
  • In this episode, my discussion centres on the Middle Ground Parenting Movement, which encourages parents to balance their needs with their children's, offering flexible and personalised approaches to parenting and baby sleep.

    I address the challenges parents face, such as societal pressure and the dichotomy between constant physical contact and cry-based sleep training methods. The aim is to empower parents to explore a variety of co-regulation tools and approaches, highlighting the significance of self-awareness, perspective, and flexibility in parenting.

    Through practical examples and personal insights, the episode advocates for the rejection of perfectionism, promoting self-care, and the prioritisation of parental well-being as essential for fostering resilient and securely attached children.

    Watch my free empowerment video and in less than 20 mins, gain some healthy Instagram perspective to help you to stay clear and become mindful of the Instagram vortex.

    For more information on this topic, head to the show notes: Episode 13 Show Notes

    And I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode! Come and connect with me on Instagram at @sleep_thrive_grow.

    And click the +Follow button to never miss an episode. New episodes are released every Tuesday!

    To find out more about how I can support you, visit my website here. 

  • This episode dives into the well-known adage "It takes a village to raise a child", exploring its relevance and application in contemporary Western society. I shared personal experiences of initially resisting assistance in parenting, reflecting a common societal mindset that equates accepting help with inadequacy. Through recounting moments of realisation and change, the discussion highlights the importance of allowing others to contribute to child-rearing, not only for the parent's benefit but also for the child's development of secure attachments with multiple caregivers and family members.

    In this episode, emphasis is placed on the need for a collective approach to parenting, encouraging listeners to open their parenting "village" to include partners, family members, and wider community connections. The episode aims to shift the perception that parenting should be a solitary journey, instead advocating for a more inclusive, supportive, and interconnected approach to raising children.

    Check out this resources to learn more about Window of Tolerance.



    For more information on this topic, head to the show notes: Episode 12 Show Notes

    And I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode! Come and connect with me on Instagram at @sleep_thrive_grow.

    And click the +Follow button to never miss an episode. New episodes are released every Tuesday!

    To find out more about how I can support you, visit my website here. 

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  • In this episode of Thriving Parenting, I explore the concept of the window of tolerance, originally coined by Dr. Dan Siegel, explaining it as the optimal state of arousal where individuals can best support their mental health, well-being, and emotional regulation. 

    The discussion covers the impacts of being outside this window, in either a hyper or hypo-aroused state, and their effects on parenting. I shared personal examples and emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, mindfulness, and self-care in expanding one's window of tolerance to better manage parenting stressors and challenges. Strategies such as mindfulness, proper nutrition, exercise, and sleep are highlighted as ways to maintain and widen the window of tolerance, alongside an exploration of self-care techniques tailored for hyper and hypo-arousal states.

    For more information on this topic, head to the show notes: Episode 11 Show Notes

    And I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode! Come and connect with me on Instagram at @sleep_thrive_grow.

    And click the +Follow button to never miss an episode. New episodes are released every Tuesday!

    To find out more about how I can support you, visit my website here. 

  • For this week's episode, I dived deep into the topic of sleep regressions, addressing common parental concerns such as its impact and management strategies.  Sleep regressions as natural developmental milestones that can disrupt a child’s sleeping patterns, arguing against the notion that such regressions are a negative phenomenon. Instead, I promote understanding and positive management of these periods.

    Also, I emphasize that sleep regressions are a sign of healthy growth and advise parents on how to support you child through these times without creating dependency or stress. The discussion covers the impact of a child’s sleep history, temperament, and the parenting approach on experiencing sleep regressions. Various age-related regressions are explored, including the notable ones at four months, highlighting the permanent changes in sleep patterns, and offering practical advice on adapting to these changes. This episode stresses the importance of staying informed, maintaining consistency, and leveraging various tools and techniques to support both the child and parent through sleep challenges.

    For my 4-18 month-old e-book, click here . This e-book has 12 chapters designed to empower the heck out of your parenting journey as well as support you and your little one to optimise sleep in your home for your health and well-being.

    For more information on this topic, head to the show notes: Episode 10 Show Notes

    And I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode! Come and connect with me on Instagram at @sleep_thrive_grow.

    And click the +Follow button to never miss an episode. New episodes are released every Tuesday!

    To find out more about how I can support you, visit my website here. 

  • Here's why embracing the inevitable bumps on the road to better parenting can actually be a good thing.

    In this episode, I discussed seven reasons why parenting can be challenging. I also explored how these challenges can be a learning curve, filled with emotional ups and downs. But fear not! I also shared some great tips for navigating these early days. Leaning on your partner, family, and friends – your "village" of support – is key.

    I emphasized the importance of self-care (because a well-rested parent is a happy parent!), and letting go of rigid routines in favor of adapting to your baby's needs.

    Remember, trusting your gut instincts and having a toolbox of responses for your little one is crucial. Additionally, I discussed the importance of setting healthy boundaries, even if it means your little one gets frustrated sometimes. It's all part of raising happy, well-adjusted humans!

    For my Sleep Godmother Program, my most tailored sleep program going beyond sleep itself, click here 

    For more information on this topic, head to the show notes: Episode 9 Show Notes

    And I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode! Come and connect with me on Instagram at @sleep_thrive_grow.

    And click the +Follow button to never miss an episode. New episodes are released every Tuesday!

    To find out more about how I can support you, visit my website here. 

  • Change is a constant in life, but why does it often feel so hard?

    In this episode of Thriving Parenting, the focus is on the complexities of change, particularly how it can incite discomfort and fear, yet ultimately lead to personal growth and better parenting. I share insights into the neurological aspects of change, emphasizing that discomfort is a normal and necessary part of the process.

    Key points include understanding why change feels so daunting, recognizing the importance of practice and repetition in forming new habits, and the need for self-compassion and realistic goals during the transition. I also share personal anecdotes to illustrate these concepts, including the challenges and triumphs encountered when shifting parenting practices. Additionally, practical advice on how to navigate change, such as seeking support and setting attainable goals.

    This episode aims to empower parents to embrace change, acknowledging the initial discomfort while highlighting the long-term benefits of perseverance and resilience.

    For my Sleep Godmother Program, my most tailored sleep program going beyond sleep itself, click here 

    For more information on this topic, head to the show notes: Episode 8 Show Notes

    And I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode! Come and connect with me on Instagram at @sleep_thrive_grow.

    And click the +Follow button to never miss an episode. New episodes are released every Tuesday!

    To find out more about how I can support you, visit my website here. 

  • Picture your body as a symphony orchestra, and sleep as the conductor ensuring every instrument plays its part to perfection. Without this maestro, the melody of your health and well-being falls out of tune. That's the power of sleep – the unsung hero orchestrating harmony in our lives.

    This episode of Thriving Parent-ing explores the importance and benefits of establishing a sleep routine for babies, detailing the differences between a sleep routine and a schedule, and how each can positively affect a baby's sleep habits and overall wellbeing. The episode highlights how regular sleep routines and patterns can lead to more restful sleep for both babies and parents. I also discussed the pivotal role of the circadian rhythm in establishing healthy sleep habits, offering insightful tips on creating a simple, adaptable sleep routine that suits both the baby's and the parent's needs, while also leaving room for flexibility. 

    The episode aims to empower parents with knowledge and tools to improve their baby's sleep, making parenting more enjoyable and less stressful.

    For my Sleep Godmother Program, my most tailored sleep program going beyond sleep itself, click here 

    For more information on this topic, head to the show notes: Episode 7 Show Notes

    And I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode! Come and connect with me on Instagram at @sleep_thrive_grow.

    And click the +Follow button to never miss an episode. New episodes are released every Tuesday!

    To find out more about how I can support you, visit my website here. 

  • In today's episode, we're diving deep into a powerful parenting tool that promises to revolutionize your approach to raising kids. This tool is not only accessible to every parent out there but also packs a punch with a trifecta of benefits.

    You guessed it—humor.

    Now, I know what you're thinking. "But how do I incorporate humor into my daily parenting routine?" Don't worry; I've got you covered. Throughout this episode, we'll explore examples and practical strategies to infuse humor into your interactions with your kids.

    For more information on this topic, head to the show notes: Episode 6 Show Notes

    And I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode! Come and connect with me on Instagram at @sleep_thrive_grow.

    And click the +Follow button to never miss an episode. New episodes are released every Tuesday!

    To find out more about how I can support you, visit my website here. 

    For my Sleep Godmother Program, my most tailored sleep program going beyond sleep itself, click here 

  • We’re all familiar with the phrase, “where there’s a will, there’s a way” and, when it comes to making changes in parenting and throughout our lives, we need both a strong will and a clear way, to achieve successful change that lasts. 

    In this episode, I explore the reason why change is so important as our children themselves change, grow and evolve, and the secret to how you implement real change, that is long-lasting, in your parenting.

    So, if you’ve been feeling stuck lately, or feel like any changes you try to make are short-lived before you go right back to the beginning again, then this episode is for you. 

    For more information on this topic, head to the show notes: Episode 5 Show Notes

    And I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode! Come and connect with me on Instagram at @sleep_thrive_grow.

    And click the +Follow button to never miss an episode. New episodes are released every Tuesday!

    To find out more about how I can support you, visit my website here. 

    For my Sleep Godmother Program, my most tailored sleep program going beyond sleep itself, click here 

  • In today’s episode we are busting the longstanding myth that we need to ‘teach’ our babies how to fall asleep!

    This powerful mindset reframe will change your approach to your baby’s sleep and will provide you with what you can be focusing when it comes to supporting your baby in this process. We’ll also be exploring the difference between self-soothing and self-settling and how you can use this to identify the areas you can control and can harness to improve your baby’s transition to sleep.


    For more information, head to the show notes: Episode 4 Show Notes

    And I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode! Come and connect with me on Instagram at @sleep_thrive_grow.

    And click the +Follow button to never miss an episode. New episodes are released every Tuesday!

    To listen to Episode 1, which I mention in this episode, click here.

    To find out more about how I can support you, visit my website here. 

    For my Sleep Godmother Program, my most tailored sleep program going beyond sleep itself, click here 

  • In today’s episode we are talking all about mindset, which is one of my favourite areas to talk about because it is such a powerful tool when it comes to our quality and fulfilment in life.


    Carol Dweck, a professor of psychology, identified that people tend to fall into two categories when it comes to mindset – a fixed mindset, where people believe their abilities and intelligence cannot be changed, and a growth mindset, where people believe they can develop and improve through effort, learning and perseverance.


    In this episode, I’ll be exploring how these opposing mindsets manifest when it comes to parenting, and the power that having a growth mindset has when it comes to overcoming challenges and obstacles, responding to criticism, handling stress and responding to the success of others.


    I’ll also be exploring where our mindsets are established, how we can nurture a growth mindset when it comes to our parenting, and how this can boost your parenting ability.


    For more information, head to the show notes: Episode 3 Show Notes


    And I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode! Come and connect with me on Instagram at @sleep_thrive_grow.


    And click the +Follow button to never miss an episode. New episodes are released every Tuesday!


    And you can listen to my other episodes right now!


    Check out Episode 1, Why Having Self-Soothing As Your Baby’s Sleep Goal Is Your Parenting Nemesis, and What To Focus On Instead, here.


    Check out Episode 2, 5 Things Holding You Back In Parenting, And Actionable Steps You Can Take When Parenting Just Feels Hard, here.


    To find out more about how I can support you, visit my website here. 


    For my Sleep Godmother Program, my most tailored sleep program going beyond sleep itself, click here 

  • There’s no escaping the fact that parenting sometimes just feels hard, and there are many valid reasons for this; we’re doing it without prior experience, we’re sleep-deprived, and we’re raising human beings from scratch!


    But we have the power to shift our mindset and reframe our thoughts, to make conscious changes to how our brain thinks and how our body feels.


    In this episode, I explore 5 areas that are holding you back from thriving in your parenting and making it feel harder than it needs to, and I share some steps and changes that you make in your day-to day to reframe your thinking, regain control, honour your needs and ultimately find more ease in your parenting.


    So if parenting’s feeling hard lately, settle in and enjoy this episode, because this one’s for you.


    For more information, head to the show notes: Episode 2 Show Notes


    And I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode! Come and connect with me on Instagram at @sleep_thrive_grow.


    And click the +Follow button to never miss an episode. New episodes are released every Tuesday!


    And you can listen to my other episodes right now!


    Check out Episode 1, Why Having Self-Soothing As Your Baby’s Sleep Goal Is Your Parenting Nemesis, and What To Focus On Instead, here.


    Check out Episode 3, A Growth vs a Fixed Mindset In Parenting – How To Overcome Challenges And Boost Your Parenting Ability here.


    To find out more about how I can support you, visit my website here.


    For my Sleep Godmother Program, my most tailored sleep program going beyond sleep itself, click here

  • Welcome Thrivers, to the first episode of Thriving Parent-ing! I’m so glad you’re here!

    Today I am talking about self-soothing, why I believe that having it as your baby’s ultimate sleep goal is actually your parenting nemesis, and what to focus on instead.

    By reframing this focus point, you can shift your perspective and feel more secure and confident in your parenting.

    I’ll be breaking down what self-soothing and self-regulation are, the ages at which these tend to develop (whilst remembering that all our babies are unique!) and I’ll be talking about the small steps and building blocks you can be shifting your focus to instead. 

    It's these 1-2% changes you can start implementing right now that will ultimately make the biggest difference, because they’ll help to foster trust, safety and confidence around sleep. 

    By taking the pressure off yourself and your parenting, you can sit in the more comfortable place of developing your confidence and skills, rather than focusing on that end goal. So if you’ve been feeling like you’re failing, or like your goal of getting your baby to self-soothe is out of reach, this is the episode for you. 

    For more information and for all the details, head to the show notes: Episode 1 Show Notes

    And I’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode! Come and connect with me on Instagram at @sleep_thrive_grow.

    And click the +Follow button to never miss an episode. New episodes are released every Tuesday!

    And you can listen to my other episodes right now!

    Check out Episode 2, 5 Things Holding You Back In Parenting, And Actionable Steps You Can Take When Parenting Just Feels Hard, here.

    Check out Episode 3, A Growth vs a Fixed Mindset In Parenting – How To Overcome Challenges And Boost Your Parenting Ability, here.

    To find out more about how I can support you, visit my website here. 

    For my Sleep Godmother Program, my most tailored sleep program going beyond sleep itself, click here 

  • Welcome, thrivers! Yep, we are changing the narrative from survivors to thrivers right now because I know that, if you’re here, then you’re already on the campaign to level up your life in parenting. You want the support to evolve and become a parent you are proud of, creating a more confident (and 100% less tired) sustainable existence and that, my friend, is something to celebrate because to thrive in parenting really does start with a thriving you.

    I'm your host Jen, a RN, a mama of 3, baby and toddler sleep coach, parent mentor and mind-body practitioner. Every week, here on the Thriving Parent-ing podcast, I’ll be supporting you in the areas of mindset, parenting and sleep. I'll also be talking to experts along the way, helping you cut through the noise and uncover a more confident you, while raising your little ones with more ease, regulation and resilience.

    Click the +Follow button now on whichever App you're using to listen to this, so that you never miss an episode.

    And come say hello on Instagram at @sleep_thrive_grow and find out more about me and how I can support you at www.sleepthrivegrow.com.