
  • #45 Welcome to June 2024, where we're gearing up for Cancer season, a Capricorn full moon, and Saturn retrograde. Mercury returns to Gemini, adding a playful charm to our interactions. The social vibes of the full moon in Gemini on June 6 present a chance to revisit a conversation and make it right. For more insights tune in as Jill and I discuss:

    Monday, June 3: Mercury enters Gemini, heralding a period of heightened communication and mental agility. Routine shifts for June and food prep tips for farmer’s market vegetables.Thursday, June 6: The New Moon in Gemini at 8:38 am EST offers fresh opportunities for setting intentions and fostering new beginnings in communication and relationships. Potential Vata imbalance and tips for better sleep.Saturday, June 8: Mars enters Taurus, prompting us to recognize the importance of patience and persistence in achieving our goals. Techniques for stabilizing and grounding energy, cleansing aura and space, and embracing resilience.Sunday, June 16: Venus enters Cancer, infusing our emotions with sensitivity and nurturing energy. Significance of work-life balance according to Ayurveda.Monday, June 17: Mercury follows Venus into Cancer, deepening our emotional connections and prompting introspection. Ayurvedic principles related to water consumption.Wednesday, June 19: Vesta enters Leo, empowering us to embrace our confidence and individuality.Thursday, June 20: The Sun enters Cancer, marking the beginning of Cancer season and a time for emotional introspection and nurturing self-care practices. Ayurvedic principles to communication and relationships, emphasizing the importance of balance and harmony.

    Join Jill's Portugal retreat

    Join Jill's 1:1 Membership

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #44 In this enlightening episode, I sit down with Ani Naqvi, a survivor of the 2004 Asian tsunami and a former guest on Oprah's show. Ani is a Transformation Expert and Mentor dedicated to enhancing the productivity of CEOs, Founders, and elite performers while emphasizing self-care to prevent burnout. Ani shares her journey, insights, and strategies for overcoming imposter syndrome and achieving holistic well-being.

    Discussion Topics:

    Understanding Imposter Syndrome:Definition and manifestationsThe inner critic and feelings of fraudulenceGender Differences:Are women more affected than men?Societal expectations and stereotypesThe impact of wage gaps and discriminationSigns and Symptoms:Persistent self-doubtDifficulty accepting praiseContributing Factors:Perfectionism and high expectationsSocietal pressure and past experiencesImpact on Behavior and Performance:Overworking, procrastination, and avoiding challengesSeeking validation and relationship difficultiesStrategies for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome:Stop comparing yourself to othersLean into your strengthsLet go of perfectionismAffirm your worth and celebrate achievementsRecognize and label your inner criticThe transformative power of holistic supportMisconceptions and Resources:Common misconceptions about imposter syndromeResources and programs to help individuals struggling with imposter syndrome

    Work and connect with Ani:

    Ultimate Results GroupAni Naqvi on LinkedIn

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

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  • #43 I had the pleasure of sitting down with Joyce Haddad, the brilliant mind behind Spiritual Divorce. Joyce is a transformative healer who guides individuals through profound healing experiences, empowering them to overcome traumas and rediscover their true selves.

    In our interview, we delved into various aspects of healing and personal growth, touching on:

    Joyce's personal journey into healing and her backgroundExploring the concept of Spiritual Divorce and its role in overcoming traumasThe process of rewiring and balancing the energy system to aid self-discoveryAddressing misconceptions about healing and alternative modalitiesApproaching skeptics and hesitant clients with compassion and understandingUnderstanding the role of brain waves in achieving altered states of consciousnessPractical steps for beginning the Spiritual Divorce Method and available resourcesThe transformative power of Spiritual Divorce and its potential to change livesA message of hope and encouragement for those feeling stuck or overwhelmed

    Work with Joyce

    Joyce's Instagram

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #42 With eclipse season and Mercury retrograde behind us, May brings a much-needed grounding energy. This month should be more easeful in many ways, with plenty of positive aspects to help us absorb and understand the changes and surprises of April.

    Jill will discuss celestial events in May centered around themes of money, security, love, beauty, and material possessions, which will be highlighted throughout the month. Carina will provide tips on embracing routines, setting mindful intentions, and prioritizing self-care to navigate the celestial energies with grace and resilience.

    Tune in as Jill and I discuss:

    Venus-Pluto Clash and Pluto Retrograde (May 2):Observe symbolic events; find comfort in routine amidst chaos.Mercury-Chiron Conjunction (May 5-8):Address mental agitation and anger; manage anger-triggering habits and foods.New Moon in Taurus (May 7):Harness Taurus energy for setting intentions, especially regarding food and sensory enjoyment.Planetary Gathering in Taurus (May 8-24):Slow down, connect with nature, and indulge in sensual self-care rituals.Sun-Uranus Alignment (May 13):Manage erratic energy and nervous system issues; prioritize sleep and relaxation.Mercury Entering Taurus (May 15):Grounding practices; beware of overeating due to planetary influences.North Node and Mars in Aries; Sun Entering Gemini (May 19-20):Prepare for heightened mental activity and alignment with Pluto in Aquarius.Full Moon in Sagittarius (May 23):Finding balance and harmony during the Full Moon.Understanding and reacting to bodily signals.Venus and Jupiter in Gemini (May 24-25):Significance of the 12-year cycle with Venus and Jupiter's movement.Discussion on feeling overwhelmed.Eris, Chiron and Mars together in Aries; Mercury and Uranus together in Taurus; the Sun and Venus together in Gemini. (May 29-30-31) Can feel that sense of overwhelm returning. Tools to feel grounded and centred.

    Connect with Jill Loftis
    Life Transformation Course
    Get your weekly forecast on Youtube with Jill

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #41 Today, we're delving deep into the fascinating realm of hormesis and its profound impact on our emotional, mental, and physical health.

    Joining us is Claudia Huber, the founder of the Hormon Glow Academy in Germany, where she pioneers hormone health beyond conventional approaches by combining ancient sciences with quantum circadian biology methods.

    Tune in as we explore:

    The concept of hormesisHow hormetic stress can be leveraged to enhance fitness and mental well-beingDetermining the correct doses and durations of hormetic stressorsPotential risks or drawbacks associated with using hormetic stress How hormetic stress intersects with resilience and adaptabilityIntermittent fasting during your menstrual cycleCan it assist in reversing aging effects and promoting longevity?Effective implementation of hormetic stressorsEmpowering mindset shift for women to make healthier choices for their well-being

    Get in touch with Claudia:

    Claudia's Website

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #40 Join us as we delve into the cosmic energies of April, which is shaping up to be the most intense month of 2024. It's serving up eclipses, a Mercury Retrograde, a Mars-Saturn wall slam, and a Jupiter-Uranus great awakening. Ayurvedic and yogic wisdom are helping us transition with ease through the month.

    Tune in as Jill and I discuss:

    Aries Super Stellium:

    A powerful convergence of energies in Aries including Sun, North Node, Venus, Chiron, and Mercury.Tips for managing this fiery energy and navigating its transformative power.

    Mercury Retrograde in Aries:

    Learn how to handle Mercury retrograde's influence with Ayurvedic wisdom to soothe an "inflamed" mind and mouth, and embrace the opportunity for healing conversations.

    New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries:

    A potent alignment at 19 degrees of Aries, touching Mercury and Chiron.Navigate eclipse energy with strategies for setting boundaries and managing potential exhaustion amidst the intensity.

    Mars Conjunct Saturn in Pisces:

    Mars meets Saturn at 14 degrees Pisces, bringing forth a cold, harsh energy.Explore the soothing qualities of chamomile and its ability to nurture and calm amidst turbulent waters.

    Jupiter and Uranus Conjunction in Taurus:

    A significant alignment with potential for breakthroughs, luck, and technological advancements.Ground yourself amidst erratic Earth energy and practice mindful technology usage for balance.

    Full Moon in Scorpio:

    Squares to Pluto in Aquarius and opposite Taurus energy, signaling a highly emotional period.Tips for releasing pent-up emotions through movement and finding equilibrium through stillness.

    Mars and Neptune Conjunct in Pisces:

    Expect confusion, anger, and volatile energy as Mars and Neptune unite.How to ground yourself and navigate difficult emotions with grace and resilience.

    For more insights and guidance, sign up for Jill's free online event on April 3rd or book an astrology reading, tarot, and spiritual counselling session with Jill.

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #39 Join us as we delve into the realm of erotic healing and thriving with Chris, a somatic sex and relationship coach.

    In this episode, we explore the transformative power of somatic work, the importance of deep intimacy with oneself, and strategies for cultivating fulfilling sexuality and communication in relationships.

    Listen as we discuss:

    What is somatic work, and how does it aid in healing traumas?How can one determine if they have achieved deep intimacy with themselves?What does pleasure mean?What are the key elements of experiencing fulfilling sexuality?How can individuals effectively communicate with their sexual partners about sex and express their needs?Why do expectations often complicate sexual experiences, and how can they be managed?What strategies help reignite desire in long-term relationships?

    Work with Chris:

    Chris's WebsiteThe Verdant Collective

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #38 If you're in your early to mid-40s or approaching this age, you may be experiencing changes in your body that leave you wondering what's happening. In this episode, we delve into the complexities of perimenopause, exploring its symptoms, hormonal fluctuations, and how to support your body naturally during this transitional phase.

    In this episode, I discuss:

    Understanding perimenopause.Estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency.The role of stress.Effects of inflammation on hormone receptors.Lifestyle changes to reduce inflammation.Importance of maintaining gut health.Dietary and environmental factors to consider.Promoting overall well-being through healthy habits.

    Discover my Hormone Thrive Program

    Article: 7 Tips to Increase Progesterone Naturally

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #37 Welcome to another episode of AstroVeda with Lauren and Carina, offering astrological guidance infused with Ayurvedic wisdom for March.

    Join us as we discuss:

    Main Planetary Changes in March.Mercury in Aries: where communication and adaptability meet leadership and determination.Shiva - Shakti principle for balancing feminine and masculine energies.Abhyanga (self-massage) for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.Understanding burnout and its impact on hormones and health.How to holistically heal burnout.Choosing a mantra or practice to align with lunar phases.

    Join Lauren's online Lunar Yin Yoga class on March 5th or book a transformational coaching session with her.

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #36 In today's episode, we're diving into the crucial topic of stress. If you've been following my podcast journey, you're aware that stress plays a significant role in hormonal and overall health issues.

    I recommend this episode to everyone who suffers from hormonally related complaints of any kind, whether it's thyroid problems, cycle issues, menopausal symptoms, digestive issues, or problems with skin, libido, or body weight.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    The physiology of stressRecognizing stress and the stress responseThe long-term effects of stress on your healthChronic stress and cortisol imbalanceHow it influences women's health

    Check out the Ayurveda Hormone Detox

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #35 Are you experiencing PMS, estrogen dominance, weight gain, thyroid issues, depression, exhaustion, or insomnia? If so, it's time to prioritize your gut health. Your gut plays a pivotal role in regulating hormones, and addressing it can be a crucial step in achieving hormonal balance.

    Hormonal issues and gut problems often go hand in hand, creating a complex interplay. It's a bit like the classic chicken-and-egg scenario – it's challenging to determine which came first. On one hand, an imbalanced microbiome can disrupt your hormone equilibrium. Conversely, hormonal imbalances can contribute to digestive issues. Regardless of the origin, when striving to conquer a hormonal imbalance, regardless of its manifestations, your overall health takes precedence.

    Tune in and discover:

    The Gut-Hormone ConnectionLeaky Gut Syndrome, Gut Dysbiosis and it's Impact on Hormonal ImbalanceEstrogen Metabolism and Gut FloraThyroid Health and Gut ConnectionHow The Gut influences Your Mood, Happiness and AppetiteExploring Serotonin, Melatonin and CortisolFactors Affecting Microbiome

    Check out the Ayurveda Hormone Detox

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #34 Today, join me to delve into the concept of Slow Living and Ayurveda.

    In our modern, bustling world, we often find ourselves caught up in a web of deadlines, commitments, and constant distractions, which can leave us feeling disconnected from our own essence and neglectful of our overall well-being.

    It is precisely in this context that the philosophy of slow living takes center stage, providing a beacon of hope for those seeking to recalibrate their lives. Slow living encourages us to shift our focus towards what truly matters and disengage from the relentless hustle and bustle of our daily routines.

    At its core, slow living is a profound philosophy that champions deceleration and mindfulness. It stands in stark contrast to the rapid, high-stress lifestyles that have become all too common. Instead, slow living invites us to embrace conscious living and allocate precious time to nurture our inner selves.

    Ayurveda and Slow Living form a harmonious union, as both philosophies share a commitment to deceleration and mindfulness. Ayurveda, the ancient holistic system of healing, seamlessly complements the slow living approach.

    Tune in and discover:

    What is Slow Living?The shortcomings of the "higher, faster, further" ethos and why it ultimately falls short of fulfilling our true needs.The intricate connection between Ayurveda and the principles of slow living.Practical insights into how each one of us can craft our unique slow living blueprint tailored to our individual Ayurvedic constitution.Why different Ayurvedic constitution types, known as "doshas," necessitate distinct approaches to slow living.

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #33 Welcome to another episode of AstroVeda with Lauren and Carina, offering astrological guidance infused with Ayurvedic wisdom for February.

    Listen as we discuss:

    Main Planetary Changes in February.Pluto's shift signifies a major transformation impacting power dynamics.Emphasis on maintaining routine (Dinacharya) aligning with circadian rhythms.Tips for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha types to cope with change.Nature as a means to balance the nervous system.New Moon in Aquarius and Full Moon in Virgo.Liver health to emotional balance and setting boundaries.Impact of liver health on thyroid, insulin, cortisol, and sex hormones.How to deal with perfectionism and self-criticism.

    Join our upcoming events:
    Ibiza Retreat with Lauren
    Ayurveda Hormone Detox with Carina

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #32 Today, I'm joined by Lynn Roulo, a Kundalini Yoga and Enneagram expert, and the author of "Headstart for Happiness" and "The 9 Keys" which seamlessly combine Kundalini Yoga with the Enneagram.

    For our listeners new to the Enneagram, Lynn provides a brief overview, explaining what this system of personality typing is and how it works. Lynn shares her journey into the world of the Enneagram, detailing her initial interest and the path that led her to become an expert in this field.

    A unique aspect of Lynn's coaching is its combination with Kundalini Yoga. We delve into what Kundalini Yoga is and how it supports clients on their personal growth journey. Lynn sheds light on how understanding one's Enneagram type contributes to self-awareness, especially for busy mothers and entrepreneurs.

    We explore the role of the Enneagram in understanding parenting styles, particularly for mothers who are also entrepreneurs. Lynn shares insights into achieving a healthy work-life balance through Enneagram awareness.

    Moving beyond individual growth, we discuss how the Enneagram can enhance communication and relationships within families or workplaces, aligning with Ayurvedic principles that emphasize harmonious connections.

    Discussing the significance of daily routines in Ayurveda, we explore how knowledge of one's Enneagram type can influence the creation of personalized daily habits. Lynn concludes by sharing any upcoming events, courses, or projects for our listeners to look forward to.

    Tune in for an insightful conversation on personal growth, self-awareness, and harmonizing mind-body practices.

    Connect with Lynn:


    Paros retreats

    Free workshop "27 Meditations for 27 Enneagram Subtypes

    Workplace Training

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #31 This week, we're delighted to welcome the incredible Katie Silcox as our guest. Katie is not only a New York Times Best-Selling author of "Healthy, Happy, Sexy" and "Glow-Worthy," but she's also the visionary founder of The Shakti School—an online certification hub for women-centered holistic Ayurvedic wellness.

    Through her work, Katie not only imparts valuable knowledge but also serves as a beacon, inspiring and empowering women to radiate in their daily lives.

    In this episode, we cover:

    Exploring Ayurveda and Feminine Empowerment:

    Learn about Katie's initial interest in Ayurveda and feminine empowerment.Discover what makes her an authority in this transformative field.

    Feminine Energy in Entrepreneurship:

    Uncover how understanding and embracing feminine energy can elevate a woman's journey in entrepreneurship and life.Explore essential feminine leadership qualities that empower women in the business world.

    Ayurveda and Self-Care for Women:

    Balancing entrepreneurship and motherhood is no small feat. Katie shares Ayurvedic and Yoga-based self-care practices for women to maintain vitality and prevent burnout.

    Ayurvedic Balance in Work and Personal Life:

    Gain insights into Ayurveda's perspective on balancing work and personal life.Receive tips on creating a self-care routine.

    Navigating Challenges with Ayurvedic Principles:

    Learn how women entrepreneurs can leverage Ayurvedic principles to navigate stress, setbacks, and boost resilience in their business journey.

    Ayurvedic Rituals for Success:

    Explore Ayurvedic rituals and practices supporting women in cultivating success and abundance in their entrepreneurial endeavors.

    Stories of Transformation:

    Katie shares inspiring stories of women successfully integrating Ayurveda, feminine energy, and entrepreneurship to effect meaningful change.

    Ayurvedic Wellness Coach Training:

    Discover more about studying with Katie and what sets her Ayurvedic Wellness Coach training apart in the field.

    Valuable Lessons Learned:

    As we wrap up, Katie reflects on her journey and imparts the most valuable lesson she has learned.

    Don't miss out—subscribe for more empowering conversations!

    To explore more about Katie and her work, including details on her Ayurvedic Wellness Coach training, visit here.

    Use code "pod100" at checkout to receive a $100 discount.

    Explore Katie's Glow Worthy Meditations

    Connect with Katie on Instagram

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #30 Lauren and Carina kick off the first episode of AstroVeda, promising monthly astrological guidance infused with Ayurvedic wisdom.

    In this episode, Lauren enlightens us about the current Capricorn season, emphasizing the importance of grounding ourselves for a balanced start to the year. We explore the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th, a perfect time to set intentions for the next six months. Carina shares her appreciation for Capricorn's energy and how she aligns her practices with Ayurveda during this season. Lauren then prepares us for the upcoming Aquarius season, heralding a time of rebellion and innovation.

    Shifting gears, Carina introduces Ayurvedic nutrition tips for January, highlighting the need to balance Kapha and Vata doshas as we transition into winter. The discussion touches on sleep habits and self-care routines, emphasizing the significance of getting enough sleep and maintaining circadian alignment for hormonal balance.

    As we anticipate the full moon in Leo on January 25th, Lauren shares insights into embracing creativity, self-confidence, and authentic expression. Carina talks about rituals around self-love and letting go of egoic pridefulness to harness the lunar energy.

    Join us every first Sunday of the month for your dose of AstroVeda inspiration.

    Sign up to Lauren's next Lunar Yin Yoga online class here.

    Explore the breakfast recipes at the following link:
    Sweet Kitchari Recipe and Amaranth Porridge

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #29 Step into the mystical intersection of Ayurveda and Vedic astrology as we unravel the ancient secrets that bind our well-being to the cosmic dance of the stars.

    In this episode, Laura Plumb helps us to discover the intricacies of our birth chart through the lens of Vedic astrology. Imagine uncovering the hidden threads that connect your birth chart with the blueprint of your health and give you insights into the cure of diseases.

    Meet Laura Plumb, a practitioner of the Vedic sciences which includes Ayurveda & Jhotisch aka Vedic astrology.

    Tune in and discover how the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda intertwines with Vedic Astrology:

    Laura's own journey and why she's so passionate about Ayurveda and Vedic astrology. How does Vedic astrology differ from Western astrology?How does the alignment of planets at your birth influence your health? What cosmic clues does Vedic astrology unveil about the roots of underlying health issues?Why is the rising sign, known as the Ascendant or Lagna, considered a crucial factor in interpreting an individual's birth chart?How do the 12 signs of the zodiac and the 12 houses relate to our health?How can we use Vedic astrology to make better decisions in our life?The power of mantras

    Get in touch with Laura:

    Discount Code: Plumb10

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #28 Meet Cate Stillman, an Ayurveda specialist, business coach and my mentor. She's highly non-dogmatic, super innovative and an incredible source of knowledge and wisdom.

    Tune in and discover:

    Why we women in particular are obliged to take good care of ourselvesThe mindset of a successful womanHow to overcome resistance and self-sabotageSome crucial daily habits for successHow we can change our habits in relationships and why this is particularly difficult

    So inspiring!

    Learn more about Cate's work:

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #27 In order to understand the connection between the liver and hormonal imbalances, we must first realise that the liver is our most important detoxification organ. It ensures that toxic substances are rendered harmless and converted in such a way that they can be discharged via the stools and the urine.

    If the liver is healthy, it can easily get rid of these substances.

    However, if it is overloaded, it cannot adequately break down used hormones. And at the same time she cannot take care of the production of new hormones, for which she is also responsible.

    In this podcast episode you will learn how you can tell that your liver is overloaded and what hormonal disorders and symptoms are associated with it.

    Many women are not even aware that their liver is overloaded. And that's no wonder, because the liver has no nerve cells. That's why we don't notice when she's not feeling well or signs of liver problems don't appear until much later.

    Many hormonal problems can also indicate a weakened liver, such as: cycle problems; severe menopausal symptoms; PMS; irritability; depressive moods; mood swings; weight gain and water retention; cysts and fibroids; breast tenderness or problems and pain around ovulation.

    The good news: The liver has the ability to repair itself if we provide the right conditions. And that's why I developed my Ayurveda Hormone Detox program.

    A program designed to release deep stored toxins for more energy, balanced hormones, strong digestion and deep sleep. We help you to shape up your body and feel strong and self-confident.

    The program is perfect for you if you suffer from hormonal imbalances like

    Insulin resistanceThyroid problemsUnexplained infertilityDigestive problemsInsomniaSide effects from stoping taking the pill Chronic fatigue and low energy Headaches and migrainesInability to loose weightHot flashes and night sweatsEstrogen dominanceHigh androgen or testosterone levels

    An online course with self-study, weekly live sessions and 24/7 support forum. I would be very happy if I could also help YOU with the Ayurveda Hormone Detox to recapture your energy, your lightness and your hormone balance.

    And I would like to give you, as a loyal podcast listener, a small gift. Click the booking link below and save 50€ for a short time. Your hormones will thank you!

    You can find more information and registration for the program here:

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

  • #26 Wendy is a burnout & alcohol coach and helps professional women to develop a healthier relationship with alcohol. In this episode we share our different perspectives and approaches around alcohol.

    Tune in and discover:

    Why did Wendy decide to become an alcohol coach?The most common myths about alcohol.How does alcohol impact your hormones?What effect does it have on emotions and mood? What is the culture of alcohol?Tips for an alcohol-free night out.Health benefits of not drinking alcohol.How long does it take to detoxify the body before you can feel the positive effects? How much alcohol is safe to drink?What can you do to support your body to detox alcohol quicker if you had some?

    We would LOVE to hear from you any thoughts, reactions, or takeaways you have as you’re listening, so definitely screenshot and tag us @beatburnoutandbooze & @hormonecoachcarina .

    Discover Wendy's work here.

    Discover more about Carina's work here:

    HORMONE THRIVE - My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
    Free Metabolism Course - Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda