
  • In this episode I go over the details of how I made it home to Los Angeles from Luxor, Egypt thus finishing the story in its entirety. I also examine the benefits of my experience and why it ended up being one of the greatest experiences of my life in addition to being one of the most challenging. If I had to do it over again, I would do it again in a heartbeat.

    A very special thank you to everyone who send me well wishes by phone and on social media and those that helped by calling the embassy. I am forever grateful to have truly wonderful friends/family and those that care about me. A positive mind will always lead to a positive life and positivity always wins! Thanks for listening.

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all your affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast
    Instagram: supertravelexperience

    New podcast: Planet Positivity
    FB: The Planet Positivity Podcast
    Instagram: Planet_Positivity

  • In this final episode of the Luxor, Egypt jail series, I discuss my final days. I discuss how I dealt with the situation, the tools and tricks I used and how I finally got to the airport and flew to Kuwait.

    Stay tuned for the addendum: Flying to Kuwait, then Abu Dhabi then to Dubai then finally Los Angeles.
    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all your affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast
    Instagram: supertravelexperience

    New podcast: Planet Positivity
    FB: The Planet Positivity Podcast
    Instagram: Planet_Positivity

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  • Live from the Dubai airport headed home to Los Angeles, I continue the story of getting arrested and put in jail in Luxor, Egypt. I have a slight cold and am tired from staying up all night to catch the flight and travel but the story is good.
    To recap:
    I was arrested for having daggers brought from Lebanon that I bought at a souvenir shop. Unbeknownst to me some of them were thousands of years old. Egypt has strict penalties in regard to antiques. I was promptly arrested and put through the legal system.
    This stories continues from finishing at the courthouse and arriving to the jail where I tune in my phone and spend the next 5 days in an 8x10 cell with a 70yr old Frenchman names Pierre.

    Stay tuned for part 3 when I finish off the story and leave for the US on a long journey first to Kuwait then to Abu Dhabi then to Dubai then to Los Angeles.

    A couple corrections:
    I mean planks not bridges, Pierre is the Frenchman’s name and DeeDee is his wife from Belgium. Luxor jail not courthouse.

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all your affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast
    Instagram: supertravelexperience

    New podcast: Planet Positivity
    FB: The Planet Positivity Podcast
    Instagram: Planet_Positivity

  • In this episode I recount the first few days of my 8 day jail stint in Luxor, Egypt. This is what jail is like in Egypt and it ain’t pretty nor is it nice. It’s scary, it’s dirty, it’s just plain bad but luckily I had fate on my side.

    As I record this, I just got out of jail 4hrs ago and am seeing the beautiful sun for the first time in a week, what a beautiful sight and a beautiful world we live in... even in jail, in Egypt beauty can be found.

    Stay tuned in the next episode as I recount meeting the Frenchman for the first time and spending the next 6 days with him in an 8x10 cell. Also I will go into detail about the daily routine.

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all your affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast
    Instagram: supertravelexperience

    New podcast: Planet Positivity
    FB: The Planet Positivity Podcast
    Instagram: Planet_Positivity

  • In this episode I recount my visit to Beirut and Baalbek Lebanon. I share how I narrowly escaped being arrested and shot, driving within 10miles of the Syrian border, walking back into history at the ancient ruins of Baalbek including the biggest stone block in the world, meeting the Syrian Shocker and Charlie the Scotsman, and much more!

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all your affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast
    Instagram: supertravelexperience

    New podcast: Planet Positivity
    FB: The Planet Positivity Podcast
    Instagram: Planet_Positivity

  • In this episode I go over 10 best bucket list destinations, my Kenyan Safari experience and a Masai Warrior battle encounter where I just made it out alive. Its been awhile since I posted an episode. I’ve recently started another podcast called Planet Positivity and working on a book as well as moving and working. Once things settle down, I’ll get back to a semi normal schedule. Thank you for listening and have a great day!

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all your affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast
    Instagram: supertravelexperience

    New podcast: Planet Positivity
    FB: The Planet Positivity Podcast
    Instagram: Planet_Positivity

  • In this episode I am sitting on the beach in Long Beach chatting with the amazing and wonderful Jed Behar about his adventurous trip to the Galápagos Islands in Ecuador with his wife. Their story includes everything from exotic wildlife, and swimming with huge turtles to civil unrest and rioting of the local indigenous people and not sure they would make it out of the country. Jed’s amazing way of storytelling makes this one of my favorite episodes. Thanks for sharing your story Jed and I’m really glad you make guys made it back safe!

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all your affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast
    Instagram: supertravelexperience

  • In this episode I talk about how traveling makes us a better more happier person. 10 reasons to travel and how it changes us for the better.
    I discuss the country of Lebanon, what to see and do, the history and why it’s so cool!
    I also go over the story of the siege of Tyre, Lebanon by Alexander the Great more then 2,000 years ago.

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all your affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast
    Instagram: supertravelexperience

  • In this episode I tell the story of my experience with the Pasadena 5k race at the request of my good friend Jed. The end will surprise you and maybe shock you haha.
    I went fairly in-depth talking about what I ate, what I thought, what I felt, etc. I tried to incorporate aspects of motivation, inspiration and of course perspiration. This podcast is dedicated to Marvin Gaye, you’ll understand after you listen.
    Hopefully you can get some value from this story and it can help you in some way. Live your best, be your best and I wish you the best!

    “Perseverance, secret of all triumphs.”
    -Victor Hugo

    “We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” -Frederick Keonig

    “Happiness depends upon ourselves.”

    “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” -Seneca

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all your affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast
    Instagram: supertravelexperience

  • In this episode I discuss my first book I read this year: Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. Read it here for free: http://4motivi.com/books/hill/positive.pdf
    I decided as my 2020 goal to read 1 book per week.
    I chose this book to better prepare myself mentally for the difficulties and challenges in life we all face. It’s a wonderful book and I highly recommend it!
    Next I talk about my first seminar, the 10X seminar and summarize the 10X book. My 2020 goal is to attend 3 seminars. The 10X seminar is end of February in Las Vegas if you are interested and Tony Robbins has many great seminars throughout the year.
    And finally I talk about the 7 Wonders of the World and why I would replace 2 of them with other places. Thanks for listening and have a great day, night, week, month, year!!

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all your affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast
    Instagram: supertravelexperience

  • In this episode I go more in-depth with goals and the importance of goal setting for 2020. I share some interesting statistics on the percentage of people that stick to their goals/resolutions and how to increase the probability of success.
    Also, I share some really cool quotes that I enjoyed by some of the ancient greats. And finish it off with top ten place to visit for NYE 2020/2021 which can be a goal in itself to visit one of those for NYE in future years.

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all your affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast
    Instagram: supertravelexperience

  • Live from Las Vegas on New Years Eve 2019 starting 3 minutes before midnight. Listen live as I walk down the strip/Main Street that was closed for nearly 300,000 people expected to be here. Hear the fireworks, the people celebrating as I walk among them.
    The Top 10 destinations to celebrate New Years according to CNN:
    Sydney, Taipei, Bangkok, Dubai, Moscow, Cape Town, London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Las Vegas,

    Las Vegas is a popular destination for the party scene but it is also very good for entertainment in general and as a jumping off point to many popular and amazing tourist destinations like Zion, the Grand Canyon, Hoover Dam, Lake Mead, etc.
    Happy New Year! Have a great year and many more! Now is as good as a time as ever to start and live a healthy life and make positive changes to your life, change starts with you, it starts with good habits each and everyday.

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all your affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast
    Instagram: supertravelexperience

  • In this episode I talk about Boxing Day, success quotes, regrets of the dying, New Years resolutions and top places to travel to in 2020!
    A lot of info was covered in this episode. Each of these topics can be an episode of itself.

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all your affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast
    Instagram: supertravelexperience

  • In this episode I go over Naples, Italy and all the wonderful places nearby including Pompei and the Amalfi Coast. Naples is a hidden gem of Italy.

    Also included are the 7 scientific benefits of gratitude. When traveling it’s hugely important to be thankful and have gratitude in effect being a positive role model. You represent the country you are from when you travel and people judge you, so it’s hugely important to represent your country well and be a positive role model and positive example.

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all your affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast
    Instagram: supertravelexperience

  • There’s a lot to see from Siracusa to Naples and a fun ferry ride! Ortigia, Ortigia, Ortigia I still have a hard time pronouncing this. It’s a cool island in Siracusa reminiscent of Venice, Italy. Anyway, the ferry ride is really fun, the Amalfi Coast is epic and Pompei is incredible! My first time in Southern Italy and I was not let down!

    One word of advice when traveling, BE NICE! Being nice is soooo much better for you and everyone around. People tend to treat you how they treat them. If you are kind, people will generally respond the same. If you are not kind in general they will respond not so friendly. Kindness, is one of the secrets I’ve learned while traveling and it just hit me this last trip. I made it a point to be kind and curious and it really made the trip much more enjoyable. I think I have more smiling wrinkles after this trip but it was worth it! The people I’ve met are simply incredible!

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all your affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast

  • From Palermo to Siracusa, Sicily
    In this episode I go over some of Sicily: from Palermo to Enna to Ortygia, Siracusa. If you love ancient ruins, you’re in for a treat!
    Wikipedia: “Sicily, the largest Mediterranean island, is just off the "toe" of Italy's "boot." Its rich history is reflected in sites like the Valley of the Temples, the well-preserved ruins of 7 monumental, Doric-style Greek temples, and in the Byzantine mosaics at the Cappella Palatina, a former royal chapel in capital city Palermo. On Sicily’s eastern edge is Mount Etna, one of Europe’s highest active volcanoes.”
    In the next episode we cross over from Sicily to mainland on the ferry at Messina.

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all your affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast

  • On a river boat while floating down the Nile River with my family, I sit down here with my mom and talk about the day sightseeing around Cairo and Giza. What was it like first seeing the pyramids? What is Cairo like? Sorry if it’s a little noisy, there was a showing going on at the same time but we did the best we could and it turned out ok.

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all your affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast

  • In this episode my mom, sister and step dad and myself are heading from Sparta back to Athens after finishing our day tour to Corinth, Mystras and Sparta on the Minibus Athens Tour:
    Facebook: Minibus Athens Tours
    Hear first hand accounts of what it’s like being in Greece for the first time, what the food is like, etc. Also a few funny stories as well related and unrelated to Greece.

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all you affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast

  • I’m BACK! My apologies for the unexpected break. This episode’s a little short and a test episode to make sure the app is working. Had some technical difficulties with an IOS update. Also talked about the hidden gem of the Middle East: Oman!

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all you affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast

  • Vishal is back! We are in Chennai, India for this podcast. Vishal talks about his recent mega birthday trip he recently did. He went to Austria, Slovenia, Egypt, Czech, Hungary and Germany. He reveals his favorite country and a hidden gem you never would have guessed. We had a good time and I think it was pretty good. It’s good to be back in India with this great guy. And if you guys get a chat please leave a review, thank you.

    This episode and every other episode is brought to you by my travel store: Super Travel X
    Visit www.supertravelx.com for all you affordable, comfortable and essential travel gear. I have everything from travel pillows to noise cancelling headphones to travel accessories to travel back packs, you name it, I got it! Use code: SUPER10 for 10% everything! 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
    Instagram: supertravelexperience
    FB: The Super Travel Experience Podcast