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A different spin Angels Baseball with Max (@Maxairjordan1), Carlo (@Carlcervantes15) and a rotating cast of baseball fans from around the league. Support this podcast:
Join the Super Halo Bros., Jon Frisch and Mike Frisch, as these two brothers discuss their love for the Los Angeles Angels, MLB, and all other things baseball. Will their fan-guided wisdom be the key to an Angels' World Series? Probably not, but they're still going to try! Tune into this once-a-week Halos podcast and listen to the latest Angel news, thoughts, and takes from these two superfans! Support this podcast:
Flippin' Bats is a fun baseball podcast bringing you everything you want from around the league! You'll hear from Hall of Famer John Smoltz every week, you'll hear from the game's best players, and you'll be up to date on everything around the league! Baseball. Is. Fun. And so is Flippin' Bats!
The Twins Clubhouse Podcast features Twins favorites from past and present, as we relive specific moments from their career and catch up with what they are doing today. These new Twins shows will be available every Thursday wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts, or by subscribing at
毎週金曜『グッチーのGood Friday!』で13:45~放送中! ▶メール [email protected] -
Driveline Research & Drinks. A round table discussion about research and development at Driveline Baseball hosted by Anthony Brady, Alex Caravan, and Kyle Lindley. Insights to navigating this new technology-rich baseball world and how we think about things within R&D at Driveline, while also throwing back a few of our favorite brews.
Serving Chicago Cubs fans relevant and engaging weekly discussions on the team and providing the most informative analysis and insight during the baseball season and throughout the entire year. Hosted by regular contributors Tony Andracki and Andy Martinez, who are often joined by special guests. (Marquee Sports Network Podcasts)
【出演】 笑福亭羽光、内田健介、相川由里
【原作】 猛虎伝―昭和60年『奇跡』の軌跡(産経新聞大阪夕刊連載)
【制作】 産経新聞社
平成19年4月 笑福亭鶴光に入門。令和2年11月 2020年度NHK新人落語大賞。令和3年5月 真打昇進。特技は漫画原作。
桐朋学園短期大学演劇専攻科在学中から劇団善人会議(現・扉座)に在籍。初舞台は19 歳。退団後、現代制作舎(現・現代)に25 年間在籍。令和3年1月に退所。現在フリー。テレビドラマ、映画、舞台、CMなどへの出演のほか、NHK―FMのラジオドラマやナレーションなど声の出演も多数。
■ 田所龍一
昭和31年生まれ。大阪芸大卒。サンケイスポーツに入社し、虎番として昭和60年の阪神日本一などを取材。 産経新聞(大阪)運動部長、京都総局長、中部総局長などを経て編集委員。 「虎番疾風録」のほか、阪急ブレーブスの創立からつづる「勇者の物語」も産経新聞(大阪発行版)に執筆
■産経Podcast おすすめの番組
・Amazon Musicで聴く(リンク)
■産経Podcast 公式ウェブサイト
■アンケートフォームはこちら(リンク) -