Join a global prayer for clarity and wellbeing.
This podcast dives into the wisdom of the Earth's wisest civilizations, guiding us towards deep transformation. Discover the silent wisdom within your heart and create lasting change in yourself and your community.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.
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We are a church for the city that exists to cultivate missional followers of Jesus. We do this as a group of ordinary, flawed people who are deeply committed to truth, creativity, and justice, and missional community. Our core value of truth requires us to talk about hard issues that actually affect the people of charlotte on a daily basis. Our weekly talk series is based on real experiences, real people, and real truth. Go ahead, ask us. We'll probably give you an answer you didn't expect.
Join Breanna McHenry (intuitive energy worker) and Stephanie Della Porta (visual alchemist and cosmic channel) to learn more about honouring the seasons of your soul. Every month will feature an exciting guest, delving even deeper into topics you love the most. Listen for tips, tricks and alignment tools that continue to support them on their personal journeys.We all build and create from the seeds of our soul, as if we are flowers rooted in the Earth honouring the cycles and the seasons we are in. We are here to remind you that you have all that you need within you to bloom. Support this podcast:
The pursuit for purpose, spirituality and other nonsense. Support this podcast:
This is the spirituality show you can listen to even if you don’t know anything about meditation, mindfulness, or journaling. All you know is that there’s a voice in your head, and you have no idea what to do with it. You want to live a life aligned with your soul, but you don’t know how. I’m Dulce Candy, and I’m here to tell you you’re in the right place. On this show, me and my guests will hold nothing back. We’ll tell you everything we did to live a life that doesn’t feel forced.
На протяжении тысячелетий каббалисты учились каждый день, ради своего личного духовного возвышения, и ради духовного возвышения человечества. В наше время продолжает эту традицию каббалистическая группа "Бней Барух", занимаясь ежедневно по подлинным каббалистическим источникам, под руководством ученого – каббалиста, основателя Международной академии каббалы, Михаэля Лайтмана. (Видео)
For thousands of years, Kabbalists have been studying on a daily basis for their and humanity's spiritual progress. Continuing this tradition into today's globally connected world, the Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education & Research Institute, studies daily from authentic Kabbalistic sources, with commentary by Dr. Michael Laitman. (Audio)
«Лоцава» на тибетском языке означает «переводчик». Этим, собственно, я и занимаюсь — перевожу тексты с английского и тибетского языков так, чтобы русскоязычным читателям был понятен смысл.
Если вы любите слушать лекции по духовному развитию, ходите на тематические семинары по медитации, принимаете участие в ретритах, но не понимаете, о чём там говорят учителя, инструкторы и наставники, то вам будет полезен мой канал.
A gathering place for conversation, contemplation and activation. Come hang out with Mark Chabus, Agris Blaubuks, and friends as they explore topics such as human potential, spirituality, empowerment, healing and transcendence. This show was co-created to inspire you to take the most important journey of your life, the journey within. Learn how this journey can lead to radical and profound personal and social transformation. This is Source, is the vibrational frequency you’ve been searching for and the time to listen is now.
Welcome to From Another Point Of View.
What started as a weekly catch up talking about fashion industry and style inspirations evolved into something much deeper. In weekly episodes we have meaningful conversations about mental health , spirituality, wellness , personal development, reigniting creativity through fashion and so much more.
Looking at the world around us through a different lens - From Another Point of View.
Join us for weekly chats over delicious cacao or herbal tea, to learn, get inspired and look at the wold from a different perspective!
We're Living, Leaning and forever Expanding.
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Hi, I'm Unity Afula.
The host of this podcast.😚💜
A voice that leads generations to God.
What's your story?
When faced with situational crises, addictions, trauma, inconsistency with fellowship with God, and whatnot,
Who lifts our spirits and bandages our wounds? It is my prayer that this podcast will uplift your spirit, draw God’s healing into where you’re hurting, help with your fellowship with God, and remind you how amazing you are.♥️
God loves you!🤍
Instagram: @the911storyteller
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