
  • Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Liteshoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-

    Weather Cam on Mount Washington - http://www.mountwashington.org/cam/deck/index.php

    First Health Hospice Hospice Services at FirstHealth | Quality End-of-Life Care
    The Ordinary Adventurer- https://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Adventurer-Vermonts-Adventurers-Musings/dp/0979708109/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NFP8PYVQADLE&keywords=jan+leitschuh&qid=1644972714&sprefix=jan+leitschuh%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

  • Amanda K. Jaros is the author of In My Boots: A Memoir of Five Million Steps Along the Appalachian Trail and 100 Things to Do in Ithaca Before You Die. She is the editor of Labor of Love: A Literary Mama Staff Anthology. Her literary nonfiction has appeared in journals and magazines including Flyway, http://Terrain.org , Newfound, Appalachia, and elsewhere. She served in a variety of editorial positions, including editor-in-chief, at Literary Mama for ten years. She lives in Ithaca, NY with her husband and son, where she serves her community as a County Legislator.

    Find her at Guest Links-
    Amanda’s website - http://Amandakjaros.com
    In My Boots on Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/My-Boots-Memoir-Million-Appalachian-ebook/dp/B0DJDLJ65C/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?crid=174X39T0YBXSU&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.7yq7LnyILeqUAdxUOA282efziRS6JussPIpjx4I6Ty3Lm9i7o6aO8TLcm_GzjY-ElxLjz5IhTEkNK6uleweMqA.BXulL59c_QGEiU6p5zY394X67zfkSNMB2r7B52P3D-w&dib_tag=se&keywords=Amanda+M.+Jaros&qid=1740015115&sprefix=amanda+m.+jaros%2Caps%2C86&sr=8-1-fkmr0
    Labor of Love: A Literary Mama Anthology - https://www.amazon.com/Labor-Love-Literary-Mama-Anthology/dp/1957248203/ref=sr_1_1?crid=366RBQHJSC7B4&keywords=labor+of+love+amanda+jaros&qid=1706285060&sprefix=labor+of+love+amanda+jaros%2Caps%2C143&sr=8-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

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  • Bio- Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Lite Shoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-

    Weather Cam on Mount Washington - http://www.mountwashington.org/cam/deck/index.php

    Then click on the 'panoramic' button under one of the small pictures

    First Health Hospice Hospice Services at FirstHealth | Quality End-of-Life Care
    The Ordinary Adventurer- The Ordinary Adventurer: Hiking Vermont's Long Trail: A Primer for Baby Adventurers and Other Musings on the Nature of the Journey

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: Trail Dames
    The Summit: The Summit 2022 - Presented by the Trail Dames
    The Trail Dames Foundation: Trail Dames Charitable Foundation | Home
    Instagram: Instagram (@traildames)
    Facebook: Trail Dames | Facebook
    Hiking Radio Network: Hiking Radio Network
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: Instagram (@hikingradionetwork)

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth" https://www.theburnssisters.com

  • We have three extraordinary writers coming up on the Trail Dames Podcast and today we share their stories of Colorado wildlife in the dark, the hope and anxiety of the AT approach trail and the undeniable call of the Grand Canyon. And no worries, Lite Shoe will be back next week!!!

    Guest Links-
    Laura M Clark aka Wild Wanderer http://www.wildwanderertripreports.com

    Amanda K Jaros - http://www.amandakjaros.com/

    Tami Brooks - https://www.amazon.com/52-Weeks-Hikes-Reluctant-Life-Changing-ebook/dp/B0DG391GXK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2G73AF0GNG8X&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.cB72k5_hA4_XBMU-SwidRdzzdNuaEZ0eTt1kroswVQ4.wMQY-gt-m0j_caky3WHN7qDaBf6XDgNZLzAVCAEghIY&dib_tag=se&keywords=52+Weeks%2C+52+Hikes%3A+A+Reluctant+Hiker%27s+Life-Changing+Year+on+the+Trails&qid=1739800329&s=digital-text&sprefix=52+weeks%2C+52+hikes+a+reluctant+hiker%27s+life-changing+year+on+the+trails%2Cdigital-text%2C111&sr=1-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

  • Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Liteshoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-

    Then click on the 'panoramic' button under one of the small pictures

    First Health Hospice Hospice Services at FirstHealth | Quality End-of-Life Care
    The Ordinary Adventurer- https://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Adventurer-Vermonts-Adventurers-Musings/dp/0979708109/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NFP8PYVQADLE&keywords=jan+leitschuh&qid=1644972714&sprefix=jan+leitschuh%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

  • Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Liteshoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-

    Weather Cam on Mount Washington - http://www.mountwashington.org/cam/deck/index.php

    First Health Hospice Hospice Services at FirstHealth | Quality End-of-Life Care
    The Ordinary Adventurer- https://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Adventurer-Vermonts-Adventurers-Musings/dp/0979708109/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NFP8PYVQADLE&keywords=jan+leitschuh&qid=1644972714&sprefix=jan+leitschuh%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

  • Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Liteshoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-

    First Health Hospice Hospice Services at FirstHealth | Quality End-of-Life Care
    The Ordinary Adventurer- https://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Adventurer-Vermonts-Adventurers-Musings/dp/0979708109/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NFP8PYVQADLE&keywords=jan+leitschuh&qid=1644972714&sprefix=jan+leitschuh%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

  • Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Liteshoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-

    First Health Hospice Hospice Services at FirstHealth | Quality End-of-Life Care
    The Ordinary Adventurer- https://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Adventurer-Vermonts-Adventurers-Musings/dp/0979708109/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NFP8PYVQADLE&keywords=jan+leitschuh&qid=1644972714&sprefix=jan+leitschuh%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

  • Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Liteshoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-

    First Health Hospice Hospice Services at FirstHealth | Quality End-of-Life Care
    The Ordinary Adventurer- https://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Adventurer-Vermonts-Adventurers-Musings/dp/0979708109/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NFP8PYVQADLE&keywords=jan+leitschuh&qid=1644972714&sprefix=jan+leitschuh%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

  • Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Liteshoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-

    First Health Hospice Hospice Services at FirstHealth | Quality End-of-Life Care
    The Ordinary Adventurer- https://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Adventurer-Vermonts-Adventurers-Musings/dp/0979708109/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NFP8PYVQADLE&keywords=jan+leitschuh&qid=1644972714&sprefix=jan+leitschuh%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

  • Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Liteshoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-

    First Health Hospice Hospice Services at FirstHealth | Quality End-of-Life Care
    The Ordinary Adventurer- https://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Adventurer-Vermonts-Adventurers-Musings/dp/0979708109/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NFP8PYVQADLE&keywords=jan+leitschuh&qid=1644972714&sprefix=jan+leitschuh%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

  • Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Liteshoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-
    The Ordinary Adventurer- https://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Adventurer-Vermonts-Adventurers-Musings/dp/0979708109/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NFP8PYVQADLE&keywords=jan+leitschuh&qid=1644972714&sprefix=jan+leitschuh%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

  • Bio- Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Lite Shoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-
    The Ordinary Adventurer- The Ordinary Adventurer: Hiking Vermont's Long Trail: A Primer for Baby Adventurers and Other Musings on the Nature of the Journey

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: Trail Dames
    The Summit: The Summit 2022 - Presented by the Trail Dames
    The Trail Dames Foundation: Trail Dames Charitable Foundation | Home
    Instagram: Instagram (@traildames)
    Facebook: Trail Dames | Facebook
    Hiking Radio Network: Hiking Radio Network
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: Instagram (@hikingradionetwork)

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

    Finally, as promised, the coveted recipe for:
    Homemade Hiker's Halvah
    (Halvah a la Alli!):
    3/4 cup sesame tahini
    1/2 cup raw honey
    1/4 - 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
    1/4 - 1/2 tsp. pure chocolate extract (could use vanilla instead)
    1/4 cup powdered milk (or 10 Tb powdered milk if not using whey and egg white powders)
    3 Tb. powdered whey (milk protein)
    3 Tb. egg white powder
    Note: amounts are approximate; what you want at the end is a reasonably dry, solid mass.
    Mix together sesame tahini, honey and extracts until smooth. Gradually add powdered milk, whey and egg white powder. Mixture will become thick; mix well. You want to get it to point where can't be stirred and you have to mix/knead it with your hands; otherwise, the halvah will be too soft and gooey.
    Press finished mixture into a container or make a flat disk (1/2" high) on a plate. Cover with plastic wrap and chill. Then cut into whatever size you like. Pack in ziplock baggies for the trail and you have a high-calorie, high-protein, high-carb, high-(good)fat power snack! Yum!
    P.S. from Alli: "The following are the brands I use. They're expensive, but make a superior halvah:
    *Joyva Sesame Tahini (a must! available in cans; cheaper in bulk);
    *Dawes Hill Raw Tupelo Honey (Tupelo honey apparently has a different chemical structure than other honeys and has a less dramatic effect on blood sugar; apparently can be used -- in moderation -- by those who are diabetic and hypoglycemic. I have a friend who's severely hypoglycemic and it's the only honey he can tolerate);
    *Nielsen-Massey Madagascar Bourbon Pure Vanilla Extract (a kick-ass vanilla extract!);
    *Flavorganics organic Pure Chocolate Extract (amazing!);
    *I get the whey and egg white powder in bulk at my local food coop; are also available packaged.

    Jan Lite Shoe, AT Class of '03

  • Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Liteshoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-
    The Ordinary Adventurer- https://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Adventurer-Vermonts-Adventurers-Musings/dp/0979708109/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NFP8PYVQADLE&keywords=jan+leitschuh&qid=1644972714&sprefix=jan+leitschuh%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

  • Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Liteshoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-
    The Ordinary Adventurer- https://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Adventurer-Vermonts-Adventurers-Musings/dp/0979708109/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NFP8PYVQADLE&keywords=jan+leitschuh&qid=1644972714&sprefix=jan+leitschuh%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

  • Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Liteshoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-
    The Ordinary Adventurer- https://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Adventurer-Vermonts-Adventurers-Musings/dp/0979708109/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NFP8PYVQADLE&keywords=jan+leitschuh&qid=1644972714&sprefix=jan+leitschuh%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

  • Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Liteshoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-
    The Ordinary Adventurer- https://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Adventurer-Vermonts-Adventurers-Musings/dp/0979708109/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NFP8PYVQADLE&keywords=jan+leitschuh&qid=1644972714&sprefix=jan+leitschuh%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

  • Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Liteshoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-
    The Ordinary Adventurer- https://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Adventurer-Vermonts-Adventurers-Musings/dp/0979708109/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NFP8PYVQADLE&keywords=jan+leitschuh&qid=1644972714&sprefix=jan+leitschuh%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

  • Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Liteshoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-
    The Ordinary Adventurer- https://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Adventurer-Vermonts-Adventurers-Musings/dp/0979708109/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NFP8PYVQADLE&keywords=jan+leitschuh&qid=1644972714&sprefix=jan+leitschuh%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"

  • Jan Leitschuh was bitten by the AT bug in 2002. With no real backpacking experience, she threw herself into learning, training and stomping down fears and questions that swirled around her preparations. She joined the infamous Pack 31- a group of hikers that met online and named themselves after the date they started, March 1, 2003. This community, built on meetings at the ALDHA Gathering and a thousand online hours, still remain friends to this day and Liteshoe, along with many of those original Pack 31 folks can often be found at the Gathering, sharing their stories and knowledge with a new class of hikers.

    Guest Links-
    The Ordinary Adventurer- https://www.amazon.com/Ordinary-Adventurer-Vermonts-Adventurers-Musings/dp/0979708109/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NFP8PYVQADLE&keywords=jan+leitschuh&qid=1644972714&sprefix=jan+leitschuh%2Caps%2C83&sr=8-1

    Connect with Anna, aka Mud Butt, at [email protected]
    You can find the Trail Dames at:
    Our website: https://www.traildames.com
    The Summit: https://www.traildamessummit.com
    The Trail Dames Foundation: https://www.tdcharitablefoundation.org
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traildames/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/traildames/
    Hiking Radio Network: https://hikingradionetwork.com/
    Hiking Radio Network on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hikingradionetwork/

    Music provided for this Podcast by The Burns Sisters
    "Dance Upon This Earth"