Saknas det avsnitt?
Shul decorum
Amsterdam…a Purim miracle
The death and burial of Moshe Rabbeinu
Marking a yahrtzeit when there is no known day of death
Chevrah Kadisha and their secret traditions
Why the IDF marks the day
The history of yeshu: The book
For a related topic see: Nittel Nacht: A night of varying minhagim https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-sunday-shiur-by-rabbi-yoel-plutchok/id1686817830?i=1000612988722
Rabbi Shaul Lieberman: The conservative rosh yeshiva who wrote a Pirush on the entire Tosefta
The history of the Karaim: Iraq circa 800
Turkey, Year 1500: The Psak of the R'em regarding Kariam
The origin of Megillas Antiochos: R Saadia Goan's quest to immortalize the Chashmonaim
Are we allowed to study the Book of the Maccabees? "Seforim chatzonim" in Halacha
The depictions on the Arch of Titus: What happened next?
The Peroiches and the Tzitz: R’ Shimon’s testimony
The Radziner Rebbe’s Oddysey to find the Menorah: The Visigoths and King Alaric I
The Menorah swap theory: A child's fable that gained traction
The conscientious story behind the real gold menorah by the Kosel today
Reb Akiva Eiger’s chassideshe Eidem and his Leichter
The iconic angled menorah of Chabad: The Rambam’s depiction
Napoleon's wars and their effect on the Jews of his time
Nittel through the eyes of the Chasam Sofer
The pros, the antis, and the in-betweeners
Nittel - a moving target understating the calendar changes
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