
  • This discussion reminded me of the unique experience of being a therapist. I am so grateful for my guest (an educational psychologist) sharing some of her thoughts and experience with having to get to the difficult decision of changing her practice as a psychologist for her own mental health and wellbeing. Asking for help, when you are the one usually offering the help, can be such a difficult thing to do. Psychologists often suffer in silence, becuase your problems might always seem minute in the greater scheme of things. Practicing as a psychologist is for most practitioners extremely isolating and lonely. If anything, this discussion reminded me how important it is to just talk. Talk to your colleauges about the things you struggle with, things that you find triggering, mistakes you make with clients, and uncomfortable experiences in the therapy room. Go for therapy. And go for supervision. These spaces exist for a reason. If you enoyed this episode, please take a few seconds to rate it on whatever platform you are listening on. And be in touch if you would like to be a participant yourself. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScSnVLF3mjOFsQIVCXUIpp78N6bj17UE5DJJlOiA1sBxOBnrQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

  • In this episode I am reminded about how important our relationship with ourselves is. I truly believe that it is essential for us to be able to develop empathy and understanding with ourselves in order to be able to truly heal and do things differently moving forward. But that can be so hard, especially if we are used to motivating ourselves and holding ourselves responsible by being critical. This is also a reminder of the massive impact that our environment has on us in terms of the beliefs we develop about ourselves and carry with us for the rest of our lives. It is very common for children and adults with ADHD to self-medicate with substances, and I think this is partially because we often don’t take the time to understand how this individual’s brain got to function the way that it does - assuming that it is just purely a biological thing in the brain. There is no way around emotions, only learning how to get through them, without harming yourself or others in the process. To this guest, Thanks so much for sharing your story with me and with everyone who gets to listen to this. I hope you find what you need on this journey, having more compassion and understanding for yourself, while maintaining your sobriety. I have shared some links with him, which you can find in the description of this episode:https://youtu.be/AAJhI2egVtwhttps://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.org.stem4.calmharmIf you would like to be a guest on the podcast and share your story with me, please complete an application form also linked in the description:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScSnVLF3mjOFsQIVCXUIpp78N6bj17UE5DJJlOiA1sBxOBnrQ/viewform?usp=sf_link

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  • One of the parts about being a therapist that I am most grateful for is the opportunity that I get on a daily basis for people to share their stories with me. I feel so priveledged to be able to wittness other’s journeys and I find it such a meaningful interaction, where we get to think about their experiences togehter and try to gain better understanding, while at the same time learning so much about life and us as human beings myself. My hope with this podcast is to be able to share a glimpse of that with you the listeners, by sharing these once-off discussions between me and a random stranger, who I have not seen for individual therapy before. The goal is not to have a super once-off session where we identify solutions to all their problems or fix everything magically in an hour, but rather to bounce off ideas and for me to try and help them to identify how and where to begin or continue with their own mental health journey. These recordings will be shared anonymously and any identifying details regarding the client has been removed. I hope this helps you in some way.

  • Welcome back to another episode of Inside Your Head!

    It has been a while since we released an episode and I am beyond excited to share this episode with you!

    I had the most heartfelt, real and vulnerable discussion with Natasha Joubert, who is well known for being the second runner up in Miss South Africa in 2020 and she was appointed to represent South Africa at Miss Universe in 2021. Natasha has a B.Com Marketing Management degree as well as her own company, Natalia Jeffreys. She is a dynamic woman, who has experienced a lot of dissappointment and has also been through major loss. In this episode she shares her own experiences with depression, anxiety and PTSD, as well as how she continues to develop on a personal level given the pressures and responsibilities she has.

    You can follow Natasha on Instagram: @natasha_joubert

  • Welcome back to another episode of Inside Your Head!

    It has been a while since we released an episode and I am beyond excited to share this episode with you!

    I had the most interesting discussion with Devon Brough, who is a transformation powerhouse who has a contagious energy and passionate zest for life. As an author, speaker, and coach he has committed his purpose to helping people get unstuck, inspiring them to transform their life with a focus on achieving breakthroughs in areas of mindset and relationships.

    I had the most interesting discussion with Devon about how we need to start with ourselves in relationships. We discuss how you can identify some of your own toxic traits, not just your partner's, how our upbringing can affect the relationships we land up in, his own journey with addiction, and how we can deal with break-ups.

    You can follow Devon on Instagram: @devonbrough

  • Welcome back to another episode of inside your head! I am your host, Christel Roets, clinical psychologist and founder of Psych Central South Africa.

    Lately I have been finding myself in a space where I have a bigger need for meditation, being still with myself and really focusing on generating internal strength and self love. I have been struggling to find guided meditations, one because there’s so many of them, and two, I don’t really know what to search for.

    I decided that maybe it might be a good idea to try and record my own. So today I am going to share a short guided meditation with you that has been written specifically to help you release some anxiety that you might be holding on to, and remind you of all of the strength that you can find within yourself and help prepare you for your day!

    It's important to remember that the goal of meditations are not to fix all of your problems miraculously, but rather, when used as a daily practice, help you to connect with yourself and do the hard inner work that is so necessary for change.

    I hope you enjoy!


  • Welcome back to another episode of Inside your Head!

    What you think, you become, you believe. This is our topic for today! These powerful words are a mantra that our guest, The Yogi Paige, lives by. Join us for a conversation where Paige shares what this mantra has looked like in her life, recovering from substance abuse and overcoming body dysmorphia. With 16 years of experience and over 1000 hours of yoga and meditation training, Paige is definitely an expert in the health and wellness field.

    Her vibrant nature encourages clients to explore and strengthen their mental and physical boundaries, leaving them blissfully aware and falling in love with yoga.

    Paige specializes in:

    · Stress and tension relief

    · Improved concentration

    · Posture correction

    · Mental wellness

    · Meditation

    · Flexibility

    · Toning

    · Strength

    · Spinal & bone health

    If you want to know more about Paige and the services she offers, you can follow her on social medica where her handle is @theyogipaige.

  • Welcome back to another episode of Inside Your Head!

    I am super excited to share today’s discussion with all of you. I am having a chat to Sabrina from Asana Tribe, about yoga, sleep- and sound therapy and our mental health. Yoga is about so much more than just interesting poses that leaves you feeling quite stiff. More and more research is showing that it has major mental health benefits as well, especially in the treatment of anxiety.

    A little bit more about Sabrina: As an artistically creative person yoga came into Sabrina’s life as a way to cope with anxiety and physical health. Her journey was on and off for 10 years before she decided to take a leap forward in 2016 and completed her multi style YTT 200hrs on the small island Koh Tao in Thailand, with Mahi Power Yoga School.

    She knows what it is like to begin this practice we love so much, working well with beginners and currently she is obsessed with sleep meditation and sound journeys (Yoga Nidra & Nada).

    Her teachings are filled with a gentle strength, focused guidance and a vulnerable calm that can be felt in her classes. Humorous, fun, kind and compassionate, she loves to get everyone relaxed into their practice, whether starting out on this journey or deepening into it, continuously learning and sharing - “forever a student, forever a teacher, forever a yogi”.

    If you would like to know more about Sabrina and her services, you can have a look at her Instagram page @asanatribe. For more about Psych Central and the services that we offer, you can have a look at our website psychcentral.co.za or follow us on Instagram, Youtube, TikTok or Facebook: @psychcentralsa.

  • Welcome back to another episode of Inside Your Head. In this episode, I had a chat with Lizé van der Walt about “thinking about your thinking”. I know that this might sound a bit strange, but have you actually stopped and listened to what runs through your thoughts on a daily basis? Can you imagine how someone else would feel if they heard those same things you are thinking the whole day?

    In this episode we discuss some common mind-traps that people fall in to and how this can affect your mental health, from your emotional functioning, to work, friendships and romantic relationships.

  • In this short episode, I share some of my thoughts on burnout. More and more people are finding themselves in a state of burnout, and I truly believe that it is about more than just managing your time better or than taking more frequent breaks. We often try to look at things on the surface, and I think it is so important to also look at how our identity might be rooted in having to be the overachiever or the hard-worker who find themselves in a state of burnout. It has become an admirable state to find yourself in, which is such an unhealthy space for your mental wellbeing.

    Have a listen and share your thoughts with me!

  • Welcome back to another episode of Inside your head! I’m your host, Christel Roets, clinical psychologist and founder of Psych Central South Africa. I want to take some time to thank each and every person who has listened to our podcast and showed us so much love an appreciation!

    In this episode I have a chat with Thembelihle Mashigo. Thembelihle is such an interesting person, being a counselling psychologist as well as an indigenous healer. This was such an insightful discussion that we had about traditional or indigenous healing from the African spirituality perspective. We discuss Thembelihle’s own personal journey, some of the myths about traditional healers, what it looks like in terms of our mental health and psychological functioning, as well as how she juggles these different roles in her practice as a psychologist.

    Thembelihle has a psychological and spiritual practice in Sundowner and she also works at Psych Central in Rosebank. She works with a diverse range of clients on understanding their spirituality and psychological functioning. She also writes on healing in an integrated way and gives presentations on African spirituality and healing. In addition, she has lectured and supervised other psychologists.

    If you want to know more about Psych Central or Thembelihle and the services she offers, you can visit our website at psychcentral.co.za. You can also follow us on your preferred social media platform where our handle is @psychcentralsouthafrica for TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and Youtube.

  • Welcome back to another episode of Inside your head!

    In this episode I have a chat with Kerri Dimant, who is an educational psychologist, about emotional regulation. Emotional regulation is not only important for kids, but also for adults and actually human beings. So take some time to understand how we experience emotions and how we can learn to manage them. Emotional regulation is at the core of our emotional and psychological functioning. If we are not able to regulate our emotions, it becomes something that can present itself in mental health issues, affect our interpersonal relationships, school and work functioning.

    Kerri works alongside toddlers, children, adolescents and parents mainly. She is also available for adult clients to help them through their therapeutic journey.

    She is available at Psych Central in Rivonia, as well as The Family Tree Therapy Center in Modderfontein and can also be found on the Mental Health App – PANDA.

    If you want to know more about Psych Central or Kerri and the services she offers, you can visit our website at psychcentral.co.za.

    You can also follow us on your preferred social media platform where our handle is @psychcentralsouthafrica for TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and Youtube.

  • Welcome back to another episode of Inside your head! I’m your host, Christel Roets, clinical psychologist and founder of Psych Central South Africa. I want to take some time to thank each and every person who has listened to our podcast and showed us so much love an appreciation! This has become one of my new favorite things to do and with each episode I am learning so much more about myself and how we function as human beings.

    This episode was extra special and important for me to have. I had a chat with Thato Mokoena, about Imposter Syndrome or Phenomena as she prefers to call it. Thato is a clinical psychologist in private practice at Psych Central Rivonia and also offers psychological services in the medical setting where she currently works in a subacute ward with patients who experience neurological-related problems such as traumatic brain injuries and strokes.

    Imposter phenomena is something that can be so invasive and really have people doubt themselves beyond what we can imagine. Being a high performer and someone who values achievement a lot, I have experienced this myself as well. However what Thato discussed with me goes far beyond this. Historically marginalized groups are so much more prone to experience imposter phenomena, constantly feeling like people are going to realize that you don’t know what you are doing, feeling like you have to work extra hard to prove your value and worth as a human being and professional person.

    After this discussion, I realized that this phenomena is a problem that is much bigger that we think and affecting the lives of so many people. Please reach out for help if you find yourself able to relate to this.

    If you want to know more about Psych Central or Thato and the services she offers, you can visit our website at psychcentral.co.za. You can also follow us on your preferred social media platform where our handle is @psychcentralsouthafrica for TikTok, Instagram, Facebook and Youtube.

  • Welcome back to another episode of Inside your head!

    Self-compassion is about more than just practicing self-care or doing nice things for yourself. Self-compassion takes courage and bravery. It links to how we regulate emotions, our boundaries and 4how we even navigate relationships. Today I chat to Maroné Oosthuizen, counselling psychologist at our Rosebank branch, about this topic. Self-compassion is more than just a topic for Maroné, she has invested a lot of her time in understanding and studying it. She is a recovering self-basher and she has done her masters’ thesis on this topic, so this has really become a big part of her way of thinking – on both a personal and professional level.

    If you want to know more about Maroné and the services she offers, you can visit psychcentral.co.za. You can also follow us on your preferred social media platform, where our handle is @psychcentralsouthAfrica on TikTok, Instagram,Youtube and Facebook.

    Resources that Maroné shared:


  • In this week's episode of Inside Your Head, I chat to Boledi Tladi, a counselling psychologist, about the new word on the block: psychedelics.

    We chat about how it is used in psychedelic-assisted therapy, how it impacts us psychologically and various factors people need to consider before using it. Psychedelics is actually not such a new thing and there has been more and more research done to understand how it affects our brain and can potentially benefit our emotional and psychological functioning.

    I hope you enjoy this episode!

    Some resources suggested by Boledi:

    Documentary - How to change your mind (On Netflix)

    Documentary - The Goop Lab (On Netflix)


    Other resources available:



  • Welcome back to another episode of inside your head!

    Today I will be having a chat again with Tova Steiner, counselling psychologist. The very first episode of Inside your head was with Tova, where we discussed attachment and after some further discussions we decided to do another episode about relationships. Specifically about the mystery of desire and attraction.

    You really want to listen to this one. We touch on why we choose the partner we do and why we are attracted to them, why excitement wanes off in long term relationships, myths about relationships and sex, the impact of parenthood on relationships as well as infidelity. It is a lot, you might want to listen twice.

    If you want to know more about Tova and the services she offers to both couples and adult individuals, have a look at her profile on psychcentral.co.za.

    You can also follow us on your preferred social media platform where our handle is @psychcentral.co.za for YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and TikTok.

    The card game that Tova mentions in this episode:

    Where Should We Begin - A Game of Stories (https://game.estherperel.com/)

    A similar app that you can also use:

    Gottman Card Decks: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.carddecks&hl=en_ZA&gl=US

  • Boundaries! We all know we need them, but damn they can be so hard to navigate!

    In this episode of Inside Your Head, I chat to Shelley Bernhard, a counselling psychologist, about boundaries. We chat about boundaries, not only in relationships, but also with yourself. How setting boundaries are not about you saying NO to others, but rather saying YES to yourself. Shelley shares some of her thoughts on why some people struggle to set boundaries and how and where we can start if we need to get some boundaries in place. She also shares why boundaries are a necessary part of being connected to others in our lives.

    Some resources suggested by Shelley:

    Set Boundaries, Find Peace - A Guide To Reclaiming Yourself (Book, by Nedra Glover Tawwab).

    Boundaried Bootcamp (page on Instagram)

  • In today's episode I will be having a solo chat. After having a heart to heart with my husband about hard things and feelings I have faced and are currently facing, I felt an urge to chat about this topic.

    We all have to face hard things in life. And that can be scary as f. I often ask myself/ the universe what the point of all of these hard things are, and honestly sometimes I don’t have the answer. If I reflect on the last few years of my life, I kind of feel that this has been my motto and probably a conversation I have with myself on a regular basis – you can do hard things Christel.

    In this episode, I reflect on some of the hard things I have had to go through and what lessons I have learned from those hard things.

    I hope that you can find some meaning in this chat, to help remind you that you too can do hard things.

    If you want to know more about Psych Central or myself and the services we offer, visit our website on www.psychcentral.co.za or follow us on our various social media platforms where our handle is @psychcentralsouthafrica on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook and Youtube.

  • In this episode of Inside Your Head, I chat to Kayleigh Luntz, an educational psychologist, about tantrums. Weather we like it or not, tantrums seem to be an inevitable part of a child's development. They are uncomfortable and sometimes quite overwhelming, and therefor it is so important for parents to equip themselves with skills and have strategies to make those moments a bit more bearable and manageable. Kayleigh shares some of her tips with parents around making transitions smoother and navigating those power struggles with more ease. We also discuss how tantrums can become learning opportunities and why how we deal with them can even impact us in adulthood.

    Some social media pages suggested by Kayleigh to help parents:


    Podcasts to follow:

    Dr. Brenna Hicks - Play Therapy Parenting

    Lessons from the Playroom

    Parenting Beyond Discipline

  • In our very first episode of Inside Your Head, I chat to Tova Steiner, a counselling psychologist, about attachment. Attachment can be such an abstract concept to think of, yet so crucial in our daily experiences. Our attachment style refers to how we view ourselves, the world and ourselves in the world. Tova shares her thoughts on how things like trauma can impact our attachment and experience of the world, how our relationships are navigated accordingly and how to work on your attachment style if it is something that might be hindering you.

    Some reading suggested by Tova if you are interested to learn more about attachment:

    The Power of Attachment - Elizabeth Gilette

    Mother Hunger - Kelly McDaniel (as featured on Red Table Talk)

    The Emotional Life of a Toddler - Alicia Lieberman

    Born for Love - Maia Szalavitz & Bruce Perry

    Childhood Disrupted - Donna Jackson Nakazawa

    Remember to subscribe to Inside Your Head on your preferred platform and to rate this episode if you would like to continue to hear more from us!

    You can find more information on Psych Central and Tova on www.psychcentral.co.za