
  • What does it take to create a workplace that not only creates impact, but also fosters deep, meaningful change internally?

    The answer lies within the principles of positive psychology. Principles that—when properly harnessed—can fundamentally shift how organizational environments successfully prepare for and navigate change.

    In this episode of THRIVERS, Tucker and Sarah dive into a compelling conversation about Sarah’s extensive research into positive psychology and its transformative impact on the workplace. Their discussion drives towards fundamentally rethinking how organizational environments cultivate a leadership approach that champions psychological well-being as the backbone of organizational success.

    Throughout the episode, Tucker and Sarah:

    Explore how Transformational Leadership transcends conventional management to instill a shared commitment to the organization's success.Unpack how employees' perceptions of fairness can significantly influence their response to change and overall job satisfaction.Discuss practical steps to build resilience, optimism, and efficacy within teams—crucial elements for navigating and embracing change.Offer insights into mending and fortifying trust in leadership.

    Sarah’s research sheds light on how integrating the principles of positive psychology into leadership and management practices can revolutionize the traditional approach to managing teams, particularly during periods of significant change. This episode provides a rare look into how theoretical concepts are effectively translated into actionable strategies that promote a healthier, more dynamic workplace.

    Tune in to reshape your perspective on leadership and organizational development, ensuring your team is not just surviving but thriving through change.

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • What does it mean to lead effectively in today's rapidly changing world?

    We approach this question often from many different angles in our work with impact-driven leaders. We recently facilitated leadership workshops at a retreat exclusively for community foundation CEOs, and it was eye-opening.

    So this episode, we’re talking about how community foundation CEOs can drive significant change without sacrificing their well-being or that of their teams—especially when they face the multi-faceted challenge of driving meaningful societal impact, managing significant donors and assets, and ensuring their own personal well-being. It’s no small task. And it creates a unique perspective that all impact-driven leaders can learn from.

    This episode of THRIVERS dives deep into how these leaders can transform their communities through courageous decision-making and strategic risk-taking. The conversation is more than theoretical; it is rooted in the tangible experiences of those who are actively shaping the future through bold moves. Moves that sometimes risk donor relationships to attract the right kind of support and alignment with their missions.

    In their compelling conversation, Tucker and Sarah:

    Unpack how community foundations are uniquely equipped to effect substantial local changes, and why embracing this potential requires a shift towards risk and innovation.Discuss the necessity of making tough choices that may initially alienate some, yet ultimately attract the right supporters and stakeholders essential for long-term impact.Explore moving beyond traditional asset management to ensure that every decision contributes directly to the desired societal impact, rather than merely pleasing donors.Highlight methods to tap into the often-underutilized reservoir of knowledge and intuition within teams to drive forward-thinking decisions.

    This episode offers a look into a different perspective of leadership discourse, giving all of us the opportunity to learn from the specific realities faced by community foundation leaders.

    Tune in to discover how these community foundation leaders are setting new standards for impactful leadership, promising greater alignment, authenticity, and transformative change in their communities and beyond.

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

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  • Picture a leader you admire—perhaps they're dynamic, insightful, and unwaveringly decisive.

    Beneath the surface of these admirable qualities often lies a foundational skill seldom celebrated but inherently powerful: the ability to shift from subjective judgment to objective clarity.

    The capacity to discern fact from feeling. Learning to navigate the path from personal bias to collective clarity is a vital skill for every leader.

    In this episode of THRIVERS, Tucker and Sarah discuss the transformative journey toward objective leadership. They unravel the complexities of moving beyond the realm of subjective experience to embrace a more structured, data-driven approach. Through candid discussions, they explore:

    The balance between subjective instincts and objective analysisThe pivotal role of measurable goals in dispelling ambiguityLeveraging data as the linchpin for objective and aligned decision-makingReimagining the CEO's role in fostering a culture of co-creation and shared leadershipPractical steps to infuse objectivity into every layer of leadership and decision-making

    This conversation is about more than adopting new tactics; it's about a fundamental shift in mindset. A shift from seeing leadership as an art form dominated by personal intuition to understanding it as a science guided by clarity, evidence, and mutual understanding.

    Listen in to discover how redefining your approach can lead to greater alignment, enhanced decision-making, and a more empowered and engaged team ready to tackle the challenges of the future.

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • Imagine a world where philanthropy isn't just about the size of the donation but the depth of the connection.

    Where the voices of those closest to the challenges—especially those from marginalized backgrounds—are more than simply heard; they’re invited to the table, amplified, and made central to the mission.

    This is the vision Carmen James Randolph, the pioneering President and CEO of the Women's Foundation of the South, brings to life in our latest episode of THRIVERS. This subject is especially pertinent to Carmen’s work with communities of color, which are notoriously underrepresented in philanthropic conversations.

    Tucker and Sarah open up a deep conversation about the heart of philanthropy as Carmen shares her journey in philanthropy, emphasizing the importance for impact-driven leaders to involve the people at the front lines of their mission and recognize their lived experiences as a guide to impactful work.

    Through stories of innovative grantmaking and partnership building, Carmen illustrates how embracing personal experiences and fostering genuine connections can lead to significant social change.

    Some of our favorite moments from this episode:

    The significance of personal connection in philanthropyThe critical role of self-care and sustainability in leadershipShifting grantmaking practices to support lived experience and urgent needsSupporting leaders through crises with trust, respect, and amplification

    The conversation also tackles the unique challenges leaders face in impact-driven work, including burnout and the need for sustainability, with a special focus on how these issues impact communities of color. By sharing practical steps and personal anecdotes, Carmen provides invaluable insights into how leaders can prioritize their well-being while pursuing their missions.

    Tune in to understand how small acts of care, respect, and collaboration can build a foundation for lasting impact, and how leaders can nurture themselves and their communities in the pursuit of a more equitable and compassionate world.

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • If you were asked to pick a few words that describe ideal qualities in a leader, what would they be?

    Maybe you’d choose words like, “focused, passionate, and confident”. All of these are excellent qualities in a leader.

    Would words like “adaptable” and “learning” also make it on your list?

    In an era where change is the only constant, the essence of leadership is evolving. This episode presents a compelling conversation with Simeon Banister, the visionary President and CEO of the Rochester Area Community Foundation, who shares key moments of realization in his own journey toward redefining leadership.

    Stepping into his role amidst a world clamoring for authenticity and inclusivity, Simeon shares the challenges and opportunities encountered in his inaugural year as CEO. He takes time to explore the nuanced, seemingly small moments of vulnerability and authenticity that have paved the way for transformation and defined his leadership journey.

    From leading through vulnerability to prioritizing psychological safety in the workplace, Simeon’s experiences shed light on the essential qualities of today’s successful leaders. His approach underscores the importance of building relationships and how small moments of genuine engagement and strategic reflection have become the bedrock for significant organizational and community impact.

    Concluding with practical steps for cultivating a culture of listening, reflection, and strategic focus, the episode is a must-listen for leaders and change-makers looking to inspire and drive meaningful progress within their organizations and communities.

    Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of how intentional leadership practices can create a fertile ground for small moments that lead to big changes, positioning organizations to lead effectively in the next normal.

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • Having difficult conversations feels like walking a tightrope. Balancing between saying too much and not saying enough. Worried that saying the wrong thing can cause everything to come tumbling down or create even bigger problems.

    Sarah and Tucker broach this exact topic with youth development and training experts Tabitha May-Tolub and Janai Smith and explore the art of meaningful dialogue. It's a conversation about conversations—the ones that challenge us, push our boundaries, and ultimately lead to greater understanding and growth.

    Throughout this discussion, our guests share their insights on how recognizing and valuing different perspectives can transform potential conflicts into pathways of mutual growth. They discuss the significance of creating regular spaces and structures for tough talks, emphasizing the role of active listening and empathy. Their conversation sheds light on the necessity of balancing authenticity with sensitivity in communication, and the impact of establishing and maintaining cultural norms for effective conversation within organizations.

    Difficult conversations, though daunting, can lead to profound personal growth and stronger team connections. For impact-driven leaders, cultivating the skills to facilitate these talks is a necessity. It's about more than getting through a tough chat; it's about fostering an environment where every voice is valued and every perspective can contribute to collective success.

    Tune in and arm yourself with the knowledge to transform every challenging conversation into a step towards personal growth and stronger, more connected teams.

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • Ever wonder what makes some teams run more smoothly than a well-oiled machine while others seem to fall apart at the seams? It’s not always about having the brightest minds (though that doesn’t hurt) or even the best culture; it’s about how well a team works together towards a common goal.

    Task cohesion is the glue that holds successful teams together and keeps them moving together seamlessly in the same direction.

    This episode is a deep dive into what task cohesion really means and why it’s a game-changer, especially in today’s digital workspaces. Tucker and Sarah break down how getting your team on the same page isn’t about avoiding conflicts; it’s about amplifying everyone’s strengths and moving together towards creating real, lasting impact.

    Throughout this episode, Tucker and Sarah share real-life examples and practical tips to help make task cohesion a reality for your team. Whether you’re leading a team or you’re part of one, this episode is packed with insights on creating a work environment where everyone feels connected to the mission and empowered to contribute their best because they know it’s moving the needle towards impact.

    Building a cohesive team is more than a one-and-done deal. It’s about continuously nurturing an environment where everyone understands their role in the bigger picture and feels genuinely excited to contribute. It’s about creating a space where the team’s success is everyone’s success.

    Listen in to get the full scoop on making task cohesion your team’s superpower.

    Listener Links/Resources:

    Logic Model

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • Imagine an event where every detail tells a story, connecting heart to heart, and forging bonds that last. Oh, and it successfully raises funds to support your impact-driven mission.

    Now, you don’t have to imagine—you can listen to effective, practical tips on how to create these types of events.

    Events that are built for the next normal.

    Tucker Wanamaker, Joey Goon, and Meagan Sweeney-Hyde talk about the simple-yet-effective secrets to transforming ordinary gatherings into extraordinary experiences. They challenge the status quo, inviting us to elevate events as powerful platforms for storytelling, relationship-building, and community engagement. Things which all lead to effective fundraising.

    Throughout the episode, our hosts guide us through a journey of reimagining the essence of events. From navigating the shift away from traditional fundraisers to crafting 'friend-raising' experiences, to leveraging technology for deeper engagement, this episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone eager to make their next event not only memorable, but profoundly impactful.

    In addition to sharing their vision, Tucker, Joey, and Meagan also share practical strategies and real-world examples of how to breathe life into this new era of events. Whether you're a nonprofit leader, an event planner, or simply someone who believes in the power of gathering with purpose, this episode offers the blueprint to planning events that truly resonate.

    Listener Links/Resources:

    Nonprofit Event Assessment

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • Embarking on a transformative journey, the THRIVE IMPACT team dives into the concept of "10X" – a bold approach to organizational and personal growth. The 10X concept challenges conventional norms, advocating for a radical shift from incremental progress to exponential growth.

    But exponential growth doesn’t mean hyper action—it's actually about radically doing less in order to focus on quality over quantity. It's about letting the future inform the present, rather than being constrained by the past.

    This episode provides a unique opportunity to witness the learning process, the friction of aligning actions with a visionary future, and the implementation of practical insights on the journey toward identifying and creating an organization’s most important impact.

    Key Moments

    (01:31) - The Journey to Discover the 10X Future(10:41) - Understanding the Concept of 10X(20:41) - The Impact of 10X on the Organization(29:33) - The Role of Working Genius in the 10X Journey(35:05) - The Importance of Language and Culture in 10X(43:27) - Embracing Conflict and Tension(50:04) - Letting Go of Control(58:43) - Starting the 10X Journey
    Throughout the conversation, the team uncovers the profound impact of embracing a 10X mindset. They discuss the delicate interplay of present actions with future aspirations, the power of relinquishing control, and the synergy of aligning each team member with the organization’s overarching vision.

    This episode is an essential listen for anyone eager to explore the potential of a 10X future. It offers a candid look at the realities of implementing a visionary strategy and serves as an inspiring guide for those ready to embark on a similar path.

    Listener Links/Resources:

    10x Is Easier Than 2x: https://10xeasierbook.com/#Order

    Working Genius: https://www.workinggenius.com/

    EasyRetro: https://easyretro.io/

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • The old method of strategic planning often feels like a rigid, top-down endeavor that stifles innovation and hinders genuine progress. The opposite of what it’s intended to do.

    It doesn’t have to be this way.

    What if strategic planning was an evolving process driven by co-creation and continuous learning?

    A year and half later, Tucker and Sarah explore the powerful story of Greater Nashua Mental Health, where Dr. Cynthia Whitaker and Sheila Considine Sweeney have redefined strategic planning and used it to shift roles, power dynamics, and involve the community to bring their strategic plan to life.

    Key Moments:

    01:11 The Longitudinal Study

    08:33 Building Environments of Learning

    15:23 The Living and Breathing Strategic Plan

    22:17 The Importance of Relationships

    31:45 Avoiding Compartmentalization

    38:02 Co-Creation and Organizational Culture

    43:20 Challenges of Co-Creation

    49:50 Strategic Planning Done Right

    Throughout their conversation, they discuss the transformative process of transitioning from traditional strategic planning to a more dynamic, inclusive approach. They share the importance of aligning the organization's activities with its strategic vision, ensuring that every team member is an active participant in this journey.

    The conversation also sheds light on the challenges and triumphs of this approach, offering valuable lessons for leaders looking to apply these principles in their own organizations.

    For anyone involved in strategic planning or organizational development, this episode offers a candid look into the reality of implementing a strategic vision and the power of co-creation in driving successful outcomes.

    Listener Links/Resources:


    Cynthia's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/cynthia-whitaker-psyd-2a851013/

    Sheila's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sheila-considine-57919a288/

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • Saying “yes” feels like the best way to be an empowering leader. More often than not, however, it leads to cluttered priorities and diluted impact. Tucker and Sarah tackle a truth that often gets lost in the hustle: not every opportunity is worth taking.

    Choosing what to say “yes” to is about figuring out what really matters, what aligns with your values, and what will truly drive your mission forward. Easier said than done? Definitely. Worth it? Also definitely.

    Key Moments:

    The Art of Saying No: A Leadership ChallengePersonal Insights on Refusal as EmpowermentStrategies for Effective Decision-MakingAligning Choices with Core Values and VisionThe Impact of No on Personal and Organizational GrowthEmbracing No for a More Focused Future

    Through candid conversations and personal stories, they uncover the transformative power of leveraging "no" to amplify the impact of your "yeses." Packed with practical applications, this episode showcases how saying “no” can actually be (and usually is) more empowering than giving every idea and opportunity a green light.

    For leaders looking to refine their decision-making process and bring more clarity and purpose to their work, this episode is a compelling call to embrace the power of saying "no" for a more focused, impactful, and authentic leadership journey.

    Listener Resources:

    10x is Easier Than 2x Book - https://amzn.to/44EKQVR

    Letting go of the 80% - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76qipuL9eXk

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • The journey of leadership is marked by unique challenges and profound learnings (if you’re doing it right).

    As 2023 comes to a close, this episode of THRIVERS offers a window into the reflective minds of three nonprofit leaders who have navigated these waters with resilience and innovation.

    Tucker and Sarah sit down with Barb Collura, Kathy Jamil, and Kirsten Taylor to discuss the key lessons they’ve learned about themselves over the course of this year. The conversation revolves around their proud accomplishments and the sorrows they've faced, providing an intimate look into the highs and lows of impact-driven leadership.

    Key moments include:

    Candid stories from each leader about their personal journey of growth, the challenges they've overcome, and the successes they've celebrated.In-depth discussions on the importance of vulnerability and self-reflection in personal and organizational growth.Strategies for fostering a culture of collective care and learning within impact-driven organizations.Insights into the transformative power of embracing change and adaptability as a leader.

    As these leaders share their key learnings and what they plan to carry forward into 2024, the discussion becomes a beacon of hope and guidance for fellow impact-driven leaders.

    Tune in for an enlightening and heartening conversation that is more than a reflection of the year gone by—it’s a roadmap for the future of effective and empathetic leadership.

    Guest Info:

    Barb Collura, President/CEO at RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association

    Kathy Jamil, Chief Program Officer at United Way of Buffalo

    Kirsten Taylor, Executive Director at Pueblo Rape Crisis Services / Juniper Southern Colorado

    Listener Links/Resources:

    Rest is Resistance Book - https://amzn.to/487rD0F

    Behaviors That Reinforce Learning - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bRfiCgm5oAOTzAOy5xjwTP-RMzNLwZcj&usp=drive_copy

    Reflection Questions:

    What have you learned about yourself as an impact-driven leader in 2023?What wins and accomplishments are you proud of?What sorrows and disappointments have you had?What key learnings do you want to bring into 2024 no matter what happens?

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • Leadership is a journey filled with constant evolution and growth. Sometimes that means closing one chapter to begin another.

    In this deeply personal and reflective episode, Tucker, accompanied by members of the THRIVERS community, takes a moment to mark the conclusion of this season of their collaborative journey.

    Frankie Abralind - Founder of The Good Listening Project
    Beth Roalstad - CEO of Homeward Pikes Peak
    Lisa Simms Booth - Executive Director of Smith Center for Healing and the Arts
    Dr Stephanie McGencey - Founder of Womens Equity Center and Action Network
    Caroline Durham - Executive Director of St Charles Center for Faith and Action
    Amy Powell - Executive Director of Art Reach
    Kate Colligan - Director of Development & Communication of Basic Health International

    They discuss their collective experience of being in the trenches together through the challenges and triumphs of leadership for the last three years. They share their unique reflections, insights, and the valuable lessons learned throughout their time in the THRIVERS group.

    Key moments from the episode include:

    Personal stories of growth, challenges, and successes shared by each member, highlighting the diversity and richness of experiences within the group.
    An exploration of the themes of vulnerability, strength, and the power of community in the context of leadership.
    Insights into how the group has provided a safe space for sharing, learning, and building confidence in their roles as leaders.

    As the THRIVERS group marks the end of this chapter, this episode serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of collaboration, shared learning, and the lasting impact of a supportive community in leadership. It celebrates the journey and growth experienced by its members, underscoring the transformative effect such a community can have on personal and professional development.

    Thanks to the group’s collective wisdom and insight, this episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the dynamics of leadership and community-driven growth.

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • In a landscape where the pressures and challenges of leadership are constantly evolving, understanding and prioritizing wellbeing is more than beneficial; it’s essential.

    But what does “wellbeing” really mean for impact-driven leaders and their teams?

    Along with guest Dr. Dan Diamond, Tucker and Sarah aim to tackle this significant question as they unpack the multifaceted concept of wellbeing.

    They begin by exploring the costs of neglecting wellbeing and the compelling reasons why prioritizing it is crucial. The conversation then shifts to a practical example: a detailed walkthrough of a successful 6-month program implemented in a healthcare organization with the goal of enhancing wellbeing. Here, they share valuable insights and impactful data that emerged from this initiative.

    Key highlights of the episode include:

    A look into the PERMA+H model (Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment, and Health) and how it forms the backbone of the wellbeing framework.Real-world applications and outcomes from the program, including increased employee engagement, satisfaction, and productivity.Practical strategies and questions that leaders can use to foster a life-giving culture in their organizations, moving beyond the traditional approach to tackling burnout.

    The purpose of this episode is about more than understanding wellbeing in a theoretical sense; it's about practical, actionable steps that leaders can take to cultivate a thriving environment. Whether it's through enhancing positive emotions, building meaningful relationships, or fostering a culture of innovation and creativity, the insights shared are invaluable for anyone looking to improve wellbeing in their organization.

    Tune in for an essential listen for leaders seeking to create a more vibrant, effective, and fulfilling workplace.

    Listener Links/Resources:

    Why wellbeing matters - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hAU-U4yiTKhBRnMthNPKv4Ow5k8T7Pu3&usp=drive_copy

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • This episode has been a long time in the making. Since well before even dreaming of starting this podcast, in fact.

    Since the very beginnings of supporting nonprofit leaders, the need for a new language to articulate the shifts in leadership and organizational dynamics has been a constant topic at THRIVE IMPACT.

    Now, Tucker and Sarah dive into these foundational ideas by sharing the pulse they've captured from conversations with various CEOs and Executive Directors about this topic. They discuss the shifting landscape of leadership, and the need for words that resonate with the collective experience of change faced by today's leaders.

    The highlight of the episode is Tucker sharing the first draft of the THRIVERS manifesto, a document crafted to embody the principles of inclusive and adaptive leadership. Sarah provides her candid feedback on the manifesto, offering insights into the power of language and the importance of co-creation in shaping a future where everyone's voice matters.

    This manifesto is more than a set of ideals; it's a call to action for leaders to embrace a new normal, where learning leads to performance and authenticity guides progress. It's about leading from within and acknowledging that our "nos" empower our most significant "yeses."

    Some key moments from this episode include Tucker and Sarah unpacking:

    The critical feedback from leaders at the helm of change.
    The process of translating collective feelings into a written manifesto.
    The significance of co-creation in leadership and its potential pitfalls.
    The journey from the first draft to a living document that evolves with input from its community of leaders.

    Tune in for a deep dive into the THRIVERS manifesto and experience the co-creative process of shaping a leadership narrative that's not only relevant but essential for the future.

    Listener Resources:


    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • What happens when nonprofit leaders come together to connect, learn, and grow?

    Tucker and Sarah break the mold with this episode, giving you a behind the scenes look into a 3-hour leadership workshop they recently facilitated with the United Way of Buffalo. Joined by Kathy Jamil, the Chief Program Officer of the United Way of Buffalo and Erie County, they dive into the essence of leadership in today's world.

    Kathy's insights provide a fresh perspective on the importance of creating spaces for nonprofit leaders to connect and share. Her experiences with the United Way underscore the transformative potential of leadership workshops in the nonprofit sector.

    Their discussion centers around:

    The transition from the information age to the connection age.The need for more community and genuine learning in leadership.The power of internal reflection and mindfulness.Challenges faced by nonprofit leaders in a world that often overlooks them.

    Reflecting on their time with the United Way, Tucker and Sarah discuss the transformative experiences that occur when nonprofit leaders are given the space to connect, share, and grow. They dive into the pivotal role organizations like the United Way play in fostering these connections, emphasizing their lasting impact on the broader nonprofit landscape.

    Join them as they take a closer look at the heart of leadership workshops by exploring the power of connection, the importance of community, and the transformative potential of leadership workshops in the nonprofit world.

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • “Capacity Building” is a phrase that gets tossed around quite a bit in the nonprofit world, but what does it really mean, and how do you know if it’s even working?

    In episode four of our Capacity Building 2.0 series, Tucker and Sarah reconnect with Jess Verplank, Deputy Director of Kids on Bikes, who participated in the THRIVER program earlier this year. Throughout the discussion, Jess reflects on the pivotal moments and lessons she learned that have since shaped her leadership approach, and what “capacity building” has meant for her.

    With the guidance and insights from executive coaches Melissa Caddell and Laura Groen of Novus Global, Jess navigated challenges and discovered new strategies to enhance her organization's impact. Together, the group digs deep into Jess's experiences, emphasizing the importance of having a clear vision in leadership.

    They discuss the difference between expectations and genuine agreements and how, without a clear vision, feedback is just an opinion. Additionally, they touch upon the "athlete" mindset, a perspective where work is seen not just as a task, but as a practice ground for continuous growth, development, and mastery.

    Key takeaways from the episode include:

    The role of executive coaching in guiding leaders out of burnout.The significance of having a clear vision and knowing how it serves as a guiding light for organizations.Understanding the difference between expectations and agreements and why the latter is more beneficial.The importance of challenging the assumptions of limited resources in nonprofits The idea of increasing fun as a remedy for burnout.Encouragement for leaders to aim for seemingly impossible goals.

    Join Tucker, Sarah, Jess, Melissa, and Laura in this episode as they explore the depths of capacity building, the power of executive coaching, and the endless possibilities that arise when one is equipped with the right tools, mindset, and guidance.

    Listener Links/Resources:

    BOOK -- Beyond High Performance: What Great Coaches Know About How the Best Get Better - https://amzn.to/3rCHWCY

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • Ever felt like your strategic plan is more of a relic than a roadmap?

    A strategic plan should be the lifeblood of any organization, guiding its direction and ensuring a cohesive approach to achieving its vision.

    Unfortunately, even the most meticulously crafted plans can end up collecting dust on the shelf instead of creating real impact. Recognizing the signs of a plan that's not delivering can be the difference between stagnation and growth.

    In this episode of THRIVERS, Tucker and Sarah unravel the intricacies of strategic planning, highlighting how even the best-laid plans can sometimes miss the mark. They emphasize the importance of ensuring that the strategic plan is not an isolated document but is deeply integrated into the daily operations of the organization. A shift from mere activities to measurable impacts can be the game-changer in driving genuine organizational change.

    Key takeaways from their discussion include:

    The necessity of regular updates to the plan, ensuring its relevance and alignment with evolving goals.
    The critical distinction between the "WHAT" (strategic direction) and the "HOW" (operational plan) of achieving objectives.
    The power of visuals in making the plan more accessible and engaging, and the importance of involving those closest to the work in its creation and execution.

    Tune in to this episode and equip yourself with actionable steps to ensure your strategic plan is a dynamic tool propelling your organization to its goals.

    Listener Links/Resources:

    GNMH Strategic Direction Document

    Strategy Energizer Process

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • Ever wondered how to transform grand strategic visions into concrete tasks for your team? Or how a strategic plan should play a part in the day-to-day?

    The hard part isn’t setting these objectives (okay, maybe a little). It’s in the journey from idea to implementation and not getting lost along the way.

    In this episode of THRIVERS, Tucker and Sarah get into the details of a workshop sequence designed to bridge the gap between strategy and action. This workshop ensures lofty goals don't remain just on paper. It promotes co-creation, ensures team collaboration, and most importantly, translates visions into actionable tasks.

    It isn't just about tasks and tactics, though. Sarah and Tucker take a holistic approach, emphasizing:

    The interconnected nature of goals and the need for frequent communication, ensuring clarity and minimizing redundancy.Overcoming the human tendency to silo tasks and the importance of collective reflection.The thrill of discovering untapped energy sources within the team that can foster excitement and motivation for everyone.

    With the combination of special resources and templates and the focus on transparency, inclusivity, and breaking down silos, this workshop is a game-changer for teams looking to breathe life into their strategies.

    Join Sarah and Tucker on this episode of THRIVERS to gain insight into how strategy can be seamlessly woven into the fabric of daily tasks, with every team member feeling valued, involved, and clear about their role.

    Listener Links/Resources:

    Visitor link to our detailed agenda - https://app.sessionlab.com/sessions/KoMv5r/?t=NKtjAl1GW_jY_Sce-h4EGA

    Easy Retro Board template - https://easyretro.io/publicboard/bN5nMqb1ZuORY1YvkPOcC7ScC6L2/85690111-e81e-4a20-8e72-926ce3898b9d

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout

  • What do you think of when you hear the word, “accountability”?

    For most people, it immediately brings to mind all the negative aspects of accountability, namely being held responsible for a mistake. This limited view of the word creates a tension between holding folks "accountable" and allowing them to learn.

    What if this understanding of accountability isn’t just limited, but detrimental? (Spoiler alert: it is.)

    In the newest episode of THRIVERS, Tucker and Sarah explore the benefits of embracing continuous learning as an essential facet of organizational accountability. They explore the meanings of accountability and learning. Then they take it a step further and question if those two things are actually different or opposed to each other at all.

    Tucker and Sarah's conversation springs from an article written by Amy Edmondson, a professor and researcher at Harvard, who introduced a radical shift in perspective—viewing goals as hypotheses. This simple yet profound change in viewpoint encourages organizations to be more adaptable, understanding, and genuinely responsible.

    Drawing inspiration from the article and backed by findings from a Bridgespan report, they cover:

    Understanding the reasons behind missed objectives, creating space for learning, and strategy realignment.
    How pauses and introspection can lead to more genuine accountability, allowing organizations to reassess and adapt.
    Instead of fearing mistakes, organizations should embrace them as learning opportunities, continuously iterating to enhance their strategies and drive meaningful change.

    Tune into this episode for an enlightening exploration into redefining accountability and emphasizing the power of continuous learning to help organizations stay both adaptable and responsible.

    Listener Links/Resources:
    Amy Edmonson - Learning from Failure - https://hbr.org/2011/04/strategies-for-learning-from-failure

    Looking for ways to increase your impact in your communities and causes?
    We've created a modular series of workshops focused on creating impact from the inside out. Explore details and schedule a discovery session at thriveimpact.org/insideout