पाण्डवों को वनवास के लिए भेजने के बार धृतराष्ट्र अपने फ़ैसले के confirmation के लिए विदुर के पास गए।
क्यों विदुर की राय उन्हें पसन्द नहीं आयी? क्यों लोग राय मांग कर उस पर अमल नहीं करते? किस क़िस्म की राय बेकार है?After the Pandavas left Hastinapur for the forest, Dhritrashtra felt uneasy about the whole affair, and so he visited Vidur to seek his advice.
In this story, discover:
Why Dhritrashtra didn't like Vidur's advice? Why some people don't act upon the advice they receive from you? What kind of advice is perfectly useless (or even dangerous)?Click/Tap here to record your viewpoint, and send it in as a message.
Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
Become Part of the Tab Se Ab Tak Show - आपका message, आपकी आवाज़!
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Saknas det avsnitt?
There’s a lot that a smile can say, and there’s a lot that it can hide.
विविध रूपों में हुआ साकार, रंगो में सुरंजित,
मृत्तिका का यह नहीं संसार, उसकी विकलता है।
- आकुल अंतर - हरिवंशराय बच्चनThe shapes, the lines, the colors;
they twist and turn, leap and dance;
but the world of art isn’t what it appears to be,
it’s the agony of the artist that defines his art.#hindipoetry #hindi #art #artist #bachchan
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Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
Become Part of the Tab Se Ab Tak Show - आपका message, आपकी आवाज़!
Click here to record your message and send it to The Tab Se Ab Tak Show
क्या होता है सदा का साथ? कौन होता है सच्चा साझीदार? What does it mean to be a life-partner? What does marriage really mean? And What isn’t really a partnership for life?
#marriage #love #hindumythology #birds
Click/Tap here to record your viewpoint, and send it in as a message.
Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
Become Part of the Tab Se Ab Tak Show - आपका message, आपकी आवाज़!
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As Ukraine fights to retain its independence and sovereignty, it teaches us a very important lesson in life…that words mustn’t be taken on their face-value.
यूक्रेन और रूस की इस लड़ाई में एक बात उभर कर आती है, वह यह कि, क्या अपने शुभचिंतकों की बातों को ज्यों का त्यों मान लेना ठीक है?
#ukraine #ukrainewar #putin #zelenski #politics
Click/Tap here to record your viewpoint, and send it in as a message.
Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
Become Part of the Tab Se Ab Tak Show - आपका message, आपकी आवाज़!
Click here to record your message and send it to The Tab Se Ab Tak Show
Why is Holi the festival of love? Why is Holi the festival of new beginnings? Why is it the festival of forgiveness? क्यों होली है प्यार का त्यौहार? क्या है होली और शिवरात्रि का connection? क्यों होली पड़ती है वसंत पंचमी से ४० दिन बाद?
#Holi #hindiinspirational #hindumythlogy #shiva #kaamdev #rati
Click/Tap here to record your viewpoint, and send it in as a message.
Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
Become Part of the Tab Se Ab Tak Show - आपका message, आपकी आवाज़!
Click here to record your message and send it to The Tab Se Ab Tak Show
Is it possible to experience the butterfly effect of emotions? Is it possible to hurt others while we are completely submerged in our own pride and happiness? What do we do if someone hurts us a bit, unknowingly…do we begin to seek revenge? What was that little mistake that changed Apollo’s and Daphne’s lives? क्या एक नन्ही सी भावना, भावनाओं का सैलाब ला सकती है ? गर्व क्या हमसे कोई ऐसी बेवकूफी करा सकता है, जो हमारी ज़िन्दगी बदल कर रख दे? छोटी सी चोट लगने पर आप और मैं कभी बदले की आग में जलने लगें, क्या यह possible है? अपोलो को क्यों मिला ज़िन्दगी भर का दर्द?
#hindipodcast #hindiinspirational #apollo #cupid #greekmythology
Click/Tap here to record your viewpoint, and send it in as a message.
Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
Become Part of the Tab Se Ab Tak Show - आपका message, आपकी आवाज़!
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आज हरेक की जुबां पर हिंदी है। भला क्यों, और आख़िर कब तक?
#hindi #elections #UPelections
Click/Tap here to record your viewpoint, and send it in as a message.
Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
Become Part of the Tab Se Ab Tak Show - आपका message, आपकी आवाज़!
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जब प्यार हमारे पास होता है तो हमें दुनिया की चकाचौंध में वह दिखता नहीं, जब वह हमारे ignorance में लुट जाता है, तो दुनिया की चकाचौंध बेमानी, बेरंग, बेमतलब हो जाती है।
When we have love, we ignore its presence in our lives - and we run after the glamor and the glitz - and then we lose sight of all that is important, that truly makes us happy, because even to enjoy our successes and riches, we need to share them with those who care.
#hindipodcast #hindiinspirational #midas #greekmythology
Click/Tap here to record your viewpoint, and send it in as a message.
Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
Become Part of the Tab Se Ab Tak Show - आपका message, आपकी आवाज़!
Click here to record your message and send it to The Tab Se Ab Tak Show
On January 26th, 1956, India became a Republic.
पर यह Republic या गणतंत्र भला है क्या? 2600 साल पहले India में पनपा था Republic का Concept! Freedom या स्वंत्रन्त्रता से इसका भला क्या है लेना देना? और Freedom से Free Will, यानि स्वतंत्रता से स्वेच्छा तक की दूरी कितनी है?Join Shafali Anand, the host of The Tab Se Ab Tak Show, on this short and sweet episode about the Republic Day.
#republicday #26thjanuary #india #indian #freedom #freewill
Click/Tap here to record your viewpoint, and send it in as a message.
Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
Become Part of the Tab Se Ab Tak Show - आपका message, आपकी आवाज़!
Click here to record your message and send it to The Tab Se Ab Tak Show
क्या आपकी success आपको सिर्फ़ आपकी वजह से मिली है? क्या आपने उधार की personality से किसी को impress करने की कोशिश की है?
What happened जब नारद ने यह किया?
Bonus Info - क्यों राम बिछड़ गए सीता से और कौन थे कुम्भकर्ण और रावण?
Do you believe that you deserve the whole credit for your success? Have you ever tried to impress someone by trying to be someone you are not?Listen to the story of Narad's broken heart, and while you are listening also discover why Ram got separated from Sita and who were Ravana and Kumbhkarna.
#hindu #mythology #shiva #motivation #inspiration
Click/Tap here to record your viewpoint, and send it in as a message.
Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
Become Part of the Tab Se Ab Tak Show - आपका message, आपकी आवाज़!
Click here to record your message and send it to The Tab Se Ab Tak Show
If you can dream—and not make dreams your master; If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim…
वो जो दुनिया को या दुनिया के दिलों को जीतते हैं, वो आपसे और मुझसे फ़र्क नहीं हैं... वो सपने देखते हैं, पर सपनों के ग़ुलाम नहीं बनते... सोचते हैं, पर सोचों को अपना मक़सद नहीं बनाते... दुनिया को जीतने का नुस्ख़ा simple है, पर क्या आप मेँ और मुझमेँ उस simple से नुस्ख़े को दिल से, शिद्दत से follow करने की हिम्मत है?
Rudyard Kipling’s “If…” makes you wonder.
#poetry #hindi #inspiration #motivation #dailymotivation #english
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Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
Become Part of the Tab Se Ab Tak Show - आपका message, आपकी आवाज़!
Click here to record your message and send it to The Tab Se Ab Tak Show
वह आपके खेमे में तो हैं, पर क्या उनका दिल बरंजिश है? वह उनके पास तो हैं, पर क्या वह पासा आपका चलेंगे?
महाभारत होने से पहले दुर्योधन ने जो खेल खेला, उसमें वह जीता या हारा? जिस शल्य को वह धोखे से अपने खेमे में लाया, वह क्या सचमुच बना कौरवों का सहारा?
Does he have your back? Does her heart beat for you? He is in the enemy camp, but will he fight for you?It happens all the time. You win some and lose some - but who you lost might be an ally, and who you gain could be an enemy. Who do you trust…and why you should, or shouldn’t?
Listen to the story of Shalya and discover whether the game that Duryodhana played got him an ally or an enemy.
#mahabharata #war #traditions #mythology #hindu
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Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
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Happy New Year - 2022!
नए साल की शुभकामनाएँ, आपको और आपके परिवार को। तो क्या आपने नए साल के लिए अपने Resolutions तय कर लिये हैं? अगर हाँ तो क्या अभी से वह कुछ गिरते पड़ते से नज़र आ रहें हैं?
Have you already jotted down your new year resolutions? You have, haven’t you? But have you also started fretting about whether or not you’ll be able to keep them?In this episode, join to me and figure out how we can make our resolutions and keep at least some of them :)
#hindi #motivation #inspiration #newyear #newyearresolutions
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Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
Become Part of the Tab Se Ab Tak Show - आपका message, आपकी आवाज़!
Click here to record your message and send it to The Tab Se Ab Tak Show
गलती ज़रा सी कर दी थी मैंने, लापरवाही में कुछ कह दिया था, चेहरा उनका सुन के जो मुरझा गया तो मेरे ज़र्रे-ज़र्रे में ग़फ़लत के जुर्म का ज़हर घुल गया, कैसे नज़रें मिलाऊँ उनसे, कैसे मुस्कराहट वापस लाऊँ मैं उनकी? माफ़ी माँगने का हौसला भी जैसे खुद से ज़िरह के समंदर में डूब कर गुम हो गया।
Every once in a while, something we say doesn’t come out right - and then it keeps boomeranging, making us bite our lip in consternation - making us think why we said what we did and how others might have heard it. How do we come out of that circle of self-castigation?
#hindi #motivation #inspiration #history
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Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
Become Part of the Tab Se Ab Tak Show - आपका message, आपकी आवाज़!
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कुछ लम्हे मिले हैं ज़िन्दगी के, या आंसूँओं में इन्हें गला दें, या मुस्कराहट से इन्हें सजा लें, क्या करें, ये हम फ़ैसला लें।
Pessimistic thought or निराशात्मक विचार जीतते हुए इंसान को हरा सकता है। बहादुर शाह ज़फर के इन तीन शेरों में क्या आपको भी दीखता है अपना हल्का सा reflection?
Life is short and while it might not be appear bright and happy right now, our thoughts can change it for the better. In this little episode, listen 3 couplets by Bahadur Shah Zafar, the last Mughal Emperor of India. If they remind of you of something that you’ve felt recently, then it’s time to change the way you think about your life.
#historical #hindi #motivational #inspirational #pessimism #negativity
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Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
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कौन था अंतिम कुरुवंशी? कैसे प्यार की दीवानगी ने तोड़ दी एक वंश की डोर?
इस छोटी सी महाभारत की कहानी के साथ रख कर तौलें वंश और ख़ानदान के नाम पर लिए और दिए दुःखों और सुखों को।
Mahabharata was fought by Kauravas and Pandavas But who was the last Kuruvanshi? Was it Parikshit, or Janmejaya, or someone else?Unravel the mystery of Kuruvansh and reflect upon the sorrow and joy that’s brought about by the quest of continued bloodlines.
#mahabharata #family #traditions #mythology #hindu
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Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
Become Part of the Tab Se Ab Tak Show - आपका message, आपकी आवाज़!
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न वो राजकुमारी थी, न शहज़ादी, पर मल्लिका बन बादशाह के दिल की, वो बन गयी मल्लिका-ए-हिन्दोस्तां !
She wasn’t a princess, she was a commoner, but by ruling the heart of an emperor, she ruled India.Listen to the story of Mehrunissa’s rise in the deeply patriarchal Mughal Empire.
#nurjahan #mughals #feminism #indianhistory #equality
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Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
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नर हो, न निराश करो मन को, कुछ काम करो, जग में रह कर कुछ नाम करो।
मैथिलीशरण गुप्त की इस कविता में positivity का essence या सकारात्मकता का साराँश घुला हुआ है.
You are a human-being, don’t allow hope to fade from your heart. Don’t let the fear of failure stop you from finding your place in this world.(Emotive Recitation of a Poem written by Maithilisharan Gupt.)
#hindipoetry #positivity #inspiration #motivation #fear
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Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
Become Part of the Tab Se Ab Tak Show - आपका message, आपकी आवाज़!
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***A Deepawali Story***
What will you do if you could make your son all powerful? What will you do if you were discriminated against for being who you are? क्या करेंगे आप अगर आप अपने बेटे को सबसे powerful बना सकें? क्या करेंगे आप अगर कोई आपके against सबसे सामने भेद-भाव करे?It all started with a boon.
विष्णु ने भूमि को एक वर दिया... और वहीं से सारा किस्सा शुरू हुआ।
Listen to the story of narkasura vadha and discover the answers to the questions that trouble you today.
सुनिए कहानी नरकासुर के वध से पारिजात के हरण तक की.... (Reference: विष्णु पुराण )
#hindumythology #puranas #narakchaturthi #krishna #indra
Click/Tap here to record your viewpoint, and send it in as a message.
Elsewhere on the web:
http://tabseabtak.com http://instagram.com/tabseabtakAbout the Tab Se Ab Tak Podcast:
This show tells stories from the World Mythology (mostly Hindu, Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, and far-eastern mythologies,) and World History (mostly Indian, European, American,) and shares the folklore from around the world. This podcast, which is hosted by writer, speaker, and story-teller Shafali Anand, is mostly in Hindi with a sprinkling of English, (but the "Little Nothings" episodes are in Hinglish,) and it deals with several dimensions of motivation, inspiration, and also touches upon spirituality. It covers topics such as life and death, love and heartbreaks, personal relationships, pursuit of happiness, success and failure etc.
If you want to lose yourself into a world of mythological, historical, and sometimes fictional stories, interpreted to answer the questions you find yourself wrestling with...and you know Hindi, put your headphones on, and step in.
Show Host: Shafali Anand (Artist, Writer, Speaker, Storyteller)
Become Part of the Tab Se Ab Tak Show - आपका message, आपकी आवाज़!
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