A spiritual rather than religious deep dive into faith in God. We look at topics like what is faith, what happens if you lose it? How can you grow in faith? Why God a.k.a. "The Source" is not about belief or religion. Why some people are just not interested in faith and God, and how an absence of faith impacts their lives. This is a compassionate, non-judgemental discussion with exercises to help you understand and grow in faith. If you are spiritual, religious, both, or neither you may well find this podcast episode interesting.
Useful links about spiritual faith in God:Read the full supporting article, with the video version of this episode, additional explanatory artwork, and lots of links including those mentioned in this episode.Watch the video version of this podcast on Rumble.com or YouTube.See allEpisodes"Thank you for listening to this podcast. If you've found it helpful then please consider subscribing/following our podcast to make it easier for you to find us in the future and be alerted when there are new episodes." - Mark
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This is the fourth and final installment in the "Spiritual Life Explained" podcast min-series. We take a much deeper dive into the relationship between you, your higher self and God revealing why so many people may be spiritually asleep. We have to ask the question "Is our spiritual understanding fundamentally wrong?" Originally recorded on the 12th Sept 2023 this podcast has extra bonus material adding further understanding so that we can awaken to our potential.
Related resources:Read the podcast transcript here.The podcast on Humility.Part 1 Belief versus Experience and God.Part 2 Free Will explored.Part 3 on Health, Healing, Toxic people and the dangers of The Secret.See all episodesThe Way Back "Spiritual Awakening" Podcast"I really hope you enjoy listening to our podcasts. You should find them on your favourite player, even if not shown in the list below." - Mark
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This truly is a podcast of two halves, though they are both related to Health and Healing. Join me as we explore why to avoid toxic people, the dark arts, and Abraham's The Secret.
Toxic People and DiseaseWe kick off this heavyweight podcast exploring the spiritual factors involved in health and healing. Breaking from the mainstream naratives we delve into how our own choices and thoughts affect our wellbeing. We also examine how toxic people and the "Dark arts" / "Black magic" may be contributing to our dis-ease in life, and what if anything can be done about it.
The Secret (Abraham's Law of Attraction)In the second half of this podcast we do a deep dive into the dark side of "The Secret" aka "The Law of Attraction" or "Abraham's Teachings". Importantly revealing why such "Manifesting" work might be spiritually counterproductive and ultimately retards your spiritual growth. The goal isn't to shock you, but rather to wake you up to spiritual dead-ends.
Related resources...The full transcript, video and extra resources for Toxic People and Disease.The full transcript, video and extra resources for The Secret (Abraham's Law of Attraction).Watch the video version of this podcast on YouTube.Check out the full 2h Documentary on "Stonehenge: Into the Light" which explores higher dimensional beings like Abraham.See all episodesThe Way Back "Spiritual Awakening" Podcast"I really hope you enjoy listening to our podcasts. You should find them on your favourite player, even if not shown in the list below." - Mark
Amazon Audible Apple PodcastCastboxCastroDeezerGoogle PodcastsiHeartRadioListen NotesOvercast.fmPandoro AMP (limited to some countries)Pocket CastPodcast AddictPodcastIndex.orgSpotifyStitcherTuneIn Radio/PodcastsIf you know any other podcast directories that we are listed in or that we could be registered with, please let us know and we'll do our best to update this list. Last updated 8th April 2022
This is the second in the four part podcast mini series on Spiritual Life explained. Join me in this podcast as I reveal the truth about free will and how its so simple! What's the point of free will, how do we use it, how this can help us to be more spiritual and perhaps make your life so much easier. This podcast broadens our understanding of "Free Will" so that the purpose of life can become so much clearer
You might also be interested in...Listen to part 1 which is a good introduction and also deep dive into "Why belief is holding you back".See the full article for part 1 here.Watch the video of this podcast (part 2) on YouTube.See all episodesThe Way Back "Spiritual Awakening" Podcast"I really hope you enjoy listening to our podcasts. You should find them on your favourite player, even if not shown in the list below." - Mark
Amazon Audible Apple PodcastCastboxCastroDeezerGoogle PodcastsiHeartRadioListen NotesOvercast.fmPandoro AMP (limited to some countries)Pocket CastPodcast AddictPodcastIndex.orgSpotifyStitcherTuneIn Radio/PodcastsIf you know any other podcast directories that we are listed in or that we could be registered with, please let us know and we'll do our best to update this list. Last updated 8th April 2022
This is the first of a four part deep dive into Spiritual Life. Exploring how we can be more spiritual in a practical, life-affirming way. I talk about my past and how the experience of being misled by spiritual teachers actually made me more spiritual. This is a great discusion about the difference between belief and experience and what's more important. A refreshing exploration of your relationship with God and Jesus, without the trappings and rigidity of belief systems and religion.
Useful related resourcesMore about God and you.The full article which includes the script.See all episodesThe Way Back "Spiritual Awakening" Podcast"I really hope you enjoy listening to our podcasts. You should find them on your favourite player, even if not shown in the list below." - Mark
Amazon Audible Apple PodcastCastboxCastroDeezerGoogle PodcastsiHeartRadioListen NotesOvercast.fmPandoro AMP (limited to some countries)Pocket CastPodcast AddictPodcastIndex.orgSpotifyStitcherTuneIn Radio/PodcastsIf you know any other podcast directories that we are listed in or that we could be registered with, please let us know and we'll do our best to update this list. Last updated 8th April 2022
A compassionate and gentle exploration of spirituality and our relationship with God and Jesus. Understanding how to grow in our love for God and Jesus and importantly why, from a spiritual perspective, this has nothing to do with religion. Discover the signs you are becoming more spiritual and also importantly, avoid becoming distracted on your journey back to God.
You may also be interested in...The full article which includes the entire transcript.The YouTube video.The podcast on Reverence which is also on YouTube.See all episodesThe Way Back "Spiritual Awakening" Podcast"I really hope you enjoy listening to our podcasts. You should find them on your favourite player, even if not shown in the list below." - Mark
Amazon Audible Apple PodcastCastboxCastroDeezerGoogle PodcastsiHeartRadioListen NotesOvercast.fmPandoro AMP (limited to some countries)Pocket CastPodcast AddictPodcastIndex.orgSpotifyStitcherTuneIn Radio/PodcastsIf you know any other podcast directories that we are listed in or that we could be registered with, please let us know and we'll do our best to update this list. Last updated 8th April 2022
In this podcast we explore from a spiritual and non-religious perspective what reverence means and how your level of reverence supports or holds back your spiritual awakening. What is reverence really? Can you grow in reverence, how does it relate to worship, devotion, love and other positive aspects of awakening? Does reverence, God and worship only exist in religion or are they something far older and of benefit to you?
Really helpful links:
Podcast #41 on HumilityPodcast #37 on "Closer to God"Learn more about The Six Virtues including free eBookSee the article version of this which includes the videos and more information -
Humility is the first of The Six Virtues. It is only through being humble that we can truly explore the depths of our spirituality. Humility removes the barriers between us and that which is divine, God. If you've not heard about The Six Virtues or are wondering if saying God is a religious reference, don't worry. All will be explained and while belief systems may have value, what we are talking about is something far more profound and spiritually based on direct experience, rather than belief. Sounds interesting? Well being humble is one of the keys to finding out for yourself. So join me as we explore what humility is, how to develop it and to avoid traps and negative indoctrination. If you're a human, this podcast is for you!
The following may be of interest...Read the full article which includes the video of this podcastThe Six Virtues Spiritual Awakening PodcastSpirituality V Religion what's the difference?Spiritual Articles about HumilitySee all episodesThe Way Back "Spiritual Awakening" Podcast"I really hope you enjoy listening to our podcasts. You should find them on your favourite player, even if not shown in the list below." - Mark
Amazon Audible Apple PodcastCastboxCastroDeezerGoogle PodcastsiHeartRadioListen NotesOvercast.fmPandoro AMP (limited to some countries)Pocket CastPodcast AddictPodcastIndex.orgSpotifyStitcherTuneIn Radio/PodcastsIf you know any other podcast directories that we are listed in or that we could be registered with, please let us know and we'll do our best to update this list. Last updated 8th April 2022
This podcast might change your entire understanding about "What it means to be spiritual". In it I share an anology that may help you deepen your understanding of what "Spiritual" means. I then guide you through a simple yet powerful exercise to help you callibrate your level of spirituality.
You may also be interested in...Podcast #33: How to Have More God in Your Life.Read the full transcript of this podcast.Watch a video version of this podcast on YouTube.Go to the podcast on "How to tell your level of spiritual awakening"See allEpisodes"Thank you for listening to this podcast. If you've found it helpful then please consider subscribing/following our podcast to make it easier for you to find us in the future and be alerted when there are new episodes." - Mark
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I invite you to follow us on Rumble and also to become one of our valued patrons helping us to reach more people.Please share this podcast with those lovely people who you care about. You can find a list of all our podcast subscription options here.
Join me as I discuss why manners matter on a spiritual journey. I share the difference between good manners and "real manners" and also how manners empower you within society to bring about positive change. There are a number of simple exercises helping you tune in to your own inner-awareness of what manners mean. These are supported with real-life examples plus I also share a simple and inspiring story too. This is certainly a thought provoking and potentially provocative podcast, so it's definitely only for the spiritually mature.
You may also be interested in…See the full article which includes the transcript. This article also has the links mentioned in the podcast.You can "watch" this podcast on YouTube too!See allEpisodes"Thank you for listening to this podcast. If you've found it helpful then please consider subscribing/following our podcast to make it easier for you to find us in the future and be alerted when there are new episodes." - Mark
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I invite you to follow us on Rumble and also to become one of our valued patrons helping us to reach more people.Please share this podcast with those lovely people who you care about. You can find a list of all our podcast subscription options here.
Although a much shorter podcast than usual this one is spiritual dynamite. Truthful and compassionately tackling the truth about spiritual awakening. This recording is based on a short introduction video and is less than five minutes long and challenges some big assumptions about spirituality.
If you wish to begin your journey of spiritual awakening, or perhaps you already have, this is a great place to start.
You may also be interested in…See the video on the homepage of our website.Read the article that discusses this video and gives you more guidance on what its all about.See allEpisodes"Thank you for listening to this podcast. If you've found it helpful then please consider subscribing/following our podcast to make it easier for you to find us in the future and be alerted when there are new episodes." - Mark
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I invite you to follow us on Rumble and also to become one of our valued patrons helping us to reach more people.Please share this podcast with those lovely people who you care about. You can find a list of all our podcast subscription options here.
Spiritual teacher Mark provides an in-depth exploration of how The Six Virtues can bring real JOY to your life. Helping you to become spiritually closer to God and overcoming the perhaps one of the biggest traps to personal spiritual growth.
You may also be interested in…The article that accompanies this podcast which has all the bonus links and extras.The Way Back: Not-for-profit books on Amazon.See allEpisodes"Thank you for listening to this podcast. If you've found it helpful then please consider subscribing/following our podcast to make it easier for you to find us in the future and be alerted when there are new episodes." - Mark
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I invite you to follow us on Rumble and also to become one of our valued patrons helping us to reach more people.Please share this podcast with those lovely people who you care about. You can find a list of all our podcast subscription options here.
This podcast was an impromptu, non-scripted interview/conversation between myself Mark and meditation teacher Simeon who was visiting from the USA. This is a frank, shocking (in a good way) and uplifting chat about spiritual matters relevant to all good humans, whether they meditate or not. We discuss a host of spiritual matters including:
The Six VirtuesSpirituality & WisdomShould you meditate?You may also be interested in...Read the full article here (includes the links mentioned in the podcast).See allEpisodes"Thank you for listening to this podcast. If you've found it helpful then please consider subscribing/following our podcast to make it easier for you to find us in the future and be alerted when there are new episodes." - Mark
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I invite you to follow us on Rumble and also to become one of our valued patrons helping us to reach more people.Please share this podcast with those lovely people who you care about. You can find a list of all our podcast subscription options here.
In this very candid podcast I talk about the pitfalls and risks of trying to understand your level of spiritual awakening and progress. At the heart of this podcast is helping you to understand what is spiritual versus what is not.
I also talk about some of the history behind many of the groups at this time and explain why there are some big assumptions which may be causing problems for genuine seekers of truth. Definitely one of the top five most important podcasts I've made, if not number one!
You may also be interested in…The original video version of this podcast which includes the additional links.Podcast #33 on having more God in your life.Podcast #34 on why it is not enough to believe in God. -
In this podcast spiritual teacher Mark is joined by Nik, one of the members of The Way Back in discussing a powerful message about moving beyond simply having belief in God to having God in our hearts.
This follows on from Podcast #33 and is an honest and conversational discussion between Nik and Mark about the spiritual topic of God.
You may also be interested in...Podcast #33 about having more God in your lifeNik's article talking about being involved with this podcastSee allEpisodes"Thank you for listening to this podcast. If you've found it helpful then please consider subscribing/following our podcast to make it easier for you to find us in the future and be alerted when there are new episodes." - Mark
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I invite you to follow us on Rumble and also to become one of our valued patrons helping us to reach more people.Please share this podcast with those lovely people who you care about. You can find a list of all our podcast subscription options here.
In this candid podcast I share my own personal insights into how I spiritually have more God in my life. This has nothing to do with religion or belief but rather is focused on how to actually know and experience God in everyday life. I cover different approaches, including the "yin-passive way" and the "yang-active way" of developing your relationship with God. I also discuss how meditation and spirituality are related to your relationship with God, including why meditation may not be right for you at this time. You may also find insights into the following:
Does something need to come first, before seeking the spiritual journey?
Why do some people stagnate in their spiritual journey?
Can you be spiritual without believing in God?
When are you ready for initiation into spiritual light?
Can atheists meditate?
You may also be interested in...Learn more about The Six Virtues, which were mentioned in this podcast.Learn more about your spiritual relationship with God.Learn how to live a more spiritual life with this 4 part mini-series.See allEpisodes"Thank you for listening to this podcast. If you've found it helpful then please consider subscribing/following our podcast to make it easier for you to find us in the future and be alerted when there are new episodes." - Mark
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I invite you to follow us on Rumble and also to become one of our valued patrons helping us to reach more people.Please share this podcast with those lovely people who you care about. You can find a list of all our podcast subscription options here.
In this podcast meditation author and teacher Mark discusses ego, sharing spiritual insights from almost 40 years of meditation. Develop a better understanding of how ego is defined. Importantly learn how it might be holding you back in your spiritual journey and what you can do to reduce your ego and overcome it.
You may also be interested in...A full length article about ego including discussing the phenomena of "ego death"The video version of this podcastSee allEpisodes"Thank you for listening to this podcast. If you've found it helpful then please consider subscribing/following our podcast to make it easier for you to find us in the future and be alerted when there are new episodes." - Mark
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I invite you to follow us on Rumble and also to become one of our valued patrons helping us to reach more people.Please share this podcast with those lovely people who you care about. You can find a list of all our podcast subscription options here.
Most people think about their "spiritual progress" but have you ever stopped to think about your "spiritual maturity"? This is probably one of the most overlooked aspects of spiritual growth. Yet ironically spiritual maturity may be one of the keys to becoming more spiritual within your life.
In this podcast meditation facilitator Mark of thewaybackgroup.org provides a thought provoking exploration of spiritual maturity. Because spirituality is experiential rather than intellectual he therefore provides a guided meditation too.
You may also be interested in...Read the in-depth article about spiritual maturity with links to other resources.Get a perspective on the much bigger spiritual picture.See allEpisodes"Thank you for listening to this podcast. If you've found it helpful then please consider subscribing/following our podcast to make it easier for you to find us in the future and be alerted when there are new episodes." - Mark
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I invite you to follow us on Rumble and also to become one of our valued patrons helping us to reach more people.Please share this podcast with those lovely people who you care about. You can find a list of all our podcast subscription options here.
This is a direct reading of "The WAY", one of the cornerstone pages of The Way Back: https://thewaybackgroup.org/articles/the-way-back/ read by it's author Mark.
Mark discusses the holistic approach to the spiritual journey and explains why some people struggle to progress or to become still within their meditation.
There is also a discussion about the reason for the soul journey and the differences between your soul and spirit and how they ultimately work together. An interesting listen for all who are interested in the bigger spiritual picture.
You may also be interested in...Read the original manuscript this podcast is based on. On that page you can play the podcast and read along.See allEpisodes"Thank you for listening to this podcast. If you've found it helpful then please consider subscribing/following our podcast to make it easier for you to find us in the future and be alerted when there are new episodes." - Mark
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I invite you to follow us on Rumble and also to become one of our valued patrons helping us to reach more people.Please share this podcast with those lovely people who you care about. You can find a list of all our podcast subscription options here.
This is one of the most important podcasts Mark ever made. It pulls no punches in discussing the problems in the world and reveals what is behind them.
In a practical and down to Earth way he then explains how the energy of Love and the truth about what God is (hint - it's not religious) can actually make a positive difference.
You don't need to meditate or even believe in anything to be empowered. But you can make a positive impact on your own life and the world around you.
We highly recommend that you read the full article and watch the video which is linked below. The video contains extra visual information to help guide you.
You may also be interested in...Highly recommended: Watch the full video of this podcast. It includes extra visual information.Explore more about God and about Love.See allEpisodes"Thank you for listening to this podcast. If you've found it helpful then please consider subscribing/following our podcast to make it easier for you to find us in the future and be alerted when there are new episodes." - Mark
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I invite you to follow us on Rumble and also to become one of our valued patrons helping us to reach more people.Please share this podcast with those lovely people who you care about. You can find a list of all our podcast subscription options here.
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