The post 39: Gabby Malpas appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
Art for Bales Art Activator Andrea Hamann talks about Art for Bales, an initiative with Kate Pittas in support of Australia’s farmers suffering by the current drought situation. Andrea is an artist and mum based in the Southern Highlands Art for Bales started after speaking to a farmer about the recent drought situation and how […]
The post 38: Andrea Hamann appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
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The post 37: Catherine Cassidy appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
Show notes: Most of us love to sell more artwork The mindset level of why you’re not selling more work Stumbling to be seen as an artist Felicity gives you a couple of tips on how to sell more work and marketing ideas If you are struggling about marketing yourself as an artist, get your […]
The post 36: Why Don’t I Sell More Work appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
Claire Bridge is an independent artist and the founder of Art World Women in Melbourne Being an artist is the centre of her life Her art practice has a basis of painting (figurative realist painting) but also stretches into sculpture, film, video, ceramics and quite interdisciplinary Art World Women was founded in 2011 and saw […]
The post 35: Claire Bridge appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
Show notes: To access your freebie, sign up here: bit.ly/MMSfA or you can email the team at: team@felicityoconnor.com
The post 34: Monica Davidson appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
Show notes: Tash Corbin is an extrovert and proud of it! A successful business is built by knowing your strengths As long as you are in control and you take responsibility on how you feel you can do things exactly your way Business success comes from 50% strategy and 50% business mindset We discuss the […]
The post 33: Tash Corbin appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
Emily is the Founder/Director of The Artists Guild. According to Emily, they have created The Artists Guild to provide an innovative art hub and community that provides peer support for female artists to create, connect and collaborate. They support women in their individual creative journeys through co-creating sessions, provocations, artistic circles, critiques, conversations, showings, group exhibitions […]
The post 32: Emily Raubenheimer – Artists Guild appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
How to plan ahead and strategise for the coming year What’s coming up for Felicity O’Connor and the Art Activators Workshops or trips away to work plein eir Why you need to keep fresh, keep learning and keep improving as an artist Being a part of Art Gallery on Darling Collaborations with local interior designer […]
The post 31: Welcoming in 2018! appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
Podcast interview with emerging female artist Natalie Verriest Her personal story told through her exhibition artwork The realisation that her previous artworks were scared to be feminine and vulnerable After a big year personally and professionally, being in the Art Activator group gave her the confidence to explore her personal and feminine side and therefore […]
The post 30: Spotlight Series – Natalie Verriest appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
Another great interview from Art Activator, Jemma Calavassy Jemma started sewing from a young age and always had a sewing machine in her room growing up She is a milliner by trade After being in the corporate world for 15 years, she still loved to paint and draw so moved her career to something creative […]
The post 29: Spotlight Series – Jemma Calavassy appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
Emerging artist and Art Activator Jenny McIntosh shares her creative passion and how she juggles her art and day job She’s not exclusively an oil painter but also loves photography or anything art-y Enjoys experimenting with lots of things but out in the environment is where she calls home Her parents were bushwalkers before she […]
The post 28: Spotlight Series – Jenny McIntosh appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
Artist and Art Activator Korynn Morrison shares her creative journey and passion through this podcast interview: A lifelong artist with a very supportive family Majored in Photography at National Arts School and enjoyed every minute of it Explains how she learnt that her creative process is to have her hands dirty Believes that as artists, […]
The post 27: Spotlight Series – Korynn Morrison appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
Ceramicist and sculptor Alicia Taylor is one of the participants in the upcoming Her-Story exhibition. Here, we discuss the creative journey that brought her to this point. Alicia loves taking things of seemingly little value and turning them into something beautiful or practical in her daily life She understands the importance of giving time to […]
The post 26: Spotlight Series – Alicia Taylor appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
First of the spotlight series – artist Maria Radun! Maria was born an artist – starting in illustrations and graphic design as they were the ‘straight path’ to a financially stable career Currently enrolled in Fine Arts – a big step to take but it has to be done Loves that being an artist gives […]
The post 25: Spotlight Series – Maria Radun appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
Tracey-Maree Smith is an Australian artist who thinks she is born an artist as she possesses the quality of being an artist – introvert, empathic, loner, etc. When she was young, she wanted to become an Art teacher Started an art business with 2 friends in Newcastle but she ended up burnt out as she […]
The post 24: Tracey-Maree Smith appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
Fiona is a member of the Melbourne based organisation, Creative Women’s Circle. ‘You have to make your own fun’ Kids are creative and just need to find their own medium to tell their story All passions are intertwined Attended Newcastle Uni where she did Illustration and Design and loved it but the commercial side of […]
The post 23: Fiona Chandler appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
Kate is a qualified printmaker and painter based in Tasmania. a ’born’ artist, she was the only one who showed artistic aptitude among her siblings started winning art awards at a young age of 13 or 14 her mum pushed the business side of art and she gets support from both her parents getting noticed […]
The post 22: Kate Von Rock appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
Inspired from the beautiful online community of ‘From The Easel’ and my online courses – The Artist’s Way and Art Activator program, I’m becoming increasingly aware of how the introverts manage their situations! introverts require to trust introverts need to recharge their batteries in their own time, own space while extroverts recharge their batteries interacting […]
The post 21: Introvert Artists Hear This appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
In this podcast episode, I talked about my most absolute favorite book ‘The Artist’s Way’ and down further about dealing with creative blocks one of the difficult things that most creative people cling to is the toxic patterns that might block their creative flow there are favoured blocks at a time – some common patterns and […]
The post 20: Dealing With Creative Blocks appeared first on Felicity O'Connor.
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