Former Buddhist and yoga teacher Monica chats with Matt, ex-Mormon, about how they came to yoga, how it compares to their religious experiences and what yoga has taught them and continues to teach them. Their lighter style is easy for beginners who want to see what else there is to yoga apart from asana practice. As well as sharing their own continuing yoga story, Matt and Monica interview people with yoga stories that have something to teach us all. The guests range across cultures, religions and philosophies in an attempt to find the unity in yoga and with people of all faiths and none. The podcast is currently on an extended break - everything changes!
Dans ce podcast, je pratique une astrologie engagée et inclusive tout en démystifiant cette pratique millénaire. J'espère te donner de nouvelles perspectives sur cet art et t'inspirer : la créativité est un style de vie et l'astrologie est mon outil de prédilection pour t'aider à gagner en clarté et imaginer un nouveau champ des possibles.
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Crédit photo : Claire Bergès
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The Podcast Episodes, Guided Meditations and other mindfulness techniques brought to you by Serena are dedicated to sharing a practical method for achieving a life of uninterrupted joy, peace, loving-kindness, and health. For more, see the Serena Podcast or
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Empowering. Mind-expanding. Radical Healing!
We’ve all heard of the placebo, so we know with certainty that our minds have healing abilities. That’s a fact. However, Brandy takes this common awareness to a whole new level! She coaches live volunteers to use their own mind to achieve radical healing results in just minutes! Brandy is not "healing people" instead she is showing people how to heal themselves so you can witness her unique process. She then provides you with a combination of practical tools and spiritual insights to help you take your health AND life to the next level! If are looking for insights on self-healing, chronic pain, mind-body healing, metaphysics, consciousness, spirituality, psycho-spiritual, or self-help, then you will LOVE this podcast! Come join Brandy Gillmore on this incredible journey! -
In a world where we feel overwhelmed and overstimulated by the stress of our lives, Dr. Heidi Hanna talks to experts and thought leaders in health, motivation and neuroscience to explore the real-world strategies they use to shift stress in an instant. These honest conversations shed light on both proactive and reactive strategies and techniques that can boost energy and build resilience in the moment and throughout the lifespan for better health, happiness and performance.
The Yoga Trade Podcast explores spirituality, wellness and sustainability in all different corners of this Earth. Yoga Trade is an online platform and community that connects you with job opportunities and work exchanges around the world. Our host, Audrey Billups, is Yoga Trade’s vagabond filmmaker who captures the inspiring stories of wellness professionals and change makers she meets along her travels.
This Life Explains It All is hosted by Stefania Romeo and Katherine Griffiths, founders of Virra, the support system for the modern woman. On this podcast, we're sharing discoveries and resources in the world of holistic health and wellness and inspirational journeys. We are talking about everything from relationships, to the health of the mind and body, life path and purpose. We’ll be joined by leading practitioners, experts, and dreamers that have opened our minds to new perspectives for answers to life’s big questions.
Tune into a new episode every Wednesday to hear more and subscribe to get a weekly dose of perspective, in conversation among friends. We’re right here with you and we believe that no matter where you are right now, you’re right on time. -
Here is where ancient feminine wisdom meets the modern path of soul evolution. The Sacred Feminine is on the rise…you might say SHE ROSE. Our show marries feminine-themed SPIRITUALITY -the mystical Rose Path- with practical, cutting-edge research & SCIENCE. We get to the heart of things, and we go deep. Bold, & compelling conversations exploring Consciousness & Soul Evolution, Spiritual Awakening, Wholeness, Healing, Mindbody Science, Mothering, Creation, and Feminine Leadership. Get practical pointers on how to embody your Soul’s Purpose during this pivotal time of human “her-story.” This is YOUR time. Listen in!
Inspired Living is a health and wellness podcast discussing topics related to personal growth, self-improvement, relationships, psychology, and living wholeheartedly. With more than 2 decades of clinical experience, Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Shawn Horn, is now bringing the wisdom of the therapy room to her listeners by sharing insights, experience, and expert knowledge; as well as hosting inspirational discussions with other experts in the field and people regarding their journey of hope, healing and how to live fully. Learn how the foundations of psychology, science and principles of wisdom can inspire, motivate, empower and equip us to live more effectively and masterfully. We inspire by living an inspired life!
The show’s host, Dr. Shawn Horn, is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in private practice, a mentor and consultant to other helping professionals, and a self-help author, educator, and speaker. -
What does it take to really create change–the kind that helps us work together as human beings for one another and for the planet? We believe the change we all wish to see in the world first needs to happen within. In this podcast, Kristen Vandivier and Isabel Keoseyan – co-founders of Meditation Without Borders – and their guests share laughs, stories and insights into the movement of meditation for social change.
Read more about us and sign up our newsletter here: -
Live to 121 is a podcast and company for those who are ready to make a paradigm shift in their overall health. We help them live to 121 or at least make it fill that way. Live a full and fulfilled life! Our mission is to help ourselves and those we contact and influence to be physically, mentally and spiritually healthy to maximize joy and happiness in life. Join Dr Traveller as he shares his thoughts and opinions and obtains the thoughts and opinions of others to help achieve this goal for yourself.
At the CatholicPsych Institute, we're doing something new when it comes to therapy. In the Being Human podcast, Dr. Greg Bottaro, Founder and Director of the CatholicPsych Institute, shares with you his vision for Catholic therapy and a revolutionary approach that is focused, finally, on what it means to be human.
Hey beautiful! I'm an Intuitive Consultant + Life Coach helping you heal from hole to wholeness in your life, relationships, business, and career! Tune in every Sunday for a new episode featuring experts in all aspects of healing your life!
Contact me today for a 20- min consultation to see how I can help you!
Find me online: -
Welcome to You Lost Me at Namaste! If you’ve ever wondered what having a blocked root chakra means or if the Law of Attraction really works or how to tap into happiness and joy any time you want, then this podcast is for you. It blends modern wellness, wellbeing and spirituality at a real world level...along with a little pop-culture and travel thrown in. As seen on CBS and ABC, host and well-being alchemist Michelle Schoenfeld, explains and demystifies today’s most popular and not so popular wellness trends from around the world. Leaving you feeling inspired, awake, healthy and in-the-know. Michelle is a master energy healer, storyteller, broadcasting in the balance between Prada and Prana from Washington DC and Bodrum Turkey.
Join her as she interviews wellness experts, healers, celebrities, and every day interesting souls to get you laughing, learning and inspired. Learn tips on how to feel happier, let go of past pain, heal, have more positive days, manifest abundance, and navigate through this paradigm shift in a time of mindful awakening.
Enjoy casual chats with purpose designed to support and empower your knowledge in order to expand into your best life. We are all connected and the mission of this show is to help you find what resonates with your soul, laugh more, and feel increased authentic joy in your life. Join the collective community of like-minded listeners in over 100 countries and growing. The more love and light we share, the better the world will be.
I'm so glad you found this show! The Universe led you here for a reason so stick around and enjoy!
If you like what you hear, please subscribe, share with your friends and write me a review. Thank you and until next time,
~Namaste -
Hosted by shaman and author, Alyson Charles, Ceremony Circle Podcast (CCP) takes you on an experiential, mystical voyage that returns you to your full power, further activates your own spiritual awakening, and teaches you how to experience life as a massive miracle (aka, ceremony), all while remembering to have fun.
CCP brings you diverse spiritual rituals, real-life mystical stories, million-dollar mindsets and life-changing immersive practices from the biggest, most respected and transformational spiritual leaders from all over the world.
CCP also uniquely immerses you in a different, potent ceremonial experience at the end of every episode.
Alyson shares her own powerful shamanic medicine and embodied spiritual gifts to honor our planet’s sacred truths and awaken your soul to the forgotten mysticism inside you.
You’ll hear from master hypnotherapists, energy healers, astrologers, Akashic records readers, mediums, best-selling spiritual authors, plant medicine and soul shamans, multi-million-dollar spiritual business owners, good witches and more. With every episode, you’ll be sitting in a ceremony circle with fully activated and highest energetic transmissions, and you’ll receive blessings from the most epic and embodied, spiritual teachers walking the Earth.
Prepare to leave each episode feeling more connected, energized and empowered than ever before and with a new, super-charged ceremonial practice to implement in your own life.
About Ceremony Circle host, Alyson Charles:
Alyson is a world-leading author, teacher, medium and shaman who is called to bring sacred rituals and shamanic teachings to the mainstream in powerfully unique ways. Forbes magazine named Alyson a “Full-fledged Guide into Your Psyche” and a “Leading Shaman and Author for Expanding Others into Their Full Power and Gifts.” Oprah Magazine recommends Alyson’s work as a “Top Meditation to Try.” Dazed Magazine says Alyson has, “One of the Top Seven Wellness Accounts on Instagram” and Marie Claire calls her, “The Next Big Thing.” Her work has been featured in The New York Times, National Geographic, and many other publications. Alyson has shared shamanic journeys for audiences larger than 15,000 and was the resident energy guru for the world’s top wellness platform. Her book and card deck, Animal Power, will be published in the fall of 2021 by Chronicle Books.
Please visit and for more information
Due to the powerful energies shared on the show, it is highly recommended that you listen to Ceremony Circle in a comfortable space where you can fully receive all the benefits of this podcast experience. -
Pixie Rose is an incarnated fairy on a mission to awaken the Fae. 'Pixie Steps' was birthed in 2017, and since then has connected with hundreds of magical people, helping them to start living their truth in all their weirdness and beauty. Pixie is a psychic/medium, and a level 2 Quantum Healing Hypnosis practitioner. Spiritual AF is the podcast for people going on their spiritual journey, knowing we are spiritual beings, having a human experience. Pixie explores all things self improvement, professional development for the soul-preneur, magic, science, wellness - and may unintentionally drop an F bomb here and there. Pixie will be sharing her wisdom on topics like intuition, spiritual practices that can be incorporated into #mumlife and healing. As well interviewing some incredible beings from all walks of life to share the incredible work they are doing on this beautiful planet we live in.
Follow me on Instagram: -
Γεια σου κόσμε και γεια σου εξώ-κοσμε! Τα Soul Stories, το ΠΡΩΤΟ ενεργειακό podcast στην Ελλάδα είναι εδώ. Ανακαλύψτε τα μυστικά της συμπαντικής ενέργειας με την Κάλλη Αλεβίζου και τον Άλεξ Κάβδα. Τι είναι αυτό που αποκαλούμε ενέργεια και μας περιβάλλει; Πώς την αναγνωρίζουμε και σε τι μας βοηθάει στην καθημερινότητά μας; Πείτε ΝΑΙ στο κάλεσμα! Ένα podcast για τα ενεργειακά, τα καρμικά, τα εξωπλανητικά και ό,τι άλλο μπορεί να μην βλέπουμε αλλά ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ! Σε αυτή τη σεζόν των Soul Stories διερευνούμε τα ενεργειακά πεδία των σχέσεων: με τον εαυτό μας, τους άλλους και τους... παρα-άλλους. Ετοιμαστείτε για ένα ταξίδι έξω από τα δεδομένα.
Mediteren is populairder dan ooit. Dat is niet zo verwonderlijk, want steeds meer studies tonen aan dat het heel wat voordelen heeft voor onze gezondheid, ons stressgehalte en de werking van onze hersenen. Zeven weken lang duikt neuroloog Steven Laureys in de wetenschap achter het fenomeen, om je daarna aan het werk te zetten.
De plus en plus d’études démontrent les bienfaits de la méditation sur notre santé, notre stress et notre cerveau. Envie de vous initier ou de vous perfectionner ? En sept épisodes et sept exercices, Le Vif Weekend vous propose de (re)découvrir la méditation en compagnie du célèbre neurologue belge Steven Laureys.