
  • “The job of a good embezzler is to become the trusted bookkeeper.”
    -Ruth King

    The pace of change is exponential, and keeping up with all the new technologies is a real challenge. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We don’t have to chase every new invention; we need only to find the tools that make doing business for ourselves and our clients a little bit easier.

    The desire to keep up can lead us into all kinds of online traps. Theft is already a fact of life in business. If we aren’t paying attention, people will try to get away with anything they can. The same is true for AI and other tools. If you aren’t 100% confident in the tools you are using, perhaps it’s time to slow down and get sure.

    Trust but verify, not only your people but your tools too. It can be easy to pass off tasks to others, but if we let the pressure of keeping up force us to shift more information out of our eyeline, we can’t be surprised when that trust is taken advantage of.

    Ruth King, who is a business advisor and author, is this week's featured guest. She has spent her career helping businesses get and stay profitable, by showing them how to leverage the best tools and processes for the task at hand. In this episode, Ruth and Michael discuss the importance of managing small problems before they get out of hand, protecting yourself and your business from theft, and what it means to have a financially fit business.

    If you are struggling to get a grip on the latest tech, need to delegate but are concerned about who and what to trust, or just want to learn more about creating a financially fit business, then this is the episode to get you putting trust in the one place it matters most: yourself.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    What theft looks like in the modern age & how to stop it How to create a successful & financially fit business The importance of managing the little things so they don’t get out of hand

    To find out more about Ruth, click here.

    Connect with Ruth on LinkedIn and Twitter.

    Learn more about Financially Fit Business.

    Time Stamps

    01:26 - Ruth discusses her career journey
    03:36 - Fixing problems before they become a crisis
    05:30 - Discovering AI
    07:42 - Pay attention or face the consequences
    12:29 - Be careful what you sign
    16:45 - Making a difference
    21:39 - Key elements of growth
    23:24 - 14 Critical Trend Analysis
    26:24 - Financial Fit Business
    34:25 - Learning more about Ruth

  • “We’re actually biologically positioned and programmed to receive stories. For most of existence, for the hundreds of thousands of years humans have existed on the planet, we have not been able to transfer information in written form from one person to another.”
    -Matthew Dicks

    As bookkeepers, we love the details. We find patterns in them others struggle to see. But sometimes our love of numbers makes it hard to step away from pure and factual resolution. Think about a subject that bores you to tears, then imagine having to listen to a report about it.

    How we feel about those things is the same way others feel about bookkeeping. That is why we need something more than the numbers to not only get our clients on board but to keep them long-term. We need stories. We need ways of communicating that connect us through authentic and entertaining lived experiences.

    Matthew Dicks, storyteller and bestselling author, is this episode’s featured guest. He has spent his career helping others tell their stories in compelling, and authentic ways.

    In this episode, he will discuss...

    The value of sharing your story with your clients How to tell a story, not read a report The importance of connecting business and story together

    So, if you are struggling to compete in a market saturated with services. It might be time to think beyond your skills, to how you connect and relate with the people you hope to serve. This is the episode to help you do just that!

    To find out more about Matthew, click here.

    Connect with him on LinkedIn, Twitter or Facebook.

    Check out his TED talk, Homework For Life.

    Time Stamps

    01:18 - Matthew discusses his career journey
    05:52 - Reporting vs Storytelling
    07:44 - Connecting story to business
    15:20 - Building authentic connections
    20:27 - Sharing our story
    30:58 - Stories sell

    This episode is brought to you by our great friends at Hub Analytics!

    Imagine having all your financial data in one place, with real-time analytics and customized reports at your fingertips.

    Hub Analytics is a financial platform that streamlines bookkeeping operations, so you can focus on what really matters—delivering high-quality results for your clients. With Hub's easy-to-use tools, you’ll save time, reduce errors, and gain deeper insights into your clients' financials!

    Ready to take your bookkeeping to the next level?

    Book a demo to learn more and start your FREE trial TODAY!

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  • “Walking is our common denominator in terms of movement, almost all of us walk. It’s a really great place to begin, to teach people about movement.”
    -Bruce Fertman

    Our role as bookkeepers gives us unique insight into the health of a business. We can make sense of the figures in a way our clients would struggle to alone. We find the problems and successes and help our clients to make changes to their business that improve profitability and longevity.

    Yet despite this being a critical function of what we do for others, we don’t invest nearly the same amount of time and effort into our own health. We ignore the telltale signs and symptoms in our own bodies in the same way our clients frustrate us by ignoring the areas of challenge in their businesses.

    Sitting at our desks may feel productive, but we often spend hours sitting, with bad posture trying to generate the same productivity, creativity and insight we could gain from a 12-minute walk.

    Bruce Fertman, co-author of Walking Well and lifetime movement specialist, is this episode’s featured guest. He has spent his life helping others find their path to wellness through movement. In this episode, he speaks powerfully about the need to get the basics right, how small changes can make huge differences, and why you should invest in your health the way you do in your work.

    If you are feeling run down, exhausted, overwhelmed, or just want even more energy to get things done, then this is the episode for you!

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of investing in your health How to walk for positive change and transformation The importance of getting back to the basics

    To find out more about Bruce, click here.

    Connect with him on Facebook.

    You can get a copy of Walking Well at this link.

    Time Stamps

    01:28 - Bruce discusses his career journey
    05:35 - The benefits of walking
    08:39 - Are you walking enough?
    20:52 - Small changes, huge differences
    32:36 - Investing time in yourself
    37:25 - Going back to basics
    46:45 - Learning more about Bruce

  • “A lot of people say, ‘Oh retirement, that’s for old people. I don’t need to be thinking about that now.’ But it is just good cash flow management. It's good financial planning. To be thinking not only about what I am spending my money on today as a business owner but also what does this look like in 5, 10, 20 years.”
    -Courtenay Shipley

    As bookkeepers, it is our job to help others understand how the flow of money works in and around their business. A critical yet often overlooked part of that, is how we plan for the future. It’s easy to get excited by success, so much so that we don’t feel the need to save for a rainy day. This is true for our clients too. They’ve worked so hard. They want to enjoy the profits of their labour.

    When planning for the future, it’s hard to ignore the glaring warnings of our own mortality. This is perhaps why we take the first most accessible retirement plan we find, and let it tick over in the background.

    But saving doesn’t have to be from a place of fear in what the future holds, you can create a plan that celebrates your success and keeps you solvent long after you’ve stopped working.

    Courtenay Shipley, founder of Retirement Planology is this episode’s featured guest. She has spent her career helping businesses navigate the retirement landscape in a way that aligns with their values, saves time and makes their money work harder. In this episode, Courtenay and Michael discuss all things retirement, from finding the right plan to essential resources for success.

    If you are finding yourself in a place of success but aren’t sure how to provide yourself and your employees with a plan for the future then this is the episode for you!

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of building long-term financial freedom How to effectively plan for the future The importance of sticking to the plan

    To find out more about Courtenay, click here.

    Connect with with her on LinkedIn.

    Time Stamps

    01:46 - Courtenay discusses her career journey
    05:28 - Planning for the future
    08:54 - Finding the right fit
    13:47 - Sticking to the plan
    16:34 - The essentials of a great retirement plan
    18:06 - Building your financial freedom
    23:23 - Resources that can help you
    25:50 - Getting integrated
    28:35 - Learning more from Courtenay

    This episode is brought to you by our great friends at Payworks!

    If you're looking for a reliable and affordable payroll platform for your business, look no further!

    To learn more, visit Payworks.ca TODAY!

  • “Oftentimes, we’re our own worst enemy, and so we listen to the one negative comment or the one negative undertone that someone gives us, and we hold onto that.”
    -Trixy Castro

    Every challenge provides an opportunity for growth. A chance to build a mindset of resilience, that will let us face any problem with a mind to solutions. That bias and barriers to success exist, is not in question. What is in question is how we react to them.

    We spend far too much time paying attention to the opinions of people who aren’t paying our bills. It is time to cut out the noise, get focused and start chasing our goals with everything we have in us. Criticism is important, but we must cultivate the ability to filter out whether it is really something about us that we need to work on, or about someone else wanting us to feel as bad as they do.

    Trixy Castro, business executive and entrepreneur, is this episode’s featured guest. She has spent her career founding and selling businesses while breaking down every barrier put in her path. She speaks powerfully about the need to build a resilient mindset, embrace challenges as learning experiences and how to get focused on your goals.

    If you are struggling with negative self-talk, quitting before you’ve even begun, or after a few bumps in the road, then this is the episode that will set you free of your limiting beliefs and put you on the path to enduring success.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of embracing challenges as learning opportunities How to build a resilient mindset The importance of getting focused on your goals

    To find out more about Trixy, click here.

    Connect with her on LinkedIn.

    Time Stamps

    01:46 - Trixy discusses her career journey
    13:35 - The path to success
    19:07 - There’s always a way around
    22:37 - Building a resilience mindset
    27:10 - Getting it done

  • “All of a sudden, the customers no longer perceive us as valuable because we failed to reframe the value that we created. The accountant and the bookkeeper’s job should be giving the business owner confidence in their number.”
    -Hector Garcia

    For as long as we define our value by our skills alone, we will have to bear the threat of replacement. If all we are communicating to our clients is the completion of tasks that could just as easily be automated, we cannot be surprised that automation seems like a better option.

    AI is here to stay. If we don’t want to be replaced by it, we have to start reframing what it is our clients are actually paying for. We need to move away from charging for the completion of tasks, towards charging for the relationships and insights we create and offer.

    Computers aren’t going to steal our jobs, they are going to enhance them by freeing up more of our time to give clients more personal and meaningful services than just fixing their numbers.

    Hector Garcia, a popular YouTuber and CPA, is this episode’s featured guest. In this second half of a two-part series, Michael and Hector discuss the value of doing things differently, and how to build client confidence and stay ahead of the curve.

    If you are struggling to innovate, not sure how to get creative with your business or build client confidence, then this is the episode to get you thinking about how to leverage AI rather than be afraid of it.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of doing things differently How to stay ahead of the curve The importance of building client confidence To find out more about Hector, click here. Connect with him on LinkedIn, YouTube or X. Learn more about Hector's Reframe 2024 and Right Tool App. Click here to listen to Part 1 of this series. Time Stamps

    01:34 - Doing things differently
    06:04 - Building client confidence
    10:14 - Getting ahead of the curve
    19:38 - Can’t find the right tool? Build it!
    27:17 - Getting started with AI
  • “Innovation means always doing it differently, always doing it better. Innovation is not always technology; innovation is providing a different point of view to the status quo.” -Hector Garcia There will always be people more successful than we are. This is only a problem if we decide it's not worth taking any action to better our lives because we’ll never be better than those we idolize. Success doesn’t have to mean being the best. Having a healthy, steadily growing business, with loyal clients and dedicated employees is a feat that should be celebrated. Very few people become well-known overnight, it takes time and the confidence to keep putting yourself out there, even if your numbers are low to start with. The more consistent we are, the faster those numbers begin to rise. Especially when you stop trying to sell people something and start showing them you want to authentically help them. Hector Garcia, CPA and YouTuber, is this episode’s featured guest. In this first of a two-part series, Michael and Hector explore how to successfully market ourselves, the power of an innovation mindset, and why connecting authentically matters. If you are tired of letting other people’s success paralyze you into inaction and want to learn to market yourself better, then this is the episode to get you thinking innovatively about the future of your business. During this interview, you'll learn... The value of putting yourself out there How to embrace an innovation mindset The importance of competing against yourself, not others To find out more about Hector, click here. Connect with Hector on LinkedIn, YouTube or X. Time Stamps 02:48 - Hector discusses his career journey 08:33 - Transitioning to hands-off business 14:55 - Putting yourself out there 21:49 - Success isn’t a zero-sum game

    This episode is brought to you by our great friends at BILL!

    BILL automates your clients’ AP, AR, spend, and expense, and lets them track and manage their cash flow, in real-time.

    You can also use the BILL Accountant Console to access insights to level up your advisory services plus so much more!

    To learn how BILL can help you and your clients, and to sign up for the referral program, visit thesuccessfulbookkeeper.com/bill.

  • “If they don’t have the right mindset and the right willingness to adopt the technology, it's just not going to work.”
    -Tim Sernett

    Everyone is different. There will be those who love trying new things and those who are more hesitant to leave their bubble of security. One isn’t better than the other, but when it comes to business, you must consider who is best for you and your business.

    If you are someone who loves new technology, systems and processes, it’s probably not the best idea to seek clients who like to be set in their ways and keep things the same. The same is true in the other direction, if you have a tried and tested method, clients that want the latest up-to-date tech as part of your service, aren’t going to be a good fit.

    It’s okay, encouraged even, to embrace every kind of new experience you can have, we don’t know what we don’t know, and time spent searching for that one thing or niche that truly sparks joy is not time wasted.

    Tim Sernett of Financial Optics is this episode’s featured guest. He has spent his career helping clients not only improve their profits but build peace of mind and future security in their businesses. In this episode, Tim and Michael discuss all things technology and much more!

    If you are struggling to serve too many people, to the detriment of your true passions, want to embrace new technologies, or just want to give a little more thought to the future, then this is the episode to get you thinking about what your success could look like.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of embracing opportunities to gain experience How to find your business niche The importance of seeking out the gaps in your business

    To find out more about Tim, click here.

    Connect with him on LinkedIn.

    Time Stamps

    01:53 - Tim discusses his career journey
    04:27 - Embracing opportunities to gain experience
    09:11 - Future forward thinking
    12:29 - Seeking out the gaps in your business
    17:44 - Finding your niche
    23:30 - Bringing your team with you
    27:12 - The value of your knowledge and systems

  • “Nowadays I fire people. I fired one client last month. They didn’t even make it two months in. But the way they talked to my staff and scope creep and demanding a lot of things that we never agreed to, I let them go within a month and a half. Where before I would suffer those clients for a year.”
    -Tyler Otto

    It is natural when starting a business to want to take any clients, no matter how much they demand of us, or how badly they might treat us. We want to be grateful for something because it is better than nothing.

    But we don’t have to get stuck in this mindset once our work starts to speak for itself. We can increase our price, and remove negatively impacting clients and employees, without feeling guilty or disloyal.

    The goal for our business is growth and hanging on to things that just aren’t working, isn’t going to help us grow.

    Tyler Otto, President and Owner of Specialty Bookkeeping and Tax, is this episode’s featured guest. He has spent his career building systems for business success. In this episode, Tyler and Michael explore learning from past mistakes, getting your people and systems right, and why building strong workplace culture matters.

    If you aren’t sure how to say no to difficult clients, want to hire a strong team, or just develop your company’s culture, then this is the episode to get you thinking about what the future could look like when you embrace your growth.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of getting it wrong so you know how to get it right How to roll with the punches The importance of building a strong work culture

    To find out more about Tyler, click here.

    Connect with Tyler on LinkedIn.

    You can listen to the UNAccountable Podcast at this link.

    Time Stamps

    01:36 - Tyler discusses his career journey
    03:05 - Positioning yourself for success
    05:16 - Getting it wrong, to get it right
    08:36 - Managing problem clients
    11:32 - Pricing for your value
    16:36 - Rolling with the punches
    18:55 - Future thinking
    21:43 - Building a strong work culture
    27:12 - Setting the rules & sticking to them

  • “The number one marketing strategy for bookkeepers, people would say, is 'do a good job and referrals will come.'”
    -Debbie Roberts

    Finding the right people to work in our businesses is tough. Managing expectations on both sides can be challenging, maybe our systems and processes aren’t as great as we hoped, or maybe they just aren’t the right fit for us.

    No matter what happens, mistakes are only a waste of time if we refuse to learn from them. When we get things wrong, it gives us a great opportunity to review our practices and see what isn’t working. This will help us understand where the fault lies and how to fix it.

    Not everyone wants to be the boss, some just want to turn up and do what they love, but in order to find these people we have to be sure of their skills. You cannot take someone’s word on success. Spend time with them, sit with them and have them show you they can do everything you want them to do, in the way you want them to do it.

    Peter Cook, and Debbie Roberts, co-authors of the E-Myth Bookkeeper and co-founders of Pure Bookkeeping, are this episode’s featured guests. This sixth episode regarding The E-Myth Bookkeeper is all about how to hire great people, develop your systems and be relentless in the pursuit of your dreams.

    If you are struggling to grow in your business and want to scale but aren’t sure how to find and test the right people for you then this episode will teach you how to build the right systems and then test and hire with confidence.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of never giving up on your dreams How to hire great people & keep them The importance of systems & processes in your business

    To find out more about Peter, click here or connect with him on LinkedIn.

    To learn more about Debbie, visit this link or connect with her on LinkedIn.

    Get your copy of The E-Myth Bookkeeper.

    To learn about Pure Bookkeeping, visit this link.

    Catch-up on the full E-Myth Bookkeeper Peter Cook podcast series with past episodes below!

    Episode 1

    Episode 2

    Episode 3

    Episode 4

    Episode 5

    Time Stamps

    01:21 - The Successful Bookkeeper
    05:27 - Debbie’s story
    09:34 - Developing your systems
    18:52 - Finding the right people for you
    30:54 - Embracing what you’re good at

    This episode is brought to you by Pure Bookkeeping. It's the proven system to grow your bookkeeping business.

  • “You don’t have to know everything, but if you can ask the questions and then if you can figure out how those tie into the financials, you can say ‘here are the numbers, but here’s what they mean.’”
    -Jeff Bartsch

    All of us have a story, but few of us embrace the ability we all possess to change the narrative at any moment. There is comfort in familiarity, but it can also imprison us. If we keep saying to ourselves, ‘I am just a bookkeeper’, that is all we'll ever be.

    But, it doesn’t have to be this way.

    We can change our personal and professional stories at any time, and when we do, we begin to think differently about ourselves. If we are what we think, then changing our thoughts will automatically change our actions. Easier said than done, but given the alternative, what do we have to lose in trying to think better of ourselves?

    Jeff Bartsch, founder of Story Greenlight, is this episode’s featured guest. He has spent his career helping people understand the story of their business and how to tell it successfully. In this second of a two-episode special, Michael and Jeff discuss tactical ways to add advisory services to your business, the power of measurement and how to attract and keep your ideal client.

    If you think of yourself as just a bookkeeper or aren’t sure how to put your experience to greater use, then this is the episode to get you believing you don’t have to have all the answers, just the willingness to think better of yourself and try harder for your clients each day.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of measuring the data How to add advisory service to your business What your ideal client looks like, and how to keep them

    To find out more about Jeff, click here.

    Connect with him on LinkedIn. Get your complimentary 1-on-1 coaching with Jeff at this link. Time Stamps 01:18 - Understanding who you are
    09:24 - You are what you measure
    18:05 - Attracting & keeping your ideal clients
    25:11 - Learning more from Jeff
  • “A story is where a character wants something, overcomes obstacles to get it and experiences transformation as a result. Identity, desire, obstacles and transformation. And then we as providers of services and products, we are the guide, we come alongside to help that hero get what they want.” -Jeff Bartsch Being a bookkeeper is about more than our ability to do the math. There are plenty of technological solutions to bookkeeping, yet clients continue to hire human bookkeepers because we understand the story of that client’s business. We can leverage our experience in a way a machine is unable to. We build personal connections with our clients and guide them to success. In this advisory role, lies the true value of a bookkeeper. Someone who can reassure, support and advise in a way that builds connection and empowers clients to make the best of their businesses. Jeff Bartsch, founder of Story Greenlight is this episode’s featured guest. He has spent his career helping people understand the story of their business and how to tell it successfully. In this first of a two-episode special, Michael and Jeff explore ways to build connection with your audience, the power of storytelling and how businesses are transformed when you give the numbers meaning. If you want to connect with your clients more, but don’t feel confident using your knowledge and experience to build deeper relationships, then this is the episode for you! During this interview, you'll learn... The power of giving meaning to the numbers How to tell your story successfully The importance of building genuine connections To find out more about Jeff, click this link. Connect with him on LinkedIn. Get your complimentary 1-on-1 coaching with Jeff here. Time Stamps 02:12- Jeff discusses his career journey 05:55 - Connecting with your audience 11:39 - Telling your story 24:24 - Giving meaning to the numbers 30:10 - Delivering for your clients

  • “I think there are three main things that are super important for running a business. One is knowing how to be a great leader and a great manager of people. There’s learning how to hire the right people for your business and how to build a team. And then there’s knowing how to follow the rules and stay out of trouble!”
    -Jackie Koch

    As with all things in life and business, the earlier we get plans and systems in place, the more time, energy and money we will save down the road. This is especially true when it comes to employees. How do we know if we are hiring and firing too quickly or too slowly? The answer is we probably don’t. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

    We all want to do as much for ourselves as possible, but even if we can spread our knowledge to cover all the bases in a simple way, we will never be as good as a dedicated expert. We can guess what we need to do, but when we don’t know what we don’t know, there are going to be gaps.

    Jackie Koch, founder of People Principles and host of the World’s Greatest Boss podcast, is this episode’s featured guest. She has spent her career helping people create and maintain HR strategies for lasting success. Jackie and Michael explore the way small mistakes often lead to big problems, the value experts add to your business and the true meaning of Hire Slow, Fire Fast.

    If you want to hire new people or are finding exit conversations too challenging, this is the episode that will get you connecting with the right people to help you find your right people.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of expert experience in building your bookkeeping business How to hire & fire the right people at the right time The importance of catching mistakes early

    To find out more about Jackie, click here .

    Connect with her on LinkedIn.

    Learn more about the World’s Greatest Boss Podcast.

    Time Stamps

    01:54 - Jackie discusses her career journey
    05:09 - Small mistakes lead to big problems
    08:51 - Understanding the value of an expert
    14:12 - Hire slow
    22:47 - Fire fast!
    30:44 - Finding the right fit
    34:58 - Jackie’s recommendations

    This episode is brought to you by our great friends at Payworks!

    If you're looking for a reliable and affordable payroll platform for your business, look no further!

    To learn more, visit Payworks.ca TODAY!

  • “Spend 15 minutes a day every single day on something that matters to you. I don’t care if it matters to anybody else, but something that matters to you, and preferably do all this before you check your email.”
    -Sam Bennett

    Habit building is hard, especially when we aren’t always sure which way to direct our energy. The more we build a habit, the more momentum we gain, and the less we want to quit whatever it is we are doing. Unfortunately, the same is true of negative habits. If we struggle to even try, that is all that will happen. We’ll give up before we start to see results, and the more we give up, the more we’ll keep giving up.

    We can’t just copy others and hope to find the same success, we aren’t them. It’s scary to realize there is no right way to success, there is only our own way, all we have to do is lean into it, and build it up with good habits. Success is what follows those good habits.

    Sam Bennett, author of The 15-Minute Method, has spent her career helping overthinkers get things done, 15 minutes at a time. She has created an environment to help people live their best, most fulfilling and productive lives.

    In this episode, Sam and Michael illustrate the power of the 15-minute method, how to beat procrastination, and how to spend more time in your flow state. If you are an overthinker, constantly worried about making the right choices, then this is the episode that will get you believing you can be who you want to be.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The power of the 15-Minute Method How to spend more time in your flow The importance of overcoming procrastination

    To find out more about Sam, click here.

    To explore the Get it done! Daily Practicum, visit this link.

    Connect with Sam on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram

    Time Stamps

    01:35 - Sam discussses her career journey
    04:30 - Adjusting to a new reality
    10:10 - The power of 15 minutes
    17:43 - Getting to grips with procrastination
    20:58 - Building time in your flow state
    32:03 - The daily practicum

    This episode is brought to you by our great friends at Forwardly!

    With Forwardly, you can send free instant payments while keeping funds in your bank longer, receive instant payments for 80% less than credit card fees and enjoy same-day ACH—absolutely free!

    The best part?

    You can leap into the future of business payments with Forwardly and possibly earn yourself a FREE iPhone 15 Pro this summer!

    Visit thesuccessfulbookkeeper.com/forwardly for more information!

  • “The sales conversation isn’t about the details of how we do the bookkeeping, it's about, what are the benefits of that for a business owner.”
    -Peter Cook

    Most of us would say that referrals have been our best avenues to new business. Yet when quizzed about how we get them, many of us have no system or proactive approach in place with which to attract them.

    It’s a fine line, make too many cold calls/posts and no one will take us seriously, but sitting back and waiting for things to happen to us, doesn’t yield positive results either. This coupled with the issue that most of us are good at bookkeeping, not marketing, can make gaining and retaining clients a real problem.

    Peter Cook, co-author of The E-Myth Bookkeeper and co-founder of Pure Bookkeeping, is this episode’s featured guest. He takes a deeper look at effective systems and strategies for marketing, and how prioritizing meaningful connections can make all the difference.

    If you are unsure how to market yourself, but not really gaining any meaningful leads, then this is the episode to help you move away from telling people what you’re good at, and start actively showing them.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of letting your skills speak for themselves How to build meaningful relationships The importance of being proactive in your approach to referrals

    To find out more about Peter, click here.

    Connect with him on LinkedIn.

    Get your copy of The E-Myth Bookkeeper.

    To learn about Pure Bookkeeping, visit this link.

    Catch-up on the full E-Myth Bookkeeper Peter Cook podcast series with past episodes below!

    Episode 1

    Episode 2

    Episode 3

    Episode 4

    Time Stamps

    02:09 - Growing your bookkeeping business
    08:10 - Systems for marketing
    13:00 - Seven effective marketing strategies for bookkeepers
    16:52 - Building meaningful relationships
    24:22 - Creating referral systems
    28:30 - Is paid advertising worth it?

    This episode is brought to you by Pure Bookkeeping. It's the proven system to grow your bookkeeping business.

  • “We are in a supply/demand economy that favours the suppliers. And it's economics 101, if you have a supply shortage that can’t meet all the demand of the market, then you increase price.”
    -Joe Woodard

    Compliance is one of the biggest realms of challenge for bookkeepers, but it also provides consistent opportunity. The rules and regulations change so frequently that it can be hard to keep up, and if we feel that way, just imagine how non-bookkeeping businesses feel about it.

    Supply and demand rule the market, and there is always going to be a supply of potential clients who would rather just pay someone to take care of the books for them. Despite this, we have to be careful not to fall into the trap of undercharging and over-promising.

    Having hundreds of clients might feel like a success, but it probably doesn’t to the clients who barely get any of our time and, of course, if you're overworked for long enough, burnout will likely be in your future.

    Joe Woodard, acclaimed speaker and trainer, is this spotlight episode’s featured guest. He has spent his career helping businesses solve their complex operational needs and scale to new heights. In this episode, Joe and Louie Prosperi explore the importance of pricing, how to value your skills and experience and the role practice, planning and AI have in your business.

    If you are taking on more and more clients but are starting to fall behind your promises, then this is the episode to get you focused on building connections and pricing based on your unique abilities, not just how many people you can get on board.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of having a solid plan & sticking to it How to value your skills & experience The importance of knowing your worth when it comes to pricing

    To find out more about Joe, click here.

    Connect with him on LinkedIn.

    To buy your tickets for the upcoming Scaling New Heights conference, check out this link.

    Time Stamps

    01:30 - Getting to grips with compliance
    04:35 - Making the best of engagement letters
    06:55 - Staying on track
    09:54 - Knowing your price
    18:25 - Thinking long-term
    24:40 - Valuation & profitability
    29:58 - Practice, planning and AI

  • “If you want to stay viable in your bookkeeping business, you’re going to have to make that shift, and make your customers understand that they need you, and value you and your thought process that AI can’t do for them.” -Lora Lonesberry There can be no doubt that AI is changing our world. Yet we are not all as doomed to be replaced by technology as some would have us believe. AI, like all new inventions, offers us the chance to grow, by embracing a technology that can make our lives easier, while giving us more time to focus on the unique insights only we can provide. Without challenges there can be no growth, they keep us on the cutting edge of industry, daring us to keep up, deepening our skill set, experience and knowledge. Experience that clients are in desperate need of. AI can do the numbers faster than us, but it can’t contextualize them for the specific needs of a client. It can’t understand the dreams and hopes tied up in our client’s businesses. Lora Lonesberry, owner of Positive Statements, is this episode’s featured guest. She has spent her varied career helping people get proactive and creative when facing the challenges of business and personal growth. She speaks to the power of finding your niche and leveraging your unique skills to overcome any challenge and the need for strong community networks. If you are struggling to keep up, and don’t know which tools to use or how to leverage your skills, then this is the episode to get you asking the question; ‘What might your business look like if you implemented strategies to use AI to enhance, not replace, your services?’ During this interview, you'll learn... How to leverage AI to improve the success of your business The value of thinking about the little things The importance of community & networking To find out more about Lora, click here. Connect with her on LinkedIn and Twitter. Time Stamps 01:47 - Making the most of changes 04:18 - Embracing a change in thinking 07:06 - Getting to grips with AI 21:08 - Thinking about the little things 26:04 - Levelling up on your gaps 30:32 - Finding your niche

  • “People do that with their bookkeeping business, they start, they want to get some clients and they want to make some money, but they actually really have no idea what the journey looks like and where they are trying to get to. It’s a very different experience if you don’t know where you’re trying to get to.”
    -Peter Cook

    There is a common misconception among business owners, that we are never truly successful unless we can claim to have done everything ourselves. While there are advantages to stepping out of others’ shadows, it’s also far more likely we'll get burned.

    There is nothing wrong with taking stock of what other business owners are doing and seeing how we might apply their approach to our own bookkeeping business. Walking the same path as someone else doesn’t mean trying to walk precisely in their footprints. It’s just a chance for us to enjoy a slightly easier path made possible by those who walked it before us.

    Peter Cook, co-author of The E-Myth Bookkeeper and co-founder of Pure Bookkeeping, is this episode’s featured guest. This fourth episode on The E-Myth Bookkeeper series explores the bookkeeper’s journey, the challenges of transitioning your business, and why sticking to the plan can make all the difference.

    If you are struggling to let go of old ideas about success, aren’t sure how to move your business to the next phase of prosperity, or just want to get a better idea of what to expect on your journey, then this is the episode to show you it's okay to follow the trail.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of sticking to the plan How to navigate transitioning your business The importance of understanding the phases of your business

    To find out more about Peter, click here.

    Connect with him on LinkedIn.

    Get your copy of The E-Myth Bookkeeper.

    Catch-up on the full E-Myth Bookkeeper with Peter Cook series with past episodes below!

    Episode 1

    Episode 2

    Episode 3

    Time Stamps

    02:01 - The bookkeeping business journey
    07:41 - Helping bookkeepers grow their businesses
    10:30 - The four stages of a bookkeeping business
    16:26 - The challenges of transitioning your business
    24:21 - Creating your freedom

    This episode is brought to you by Pure Bookkeeping. It's the proven system to grow your bookkeeping business.

  • “You have to be willing to think a little bit differently about your business. If you follow what everyone else is doing, you’re going to get the same results everybody got.”
    -Racheal Cook

    Building a business is hard. There are so many barriers to success that the last thing we need is to get in our own way, either by supremely undervaluing our skills, or dramatically overestimating the market for them. We all want to follow our passions, but we need to temper that desire with the real-world potential of earning from it.

    We start our own businesses to gain the flexibility and freedom often not afforded to us elsewhere. But we must be careful not to let our pricing trap us into a situation where we may be our boss but have no time or energy for anything else.

    Racheal Cook, owner of the CEO Collective and host of the Promote Yourself To CEO podcast, is this episode’s featured guest. She has spent her career helping women create sustainable success on their own terms. She speaks to the power of breaking free of entrepreneurial poverty, how to price your value, and why investing in relationships matters.

    If you are struggling, unsure why everyone else seems so successful, but you are working more and more hours and only being rewarded with less time and energy, then this is the episode to help level up your thinking into a more proactive and strategic mindset.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of investing in relationships How to break free of entrepreneurial poverty The importance of pricing for the value of your skills

    To find out more about Racheal, click here.

    Connect with her on LinkedIn and Instagram.

    Listen to Racheal's Promote Yourself To CEO podcast.

    Time Stamps

    01:37 - Racheal discusses her career journey
    04:05 - Eliminating entrepreneurial poverty
    08:12 - Finding the value in your offering
    11:05 - Pricing for your business
    13:01 - Underpriced & overworked
    17:50 - Lifetime client value
    27:35 - Committing to building relationships
    32:10 - Promote yourself to CEO

    This episode is brought to you by our great friends at Sage!

    On May 30th at 5:30pm ET, join their team for an exciting night in Toronto to celebrate the launch of their new product, Sage for Accountants. :)

    Meet fellow colleagues, enjoy free drinks and food, experience amazing entertainment, and best of all, get a chance to win an evening at the all-inclusive Blue Jays Suite!

    Spots are limited so make sure you secure your tickets TODAY by clicking this link. It's a party you don't want to miss!

  • “The importance of your own personal achievement needs to be equal to the importance of everyone else’s achievement. We are all just harmoniously and fortunately moving towards the same thing: survival.”
    -Mike Michalowicz

    Are we working with the business or for the business? A great way to find out is to pay attention to the way you speak about the business. Are the successes and failures ‘ours’ or are they ‘theirs’? From this simple recognition, we can build a really clear picture of who is sharing the vision and who doesn’t feel like they belong.

    From there, the hard work begins. In order to maintain our success, we have to make sure those who work with and for us are benefiting too. No one is an island unto themselves; we all need help and support to achieve our dreams. And when we reach our peak of success, we must look back and help those who have supported us on our journey to achieve their own idea of success.

    Mike Michalowicz, author and keynote speaker, is this episode’s featured guest. He has spent his career helping people eradicate entrepreneurial poverty, fixing and removing barriers to true success. Mike speaks powerfully about the need to understand your people, how to get inspired, and why remembering your past successes matters.

    If you are struggling to share your vision, aren’t sure how to recognize the contributions of others, or inspire them to action, then this is the episode to get you thinking less about your dream and more about ‘our’ dreams.

    During this interview, you'll learn...

    The value of inspiring others to achieve their dreams How to effectively communicate a shared vision The importance of taking stock of your success

    To find out more about Mike, click here.

    Connect with him on LinkedIn.

    Buy his new book, All In: How Great Leaders Build Unstoppable Teams by visiting this link.

    Time Stamps

    01:47 - Becoming a great leader
    09:27 - Appreciating collective goals
    16:04 - Communicating a shared vision
    21:04 - How great leaders inspire their teams
    24:38 - Creating psychological ownership

    This episode is brought to you by our great friends at Forwardly!

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