
  • You can thrive and live an abundant life in every area and in every season. You can practice the lost arts of being a vibrant human being. And you can be energized and enjoy more of what matters most spiritually, emotionally, physically, mentally, and relationally.

    The closer a courageous, rooted, and thriving woman gets to realizing her life’s purpose, the more she understands that abundant living is nothing like what she once thought it was. It’s not perfect circumstances; it’s perfect peace within those circumstances. Thriving Beyond Belief gives women practical tools to improve every relationship they have by doing the hard work of knowing “the real you” and learning to be vulnerable. Deep satisfaction comes from women knowing who they are, overcoming their fears, facing the difficult stuff of life, and making lasting change. And it all starts with the journey of knowing and understanding who God made them to be.

    No matter where you’ve come from, what you’ve experienced in the past, or the mistakes you’ve made—you can learn to thrive the rest of your life. This book shows you how.

    Related Links: AMAZON: Thriving Beyond Belief BOOK WEBSITE: Thriving Beyond Belief PODCAST
  • Melissa L. Johnson is a celebrated author renowned for her evocative storytelling and deep exploration of human emotions. Her latest work, "Soul-Deep Beauty," delves into the intricate ways beauty manifests both within and beyond the physical realm, captivating readers with its profound insights. With a background in psychology, Melissa skillfully weaves themes of self-discovery and personal growth into her narratives, making her a beloved figure among readers seeking both entertainment and enlightenment. Her writing not only entertains but also challenges readers to reflect on their own perceptions of beauty and identity. Melissa's unique voice and thoughtful prose continue to earn her a place in the hearts of those who cherish literature that resonates on a soul-deep level.

    Related Links: AMAZON: Soul-deep Beauty: Fighting for Our True Worth in a World Demanding Flawless WEBSITE: Impossible-Beauty.com
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  • Jane Lee Rankin is a farmer and founder of Apple Hill Farm, an award-winning first-generation farm in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina. She is an advocate for farmers through her leadership and involvement in the North Carolina Agritourism Networking Association, Watauga County Farm Bureau, the Watauga County Economic Development Commission, the Watauga County Agricultural Extension, and local chamber of commerce. She frequently speaks about farm tourism and the benefits of diversifying your farm portfolio at conferences locally and nationally.

    Apple Hill Farm is an agritourism destination for thousands every year who tour, shop, and learn about raising a farm family of animals. With a wide selection of fair trade and American-sourced yarns, socks, and apparel items made from alpaca wool, the Apple Hill Farm Store participates in six yearly craft or fiber shows across North Carolina. The farm and store are open year-round for shopping and tours. Since 2010 more than ninety thousand visitors have come to tour the farm and hear Lee’s story. In 2021, Lee won runner-up for North Carolina Small Farmer of the Year.

    Lee is a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York, and her first book, Cookin’ Up a Storm: The Recipes of Annie Johnson, is a culinary memoir and tribute to her dear friend and mentor.

    WEBSITE: Jane Lee Rankin BOOK: farm family
  • Stephanie May Wilson: An experienced guide for women navigating life transitions, Stephanie empowers her audience through books, courses, and podcasts, helping them build lives that resonate with authenticity and joy. Fluent in Spanish with a touch of French, she fosters deep connections and enjoys sharing meals with friends. Based in Nashville, originally from Denver, Stephanie delights in the familiar comfort of pizza and treasures time spent in Spain and at home. Her work emphasizes personal development, encouraging women to pursue their genuine desires.

    Stephanie May Wilson's Links: WEBSITE: StephanieMayWilson.com FACEBOOK: /LipstickGospel INSTAGRAM: @smaywilson YOUTUBE: @girlsnightpodcast
  • Robert J. Morgan recently transitioned to serve full time as leader of Robert J. Morgan Ministries, a 501(c)3 nonprofit whose goal is to energize God’s people with a greater understanding and appreciation of the Bible and Christian heritage. Preceding this transition, Rob was involved in pastoral ministry for over 40 years in Nashville Tennessee. He is a best-selling, gold-Illuminations, and gold-medallion winning writer with more than 35 books in print and approximately 5 million copies in circulation in multiple languages. Rob has appeared on numerous television and radio shows. He speaks widely at churches, conferences, schools, and corporate events.

    Rob was also a homemaker and a caregiver for his late wife of 43 years, Katrina, who battled multiple sclerosis and passed away in November of 2019. He and Katrina have three daughters and sixteen grandchildren.

    Robert Morgan's Links: WEBSITE: RobertJMorgan.com FACEBOOK: /RobertJMorganMinistries INSTAGRAM: @robertjmorganministries TWITTER: @robertjmorgan
  • I started blogging in college on LiveJournal. (Remember that? It was a whole lot of Dashboard Confessional lyrics and was incredibly emo.) In 2007, I moved to WordPress and wanted to bring joy to people through my satirical writing. I wanted to be the next version of “The Onion,” if you can believe it. Then, over the years, the content began to change. I started sharing more about my life and suddenly I realized that there were people reading this blog that weren’t just my dad and my sister. So, while the content certainly changed over the last 13+ years, the mission certainly has not. True joy from within looks different than I thought it once did. When you step into this little space, I genuinely want you to feel like you’re hanging out with a dear friend. So, what are you going to find here? Here I’ll talk about everything from ethical fashion and clean beauty, to my passion for ending human trafficking, child sponsorship with Compassion International, clean beauty (and my favorite mascaras!), real food and some easy recipes, my life as a wife and mom, and so much more. I pray you’re encouraged.

    Website: https://www.stillbeingmolly.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stillbeingmolly Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stillbeingmolly
  • My Story: Finding my voice.

    My twenties were categorized as driven and successful. My resume boasted of working for influential organizations. I was a popular communicator traveling across the globe to speak to students. And I became an author at the young age of 27.

    But then, I turned 30, had kids, faced some rejection and was felt like I had peaked in life. Where the twenties were driven with confidence, my thirties felt like a lonely space. Having accomplished so much in life to that point, I wondered if this was it. I felt like there was a formula to life, a certainty to things. But my thirties proved that life was more uncertain than I had believed.

    In those years, I longed to communicate with women again. I longed to connect with others through conversation. In October of 2015, the podcast, Surviving Sarah, was born. It was to be a place where I could use my voice again to help other women know they aren’t alone. It was a place where I could help women survive right where they are—in their life, their relationships, their work and their faith.

    After years of living and learning, I wrote a new book about how motherhood has raised me. “A Mother’s Guide to Raising Herself: What Parenting Taught Me About Life, Faith and Myself” is a guide that captures that journey of realizing that as I was parenting my girls, I was actually parenting myself.

    In 2024, I released my next book: “Is Everyone Happier Than Me? An Honest Guide to the Questions That Keep You up at Night.” This book is an honest look at the questions we ask in midlife. It’s a book that helps us navigate those questions and hopefully discover how to find a sense of happiness, peace and connection right where we are.

    Now, my forties are categorized as a different confidence—a confidence in the journey of discovering who I am and stepping confidently into that person. It’s a journey defined by curiosity and surrendering to the uncertainty of it all. And as Anne Lamont says, “The opposite of faith is not doubt, it’s certainty.” By embracing the uncertainty with curiosity, my faith has been reconstructed.

    WEBSITE: Sarah Bragg INSTAGRAM: @SarahBragg AMAZON: Book: is everyone happier than me?
  • Laura L. Smith is an author who intertwines her personal experiences, biblical truths, and creative practices to address mental health struggles through a faith-based lens. Her latest work emphasizes the importance of self-care as a biblical principle, advocating for a holistic approach that includes therapy, medicine, movement, healthy boundaries, and more. Her book aims to show the depth of Jesus' love in the midst of fear, anxiety, and depression, providing practical tools for mental health care. For more about Laura and her work, you can visit her website.

    Related Links: WEBSITE: LauraSmithAuthor.com INSTAGRAM: @laurasmithauthor FACEBOOK: /LauraLSmithAuthor
  • Wonder. Mystery. Awe.

    The older I get, the more I value these things. Perhaps because somewhere along the way, life had not gone as planned. There were losses and griefs and new labels like “Divorced” to check off on the forms at the doctor’s office. There were no easy answers for the hard stuff, so I chose to give myself grace as I figured it all out.

    I never thought I would be writing a book at the same time that I qualified for Social Security.

    I never thought that anyone would pay a dime for anything I had to say.

    I never thought a woman with a senior discount would be taken seriously at any place other than the Michael’s checkout register.

    Yet, here I am. What are your “never thoughts?”

    Love, Carole

    Related Links: WEBSITE: Carole Holiday
  • In "A Child Called 'It'," author Dave Pelzer recounts a profoundly shocking personal history of childhood mistreatment, marking it as one of the most extreme cases of child abuse recorded in California. The memoir garnered significant attention, staying on the New York Times best-seller list for an extended period and earning a nomination for the Pulitzer Prize.

    The narrative begins with Pelzer's early school years, highlighting the onset of abuse by his mentally unstable and alcoholic mother. From first through fifth grade, he endured severe physical, emotional, and psychological abuse. His mother's cruelty escalated to the point of denying his identity, referring to him as "it" rather than his name. The constant abuse nearly led to his death, until intervention by authorities. Despite the harrowing experiences, Pelzer's resolve to survive and his faith were undiminished, driving him to not only overcome these challenges but to share his story with the world.

    Born on December 29, 1960, in San Francisco, Pelzer is recognized for his autobiographical and self-help writings. His 1995 memoir reached significant commercial success, staying on The New York Times Best Seller list for numerous years and selling over 1.6 million copies within five years. The publication of this book brought Pelzer widespread fame, though it has also been the subject of debate and skepticism, with some family members and journalists questioning the authenticity of certain events depicted.

    Related Links: WEBSITE: David James Pelzer
  • Meet Chuck and Ashley Elliott, a dynamic duo in the realm of relationship guidance, active since 2009. Their journey began with Community Marriage Builders, where they honed their skills in conducting both intimate and large-scale workshops. With certifications in eight diverse Psycho-educational programs, the Elliotts specialize in fostering relational triumphs.

    Their portfolio includes the creation and instruction of various marriage enrichment programs, and they are passionate advocates for discussing all facets of relationships.

    Chuck brings a unique perspective as a pastor at Bethel Church in Evansville, Indiana, enriching lives with spiritual insights. Meanwhile, Ashley's expertise as a counselor at Auxilium Psychological Services is complemented by her academic prowess. She notably led the Psychology and Addictions Counseling Program at Oakland City University for over a decade. There, she developed an impressive array of Psychology courses, engaged in groundbreaking research, and even formulated a unique Communication Theory. This theory, a joint effort with Chuck, has been showcased across numerous universities and business platforms nationwide.

    Outside their professional lives, Chuck, Ashley, and their three sons cherish the outdoors with activities like hiking and mountain biking. And let's not forget those rare but memorable family dance parties that add rhythm to their lives!

    Related Links: WEBSITE: ChuckandAshley.com INSTAGRAM: @chuckandashleyelliott FACEBOOK: /chuckandashley YOUTUBE: Chuck and Ashley
  • Are you thriving beyond your wildest dreams? Want to do this together? Listen in to this episode and challenge yourself to THRIVE!

    In this episode we deal straight up with FEAR!


    WEBSITE: Jeff & Cheryl Scruggs INSTAGRAM: @CherylScruggs AMAZON: Book: Thriving Beyond Belief AUTOGRAPHED COPY: Order here
  • Are you thriving beyond your wildest dreams? Want to do this together? Listen in to this episode and challenge yourself to THRIVE!

    WEBSITE: Jeff & Cheryl Scruggs INSTAGRAM: @CherylScruggs AMAZON: Book: Thriving Beyond Belief AUTOGRAPHED COPY: order here
  • Kia Stephens is a wife (of 19 years) and a mom of two who is literally in the trenches of motherhood. Most days are spent driving her teen and tween around like an overworked and underpaid taxi driver.

    A few years ago, however, she acted on her desire to become a writer and created The Father Swap Blog to help women exchange their father wounds for the love of God the father. Five years later she is a contributor for iBelieve and Proverbs 31 Ministries and the host of the Hope For Women With Father Wounds Podcast. Her writing has been featured on Ann Voskamp’s Blog, Christianity Today, Crosswalk, Beloved Women, and Incourage.

    GUEST LINKS: WEBSITE: Kia Stephens
  • Words matter. Our words matter. And Well Said* explains why they do, how to make the most of them and why doing this can change our lives. Most importantly, Sarah’s practical tips intertwined with personal life stories are grounded in Biblical truth and convey God’s love for each person. Choosing to use our words to speak life allows the Lord to work in ways we never imagined or could dream for ourselves. It’s not easy and it’s not instant but it will be life-challenging and life-changing.

  • "My husband and I own a charming historic home, Hillside Farm, just outside Philadelphia. It’s a lovely property with giant trees and rolling hills, an enormous barn, a chicken coup, and a constant stream of friends and family. groups, her passion is in small-group settings."

    Really? Write about my life at Hillside? I chuckled and put the idea in my back pocket, never expecting to take it out again. But, like a persistent seed, the idea refused to stay buried. Instead, it took root and sprouted straight up. And before I knew it, one page after another, a book was born. It took all of us working together. My daughters did the calligraphy and illustrations, and Bob cheered me on.

    Like Hillside, the book is a representation of Bob and me. We have flipped many homes, but Hillside is the apex of our rehab adventures.

    For one year, we documented our life at the farm through words and photographs. In spring, we planted bulbs and threw garden parties. We gathered eggs and baked quiches. We celebrated new life and growth and all the color that comes with it. In summer, the fun and games went on from morning till night. Family and friends flowed in and out, and the BBQ never stopped. In autumn, we picked bushels of apples, baked crisps and pies, shut our garden down, and remembered why we are thankful for one another. In winter, as the snow covered the fields, we stayed warm inside with soups and stews and favorite books read by the fire. The monotony of the cold was broken by holiday parties and the promise of a new year. From our favorite traditions and time-earned wisdom, to family recipes, gardening ideas, and hosting tips, for one year, we captured what “home” means to us. It is our hope that you will feel at home in its pages and be encouraged to make your house a home for others as well.

    Welcome to Hillside Farm.


  • Dr. Daniel Emina is a child/adolescent and adult psychiatrist and Associate Medical Director of Amen Clinics—a chain of nationally recognized outpatient healthcare clinics that has pioneered innovative techniques in mental health diagnosis and treatment. He’s experienced in treatment for anxiety, suicidal ideation, mood disorders, addiction, ADD/ADHD, impulsive/disruptive behavior disorders, autism spectrum, psychotic disorders, OCD, PTSD, and TBI. Dr. Emina is a board member of the University of San Francisco’s Center for Child and Family Development and a member of the One Hit Away Advisory Council. He’s also a board member and treasurer for the Extended Arms Initiative in Los Angeles, a nonprofit organization focused on homeless outreach and overseas medical missions. Dr. Emina is married to Emily and has one daughter.

    Rick Lawrence is an award-winning author, journalist, cultural researcher, editor, and national speaker. He’s been executive editor of GROUP Magazine for 32 years. He creates and leads interactive learning experiences for church and cultural leaders, parents, and teenagers. Lawrence has authored hundreds of magazine articles and is the author, co-author, or editor of 39 books and curricula. He’s the general editor and chief contributor of the bestselling Jesus-Centered Bible. He hosts the popular podcast Paying Ridiculous Attention to Jesus, now in its fifth year. He and his wife, Beverly Rose, have two daughters.

    Guest Links: AMAZON: The Suicide Solution: Finding Your Way Out of the Darkness WEBSITE: Ricklawrence.com FACEBOOK: /RickSkip WEBSITE: https://www.amenclinics.com/team/daniel-emina-m-d/ INSTAGRAM: @DocEminaMD
  • Mike Donehey has seen his fair share of the unexpected. Following a potentially fatal car crash as a teen, Mike learned to play the guitar while still in bed recovering from his injuries. Learning the guitar quickly gave birth to songwriting, and that songwriting quickly led to the formation of a band.

    That band, Tenth Avenue North, became one of the most loved and successful artists in Christian music. Beginning with their acclaimed national debut, Over and Underneath, Tenth Avenue North’s audience multiplied with each new album and hit song, like radio favorites “Love Is Here,” “By Your Side,” “You Are More,” “Losing,” “Worn,” “I Have This Hope,” and multi-week no. 1 smash “Control (Somehow You Want Me).”

    At the beginning of 2020, despite widespread notoriety and a devout following, Tenth Avenue North’s members began to sense they each had their own unexpected and unique roads to follow. Mike has seized this opportunity, reveling in the excitement to expand as a storyteller, communicator and thought instigator wherever his voice is heard.

    Mike’s acclaimed book, Finding God’s Life for My Will, was an immediate best-seller upon its release. It is soon to be followed by his next book, Grace In The Gray, releasing in January 2023.

    Mike’s podcast, Chasing the Beauty, looks for the joy of God in the places we didn’t think it could be on the AccessMore network.

    Perhaps most exciting has been Mike’s writing and producing new music. His acclaimed solo album Flourish is just the beginning of the flow of new music coming our way.

    The unexpected has a way of disrupting our lives in ways we might not have ever chosen. For Mike, learning to embrace the unexpected has been the very thing that has brought forth encouraging and soul-healing art time and time again. Looking forward, Mike is trusting to be led in any way that will allow him to continue to serve and inspire.

    MIKE'S LINKS: WEBSITE: MikeDonehey.com INSTAGRAM: @mikedonehey AMAZON: Grace in the Gray: A More Loving Way to Disagree