Today, Lauren & Lindsay talk with Heidi Siegal Kogon about what it means to be a highly sensitive person (HSP). Like with any neurodivergent condition, Heidi shows us the benefits of using self-discovery to break free from self-doubt and create more ease and confidence in our lives.
Heidi Siegal Kogon's website
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hsiegalkogon/
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Join Lauren & Lindsay as they talk with Cathy Rashidian, ADHD & Executive Coach, about the many ways she supports professionals who are ready to take the next steps in their careers. Cathy shares tips for developing your professional identity and slowing down to better process and communicate your ideas. She also talks about the specific challenges that come with management roles and delegation.
Cathy Rashidian's Website
Proudly ADHD Podcast
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cathyrashidian/?originalSubdomain=ca
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Saknas det avsnitt?
Sara Lerner is an ADHD Relationship Coach based in Seattle, Washington who helps transform relationships for people both with ADHD and without it. She is passionate about squashing misinformation about ADHD and helping all couples better understand one another.
Book an ADHD Coaching No-Cost Mini Breakthrough Session with Sara
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sjlerner?lang=en
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Dr. Sharon Saline is a licensed clinical psychologist with more than 30 years of experience as a top expert on ADHD, anxiety, learning differences, and mental health challenges and their impact on family dynamics. In this episode, she breaks down her unique approach to raising happy, capable, neurodivergent kids called the 5C’s of ADHD. Learn how this method can help reduce stress and reactivity, improve cooperation, and increase self-esteem and relationship satisfaction.
Dr. Sharon Saline’s website
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drsharonsaline/?hl=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrSharonSaline/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfJzNJu1CCPZ5BnBGHTo_yg
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sharon-saline-psy-d-b2a18770/
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Lindsay & Lauren talk with registered dietician nutritionist Rebecca King about the many ways ADHDers can struggle with food, from binge-restrict cycles to forgetting to eat. As an ADHDer herself, Rebecca is dedicated to helping people heal their relationships with food through coaching. She breaks down strategies to help us eat more intuitively, connect with our senses, and better nourish our minds and bodies.
Rebecca’s website
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adhd.nutritionist/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/adhd.nutritionist
Interested in ADHD coaching? Check out Lindsay’s website and Lauren’s website to learn more.
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Annie Little, a former attorney and the founder of JD Nation, joins us in this episode to talk about the impact of ADHD symptoms on practicing law. While some attorneys with ADHD excel under pressure, symptoms like procrastination, time blindness, and poor attention to detail can make practicing law with ADHD feel impossible. But there is hope! Understanding and accommodating ADHD symptoms can help prevent burnout and increase career satisfaction and well-being for attorneys.
JD Nation, a career coaching practice for lawyers
Lawyers with ADHD: Understanding Neurodiversity in the Legal Profession
Interested in ADHD coaching? Check out Lindsay’s website and Lauren’s website to learn more.
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Improve your self-advocacy skills with negotiation expert Jeremy Barnyak. Lauren & Lindsay talk to Jeremy about how our individual goals, risk tolerance, and perspectives can impact the bargaining table. He explains the power of arming ourselves with the right information to feel confident negotiating, even when it doesn’t necessarily come naturally to us. After listening to Jeremy’s advice, you will feel more ready to ask for what you deserve.
Coach Jeremy’s website: https://www.peaknegotiations.com/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/peaknegotiations
@peaknegotiationsInterested in ADHD coaching? Check out Lindsay’s website and Lauren’s website to learn more.
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Join us as we learn about the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), a simple do-it-yourself calming technique to support your nervous system. Kristen Curtis explains how EFT can help us process and transform our overwhelming emotions. By focusing on meridian points in the body, EFT can help reduce cortisol and restore balance and energy in the body.
Kristen’s website: www.souleft.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kristen.curtis.eft/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristen-curtis-4a65801a9/
Tapping points visual: HERE
Interested in ADHD coaching? Check out Lindsay’s website and Lauren’s website to learn more.
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Dr. J. Russell Ramsay is one of the original pioneers of using Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to treat ADHD. By paying attention to the cognitive distortions that hijack us, we can improve our self-confidence and break the cycle of negativity.
Dr. Ramsay’s website: https://www.cbt4adhd.com/about/
The Adult ADHD Toolkit, by Dr. J. Russell Ramsay
Interested in ADHD coaching? Check out Lindsay’s website and Lauren’s website to learn more.
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Anxiety is the most common co-occurring condition with ADHD. Learn more with Justine Carino, LMHC, as she breaks down the difference between anxiety and anxiety disorders and the way the symptoms of ADHD and anxiety can overlap.
Justine Carrino’s website: https://www.carinocounseling.com/
Interested in ADHD coaching? Check out Lindsay’s website and Lauren’s website to learn more.
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Caroline Maguire, M.Ed., ACCG, PCC, is a trailblazer in social skills and neurodivergence. She is the author of Why Will No One Play with Me? , and a sought-after coach, lecturer, and workshop facilitator. Join us as we talk to Caroline about how neurodivergence can impact social skills and friendships. She breaks down the complexity of human connection into easy actionable steps, demystifying the nuances of friendships and providing insights to help everyone form deeper and more meaningful social connections.
Caroline Maguire’s website: https://carolinemaguireauthor.com/
Caroline Maguire’s TED Talk: https://carolinemaguireauthor.com/ted-talk/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AuthorCarolineM
YouTube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCnDmu0c8kr0co2ppXo3EC8A
Instagram: www.instagram.com/authorcarolinem
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@authorcarolinem
Twitter: twitter.com/AuthorCarolineM
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/AuthorCarolineM
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/authorcarolinecm/
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For the last mini-episode of the season, Lauren & Lindsay talk about how self-compassion, focusing on the positive, listening to our internal voices, and building authentic friendships help get rid of shame. If you would like to join Lindsay & Lauren’s pilot group coaching program and experience authentic community and self-discovery for yourself, please email hi@thewavybrainpodcast.com.
Find the full transcript for this episode here.
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For the last full-length episode of the season, Lauren & Lindsay celebrate their newfound ability to say f*ck you to all the things that used to bring them shame.
Jane Shure and the Resilience Group
Chapter 11: Shame, Compassion, and the Journey to Health, by Jane Shure & Beth Weinstock in Effective Clinical Practice in the Treatment of Eating Disorders
Shame vs. Guilt, by Brene Brown
Daring Greatly, by Brene Brown
The full transcript for this episode can be found here.
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Lindsay & Lauren meet up in real life to record this episode! Recording this episode and meeting up to talk business was a surreal and super fun experience since they live in different states and have only met one other time in person before this. They reflect on season 1 of the podcast ending soon and the friendship they've built along the way. They also reveal some ideas and exciting news for the future of The Wavy Brain Podcast!
Reach out with future show requests, comments or to learn about coaching & workshops:
Lindsay@TheWavyBrain.com | Lauren@TheWavyBrain.com -
In today's episode, we explore why grief can be so intense for ADHDers. Lauren’s long-time ADHD coaching client, Adisa, joins us to talk about losing her mother to a rare form of cancer over the course of 6 weeks. Since Lindsay and Lauren both also lost their fathers in young adulthood, they relate very much to Adisa’s experience. We talk about our intense feelings of loneliness and isolation, our need to stay busy, the shame that we couldn’t move through our grief faster, and advice that we would give our younger selves.
The transcript for this episode can be found here.
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Lauren gives a rudimentary (and non-expert) introduction to vestibular, interoceptive, proprioceptive, auditory, visual, tactile, taste, and smell sensory needs and sensory regulation for adults.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Sensory Integration Tips to Consider by Indiana University Resource Center for Autism
Learn What Sensory Is and Why It Matters by Your Kids Table
How to Treat Sensory Processing Disorder by ADDitude Magazine
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Ben-Oni, founder of blackneurodiversity.com, talks with us about how she came to understand her own sensory needs. She explains the role that sensory regulation plays for both ASD and ADHD brains and how it is way more similar than we might think. She delves into the ways our sensory needs evolve from day to day and the complexities of both craving and resisting certain sensory inputs. She also shares how “variable sameness” helps her feel grounded, some of the other ways she regulates her own sensory needs, and how being so dysregulated in her twenties impacted her life.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Find Ben-Oni on Instagram @blackneurodiversity and on Clubhouse.
Find the transcript of this episode here.
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In his book, “ADHD After Dark: Better Sex Life, Better Relationship,” Dr. Ari Tuckman provides four tips to make sex a priority in any relationship.
ADHD After Dark: Better Sex Life, Better Relationship
Dr. Ari Tuckman
Adult ADHD Books by Ari Tuckman
Here is the transcript
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Dr. Ari Tuckman talks with Lauren & Lindsay about the many ways ADHD can impact sex and relationships. We discuss gender roles and expectations, sexual eagerness and distractability, infidelity, transitions, and the importance of honest and direct communication in relationships.
Mentioned in this Episode:
Dr. Ari Tuckman shares his research findings from surveying over 3000 couples for his book, “ADHD After Dark.”
Gender roles and expectations impact partnerships in terms of emotional labor, caretaking, etc.
The connection between ADHD and impulsivity, dopamine, and sex is complex and depends on many factors, including the purpose for which sex is being used.
Open, honest, and direct conversation is important for all couples, but it is especially important for couples with ADHD.
Dr. Ari Tuckman
Adult ADHD Books by Ari Tuckman
ADHD After Dark: Better Sex Life, Better Relationship
Annual International Conference on ADHD 2023
Find the transcript HERE
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Lauren & Lindsay provide helpful tips from Karen Faith on receiving imperfect communication through a baseball analogy and playing catch. First, Karen advises that if a pitch comes in sideways, we should run for the ball, meaning that we should offer grace and assume the best intentions. Next, Karen tells us that there is a time to coach the pitcher, but it’s not during the game, reminding us to pause, process, and provide feedback at a later and, hopefully, less emotional, time. Finally, she tells us that when playing with a new pitcher, we should always wear a helmet, meaning that we must protect ourselves and our boundaries even when the people around us won’t change or abide by them.
Others Unlimited
Karen Faith’s TEDx Talk
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