Feb. 23, 2025, Bergenfield, N.J.
Video: https://vimeo.com/1059551417
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TorahWeb.org Yom Iyun
Sept. 15, 2024
Young Israel of Lawrence Cedarhurst
TorahWeb.org event, Sept. 8, 2024, Fair Lawn, NJ
TorahWeb.org event, Sept. 8, 2024, Fair Lawn, NJ
TorahWeb.org Yom Iyun
Dec. 24, 2023
Young Israel of Lawrence Cedarhurst
HKB"H put in place a two tiered system of nissim nistarim and natural hishtadlus, as described by the Ramban and Sefer Hachinuch. Can't circumvent it.
Torah commands us to act on a natural level, with emunah that HKB"H is poised to perform miracles.
Given on the way to Washington DC Nov. 14 Rally
The absolute halachic correctness of attending the Nov. 14 rally.
When an individual's or community's identity is shattered, they have "nothing left" but HKB"H, and come closer to Him.
The antisemitic and anti-civilization cabals on college campuses are not interested in truth, but other people in society are, and we should provide them with the truth.
- Eat on R"H not due to lack of eimas hadin, but despite it. Similarly, one can mostly go about his routine while identifying with the eis tzara in Israel, or r"l because he is becoming detached from it. - We must not slip into a mode in which we've acclimated to the eis tzara and our sense of it fades. If we feel ourselves becoming desensitized, we have to take concrete steps to reengage. We must sustain our level of concern as long as the eis tzara is ongoing.
What is contested in the war is yichud Hashem. Kiddush Hashem & chilul Hashem.
Hamas's savagery. Limits of our understanding. Broader context.
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