John and Derek are back with the final part of our Witcher Season 3 coverage Podcast as we discuss the final two episodes in full spoiler filled detail.
Spoilers for The Witcher Season 3 Episodes 7 and 8.
Based on the book series by Andrzej Sapkowski and the game series "The Witcher" from CD Projekt Red
Showrunner and Lead Writer: Lauren Schmidt Hissrich
Episode 7 - Out Of The Fire, Into The Frying PanWritten by Matthew D'Ambrosio
Directed by Bola Ogun
Synopsis: Following the explosion at Tor Lara Ciri is transported through a portal from the monolith, finding herself in the wasteland of the Korath desert.
At Aretuza, Jaskier finds and confronts Prince Radovid about his attempt to capture Ciri for Redania but provides him with an escape route to get back home. The Prince vows to return with whatever army he can muster to help. But the bard doesn’t believe him.
Jaskier also reunites with Yennefer who informs him that Ciri is missing and Geralt has been taken to Brokilon by Triss. Jaskier travels to Brokilon Forest where dryads led by Queen Eithné take care of the wounded Geralt,and he learns that the forest has become a refuge for people escaping the war between the Northern kingdoms and Nilfgaard.
Back in the Korath desert Ciri struggles to find water or food, but she encounters a unicorn, she names "Little Horse", who keeps her company. Wandering the desert for days, Ciri is tormented by visions of her loved ones, including her mother Pavetta and Calenthe, as well as a mysterious figure revealed to be Falka, a half-elven princess burnt at the stake for rising up against her father, the king.
When an unnamed desert monster attacks Ciri and wounds Little Horse, Ciri is persuaded by the vision of Falka to use dangerous fire magic to heal the unicorn. As she does, a violent fiery vision nearly consumes her before Ciri relinquishes her magic and loses consciousness, waking up surrounded by bounty hunters.
Back in Brokilon forest Jaskier finds a slowly recovering Geralt, where he informs him of rumours that Ciri has been captured and is on her way to Nilfgaard.
Episode 8 - The Cost of ChaosWritten by Mike Ostrowski & Troy Dangerfield
Directed again by Bola Ogun
Synopsis: Searching for Ciri, Yennefer and her fellow sorceresses raid Vilgefortz's fortress of Vuilpanne. They only find the corpses of kidnapped Aretuzan novices and work together to restore their bodies so they can receive a proper burial. At Vuilpanne, Tissaia is confronted by Philippa who blames her for the tragic outcome of the Thanedd Island Coup because of her relationship with Vilgefortz. But Tissaia blames Philipa for siding with Rhodania. After they return to Aretuza, a guilt-ridden and resigned Tissaia takes her own life.
In Redania, an angry and disappointed King Vizimir orders Dijkstra to murder Philippa as punishment for the failed coup. But Philippa orchestrates Vizimir's assassination instead, crowning Prince Radovid the new king before he can leave to help Jaskier.
Yennefer travels to Brokilon and heals Geralt as best she can. As he recovers he is joined by Jaskier and an archer Milva, and they leave Brokilon to follow the rumours about Ciri and save her from Emperor Emhyr and Nilfgaard.
Meanwhile, Fringilla and Francesca arrive at Nilfgaard secretly plotting against Emhyr, but when Fringilla accidentally reveals the truth about Nilfgaard's part in the murder of Francesca’s baby, Francesca leaves in anger, swearing revenge on her and on Emperor Emhyr.
In the great hall at Nilfgaard, Emhyr, flanked by a disfigured Vilgefortz welcomes Ciri to the Nilfgaardian court. But little does he realise that who he thinks is Ciri is in fact Teryn, one of the missing Aretruzan novices, kidnapped by Vilgefortz and posing as Ciri.
Elsewhere in a tavern somewhere on the Continent the real Ciri is still held captive by the bounty hunters. But she and another captive, called Kayleigh, are saved by a bandit group known as the Rats that Kayleigh is a member of. They let her join them after she accepts their offer to fight her captor, killing him and marking her first human kill. When the Rats ask her name, Ciri introduces herself as "Falka ''.
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Thank you for joining us for the final part of our Witcher Podcast. We hope you enjoyed following along with us for the Witcher Season 3. Join us again on our main feed on TV Podcast Industries or come back next time for the Witcher Season 4.
Derek and John
TV Podcast Industries
Date Recorded: 08/08/2023
Date Published: 09/08/2023
All images and audio clips are copyright of of their respective copyright owners. No infringement is intended.
The music for this episode "Morrisson's jig - Leslie's march" by Aislinn is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
We return with our Witcher Season 3 Podcast as we discuss the next two episodes in full spoiler filled detail.
Spoilers for The Witcher Season 3 Episodes 5 and 6.
Based on the book series by Andrzej Sapkowski and the game series "The Witcher" from CD Projekt Red
Showrunner and Lead Writer: Lauren Schmidt Hissrich
Episode 5 - The Art Of The IllusionWritten by Clare Higgins
Directed by Loni Peristere
Synopsis: With the banquet over, Geralt and Yennefer discuss the night's events from the bathtub, the bed, from beneath the sheets and in the morning after.
Despite his discomfort at the surroundings and the company, Yennefer and Geralt step out arm-in-arm and dressed-to-kill at a lavish ball. But all is not as it appears during the evening of gossip, spiked drinks, revelry and revelation. Geralt tries very hard to socialise and avoid the revelling sorcerers. His patience is pushed by Dijkstra, Phillipa and Stregabour during the evening and Yennefer has to remind him they need to lie low in order to expose Stregobor as the dark mage during the conclave the following day.
However, their plans change when Yennefer is alerted by Istredd and Triss about Stregobor's possession of the Book of Monoliths. Geralt and Istredd pretend a fight to cover for Yennefer as she breaks into Stregobor's study where they discover the book, as well as apparent evidence of kidnapping half-elven students.
Stregobor is arrested in his study by Tissaia, Vilgefortz and Artorius, and the banquet is deemed a diplomatic success. Once Yennefer and Geralt put all the pieces of the night together, however, they realise the mastermind behind Rience's actions and the kidnappings is Vilgefortz who only framed Stregobor.
Scouting the halls to find Vilgefortz, Geralt is distracted by sounds of a distant fight and is ambushed at knife-point by Dijkstra, as he enacts his plan to purge the Brotherhood of Sorcerers.
Episode 6 - Everyone has a plan 'Til They Get Punched In The FaceWritten by Javier Grillo-Marxuach
Directed again by Loni Peristere
Synopsis: With Geralt taken prisoner, bloodshed and betrayal, rocks Aretuza, as the Redanian soldiers led by Dijkstra and Philippa, along with several Northern mages, strike a coup to arrest mages led by Vilgefortz who collaborated with Nilfgaard.
Not believing the accusations levelled at her lover, Tissaia frees the apprehended mages and Vilgefortz, where he reveals his conniving, plotting and betrayal to Tissaia as he lets in an invading force of elven Scoia'tael led by Cahir and Queen Francesca to reclaim Aretuza. The hunt for Ciri comes to a head as Vilgefortz, the elves,and the Redanians all seek to find Ciri for their own purposes.
A bloody battle erupts between the league of Nilfgaardian and Scoia'tael forces and the Northern mages, as many are killed on both sides including Filavandrel and Artorius. Elsewhere, Geralt, Ciri, and Yennefer are briefly reunited trying to get Ciri to safety. But after surviving an attack by Rience who is killed and decapitated by Geralt’s sword, Yennefer must go to help her Aretuzian brothers and sisters. Yennifer joins her weakened mentor Tissaia at the battle, after she has cast a devastating spell of last resort leaving Aretuza ruined. While the last few mages are saved by Stregobor who sacrifices himself using fire magic to stop the remaining forces from finishing them off .
Meanwhile Geralt and Ciri are confronted by Cahir, who has an epiphany realising he has been used and lied to for long enough, asking for forgiveness from Ciri he pledges to defend her as he fights off Scoia'tael hunting Ciri and Geralt.
As they both make their way to the shore to escape by boat something feels wrong and Geralt commands Ciri to run. She runs back towards Aretuza and the tower of Tor Lara, as Vilgefortz confronts Geralt. The dark mage shows expert combat prowess and defeats Geralt allowing him to pursue Ciri. Half-dead and bleeding out, a lucky Geralt is found by Triss who takes him to Brokilon.
At Tor Lara just before Vilgefortz can capture her, Ciri taps into the power of the monolith contained in the tower, unleashing a devastating explosion which destroys the tower. Nothing on the Continent will ever be the same again.
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Thank you for joining us for the first part of our Witcher Podcast. We hope you'll come back next week when we discuss the final two episodes of season 3.
Derek, Chris and John
TV Podcast Industries
Date Recorded: 01/08/2023
Date Published: 02/08/2022
All images and audio clips are copyright of of their respective copyright owners. No infringement is intended.
The music for this episode "Morrisson's jig - Leslie's march" by Aislinn is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
Saknas det avsnitt?
We are back with our Witcher Season 3 Podcast as we discuss the next two episodes of this first half in full spoiler filled detail.
Spoilers for The Witcher Season 3 Episodes 3 and 4.
Based on the book series by Andrzej Sapkowski and the game series "The Witcher" from CD Projekt Red
Showrunner and Lead Writer: Lauren Schmidt-Hissrich
Episode 3 - ReunionWritten by Haily Hall
Directed by Gandja Monteiro
Synopsis: Jaskier is still thinking about Prince Radovid. He might just have a crush on him. But his contemplation is interrupted when Geralt needs his help with the girl he found at the Castle Vuilpanne.
Geralt brings the girl to a friend of his mothers Anika. Under a potion cooked up by Anika’s partner Otto they learn that the girl is a student called Teryn from Aretuza who was kidnapped by a man who she’d always been afraid of as a novice and a woman with a strange voice. Geralt and Jaskier resolve to go to Aretuza leaving Teryn with the couple.
Meanwhile, after deciding Ciri needs better instruction to become the leader she believes she should be, Yennifer has to also change herself to be allowed back into the Brotherhood of mages. Unhappy with being treated like a servant by the mages from Aretuza, Ciri steals a horse and runs to find Garalt.
But on the journey the spectral forms of The Wild Hunt bleed through to The Continent searching for Ciri but Geralt drives them away.
Up in the Northern kingdom’s Rodanian intelligence make a big play to get King Vizimir back in line. With Queen Hedwig conducting secret meetings with Nilfgaard without the permission of Dijkstra and Phillipa, they have Queen’s head served to their boss in a box blaming Nilfgaard for her murder.
Back in Nilfgaard the elf Gallitan brings Cahir to Emperor Emhyr and tells him of Francesca’s plan to capture Ciri. He wants support to overthrow Francesca and get back on his mission to take the Northern territories. But, following a private audience with Emyr, Cahir is ordered to prove himself as a good leader by murdering Gallatin. Reluctantly Cahir brutally carries out his orders.
Episode 4 - The InvitationWritten by Rae Benjamin
Directed again by Gandja Monteiro
Synopsis: Aboard a ship to Aretuza, Geralt, Ciri, Jaskier and the rest of the crew are attacked by an Aeschna which Geralt and Ciri team up and kill.
At Aretuza, in spite of opposition from Stregobor and Artorius Vigo, Yennefer convinces the Brotherhood of Sorcerers to host a conclave for mages to strengthen the unity of the North against Nilfgaard, and later, she visits the Redanian court in person to invite Philippa Eilhart and try to win the support of King Vizimir who orders not only Philippa, but Dijkstra and Prince Radovid to attend as well.
On her way back through the portal to Aretuza, Yennefer is ambushed by a creature that looks like Geralt but she manages to escape.
Upon reaching Franscesca and the Scoia'tael, Cahir persuades her to join forces in their search for Ciri on behalf of Emperor Emhyr. Although Emhyr believes the former mage of Nilfgaard Fringilla is dead, she has escaped and is enjoying her new found freedom in a local tavern. There she learns about the conclave of the brotherhood of mages.
Meanwhile, Triss and Istredd investigate the missing Aretuzan novices and the Book of Monoliths, and, similar to Yennefer and Geralt, they arrive at the conclusion that Stregobor is the mastermind behind those events, and is the mage behind Rience's actions.
Ciri, with Jaskier babysitting, are kept in a safe haven away from Aretuza; Radovid tracks Jaskier down and they kiss; just as. Geralt, Yennefer, and the Northern mages gather at Aretuza to begin the conclave with a spectacular ball.
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If you want to send us your thoughts on anything we do please email us at feedback@tvpodcastindustries.com join us on our facebook group at https://facebook.com/groups/tvpodcastindustries or join us on twitter at https://twitter.com/tvpodindustries or @tvpodindustries.
Thank you for joining us for the first part of our Witcher Podcast. We hope you'll come back next week when we discuss the second half of season 1. Derek, Chris and John TV Podcast Industries
Date Recorded: 11/07/2023
Date Published: 16/07/2022
All images and audio clips are copyright of of their respective copyright owners. No infringement is intended.
The music for this episode "Morrisson's jig - Leslie's march" by Aislinn is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
We return to the continent for our Witcher Season 3 Podcast as we discuss the first two episodes in full spoiler filled detail.
Spoilers for The Witcher Season 3 Episodes 1 and 2.
Based on the book series by Andrzej Sapkowski and the game series "The Witcher" from CD Projekt Red
Showrunner and Lead Writer: Lauren Schmidt-Hissrich
Episode 1 - Shaerrawedd
Written by Mike Ostrowski
Directed by Stephen Surjik
Synopsis: Having left Kaer Morhen, Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri are on the run from the fire mage Rience while continuing Ciri's training as a witcher and a mage. Elsewhere on the Continent, other groups have designs on Ciri. The Elven Queen Francesca Findabair seeks Ciri whom they see as the destined saviour of the elves, but her obsession increasingly puts her at odds with the eleven troops known as Scoia'tael.
While in Redania, King Vizimir is disillusioned with his spymaster Sigismund Djikstra and sorceress Philippa Eilhart's failure to capture Ciri whom he intended to marry; so he entrusts the task to his brother Prince Radovid.
After six months running from village to town to hamlet, they finally settle down in a home provided by Yarpen Zigrin. After months of hiding and training, Ciri, Geralt and Yennifer go to the local village for the Beltane festival to escape the confinements of training, but are attacked by a Jackapace monster, orchestrated by Rience.
The group take down the Jackapace and realise that they must once again move on. But tired of running, the three decide to lure Rience into a trap.They need a trusted friend, Jaskier, to be the bait after rumours are spread by Yarpen of Ciri’s departure.
They track down Jaskier asking him to help Geralt, Yennefer and Ciri with their plan, but they are unaware that Jaskier has been in secret contact with Philippa and Prince Radovid about persuading Ciri to go to Redania.
At the elven ruins of Shaerrawedd, they are confronted by Rience and the elven Scoia'tael and a battle ensues. Rience’s and the elven forces are held off with Francesca’s brother killed in the encounter. As Rience escapes his defeat via a dark portal, Yennefer feels the presence of dark magic and believes that powerful dark mage is the mastermind behind Rience. With no other options she suggests the last place they should seek help, Aretuza.
Episode 2 - Unbound
Written by Tania Lotia
Directed again by Stephen Surjik
With Geralt separated from Ciri and Yennefer in search of Rience and his master, he along with Jaskier, head to Codringher and Fenn, a law firm and detective agency, for help in his quest they hint at the involvement of the mage Istridd, who is also looking for Ciri. Geralt heads to Vuilpanne a castle where he might discover vital details about the sorcerer in charge of Rience.
Jaskier continues to gather information about Rience. In his desire to help Ciri, he shares Geralt’s encounters with the wrong people, Dijaski and Philippa, who in turn are trying to persuade Jaskier to hand over Ciri to them. Their plan involves Prince Radovid, Vizimir’s charming brother. To win Geralt’s confidence, Jaskier asks Prince Radovid to pay Codringher and Fenn in exchange for details regarding Rience; however, his interaction with Prince Radovid seems to have left Prince Radovid smitten with The Dandelion.
Meanwhile, Yennefer and Ciri make their way to Aretuza, but along the way Ciri’s increasingly unsettling visions and her efforts to change the course of events cause problems between her and Yennifer. To maintain a low profile, Yen makes the decision to purchase an immediate portal towards Aretuza from Keira, her old friend. But they have no choice but to flee and travel the long way to Aretuza after a vision causes Ciri to release a dwarf held captive, because of the bleak future she foresaw. On the road to Arteuza, Yen and Ciri continue to argue and Yen opts for a diversion to teach Ciri important lessons about the possible repercussions of interfering with fate.
Geralt arrives in Vuilpanne to find a creepy den with a horrifying scene of three heads extending from fleshy stalks in the walls. In a cocoon of webbing, a distraught girl rants about a nocturnal visitor. He releases the girl, and no sooner a hideous Thing-like creature made up of the bodies of its victims attacks him. Geralt battles the monster, killing it and saving the young blond haired, green-eyed lady.
He takes her away from the dungeon and Geralt makes an effort to talk to her, only she already knows his name and explains she knew he’d come to save her as she is Ciri.
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If you want to send us your thoughts on anything we do please email us at feedback@tvpodcastindustries.com join us on our facebook group at https://facebook.com/groups/tvpodcastindustries or join us on twitter at https://twitter.com/tvpodindustries or @tvpodindustries.
Thank you for joining us for the first part of our Witcher Podcast. We hope you'll come back next week when we discuss the second half of season 1. Derek, Chris and John TV Podcast Industries
Date Recorded: 09/07/2023
Date Published: 09/07/2022
All images and audio clips are copyright of of their respective copyright owners. No infringement is intended.
The music for this episode "Morrisson's jig - Leslie's march" by Aislinn is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
For the last time in 2022 we are back in the Continent to discuss the finale of The Witcher Blood Origin Episode 4 Of Mages, Malice and Monstrous Mayhem.
Based on the book series by Andrzej Sapkowski and the game series "The Witcher" from CD Projekt Red
Showrunner and Lead Writer: Declan De Barra
Executive Producer: Lauren Schmidt-Hissrich
Episode 4 - Of Mages, Malice and Monstrous Mayhem.
Written by Declan De Barra and Tasha Huo
Directed by Sarah O'Gorman
Synopsis: After the deal between Balor and Merwyn, Balor and his apprentice Fenrick head with Captain Eredin and his scouting party to gather information so as to begin the conquest of other lands through the veil between worlds. Travelling through the portal created by Balor he realises the true sacrifice he must make to obtain chaos magic. Killing Kendrick, the Chaos magic flows through and into Balor who uses it to send Eredin and his men to another unknown world of fire for eternity. Entering through the gates of Xin’trea disguised as the royal army, the seven split up to complete their mission.
As the Lark rallies the lowborn of Xin’trea to rise up against their overlords, Scion takes Fjall to Queen Merwyn so Fjall may kill Balor’s beast and she may reclaim her tribe’s sword. But Merwyn renounces her deal and has Scion taken away to be executed. Telling Fjall that everything she had done to secure her position was necessary, sends Fjall into a Witcher rage.
While Merwyn escapes to her room, her royal guards are killed and he focuses his attention on the beast. After killing her captors, Scion lets the others into the palace. While the Mages, Syndril and Zacare, head to destroy the master Monolith, Scion, Brother Death and Meldof defend their position to allow Eile to confront and kill Merwyn with a knife to her stomach in front of her rebelling populace. Battling the beast, Fjall’s rage transforms him further to increase his strength and allow him to kill the flying beast. But the dark magic coursing through him makes him turn on his fellow companions, taking the eye of Brother Death. Only Eile’s singing calms him enough for her to kill him with her blade.
Meanwhile, on reaching the Monolith Syndril and Zacare are caught by Balor returning from the other world. Pinned down by Balor’s new magic, Syndril uses Zacare’s binding powers to combine his magic with Balor’s chaos magic, destroying the monolith and killing Syndril in the process. The shattering of the monolith releases a great surge of energy that brings down the veil between worlds and starts the convergence of the spheres. In the aftermath of the convergence, the Continent is transformed with the arrival of men on its shores.
So too is Eile who is pregnant with her and Fjall’s child. With the Story of the Seven told, the timeless entity abandons Jaskier and his reality becomes the battlefield between humans and elves. In a mid-credit scene, Merwyn’s Mage, having discovered that the monoliths can be used to travel through time, watches on as a young Ciri plays with her young friends in Cintra.
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If you want to send us your thoughts on anything we do please email us at feedback@tvpodcastindustries.com join us on our facebook group at https://facebook.com/groups/tvpodcastindustries or join us on twitter at https://twitter.com/tvpodindustries or @tvpodindustries.
Thank you for joining us for our Witcher Blood Origin Podcast. We hope you'll come back next time when we discuss the Witcher Season 3 coming to Netflix in June 2023.
Derek, Chris and John TV Podcast Industries
Date Published: 25/12/2022
All images and audio clips are copyright of of their respective copyright owners. No infringement is intended.
The music for this episode "Morrisson's jig - Leslie's march" by Aislinn is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
We return for The Witcher Blood Origin Episode 3 Of Warriors Wakes and Wondrous Worlds. We chat all about the sevens plans to attack Xin’trea..
Based on the book series by Andrzej Sapkowski and the game series "The Witcher" from CD Projekt Red
Showrunner and Lead Writer: Declan De Barra
Executive Producer: Lauren Schmidt-Hissrich
Episode 3 - Scian of the Ghost Clan
Written by Tania Lotia and Kiersten Van Horne
Directed by Sarah O'Gorman and Vicky Jewson
Synopsis: Eile, Brother Death, Fjall and Scion escape the oncoming monster, travelling through a portal created by the mages Zacare and Syndril, back to the Continent. As the portal closes the beast is split in two. As the group arrives on the border of Xin’trea, with Balor’s beast flying overhead, they are greeted by Meldof and her hammer Gwen. They take in the disparate group and when she learns of their plan to kill Elven Empress Merwyn, the six become seven.
But to get to Merwyn they must destroy the beast, as Fjall confides to Scion that there is no back door into Xin’trea. Syndril plans to create a beast of their own using the heart of the beast already slain at the portal and Zacare’s dark magic. Eile volunteers to go through the difficult procedure but after a night of heart to hearts Fjall takes her place. While everyone is focused on Fjall’s transformation, Scion concocts a plan of her own. She offers up Fjall to the Empress in exchange for the reward, the sacred sword of her people “Soul Reaver” and 50 of her men.
Meanwhile Merwyn has a plan to get her people back on side. She wants to conquer distant lands to gather their food supply for the elves. Arresting Balor she tasks her own mage Avallac to replicate Balor and Syndril's use of the Monoliths but when he's unable to use them, the Empress makes an alliance with Balor freeing him and his apprentice Fenrick. With Fjall transformed into the first Witcher he declares his love for Eile, and the group start towards Xin’trea.
They are led into a dead end by Scion as the Xin’trean soldiers block their return path headed by Scion, but with the help of a group of sell swords led by Uthrok one-nut they realise Scion’s double, double cross, killing Merwyn’s men. They dress in their armour and head on the road to Xin’trea
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If you want to send us your thoughts on anything we do please email us at feedback@tvpodcastindustries.com join us on our facebook group at https://facebook.com/groups/tvpodcastindustries or join us on twitter at https://twitter.com/tvpodindustries or @tvpodindustries.
Thank you for joining us for the episode 3 of our Witcher Blood Origin Podcast. We hope you'll come back next time when we discuss the the final episode.
Derek, Chris and John TV Podcast Industries
Date Published: 25/12/2022
All images and audio clips are copyright of of their respective copyright owners. No infringement is intended.
The music for this episode "Morrisson's jig - Leslie's march" by Aislinn is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
We are back with our spoiler filled chat all about The Witcher Blood Origin Episode 2 Of Dreams, Defiance and Desperate Deeds. As the group continues to expand and a plan starts to form for their assault on Xin’trea.
Based on the book series by Andrzej Sapkowski and the game series "The Witcher" from CD Projekt Red
Showrunner and Lead Writer: Declan De Barra
Executive Producer: Lauren Schmidt-Hissrich
Episode 2 - Of Dreams, Defiance and Desperate Deeds
Written by Alex Meenehan and Aaron Stewart-Ahn
Directed by Vicky Jewson
Synopsis: The band of three, Eile, Fjall and Scian formulate a plan to obtain coin to raise sellswords to take their fight to the Golden Empire. On breaking and entering a bank to rob, they find the coffers empty and that they are surrounded by soldiers of the new Empire hunting them. As they defend their position, they fight back the soldiers but Scian is seriously injured and the soldiers try a new tactic to smoke them out of the bank. They manage to escape but Scian’s condition is deteriorating and they have picked up a tail from the town.
After searching for herbs to heal Scian’s wound they return to find a man standing over her. He’s called Callan and with his butcher blades is known as Brother Death. He has no love for the new army of the Golden Empire and joins them in their quest. Telling them of a healer, Zacare, in the Marsh of the Mists who can aid Scian the band of three becomes four. Meanwhile, a young dwarf named Meldof, with her trustee war hammer named Gwen is on a mission to track down an army sergeant, Talysome The One Eye, who has been using and abusing other female dwarves.
Meldof and Gwen catch up with Talysome who loses more than his other eye. In Xin’trea the puppet Empress Merwyn plots to retake control away from Balor. She enlists the Mage Avallah to be her protector after he saved her from an assassination attempt, and also to be her eyes and ears around court. Heading out into the city under disguise, Merwyn discovers some juicy information on Captain Eredin that she uses to offer him a proposal to overthrow Balor. Elsewhere, still insecure about his low born status, Balor returns to the power within the Monolith with two child sacrifices.
But the energy that Balor is given is only fleeting, a mere taste of the chaos magic. He is told by the force that to truly obtain the full power of this magic will require true sacrifice not tokens. Eile, Fjall, Callan arrive at the healer’s with Scian where she is healed to full health. While there they also discover the mage Syndril, who managed to escape his imprisonment at the hands of Balor by using the Monoliths to travel between different points across the Continent.
The group realise they can enter the palace at Xin’trea and destroy the master Monolith by travelling between the Monoliths. The band of four becomes six. As they use the monolith to transport to Xin’trea things do not go as smoothly as they had hoped. The band are confused as to why there are now two moons in the sky, and why a beautiful aquatic flower is in fact a fierce monster chasing them down.
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If you want to send us your thoughts on anything we do please email us at feedback@tvpodcastindustries.com join us on our facebook group at https://facebook.com/groups/tvpodcastindustries or join us on twitter at https://twitter.com/tvpodindustries or @tvpodindustries.
Thank you for joining us for the episode 2 of our Witcher Blood Origin Podcast. We hope you'll come back next time when we discuss the episode 3.
Derek, Chris and John TV Podcast Industries
Date Published: 25/12/2022
All images and audio clips are copyright of of their respective copyright owners. No infringement is intended.
The music for this episode "Morrisson's jig - Leslie's march" by Aislinn is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
We are back in The Continent but 1200 years before Geralt, Yennifer, Ciri and Jaskier to discuss The Witcher Blood Origin Episode 1 Of Ballads, Brawlers and Bloody Blades. The first of the four episode prequel series to The Witcher.
Based on the book series by Andrzej Sapkowski and the game series "The Witcher" from CD Projekt Red
Showrunner and Lead Writer: Declan De Barra
Executive Producer: Lauren Schmidt-Hissrich
Episode 1 - Of Ballads, Brawlers and Bloody Blades
Written by Declan De Barra
Directed by Sarah O'Gorman and Vicky Jewson
Synopsis: Saved from the Tamarind Army by a shape shifting, time travelling entity, Jaskier, is told a tale of hope, 1200 years before the time of monsters, men and Geralt the Witcher, when seven strangers join together to fight an unstoppable empire. In the elven Golden Era, war between the elven kingdoms Xin’trea, Pyrissia and Darwen has taken its toll. As the royal houses fight, so their Clans protect them from assassination, but this too has taken a toll on Fjall “Stonebreaker” of Dog Clan who has been banished from Xin’trea and Éile “The Lark” of Raven Clan who has self exiled from Pyrissia to pursue a different way of life.
However, the King of Xin’trea seeks peace with the other Kingdoms, but is unaware that other forces are directed against his plan from the army and mages led by his Chief Sage, Balor. Using the Mage Syndril’s discoveries about the Monoliths, Balor has tapped into other forces on other planes of existence for his own ends. Meanwhile, in the far flung region of Inis Dubh, Fjall and Eile find themselves imprisoned together, with no love lost between them. Fjall is released as he is recalled to Dog Clan in anticipation of the forthcoming peace treaty amongst the Elves.
Eile escapes her prison but is soon met by her sister who had sought her out to bring her back to the Clan for the Peace Treaty. As they head back to Pyrissia, Eile’s sister Niamh is killed in an ambush by members of the three elven armies. As she fights for her own life she is aided by Fjall. Though they hail from warring clans, Éile and Fjall must learn to trust one another and set out to add a third to their nascent group, Scian the last of the Ghost Tribe and former sword master for the Raven Clan.
The great and the good arrive in Xin’trea to commit to peace, but the ceremony is flung into chaos with the arrival of a flying monster from beyond this world. The King of Xin’trea, along with the other Elven royalty, are betrayed by his own sister, the Princess Merwyn and Balor with support from the assorted armies and mages of the kingdoms who still want war.
Merwyn is installed as a puppet Empress at the head of the new Golden Empire, as Balor continues to scheme and using the Monolith seeks personal power in the form of chaos magic from the power that resides on the other side. As word carries around the Continent of the new Empire, Eile and Fjall find that their heads now have a price. Keeping a low profile they find Scian who agrees to join them as the band of two becomes three.
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Thank you for joining us for the episode 1 of our Witcher Blood Origin Podcast. We hope you'll come back next time when we discuss the episode 2.
Date Published: 25/12/2022
All images and audio clips are copyright of of their respective copyright owners. No infringement is intended.
The music for this episode "Morrisson's jig - Leslie's march" by Aislinn is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
We're finishing up our chats about the series with our Witcher Season 2 Finale Podcast as we discuss the final four episodes in full spoiler filled detail.
Spoilers for The Witcher Season 2 Episodes 5 - 8. In this Podcast we discuss the final four episodes of The Witcher Season 2.
Based on the book series by Andrzej Sapkowski and the game series "The Witcher" from CD Projekt Red
Showrunner and Lead Writer: Lauren Schmidt-Hissrich
Episode 5 - Turn Your Back
Written by Haily Hall With Staff Writer: Matthew D'Ambrosio
Directed by Edward Bazalgette
Synopsis: Rience, a powerful fire mage, is freed from prison and tasked to find Ciri by the sorceress Lydia, who is serving an unknown master. Geralt and Istredd travel to the fallen monolith outside Cintra. Yennefer, having disembarked from the rescue ship, frees Jaskier from Rience; they are then separated and captured by city guards. Vesemir reveals his plan to create new witchers to Ciri, who agrees, but insists on being the first candidate. Investigating the ruins of the monolith, Geralt and Istredd hypothesize that the monoliths are gateways that, when activated, allow monsters to enter their world. Geralt learns from Istredd that Yennefer is alive. Triss, attempting to dissuade Ciri from the experiment, conducts a ritual in hopes of discovering Ciri's source of power. They uncover Ithlinne's prophecy, which predicts that a child of the Elder blood will destroy the world. Ciri's powers activate the Cintra monolith, causing a Chernobog to appear before flying off into the skies above The continent. Geralt portals back to Kaer Morhen, stopping Ciri from taking part in the conversion. Cahir arrives at Cintra. Yennefer summons the Deathless Mother and disappears; she is tasked with delivering Ciri to a location outside Cintra.
Episode 6 - Dear Friend...
Written by Matthew D'Ambrosio
Directed by Louise Hooper
Geralt takes Ciri away from Kaer Morhen, but both are attacked by the Chernobog Geralt encountered at Cintra. Geralt's horse Roach is mortally wounded, though Geralt manages to kill the monster. At Kaer Morhen, Vesemir and Triss are ambushed by Rience, who steals the mutagens and escapes. After Geralt puts Roach out of her misery, he and Ciri travel to the Temple of Melitele where Geralt hopes Ciri will learn to control her powers. They meet Yennefer when she arrives shortly after them. Francesca successfully gives birth to the first full elf born in years. Cahir reveals to Fringilla that Emhyr is visiting Cintra. Istredd uncovers a link between Ciri and Lara Dorren, a legendary elven warrior. Yennefer tells Geralt that Jaskier is in trouble, and being pursued by the fire mage, whom Geralt deduces is looking for Ciri. Rience appears at the temple with the Michelet Brothers. Geralt tells Yennefer to take Ciri while he holds Rience off. Yennefer and Ciri lock themselves in a room and Yennefer teaches Ciri to open a portal. Rience escapes and Geralt catches up with Yennefer and Ciri as they disappear through a portal. Triss tells Tissaia of Ciri's Elder blood..
Episode 7 - Voleth Meir
Written by: Mike Ostrowski With Staff Writer: Matthew D'Ambrosio
Directed by Louise Hooper
Yennefer and Ciri portal to the home of the woman who took Ciri in and discover the family was murdered by Rience. Geralt frees Jaskier from prison and asks for help finding Yennefer and Ciri, where Jaskier tells Geralt about Yennefer's lost magic and her muttered incantation; Geralt recognizes the incantation and realizes Yennefer is in league with the Deathless Mother, or Voleth Meir, a demon that feeds on pain. The two meet up and join with Yarpen Zigrin's dwarven crew. The birth of Francesca's baby causes the elves to rethink priorities and they decide to focus on rebuilding instead of fighting for Nilfgaard. Francesca tells a concerned Fringilla that she values the bond of blood over friendship. Fringilla travels to Aretuza to ask her uncle Artorius for help, hoping their bond of blood will sway him, but Artorius dismisses her, suggesting she never had power in Nilfgaard to begin with. Frustrated with her slipping grasp on power, Fringilla assassinates four of the White Flame's generals and intimidates Cahir into vouching for her to the emperor. On the outskirts of Cintra Ciri inadvertently reads Yennefer's mind and sees her betrayal. Upset, Ciri has an outburst that alerts a nearby Nilfgaardian patrol, but Geralt, Jaskier, and Yarpen arrive in time to defeat them. Geralt draws his blade on Yennefer and tells Yarpen and Jaskier to take Ciri to safety at Kaer Morhen. Later, in the castle at Cintra, Francesca awakens to find her baby murdered. Her outburst of pain gives Voleth Meir the strength to break free from her hut as the Deathless Mother inhabits and takes hold of her new host Ciri.
Episode 8 - Family
Written by Lauren Schmidt-Hissrich With Staff Writer: Matthew D'Ambrosio directed by Edward Bazalgette
A possessed Ciri begins killing witchers at Kaer Morhen. As the events unfolding become understood, the remaining witchers, Yennefer, and Jaskier plan on expelling Voleth Meir from Ciri. Voleth Meir uses Ciri's power to uncover a monolith hidden in the hall, then portals in several basilisks. Geralt and Vesemir attempt to contain Ciri while the rest of the witchers battle the monsters. Blaming the Northern Kingdoms for the loss of her newborn, Francesca kills human babies in Redania. Yennefer offers herself up as a host for Voleth Meir after apologising to Ciri, freeing the princess from its control. Ciri transports Geralt and Yennefer to an unknown world where Voleth Meir leaves Yennefer's body and they all glimpse the Wild Hunt before transporting back to Kaer Morhen where Yennefer finds that her powers have returned. Geralt realises Ciri cannot stay at Kaer Morhen. Meanwhile, deducing that the King of Rodenian is after Ciri, the Brotherhood and the remaining Northern monarchs put a bounty on Ciri and her protectors. Istredd tells Francesca of Ciri's Elder blood and the elves' great hope. Emperor Emhyr arrives at Cintra and reveals that he had Francesca's newborn killed; he orders Fringilla and Cahir arrested for lying to him and is further revealed to be Ciri's father, Duny.
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If you want to send us your thoughts on anything we do please email us at feedback@tvpodcastindustries.com join us on our facebook group at https://facebook.com/groups/tvpodcastindustries or join us on twitter at https://twitter.com/tvpodindustries or @tvpodindustries.
Thank you for joining us for the first part of our Witcher Podcast. We hope you'll come back next week when we discuss the second half of season 1. Derek, Chris and John TV Podcast Industries
Date Recorded: 30/01/2022
Date Published: 04/02/2022
All images and audio clips are copyright of of their respective copyright owners. No infringement is intended.
The music for this episode "Morrisson's jig - Leslie's march" by Aislinn is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
We're back in the continent for our Witcher Season 2 Podcast as we discuss the first four episodes in full spoiler filled detail.
Spoilers for The Witcher Season 2 Episodes 1 - 4. In this Podcast we discuss the first four episodes of The Witcher Season 2.
Based on the book series by Andrzej Sapkowski and the game series "The Witcher" from CD Projekt Red
Showrunner and Lead Writer: Lauren Schmidt-Hissrich
Episode 1 - A Grain of Truth
Written by Declan De Barra With Staff Writer: Matthew D'Ambrosio and directed by Stephen Surjik
Synopsis: Following the battle of Sodden Hill, Geralt and Cirilla are unable to find Yennefer. When her former mentor Tissaia informs them she believes the powerful mage died when she defeated the attacking Nilfgaardians, they travel across the continent to find a safe place for Ciri. On the path they take refuge with an old friend of Geralt the aristocratic Nivellen. Since the last time they met Nivellen has been punished by a mage and transformed into a dangerous beast. He is a welcoming presence but Geralt can’t help but think he’s hiding something. When Ciri discovers a vampire-like creature called a bruxa, Nivellen tries to stop The Witcher from killing her. But Geralt discovers that Nivellen has been feeding the bruxa as she is the only one who has kept him company since his transformation. Furthermore Nivellen’s punishment was dealt out because he raped the leader of the spider temple. Geralt and Ciri dispatch the demonic bruxa. With his love dead Nivellen returns to his human form as Geralt and Ciri leave him to wallow in his grief and solitude.
Episode 2 - Kaer Morhen
Written by Beau DeMayo With Staff Writer: Matthew D'Ambrosio and directed by Stephen Surjik
Geralt takes Ciri to the safest place he knows on the Continent, the home of the Witchers, Kaer Morhen. Geralt happily reunites with his brotherhood as they settle in for the winter. A young Witcher Eskel returns late after a difficult battle with a forest creature called a Leshy. But despite his claims Eskel didn’t defeat the leshy. He’s been infected by it and has been transformed into a leshy hybrid. The Witchers try to capture the new beast and save Eskel but when it attacks Vesemir, Geralt is forced to kill it and the young Witcher inside. He agrees to train Ciri in the ways of the witcher as even his homeland is unsafe. Meanwhile Yennefer and her captor Fringilla are in turn captured by a large group of elves led by another sorceress Francesca Findabair. She takes Yennefer and Fringilla with her to meet the Deathless Mother who convinces Fringilla and Francesca to form an Elven/Nilfgaardian alliance to take back what was theirs. Yennefer attempts to leave through a portal but discovers her magic is gone.
Episode 3 - What Is Lost
Story by: Clare Higgins
Teleplay by: Clare Higgins and Lauren Schmidt-Hissrich With Staff Writer: Matthew D'Ambrosio
Directed by Sarah O'Gorman
Geralt takes on another Witcher's unfinished business in a kingdom stalked by a ferocious beast. At a brutal cost, Yennefer forges a magical new future.
Episode 4 - Redanian Intelligence
Written by Lauren Schmidt-Hissrich With Staff Writer: Matthew D'Ambrosio and directed by Sarah O'Gorman
Needing help with Ciri’s potential magical abilities, Geralt invites the sorcerer Triss to Kaer Morhen. The mage is unimpressed by the Witchers' ignorance of Ciri’s other needs and takes the young princess under her wing.
Triss also uses her abilities to discover a connection between the new beasts Geralt fought. Both have traces of a mysterious monolith in their bodies. Ciri reveals that in her escape from Cahir after the attack on Cintra her powers knocked over a monolith. She’s afraid she might be the cause of the new mutations. But Vesemir discovers a unique plant at Kaer Morhen growing from the blood Ciri spilled in training. This plant was thought to be extinct, only growing in elder blood, and it could be the key to creation of new Witchers.
Meanwhile, as Yennefer and Cahir try to make their way to safety with the Nilfgaardians of Cintra, Elves are being persecuted across the country. In a small village Yenn runs into an old travelling companion. Still singing songs for the Witcher, bard Jaskir is also running a side job getting elves to freedom.
Dandelion helps Yenn, Cahir and many other elves including Ciri’s former companion Dara aboard a ship bound for Cintra, but as they leave port they hear a great commotion outside but all that’s left in its wake is the bard's broken lute.
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If you want to send us your thoughts on anything we do please email us at feedback@tvpodcastindustries.com join us on our facebook group at https://facebook.com/groups/tvpodcastindustries or join us on twitter at https://twitter.com/tvpodindustries or @tvpodindustries.
Thank you for joining us for the first part of our Witcher Podcast. We hope you'll come back next week when we discuss the second half of season 1. Derek, Chris and John TV Podcast Industries
Date Recorded: 22/01/2022
Date Published: 25/01/2022
All images and audio clips are copyright of of their respective copyright owners. No infringement is intended.
The music for this episode "Morrisson's jig - Leslie's march" by Aislinn is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
An epic show deserves an epic podcast so we return with The Witcher Podcast part 2 about the final four episodes of season 1 of the Netflix show.
Spoilers for The Witcher Episodes 5 - 8. In this Podcast we discuss the second half of The Witcher Season 1.
Episode 5 - Bottled Appetites
Written by Sneha Koorse and Directed by Charlotte Brändström
Synopsis: Heedless of warnings, Yennefer looks for a cure to restore what she's lost. Geralt inadvertently puts Jaskier in peril. The search for Ciri intensifies.
Episode 6 -Rare Species
Written by Haily Hall and directed by Charlotte Brändström
A mysterious man named Borch Three Jackdaws tries to entice Geralt to join a hunt for a rampaging dragon, a quest that attracts a familiar face. Ciri questions who she can trust.
Episode 7 - Before a Fall
Written by Mike Ostrowski and Directed by Marc Jobst and Alik Sakharov
With the Continent at risk from Nilfgaard's rising power, Yennefer revisits her past, while Geralt reconsiders his obligation to the Law of Surprise.
Episode 8 - Much More
Written by Lauren Schmidt Hissrich and directed by Marc Jobst
A terrifying pack of foes lays Geralt low. Yennefer and her fellow mages prepare to fight back. A shaken Ciri depends on the kindness of a stranger.
Sending us feedback
If you want to send us your thoughts on anything we do please email us at feedback@tvpodcastindustries.com join us on our facebook group at https://facebook.com/groups/tvpodcastindustries or join us on twitter at https://twitter.com/tvpodindustries or @tvpodindustries.
Thank you for joining us for the first part of our Witcher Podcast. We hope you'll come back next week when we discuss the second half of season 1. Derek, Chris and John TV Podcast Industries
Date Recorded: 19/01/2020
Date Published: 22/01/2020
All images and audio clips are copyright of of their respective copyright owners. No infringement is intended.
The music for this episode "Morrisson's jig - Leslie's march" by Aislinn is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
Toss a coin to your Witchers oh valley of Patreon. We're taking a look at the first four episodes of The Witcher Season 1 on Netflix.
Spoilers for The Witcher Episodes 1 - 4 In this Podcast we discuss the first four episodes of The Witcher Season 1.
Episode 1 - The End's Beginning
Written by Lauren Schmidt and directed by Alik Sakharov
Synopsis: Hostile townsfolk and a cunning mage greet Geralt in the town of Blaviken. Ciri finds her royal world upended when Nilfgaard sets its sights on Cintra.
Episode 2 - Four Marks
Written by Jenny Klein and directed by Alik Sakharov
Bullied and neglected, Yennefer accidentally finds a means of escape. Geralt's hunt for a so-called devil goes to hell. Ciri seeks safety in numbers.
Episode 3 - Betrayer Moon
Written by Beau DeMayo and Directed by Alik Sakharov
Geralt takes on another Witcher's unfinished business in a kingdom stalked by a ferocious beast. At a brutal cost, Yennefer forges a magical new future.
Episode 4 - Of Banquets, Bastards and Burials
Written by Declan De Barra and directed by Alex Garcia Lopez
Against his better judgment, Geralt accompanies Jaskier to a royal ball. Ciri wanders into an enchanted forest. Yennefer tries to protect her charges.
Sending us feedback
If you want to send us your thoughts on anything we do please email us at feedback@tvpodcastindustries.com join us on our facebook group at https://facebook.com/groups/tvpodcastindustries or join us on twitter at https://twitter.com/tvpodindustries or @tvpodindustries.
Thank you for joining us for the first part of our Witcher Podcast. We hope you'll come back next week when we discuss the second half of season 1. Derek, Chris and John TV Podcast Industries
Date Recorded: 12/01/2020
Date Published: 15/01/2020
All images and audio clips are copyright of of their respective copyright owners. No infringement is intended.
The music for this episode "Morrisson's jig - Leslie's march" by Aislinn is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.