A very warm and sunny welcome to Kyero ☀️
We've been helping millions of buyers from across the globe to find their dream home in the sun since 2003.
With over 500,000 property listings throughout Spain, Portugal, France & Italy, we're the leading property portal for European property 🏠
In the Kyero Spanish Property Podcasts we chat to real people who recently purchased in Spain, and get inspiration and insider tips to help you make your move with confidence too ☀️ -
When a bride accepts a proposal, they’re not expecting to say yes to distress. But wedding planning can be the most stressful time in any relationship — families collide, personalities clash, and wallets empty even before your mother-in-law adds her entire bridge club to the invite list. Good thing Betches Brides is here to help you laugh (cry?) through it all. Each week, stand-up comedians Selena Coppock — the mind behind the @nytvows parody account — and Chelsea White meet to swap stories about their own wedding journeys, while answering listener emails to help you not trip down the aisle. Selena and Chelsea are here for all Betches Brides and newlyweds in need of advice, empathy, and laughter — including themselves.
Esa Saarisen suositun Filosofia ja systeemiajattelu -luentosarjan tavoitteena on lisätä osallistujan kykyä omaehtoiseen, laaja-alaiseen, luovaan ja eteenpäinvirittyneeseen elämänfilosofiseen ajatteluun. Tavoitteena on synnyttää voimakkaasti rikastava oivallusympäristö, jossa osanottaja voi jäsentää toimintatapojaan, ajattelumallejaan ja arvokysymyksiä henkilökohtaisesti relevantilla tavalla. Luentosarja antaa työvälineitä rakentaa ja terävöittää oman henkisen kasvun ja elämänasenteen perusteita ja suuntaviivoja. Painopiste on kunkin osallistujan omassa toiminnassa ja elämässä. Tavoitteena on vahvistaa kunkin kykyä elää muutostilanteissa luovasti ja arvo-ohjautuvasti. Luennot hyödyntävät länsimaisen ja itämaisen filosofian voimavirtoja sekä nykyaikaisen ihmistutkimuksen keskeisiä tuloksia ja ilmentävät prof. Saarisen elämyksellisestä, kokonaisvaltaista ja tunnelmaintensiivistä luentotapaa, jossa avainroolissa on luentotilanteen osallistujissa synnyttämä ajattelun liike.
"Tämä ei oo teemapodcast vaan sellanen normaalipodcast. Vähän niinku ystävienkin kanssa juttelee luontevasti kevyistä jutuista, mut tarpeen tullen niistä kaikista vakavimmistakin. Konstailematonta menoa."
Podcast on vanhempainvapaalla ja uusia jaksoja on tulossa luultavasti syksyllä 2025. Ennen taukoa puhuttiin mm. rakkaudesta ja raskautumisesta sekundäärisen lapsettomuuden jälkeen.
Seuraa Henriikkaa Instagramissa @aamukahvilla (
Tuotanto: Asennestudio
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The American English Podcast teaches the language and culture of the United States. Through common expressions, pronunciation tips and interesting cultural snippets or stories, I hope to keep this fun, useful and interesting! All bonus material can be accessed at
Un progetto di Giulia Cuter e Giulia Perona
In occasione del 70esimo anniversario dal primo voto politico delle donne italiane, il 2 giugno 1946, è nato Senza rossetto, un podcast radiofonico che vuole raccontare la figura femminile ieri e oggi. Ogni puntata affronta un tema legato alle convenzioni che la società attribuisce all’universo femminile, attraverso la penna e la voce di una scrittrice contemporanea. -
Death is Hilarious is a podcast that talks about grief in a humorous, realistic, and death positive way with comedians and professionals in the grief space.
Tawny Platis, founder of Death is Hilarious Grief Relief Foundation and comedy content creator, started the podcast after her husband, George, passed away in November of 2019. They had a comedy podcast together called The Dirty Bits, which can still be found on this feed.
Watch the show live on Instagram @thatdeathpod -
This podcast is all about Detection Dogs we talking training, working the dog in the real world, starting a new dog or have an experienced dog, this show is for you. Calling all Detection dogs, Sniffer Dogs, those who compete in Nosework / Scentwork sports. If you work a detection dog that sniffs out bombs, drugs, guns, cell phones, electronic devices or anything else this podcast is for you
The Magnificent Life course on life philosophy, hosted by popular philosopher Esa Saarinen, provides an inspiring, uplifting, respectful and humanly warm platform in which to develop oneself reflectively in one’s orientation to life. The course does not provide ready-made answers, skill-sets or instructions for leading a better life, but seeks to help the participant personally as she develops her thinking in order to live more meaningfully and contributively.
Der Weg zum Glück wird immer wieder als Sinn des Lebens bezeichnet. Was wäre, wenn ich dir sage, dass du lernen kannst glücklich zu sein? In einer Welt der Negativität hat es sich dieser Podcast zur Aufgabe gemacht Widerstand zu leisten. Hier lernst du durch inspirierende Geschichten,dass Lebensglück und Erfolg vereinbar sind. Inspirierende Gäste, du und ich sprechen über emotionale Intelligenz. Glück und positive Psychologie, wie du es schaffst glücklicher zu leben und DEIN Leben auf die nächste Stufe zu heben. Durch Geschichten werde ich dir tiefe Einblicke in die unfassbare Welt der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung geben. Deswegen der Titel : Erzähl mir mehr! Vielen Dank, dass du zuhörst!
Hey, there dog folk! Welcome to the No Bad Dogs Podcast, hosted by Tom Davis.Do you often wonder what your dog is thinking? Join Tom as he teams up with dog trainers, dog lovers, dog enthusiasts and EVERYTHING in between to bring you the No Bad Dogs Podcast! Each episode will be PACKED full of dog training information and tips. Don't miss the weekly Q&A segment where you can call in and ask your own dog-related questions! Some of the topics we'll cover include dog/puppy training, dog/canine behaviors, advanced training techniques, teaching and more!Follow Thomas on Instagram - @tomdavis @nobadogsYoutube -
The University of Oxford is one of the world's leading centres for the study of Africa. In every Faculty and Division across the University there are active research programmes focused on the continent. The African Studies Centre, within the School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies, acts as a focal point for graduate level work and faculty research on Africa. Alongside the vibrant doctoral programmes, the MSc in African Studies, inaugurated in 2006, is already recognised as Europe's most prestigious and successful training programme in its field.
This Podcast is dedicated to sharing, learning, and discovering the fundamentals of Nonviolent Communication based on what I have learned from Marshall Rosenberg's classic book "Nonviolent Communication" and many of his videos. It is my intention to share what I have learned and to help those who truly want to become better communicators to avoid some of the common mistakes I see over and over when people attempt to practice NVC. It is truly an amazingly powerful way of speaking and being and I am excited to go on this journey with you.
The Hannah Arendt Center for Politics and Humanities at Bard College is the world's most expansive home for bold and risky humanities thinking about our political world inspired by the spirit of Hannah Arendt, the leading thinker of politics and active citizenship in the modern era.
Tutti Matti per l'Italiano! - Italian Podcast - Improve Italian language skills with this podcast that is presented in Italian and features stories, clips & conversations with native Italian speakers. It explores all aspects of Italian culture, music and current events as well as language learning tips. Parliamo e ascoltiamo la lingua poetica with Melissa la studentessa matta.
Explore Jungian Depth Coaching with Soul Sessions by CreativeMind. This is your guide to uncover your authentic self and live in true purpose, success and fulfillment. Join life coaching experts and Founders of CreativeMind, Debra Berndt Maldonado and Robert Maldonado, PhD, as they explore personal growth through Jungian Theory, Eastern Spirituality and Social Neuroscience in a deep, but practical way.