Welcome to 'The British Food History Podcast': British food in all its (sometimes gory) glory with Dr. Neil Buttery. He'll be looking in depth at all aspects of food with interviews with special guests, recipes, re-enactments, foraging, trying his hand at traditional techniques, and tracking down forgotten recipes and hyper-regional specialities. He'll also be trying to answer the big question: What makes British food, so...British?
This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:
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Help us keep the music going! Welcome to The Music Room, the podcast dedicated to keeping music alive in primary and elementary schools throughout the world. I’m Mark Leehy and I’m passionate about ensuring that schools provide an environment where children are given an opportunity to foster a love for music and a chance to express it.Together with my guests, we’re here to help teachers and parents by sharing information, tips and techniques from music education experts and practicing music teachers. So, let’s get into it...The Music Room Podcast is proudly sponsored by Bushfire Press. Contact me at [email protected]
Welcome to the HR Coffee Time podcast; a fortnightly podcast full of tips and ideas to help you have a successful and fulfilling HR career (without working yourself into the ground).
It can feel hard to put yourself and your own career first when you're so busy looking after everyone around you. It can leave you at risk of burning out, finding that you're not where you want to be in your career, or feeling unsure about what you want from your career anymore.
This podcast is here to help. Join career coach and founder of Bright Sky Career Coaching, Fay Wallis as she and her expert guests share advice on how to get what you want from your career.
If you enjoy the podcast, learn more at: or connect with Fay on LinkedIn: -
Как стать парфюмером? Как выбрать парфюм? Почему ароматы пахнут дёшево? Мы помогаем вам найти ответы на эти и другие жизненно важные вопросы.
C обратной связью и классными идеями стучитесь сюда:
📮[email protected]
Наши инстаграмы:
дорогая Таня: @neparfumer
дорогой Кирилл: @did_you_have_it -
Kultuurist ja kunstist, elust ja surmast, ennekõike aga kasutute teadmiste kasulikkusest.--- "Asi on selles, et meil Diotalleviga on käsil teadmiste ümberkorraldamine. Kavandame võrdleva tühja-tähja teaduskonna loomist, kus õpitakse kasutuid või mõeldamatuid aineid. Teaduskond kaldub taastootma õpetlasi, kes suudavad lõpmatult suurendada ebaoluliste ainete arvu.""Ja kui palju on osakondi?""Praeguse seisuga neli, aga võimalik, et nad hõlmavadki juba kõike, mida tasub kõrva taha panna. Tetrapiloktoomia osakonnas õpetatakse sissejuhatavaid aineid, mis peavad õppurites arendama tühja-tähja tunnetust. Oluline on adünaatoni ehk impossiblia osakond. Näiteks mustlasurbanistika ja asteegi ratsutamiskunst... Teadusharu tuum seisneb selle ebaolulisuse süvapõhjuste mõistmises, adünaatoni osakonnas aga ühtlasi mõeldamatuse mõistmises. Sestap siis morse morfemaatika, Antarktika põllunduse ajalugu, Lihavõttesaare maalikunsti ajalugu, kaasaegne sumeri kirjandus, Montessori hindamissüsteemi institutsioonid, Assüüria-Babüloonia filateelia, ratta tehnoloogia Kolumbuse-eelseis impeeriumeis, Braille kirja ikonoloogia, tummfilmi foneetika...""Mida arvate massipsühholoogiast Saharas?""Asjalik," arvas Belbo."Asjalik," arvas Diotallevi veendunult. "Teil tasuks meiega koostööd teha. Noormehel on annet, kas pole, Jacopo?""Muidugi on, ma sain kohe aru. Eile õhtul ehitas totraid arutluskäike vägagi teraselt üles. Kuid jätkakem, arvestades sellega, et projekt pakub teile huvi. Mis me oksümoorika osakonda panime, mitte ma ei leia oma märkmeid?"Diotallevi võttis taskust paberilipaka ja sihtis mind dotseeriva poolehoiuga: "Oksümoorikas, nagu sõna isegi ütleb, loeb teadusharu enesele vasturääkivus. Seepärast peakski mustlasurbanistika minu arust selle alla paigutama...""Ei," arvas Belbo, "üksnes juhul, kui tegu oleks nomaadurbanistikaga. Adünaaton on seotud empiirilise võimatuse, oksümoorika aga mõistelise vasturääkivusega.""Vaatame õige. Aga mis meil oksümoorika all on? Nõndaks, revolutsiooni institutsioonid, parmenideslik dünaamika, herakleitoslik staatika, sübariitlik spartalikkus, rahvaoligarhia institutsioonid, innovaatiliste traditsioonide ajalugu, tautoloogiline dialektika, Boole'i eristika..."Tundsin juba, et mind on kutsutud välja näitama, mis masti mees ma olen: "Tohin ma teile soovitada hälbe grammatikat?""Tore, tore!" leidsid mõlemad ja asusid märkmeid tegema."Siin on muidugi üks aga," arvasin ma."Täpsemalt?""Kui te oma ettevõtmisest avalikult teada annate, ilmub teie ukse taha hulk inimesi usaldustäratavate publikatsioonidega.""Kas ma ei öelnud, Jacopo, et poisil on nutti," sõnas Diotallevi.("Foucault' pendel", U. Eco)
Подкаст о вине, удовольствии и осознанном потреблении — без стереотипов и душных терминов.
Привет! Я Наташа Сумкина — DipWSET, винный гик и simple Russian girl в Испании.
Этот подкаст я создавала для того, чтобы каждый из вас смог перейти с вином на «ты». Я рассказываю о вине через короткие лекции и истории, а также приглашаю ярких представителей винного (и не только) мира, чтобы показать всю его многогранность.
Вино — это не просто перебродивший виноград, а повод прокачать интеллект и эрудицию! Присоединяйся!
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Отблагодарить за подкаст:
«Здесь был фольклор» — подкаст о деревенской народной культуре, ее смыслах, особенностях и красоте. В нем мы рассказываем о фольклоре, традициях и ценностях в жизни людей еще несколько поколений назад, отвечаем на вопрос, что случилось с традиционной культурой в XX веке и что происходит с ней сейчас.
Мы считаем, что знание своей культуры — это не обязанность, а потребность. -
Let’s take the guesswork out of becoming an L&D professional.
Are you looking to get into Learning and Development and don’t quite know where to start? Have you recently been promoted to a Corporate Trainer or Instructional Design role and want to make sure you have the tools to knock it out of the park?
If any of those are you, you’ve come to the right place. -
Since 2007, Two Writing Teachers has been a vibrant community of reflective writers. We're excited to take our passion for teaching writing to new heights in the second season of our podcast. Join us as we explore ways to create, lead, and sustain joyful and productive writing workshops, empowering educators to help their students become competent, brave, and confident writers. Let's make writing instruction engaging and rewarding for everyone involved!
Would your company like to sponsor an episode of the Two Writing Teachers Podcast? Click here to learn more about sponsorship opportunities.
TÜL ehk Teatriteaduse Üliõpilaste Loož on Tartu Ülikooli kultuuriteaduste instituudist välja kasvanud vabatahtlik ühendus. TÜL pakub noortele teatrihuvilistele võimalust pidada teatriteemalist dialoogi ja korraldada erinevaid etenduskunstidega seotud ettevõtmisi. Nüüdseks on TÜLikad jõudnud omadega teatrile keskenduva taskuhäälingu "Lähme TÜLi" loomiseni. Mõtteid vahetatakse kõikvõimalikel teatriga seonduvatel teemadel – juttu tuleb nii inimestest, lavastustest, teatriharidusest kui ka kõikvõimalikust muust päevakajalisest. Loodame, et kõnetab!
Getting into welding or knowing which pathway to go down is overwhelming at times. Each week Beau Wigington sits down with industry professionals to hear a first-person perspective of how they got to where they are today and share advice to people looking to grow their welding business or start their journey into the trade. For all kinds of welding resources head over to and join the Weld App, an all-in-one networking resource packed with educational videos, job listings, a marketplace, and even a welding calculator to get you dialed in.
Stay Reading is a modern take on the book club. Each episode, hosts Chris Penrose and Meghan Yuri-Young are joined by two guests and a stack of what they’ve been reading. Discover new titles, hear unexpected connections and join the conversation that starts with the question: what kind of reader are you?
More @__stayreading -
Château Cheval Blanc unveils the secrets of its winemaking process
Inside Château Cheval Blanc is an audio immersion that follows the artisan winemakers, who are attentive every day to the tiniest details, and thus produce a grand cru wine. This unique insight dives deep into the winemaking process throughout the seasons, appealing to both connoisseurs and amateurs.
The podcast covers the different steps of winemaking, month after month, year after year, in order to highlight the quality of such an atypical wine. From working on the soil at winter times, to the barrels, the harvest, the pruning of vines, the art of winemaking and on to the implementation of an ambitious farming program, the podcast followed the Château’s rhythm during a whole year. Several issues are addressed throughout the episodes: climate change, growing and grafting techniques, preservation of biodiversity. We listen to authentic accounts by “enthusiastic and involved artisans, who know that today’s choices will have repercussions on tomorrow’s glasses and soil”. They unveil the prestigious history of Château Cheval Blanc.
Inside Château Cheval Blanc, a podcast by Château Cheval Blanc
Written by Camille Juzeau
Direction & original music: Samuel Hirsch
Production: HRCLS
English voices : Emma Broughton, Karine Le Loet, Michel Zlotowski, Xavier Combe
Translation : Sophie Jump
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.