning alcoholic and narcissist, blaming other people and external situations for his problems.

    Upon travelling across America however he had an epiphany, recognising the journey he had been on was symbolic of his life up until that point in time. This revelation made him realise that he had to change his ways, learning to take responsibility for himself and his reactions. A message that he now wishes to share with others.



    Individuals will only become self-aware when they are ready to do so.Childhood experiences shape how you are in adulthood.By being present it can help us to discover what we want from life.The words we tell ourselves have meaning and can either help or hinder our quest for well-being.Everyone is on their own unique and individual journey.People and circumstances can hold up a mirror to us to help us see what we still need to address and heal.Taking responsibility for the self is important for healing and growth.



    “If I'm honest, from my personal perspective, everybody wants help, but they won't admit that they need help, or they're not ready to understand that they need help.”“You don't plant a seed and then every day dig it up to see if it's growing.”“And I joined the Navy straight from school and it was all about, being a man, you know, you’ve gotta do this. Take it on the chin. Be brave. Then I was 20 years in the police, exactly the same. And then I realized that what does happen in your childhood has a massive effect. I was the son of a very, very violent man, very abusive, I had a very dysfunctional family.”“As I entered Tennessee, I started hallucinating, which incidentally got me onto realizing how the brain works, how we've got one brain, but two halves, you know, you've got the conscious brain and the subconscious brain. So, for two hours, I was driving completely hallucinating, there was demons getting in the car. There were all kinds of things happening. And people were trying to climb in, I couldn't see, taillights looking like demon's eyes and looking at my sat nav, I drove two hours without realizing where I was.”“All my life I've been chasing something and like the opposite end of a magnet, I've just pushed it further and further and further away. So, I realized it was time to turn the magnet around and start attracting.”“People bury things deep inside the subconscious.”“It's not the life circumstance that is your issue. It's the way you deal with your life circumstance.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Vanya Mander who is a Leadership Development and Transformation Coach who is passionate about helping people become better communicators and leaders by increasing their emotional and social intelligence as a first step.


    Growing up, Vanya loved learning different languages. As she developed this skill, she became fascinated with people, learning about their different perspectives and ways of living. As her professional career developed into adulthood within various corporate roles, she began a journey of self-discovery, igniting her passion to support others with their growth.



    Discovering your purpose helps you to align your life in accordance with that purpose.Returning to your purpose helps to you become more resilient, as well as give you assistance to navigate yourself to get your life back on track.Having a purpose helps you to feel like you are part of something bigger.We can gain support and inspiration from others to help light ourselves up and show the way forward.Being open to the ideas and beliefs of others can help us to grow as individuals. Developing emotional intelligence helps us to ensure that ours and other people’s needs are met.



    “And for me, it was really learning those languages, it gave me exposure to more people. I was able to communicate with more people, to discover how they think, how they live, their perspectives.”“I guess what led me into, you know, like coaching throughout my journey was really that desire to explore and to explore people in particular.”The first step, I believe, was a workshop I was lucky to attend from work, which was discovering your purpose and then I really reflected deeper, dipping into my childhood, into my crucial moments in life, into my strengths.”“It's a massive change. That really helps you being resilient because you can always get back to that purpose. And it kind of supports you and drives you.”When, a firefly is at threat, the light is off. And actually, when other fireflies help her, the light comes back on. And so, my idea is developing our inner strengths, our resilience to switch on our light. And if sometimes it's difficult, allowing other people, or other fireflies to continue with the metaphor, to actually inspire us. And so, it's all about for me, inspiring each other so that we continue to be in that field of fireflies.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Lewis who is an Osteomyologist and Spinologist who assists individuals with their health and wellbeing.


    After putting his back out whilst mopping the floor, Lewis sought help through chiropractic treatments. Lewis, an engineer by trade, became fascinated by this process, re-training first as a personal trainer and then as an Osteomyologist (bone and muscle specialist).


    During this conversation, Lewis highlights how important it is to take care of your physical body, demonstrating that when this is out of alignment it can have a detrimental impact on all areas of your life.



    When the spine is out of alignment it puts stress on the nervous system which can create imbalance throughout the entire body.It is important to be proactive with taking care of yourself and your body.We need to drink enough water each day for our body’s needs.Your body needs the right type of nutrition to help it remain healthy. Exercise is required to keep the body working effectively.Posture plays a massive role upon our body and our health.



    “It's very rare that you'll find people that are proactive in the beginning until they've gone through certain misfortunes and then they go, I don't want to be like this no more.”“If you have all the good stuff, plenty of fruits and veg, no processed stuff, your body is then better able to deal with the processed stuff that you'll put in.”“From our perspective, we're not here to tell you how to live your life. We want to take the stress out of your nervous system.”“When you're sat constantly, muscles aren't firing, you're not moving properly, your heart's slowing down, so things aren't being pushed around the system, but it is so important to move.”“We're always here to help our guests know, regardless of what's going on in their life, we want to try and help them the best. Whether it's just, we're there for an ear for them to listen, to listen to them about their woes of that day or that week.”“Everything in this world is made up of energy. Whether people want to believe it or not, and that's the beautiful thing. If you don't believe it, well it's still going to happen.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Donna Alexander, a reiki practitioner who has trained in a number of different therapeutic modalities.


    After feeling overwhelmed and unfulfilled running her floristry business, Donna began to suffer from burnout. Upon going to see her massage therapist, she suggested that Donna try reiki. This experience was transformational for Donna, setting her on a new path of healing and wellbeing, encouraging her to leave behind the things that were no longer serving her.



    When you’re in the wrong job or environment it can have a detrimental impact on your well-being. Reiki and energy healing can provide balance on all levels of your being.Connecting in with guides and angels can give a sense of comfort and support.Manifesting helps to change your mindset and turn your hopes into reality.Looking for signs from the Universe within our surroundings can help us to feel connected and guided.Grounding and protecting yourself is important when coming into contact with others’ energies.Sometimes people and situations you have outgrown need to fall away to make room for new opportunities to emerge.



    “You often could be chatting to a stranger or suddenly you say hello, or you make eye contact and the next thing they're telling their life story. So obviously, when I had my business, I met a lot of people, so there was always that connection, but it was also very draining.”“So anyway, I just trusted her, and she started sort of doing a little bit of like a meditation to relax me and things like that. And she proceeded to do Reiki and I just could feel myself relaxing. And then I could see colours floating in and out of my eyes.”“I felt so good. I completely had gone into that room, dark, upset, crying, aching, everything, just feeling really traumatized. Going home, I was buzzing.”“We started to manifest and do positive affirmations. And then we would be really woo woo and be asking the angels for help. In your head's rationale you think, no, I can't, what is she talking about, the angels?!”“I had a sign above the door, 3D letters that were pinned onto the wall sort of thing. The letters started falling off. One at a time. And I was like, it's just a sign, you know, the universe telling me that this isn't going to be in my life for much longer.”“Reiki one was such an enlightenment really because we had case studies to do, basically working on family and friends. They were my guinea pigs, but they were all completely blown away by the experience. And I was completely blown away by the experience. How can something like that be so powerful?”“If there's something that doesn't feel right, you have to listen to that and act on it and know that you can change the way it's making you feel. So, if you're in that job, that feels rubbish, there are ways out it. There are always opportunities. You just need to keep your mind open.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with international psychic medium Barrie John.

    From a young age Barrie was aware of spirit, this being a normal and natural part of his experience. As time went on, he followed his calling, becoming a medium, a contrast from his professional role within the legal world. Through hard work and dedication, combined with the support of individuals such as Colin Fry, Barrie became a renowned medium regularly appearing on programmes such as Most Haunted and This Morning.

    During this episode Barrie highlights the comfort that contact with spirit can bring.



    We all have the potential to develop mediumistic and psychic abilities.Contact from loved ones who have passed can provide comfort and reassurance.You can be both spiritual and also grounded and professional.The right people and circumstances come along to support us with our purpose.Time with the ones we love, and living your life as your authentic self is of great importance.Mediumship, readings and therapy can help to give direction and hope.The situations we experience in life can help to make us stronger.


    “I get to it very often, even nowadays where I have to message a friend who's a psychic friend and go ‘What are you feeling on this?’ ‘Where do you think I'm going with this?’”“A lot of people come to us out of grief, and that's one of the biggest things that we all see as professional, sort of therapists, where people maybe haven't had the chance to say goodbyes or maybe there was something hung over the family before they passed away, you know, and we all do this.”“And as I always say to people when I teach, one of the things you start looking at is yourself. You look at how you affect people, but also how people affect you.”“And I remember, basically being a young child, you know, and I remember being a child laying on my bed and watching figures falling from the sky or faces falling from the sky.”“And then I got into the paranormal, you know, and this was around the 90s even before the famous TV shows like Most Haunted.”“We all go through difficult times and it's not easy because we get lost, and I think we just get lost in life. But I think what I would say is just don't ever give up, remember that there is something better out there. We all go through these experiences of life, and it makes us a stronger person, it makes us who we are today.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Trina Kavanagh-Thomas, who works with female leaders who are wanting to create a change within their life.


    During this conversation, Trina will be sharing how through dissatisfaction, we can identify when things are no longer working for us within our lives. This can be used to create positive change, making sure the alterations we make are aligned with our current needs and values.



    We often have to perform multiple different roles within our lives.When we are performing roles all the time, that can become exhausting, therefore self-care is important.Your body will tell you when you need to slow down or stop.A process of grieving can occur when we go through life’s transitions.We may need to make changes in our lives in order to re-align ourselves with our current values.Dissatisfaction can make us aware that something needs to change.



    “And it is an identity for a lot of people, you know, and for a lot of people they may find out that they're performing.”“I am the mechanic by the way. So when people come and see me, you know, they're in a position where their body is telling them, even though they can keep going, their body tells them in different ways that they need to stop.”“When I stepped away from my last business, I ran a fitness business. I ran it for eight years and, and it was quite big. I was running events; I was doing like classes and stuff. I was personal training. So there was like a massive following and when it comes time, you know it.”“A lot of that comes from validation and wanting to be recognized as well. And these are the things that I wasn't aware of when I was in that role.”“It's all about listening to your body, your intuition, your gut instinct. What does it feel like when certain things happen to you?“And I think, like you say, it's so essential because energy is something that flows all around and within us all of the time.”



    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In today’s episode of the Tranquil Awakenings Podcast, Debbie will be in conversation with Mystic Mike James, who shares his journey of learning how to become a tarot reader.


    After having several readings over a number of years, Mystic Mike came to accept that delivering readings is part of his life’s purpose. Through the connection to an earlier spiritual experience he had as a teen, he eventually took note of the messages he was being given and decided to embark upon a journey of spiritual development and self-discovery.



    Being of service to others is part of our spiritual purpose.Messages will keep being presented to us by the people we meet to help guide us onto the right path.Spiritual connection can provide individuals with feelings of peace and clarity.Taking on new learning or following a new path can initially feel scary, but once that change has been made, it can bring with it wonderful opportunities for fulfilment and growth.We are a combination of darkness and light and we need to work with both to become the best versions of ourselves that we can be.An attitude of curiosity and an open heart can allow us to explore life more freely.



    “I believe that we all have a purpose and, you know, some of us find it a lot quicker than others and that's fine.”“I remember going on to this retreat when I was about 15 and I had some kind of, whether you want to call it some kind of mini awakening or something that happened.”“I had this first moment of feeling, and it was certainly a sensation that went right through my body in terms of this calmness and this kind of serenity and this peace and this surety, almost like, right, I know where I'm going now. I know what I've got to do. I know how I've got to resolve this.”“Life is a complete journey of self-discovery.”“And she just said to me, you've got the gift, you can do this. I'm like, I can't believe she just said that again. I was just, I was almost kind of hoping that she was going to say that's not the case, you know, and then I could just put it to bed.”“And I knew it was about service and I knew that it, this was the hole in the soul that I kind of needed to start to kind of feel and to, you know, it's, I guess it's almost turned my life completely around living spiritually because it's all about everybody else now and much less about me.” 


    Debbie is a seasoned therapist whose journey from being a primary school teacher to an adept therapist has been fuelled by her fascination with the intricacies of human nature. Equipped with advanced certifications in diverse modalities like hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, mindfulness, meditation, past life regression and many more she has honed her expertise to bring about transformative change.

    As a full-time therapist and trainer, Debbie's driving passion is guiding others, as well as herself, towards their best selves. Embracing the concept of holistic beings, she firmly believes in addressing the mental, emotional, physical, social, energetic, and spiritual facets of well-being and healing.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.