
  • Ants that can glide and Myrmeconema, a parasitic nematode that can change the appearance and behaviour of its host. What happens when the two of them meet?

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com

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    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: Distant Early Warning Line and Tropospheric Scatter by Aldous Ichnite, CC BY 4.0; and Crawling, The Other Side of Darkness and Played by Ear by Unheard Music Concepts, CC BY 4.0.

  • The Sumatran Rhino, the closest living relative of the extinct Woolly Rhinoceros, is the most vocal of all rhinos. This is the story of its extraordinary voice, and its journey through the twilight of the natural world ...

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com

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    You can also follow the show on Facebook or Twitter.

    To support the show, please share on social media, rate and review in your podcast app! Thank you.


    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: Pilgrimage - Contemplation and Pilgrimage - Inspiration by Wayne Kinos, CC BY 4.0; Mourn by Mark Wilson X, CC BY 4.0 and Ancient Rite by Kevin MacLeod, CC BY 4.0.

    Sumatran Rhino and Humpback Whale vocalizations are from the paper:

    Elizabeth von Muggenthaler, Paul Reinhart, Brad Lympany, R. Barton Craft; Songlike vocalizations from the Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis). ARLO 1 July 2003; 4 (3): 83–88

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  • The Cookiecutter Shark is famous for its gruesomely efficient parasitic attacks on whales, seals and big fish. But that is only a part of the story when it comes to this extraordinary, and extraordinarily bright, shark ...

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com

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    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: Icy Interlude [feat. Mystified], Uncertainty and Left Behind by Nova Beat Estate, CC BY 4.0; Lightless Dawn by Kevin Macleod (incompetech.com), CC BY 4.0.

  • The Giant Barrel Sponge: one of the simpler animals on Earth yet grows to enormous size over a crazily long life, exerts a big influence on reef ecosystems and, unlike a great many animals in our oceans, seems to be thriving ...

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com

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    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: Equatorial Complex by Kevin Macleod (incompetech.com), CC BY 4.0; Short Song 011123, Short Song 011023 and Short Song 011323 by Chris Zabriskie, CC BY 4.0.

  • The Aldabra Giant Tortoise is an amazing survivor of a lost time - very recently lost - when giant tortoises dominated many of the islands in the Indian Ocean. Aldabra Atoll is the only place in the world you can still see great herds of tens of thousands of these huge reptiles.

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com

    Subscribe to the show to make sure you don't miss any future Wild Episodes, and e-mail your comments, corrections, suggestions or feedback to help make those future episodes better!

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    To support the show, please share on social media, rate and review in your podcast app! Thank you.


    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: Lost Frontier and Lost Time by Kevin MacLeod, CC BY 3.0 and Quiet Endings by Mark Wilson X, CC BY 4.0.

  • The Whip Spider Phrynus longipes is not a spider but one of the craziest-looking arachnids on Earth. They're also territorial and cannibalistic, so how do they manage to survive at super high densities in Caribbean caves without eating each other?

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    To support the show, please share on social media, rate and review in your podcast app! Thank you.

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com


    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: Solitude and Morpheus Cave by Mark Wilson X, CC BY 4.0, God, Why Do You Do What You Do to Me and They Call It Nature by Chris Zabriskie, CC BY 3.0, and Horror 13 from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

  • The Glacier Lanternfish is one of the most important fish in the world - part of arguably the greatest, and most under-appreciated, concentration of animal life on the planet. Which we can only really 'see', and understand, using sound.

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    To support the show, please share on social media, rate and review in your podcast app! Thank you.

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com


    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: Acoustic Ambient Improv #1, Acoustic Ambient Improv #2, Acoustic Ambient Improv #3 and Acoustic Ambient Improv #8 by Ryan Lutton, CC BY 3.0

  • The Matabele Ant conducts large-scale raids against its only prey: termites. And the way it does it is amazing, with elements that might remind us of reconnaissance, generals, signalling, tactics, even battlefield medical services.

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    To support the show, please share on social media, rate and review in your podcast app! Thank you.

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com


    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: The Companionship of Isolation, Everything Tastes Different and A Gentle Fog Descends by Brylie Christopher Oxley, CC BY 4.0.

    medic medic voice by cosmicembers, CC BY 3.0.

  • The Yellow-footed Antechinus is a tiny marsupial predator in Australia that has a life history, and in particular a breeding system, that makes it one of the most unusual mammals in the entire world ...

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    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com


    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: Aggressive Phenomenon by Mystery Mammal, CC BY 4.0

  • The Japanese Train Millipede has a surprising history of interactions with the country's railway system, and the pattern of those interactions reveals it to be almost unique in the way its life is governed by a ticking clock ...

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    To support the show, please share on social media, rate and review in your podcast app! Thank you.

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com


    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: (Ambient)Breath, Melancholy Fear, Discovery, A Fleeting Thought and Dream State by Kirk Osamayo, CC BY 4.0

  • The leopard is the most flexible, adaptable big cat in the world, with a surprisingly long history of visiting urban areas. Today, as in the past, sharing your city with a large predator brings problems, but maybe there's an upside, because of how, and what, urban leopards are hunting ...

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    To support the show, please share on social media, rate and review in your podcast app! Thank you.

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com


    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: $50 to Breathe, I Refuse to Accept That There's Nothing I Can Do About It and Thanks for Trying to Rescue Me But You've Made Things Worse by Chris Zabriskie, CC BY 3.0

  • What connects feasting Japanese fish, a swimming pool in southern France and Alexander the Great's encounter with the Gordian Knot? The extraordinary horsehair worm Paragordius tricuspidatus, a simple animal capable of astonishing things ...

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    To support the show, please share on social media, rate and review in your podcast app! Thank you.

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com


    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: Cave and Wild bird by Gurdonark, CC BY 4.0; Blooming Flower by Lee Rosevere, CC BY 4.0

  • Northern Gannets are famous for one thing above all else: plunge diving after fish. So, an episode that's a bit of a deep dive into ... diving! How high, how deep, how dangerous, and how individually distinctive is a gannet's dive?

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    To support the show, please share on social media, rate and review in your podcast app! Thank you.

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com


    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: Melpomene, Muse of Tragedy, Path to the Hidden Gate, Midnight in the Monastery and Elegy for a Family by Justin Allan Arnold. CC BY 4.0.

    Gannet colony recording by dobroide , CC BY 4.0.

  • The Antarctic Krill is one of the most numerous animals on Earth, probably responsible for the biggest single species aggregations you can find nowadays. So numerous, in fact, that its surprising connection to Antarctic sea ice is just one of the ways it's bound into global climatic systems, carbon cycling and flows of energy and matter ...

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    To support the show, please share on social media, rate and review in your podcast app! Thank you.

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com


    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: Ambient Dream, Nightmare Designs and Dark Awakening by malictusmusic, CC BY 4.0

    SCP-x2x and Symmetry by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com), CC BY 4.0

  • The tentacled snake is one of the most unmistakable snakes in the world. And the story of how its tentacles connect to its extraordinary hunting strategy involves two letters: 'J' and 'C'.

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    To support the show, please share on social media, rate and review in your podcast app! Thank you.

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com


    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: New Year's Loops by Correspondence, CC BY 3.0, Wants To Know by Bodysurfer, CC BY 3.0, Piano Soundtrack 1 by Gurdonark, CC BY 3.0

  • The Mediterranean Monk Seal is probably the rarest pinniped in the world. It's had almost everything thrown at it - by us and by Nature - and survived, just, in part by changing its own behaviour. At some point, left with no alternative, it went into hiding.

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    To support the show, please share on social media, rate and review in your podcast app! Thank you.

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com


    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: Realization, Breath and On A Blimp by Kirk Osamayo, CC BY 4.0. Bittersweet and Suonatore di Liuto by Kevin Macleod, CC BY 3.0.

  • The São Tomé Caecilian is a fantastic creature: an extremely yellow legless amphibian living in the soil on a single volcanic island. An extraordinary example of an already extraordinary group of animals.

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    To support the show, please share on social media, rate and review in your podcast app! Thank you.

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com


    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: Minor With Cricket and Second Nature by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0 and Dizzy Spells - Instrumental by Josh Woodward. CC BY 4.0.

  • Something very weird goes on in mating assemblies of the White-barred Acraea butterfly - males and females swap roles. Why? And what can it tell us about a secret natural force shaping whole populations of insects?

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    To support the show, please share on social media, rate and review in your podcast app! Thank you.

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com


    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: Headway, modum and periculum by Kai Engel, CC BY 4.0

  • Whirling Disease in fish is caused by a tiny parasite. But what is that parasite and just how tiny is tiny? The answers will astound you!

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    To support the show, please share on social media, rate and review in your podcast app! Thank you.

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com


    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: On The Highway, Age, Angled Insight and Unforeseen Space by Unheard Music Concepts, CC BY 4.0

  • The Megamouth Shark is one of the biggest, yet least known, least understood, sharks in the world. Not entirely surprising, since we've only known it exists for about fifty years ...

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    To support the show, please share on social media, rate and review in your podcast app! Thank you.

    Show notes, with photos, video and links to lots more information, are available at thewildepisode.com


    Opening & Closing Themes: Running Waters and Acoustic Meditation by Audionautix (Jason Shaw), from audionautix.com. CC BY 3.0.

    Modified versions of: Desert Archer, Hot Soup on Cold Days, Coffee and Time and Homesick by Pipe Choir III. CC BY 4.0.