Everyone should take steps to grow throughout their life, and this Podcast is meant for those who want to grow by learning. Questions about the True, the Good, and the Beautiful are critical for you to consider; these inform what you know, do, and value. These, and related matters, are examined by Philosophy, Theology, and Philosophical Theology, which are the categories of the content you will encounter on this Podcast.
It may be that you don't have the time or ability to attend an institution of higher education; on this Podcast you will receive College-quality instruction, delivered to you in an engaging way, without you having to attend College. Some of this content will be labeled Beginner, some Intermediate, and some Advanced, but it is hoped all the content will bring you incredible value, regardless of the your familiarity with the topics.
This channel is part of Timotheus Academy; for more about Timotheus Academy be sure to visit TimotheusAcademy.com.