starts when Vânia was out of control with her powers and Diego, Klaus and Alisson tried to go until it was to be able to save the world and she, Alisson was the first and I couldn't catch Diego and then the last Klaus who also didn't get there ben looked like. Meanwhile Luther and the five of the present and the five of the past were planning the death of the five of the past both were going through the psychosis of the paradox, the manager was preparing for appointment and his daughter lila arrives to talk the manager calls the rab to tell everything he said to the manager, rab says that diego ran away from the commission and put a knife to his throat, ben entered vânia's body, harlan was feeling almost the same thing as vânia and sissy (haraln's mother) ended up seeing , cal (harln's father) took the boy on his lap and took the boy to the car, desperate Sissy screams for the boy when cal starts the reverse with the car to sissy with a gun and stood in front of the car asking to give the boy back to her. Lila catches the singing rab threatening him to say where Diego was, rab says that Diego went to help his family, rab gives Lila a paper with the day that her parents were signed and who kept him who was the five and who kept him he sent it was edeit, ben went to a place where Vânia was to help her, ben couldn’t come back and ended up falling apart, after the boy sissy who ends up wavering and cal takes the gun from her hand causing him to shoot in harln o the bullet goes back to lime that ended up dying. Manager ate edeit, five fight with himself I want and Luther takes the arna and is in the dilemma of who to shoot and shoots at five, five opens the portal and throws him msm and they can't get the suitcase to go home, Diego try to help the president quenedi and falls into a frame, Mr. Ronald kills the group's partners. manager kills the vigilante and everyone on the war commission