It’s all about you babes, as Sara & Clare read more of your brilliant teen emails.
Toilet tales continue and a mum highlights the noises you get whenever you ask your teen to do anything.
Sara and Clare ponder why teens ask the most ridiculous questions about the simplest of things? Plus, there’s talk of rumpy pumpy pleasure, a son’s SOS from uni and party confessions.
Oh and remember the cringetastic time Clare sent her teenage son those Sinead O’Connor lyrics?… Well, it turns out she’s not the only mum to harness the power of music for her parenting…
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Sara and Clare discuss the shopping items their darling offspring demand and Clare reveals her brilliant way of controlling her teens’ alcohol consumption.
Who is the bad cop in Sara’s house? And how does Clare navigate being the only sheriff in town?
Meanwhile, Sara & Clare have been doing more media this week, and it’s not as glamorous as you may think.
Plus, Sara reveals the huge Hollywood star she once shared a waterslide with.
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Follow us on Instagram: @djsaracox, @clarehamilton_
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Teen Commandments is a Sara Cox Production
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Saknas det avsnitt?
The Teen Commandments inbox is bursting open again for your chance to dish the dirt on your precious teenagers.
This week a dad has solved the issue of teens slamming doors, a teenager has demanded to know the full details of his conception, whilst another proudly announces they’ve “found a pube”.
Sara and Clare’s quest to try to solve the ‘Bruh’ confusion continues and Teen Commandment’s favourite swearword is back (& may now be Clare’s catchphrase).
Email us at [email protected].uk
Follow us on Instagram: @djsaracox, @clarehamilton_
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Teen Commandments is a Sara Cox Production
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This week, Sara discusses celebrating her teenage son’s birthday. She shares the one
(quite vital) thing missing on the night…
Driving lessons are on the agenda too, plus Clare shares the VERY clear guidelines her
kids have put in place for any mum taxi moments.
There’s also a throwback to the bad old days of permed fringes, blue eyeshadow and
shell suits. Oh, and watch out for Sara & Clare’s new range of
Goop-inspired candles in the shops… Probably never.
Got a teen tale to share?
Email us at [email protected].uk
Follow us on Instagram: @djsaracox, @clarehamilton_
Visit www.theteencommandments.co.uk
Teen Commandments is a Sara Cox Production
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Sara & Clare are diving back into your teen tales.
One listener shares how her son’s obsession with protein has led to a poultry-based ban.
Another mum admits her teens are sending her round the u-bend with their lack of toilet etiquette.
And once again ‘procrasti-wank’ returns. Will the podcast ever escape it?!
Email us at [email protected].uk
Follow us on Instagram: @djsaracox, @clarehamilton_
Visit www.theteencommandments.co.uk
Teen Commandments is a Sara Cox Production
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Warning! This week’s episode contains a totally cringe confession of a mother's desperate need for attention from her teenage son.
To prevent their teenage daughters looking like new members of the Pussycat Dolls, Sara and Clare attempt to enforce the ‘clothing rule of 3’.
Meanwhile, there’s talk of sex toys, £90 polyester dresses, swearing at Alexa, and Tom Cruise even gets a mention.
Email us at [email protected].uk
Follow us on Instagram: @djsaracox, @clarehamilton_
Visit www.theteencommandments.co.uk
Teen Commandments is a Sara Cox Production
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Your Turn: Bum Sticks, Mumbling and ‘Bruh’
It’s time for listeners’ emails and – as ever – they don’t disappoint.
This week a mum reveals the cringe conversations she’s had about wet dreams.
One listener has had enough of the wet towel situation and taken matters into her own hands.
Clare attempts to remember some science she once read about testosterone surges in teenage boys, whilst Sara draws the line at her kids calling her ‘Bruh’.
Oh, and who else remembers Tammy Girl?
Email us at [email protected].uk
Follow us on Instagram: @djsaracox, @clarehamilton__
Visit www.theteencommandments.co.uk
Teen Commandments is a Sara Cox Production
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There’s been some accidental arson in Sara’s house and she’s on a mission to find out the culprit, meanwhile Clare reveals her parenting fail to tackle her teens swearing.
Clare and Sara ponder why teenagers can’t close a car door properly and this week they’ve learnt not to push a dental floss stick through your belly button piercing.
Meanwhile, Clare’s been eyeing up men on the train and find out what made Sara cry in a bar last week.
Email us at [email protected].uk
Follow us on Instagram: @djsaracox, @clarehamilton__
Visit www.theteencommandments.co.uk
Teen Commandments is a Sara Cox Production
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It’s time to open the inbox again in this week’s ‘Your Turn’ to hear from those battling in the teen trenches.
This week a mum reveals the most irrational and crazy purchase ever made by a 14 year old! Teen Commandments invite Sara & Clare under the bed and into the world of crusty tissues and teenagers ‘personal time’. Plus they discuss the brilliant naivety of teenagers when they discover the true meaning of “paying the bills”.
In amongst all these teen tales, Clare ponders the possibility that she may have been intimate with a listener.
Email us at [email protected].uk
Follow us on Instagram: @djsaracox, @clarehamilton_
Visit www.theteencommandments.co.uk
Teen Commandments is a Sara Cox Production
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Sara & Clare discuss getting into BIG trouble at school… why was Clare summoned to the headteachers office with BOTH of her kids in tow? Sara reveals the weird names her mum had for private parts. Why do teenagers insist on ruining family photos? And remember when the world went wild because Julia Roberts had a hairy armpit.
Keep sending in your hilarious emails for ‘Your Turn’ episode, out every Wednesday.
Email at [email protected].uk
Follow on Instagram: @djsaracox, @clarehamilton_
Visit www.theteencommandments.co.uk
Teen Commandments is a Sara Cox Production
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Sara & Clare open the inbox for stories about your own precious teenagers. Why do teens take the only item of clean clothing they require and ignore the rest of the pile? Are they really looking after a vape for ‘their friend’? And the skills teens have of balancing rubbish on an overflowing bin. We want to hear from you! Email us at [email protected] Follow us on Instagram: @djsaracox, @clarehamilton__ Visit www.theteencommandments.co.uk
Teen Commandments is a Sara Cox Production
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Sara & Clare (bravely) grant their teenagers full immunity to reveal the biggest lies they’ve ever told them. Let’s just say, they get more than they bargained for. They dissect ‘the cereal years’, protein powder and teenage boys then and now. Plus, Sara & Clare discover their teens have listened to the pod… ARRRRGH! You can email us the biggest lies your teens have ever told you, and anything else you want to get off your chest: Email us at [email protected] Follow us on Instagram: @djsaracox, @clarehamilton__ Visit www.theteencommandments.co.uk Teen Commandments is a Sara Cox Production
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From the inexplicable fridge blindness that stops teens from spotting food right in front of them to the case of mysteriously missing makeup, Sara and Clare tackle the everyday chaos of parenting teens. They also chat about first jobs, periods, and the universal mystery of why empty loo rolls end up everywhere but the bin. Got a teen tale to share?
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Commandments is a Sara Cox Production
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Sara and Clare kick things off by sharing the ultimate meet cute – how they became best friends as teens.
They dive into the rebellious art of skiving school and the mystery of why their teens always have their headphones on. Plus, the dreaded ‘wet towel’ situation that comes hand in hand with teens. Brace yourselves.
Got a teen tale to share?
📧 Email us at [email protected].uk
📲 Follow us on Instagram: @djsaracox, @clarehamilton_
👩💻 Visit www.theteencommandments.co.uk
🎙 Teen Commandments is a Sara Cox Production
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