
  • The election is only 4 weeks away now (!!!!) which means that we have less than 26 days to have some important conversations with the people in our lives. There are so many things to talk about: abortion access, gun violence, voting rights, the economy, immigration… and, as we discuss this week on the pod, the Supreme Court.

    Since the Dobbs decision overturned Roe vs Wade, the Supreme Court has been on all of our minds. But the truth is, Dobbs is just one of many recent rulings that have changed our democracy for the worse.

    We’re joined today by Leah Litman and Melissa Murray, two of the hosts of the podcast Strict Scrutiny. Every week they break down the news out of the Supreme Court and we were so pleased to hear their expert opinions on everything from term limits and court reform to what happens if Trump contests the results of the election. (The short answer? We need to win so decisively that a Harris/Walz victory is “litigation proof.”)

    Before that interview, we’re also joined by local Troublemaker Zarina Syed. Born and raised in the swing state of Pennsylvania, she recently started a group called Fearless Females for Democracy. Zarina shares what she’s been hearing from women on the ground and how it’s felt as a second-generation immigrant to witness the rhetoric of the Republican Party start to take hold in her town.

    Like Leah and Melissa, Zarina is cautiously optimistic. Democracy is a long-term project and there are no quick fixes, but if we keep sharing our stories and values with the people we know, we can keep moving forward. As VP Harris says, we’re not going back!

    In our chat with Zarina, she mentioned how an “Abortion Rights Barbie” t-shirt has proven to be a great icebreaker when she’s out knocking doors. Red Wine & Blue just updated our own online shop with some cute new shirts (and tote bags, and stickers, and buttons) so be sure to check it out now for your own icebreakers for democracy!

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • We’re back this week with regular episodes and we couldn’t have asked for a better guest than Jessica Valenti. Jessica has a popular newsletter on Substack called “Abortion, Every Day” where she covers the latest news about reproductive rights. She also has a new book that came out this week: Abortion - Our Bodies, Their Lies, and the Truths We Use to Win.

    Jessica shared her thoughts about America post-Roe, and in turn Rachel shared her own difficult personal story about losing her daughter Sarah shortly after she was born. The fact that extremists are spreading lies about “post-birth abortions” (which, to be clear, is just murder and is illegal in every state) and saying terrible things about parents like Rachel is… well, it’s difficult to think of a strong enough word. Awful? Evil? Unthinkable?

    One thing, however, is extremely clear. We have to vote them out.

    But before Rachel’s interview with Jessica, we’re joined by Janice Robinson. Janice is Red Wine & Blue’s Program Director in North Carolina and she catches us up on all things NC. The recent leaked posts from Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson were undeniably offensive, but Janice says that they just distract from the real issues facing women in her state like reproductive rights, public schools, and gun violence. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with the daily barrage of news, but when we focus on the issues, we win.

    If abortion rights are important to you (and if you’re listening to this podcast, they probably are!), the most effective action you can take right now is to join Rally. It’s our online tool to track the conversations you’re having about the election with the folks in your life. We’re holding lots of virtual Rally Your Squad events this month — some even with celebrities like June Diane Raphael — and we’d love to see you!

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

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  • So far on our miniseries The American Fabric, we’ve learned more about immigrants and why they come to this country. We’ve busted myths and decried disinformation. And we’ve heard immigrants tell their stories in their own words.

    Today, on the final episode, we’re talking about why this year’s election is so important. We have the opportunity to choose leaders who understand that immigrants are a cornerstone of this country and want to find humane bipartisan solutions. Leaders who don’t demonize vulnerable people for their own political gain. The outcome in November is crucial.

    The federal government hasn’t passed meaningful immigration reform since 1986. On today’s episode, we hear more from Congresswoman Delia Ramirez as well as our own Suburban Women Problem co-host Rep. Jasmine Clark about how Republicans are choosing their own political power over policies that would actually help people. We also talk to historian Nancy MacLean about how this is hardly the first time that anti-immigration rhetoric has gone hand-in-hand with authoritarianism.

    Balancing America’s national security and humanitarian needs is far from simple, but extremists like Trump and JD Vance aren’t interested in solving problems. They want us to be a nation of hate. Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, and all of the incredible leaders on the state and local level want to lead us back to our ideals. We’re a nation of immigrants. A nation of hope and opportunity.

    So it’s up to us now. We have to talk to everyone we know and make sure they understand what’s on the line. Let’s make sure that on election day, hope and freedom triumph.

    Thanks for listening to The American Fabric.

    To learn more about our guests:
    Lt. Colonel (retired) Alexander Vindman
    Congresswoman Delia Ramirez
    Dr. Andrea Bonior, psychologist and professor
    Dr. Sara Sadhwani, professor of politics and immigration
    Dr. Nancy MacLean, political historian and author

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • Extremists have always used disinformation and fear-mongering to further their cause. But their rhetoric about immigration has stooped to new lows in recent months.

    Some of the lies are so outrageous it might be tempting to laugh. Haitian immigrants, for example, are not eating their neighbors’ pets in Springfield Ohio. And 107% of American jobs have not been taken by “illegal aliens,” as Trump claimed. (107 percent? How would that even work?)

    But the misinformation is no laughing matter. It’s having real effects on people around the country. In Springfield, for example, schools have been closing because of bomb threats. Every time the rhetoric goes up, violence goes up with it.

    Then there’s misinformation that feels less absurd but is still absolutely incorrect. The idea that immigrants commit more crimes than native-born Americans, for example, is widely believed by many despite every statistic and research study proving the exact opposite. And economists have shown that immigrants aren’t “stealing jobs.” Again, the opposite is true: immigration strengthens our economy and creates jobs for both native-born Americans and immigrants.

    On today’s episode of The American Fabric, we’re busting myths and tackling the fear-mongering head on.

    Don’t miss our last episode tomorrow!

    Learn more about our guests:
    Lt. Colonel (retired) Alexander Vindman
    Congresswoman Delia Ramirez
    Dr. Andrea Bonior, psychologist and professor
    Dr. Sara Sadhwani, professor of politics and immigration
    Sonal Jain, owner of Chamak Dhamak in Akron OH

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • Despite all the extremist disinformation, suburban women aren’t afraid of immigrants. They’re our friends, our neighbors, our spouses. They’re us. Immigration isn’t a story about fear… it’s a story about love.

    And no one knows this better than our own Suburban Women Problem co-host Rachel Vindman. Her husband Alex came here as a refugee from the Soviet Union when he was only 4 years old. Alex says his immigration story has a lot to do with his patriotism and optimism about The United States. It even made it into the speech he made while testifying in Donald Trump's 2019 impeachment case. "Because this is America," he said. "And here right matters."

    This week, we have a special 3-episode miniseries to share with you called The American Fabric. It's hosted by Rachel and features conversations with Alex and other immigrants along with a historian, a political science professor, a psychologist, a Congresswoman, and more. We'll have new episodes on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week.

    The way we think and talk about immigration in the next month and a half could determine the future of American democracy. We're so pleased to share this special series with you and hope it helps you talk about immigration with the folks in your life.

    Stay tuned for Episode 2 tomorrow!

    To learn more about our guests:
    Lt. Colonel (retired) Alexander Vindman
    Congresswoman Delia Ramirez
    Dr. Sara Sadhwani, professor of politics and immigration
    Sonal Jain, owner of Chamak Dhamak in Akron OH

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • It’s been so disheartening to see outlandish and offensive rumors about Haitian immigrants in Springfield Ohio turn into bomb threats, harassment, and arson. But it’s also not surprising. It’s the inevitable consequence of dangerous extremist rhetoric.

    During last week’s debate, we saw Donald Trump attack immigrants at every turn. And JD Vance just admitted on television that he shared the story about Haitians in Springfield despite knowing it was a lie. “If I have to create stories,” he told Dana Bash of CNN, “then that’s what I’m gonna do.”

    But that kind of negative messaging, those attacks on our neighbors, don’t sit well with suburban women. And they certainly don’t appeal to young people. This week we’re joined by Olivia Julianna, an inspiring Gen Z activist.

    Olivia tells our hosts that young people care about the same issues as other generations - issues like affordable housing, abortion rights, gun violence, and childcare. So when we talk to the young people in our lives about voting, she advises us to start by asking what they care about. What issues affect them every day? Chances are, you’ll be able to connect those issues back to policies that have a tangible impact on their lives.

    If you want to support Haitian immigrants in Ohio, Community Refugee & Immigration Services and the Haitian Community Help and Support Center are good places to start.

    Next week, we’ll be taking a short break from The Suburban Women Problem to share a 3-episode miniseries about immigration called The American Fabric. Hosted by Rachel Vindman, this series will debunk myths and misinformation, examine what can be done politically, and give immigrants a chance to tell their own story. It’ll appear in the regular podcast feed on Wednesday September 25th.

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • Last week was a tough one in Georgia. After the shooting at a high school in Winder GA, Jasmine says her daughter was afraid to go to school. And she’s not the only one - every child, parent, and frankly any person who watches the news gets retraumatized each time this happens.

    And yet, still politicians do nothing. In fact, last week JD Vance called school shootings “a fact of life."

    Instead, he and other extremist Republicans have chosen something else to fixate on: the so-called traditional nuclear family. This isn’t the first time America has gone through a “marriage panic,” as our guest Julie Kohler of White Picket Fence puts it, but it’s particularly infuriating given Republicans’ unwillingness to address the lax gun laws that are actually putting our kids at risk.

    Julie explains exactly how extremists are trying to force their regressive version of gender roles and the “traditional family” on everyone. From banning no-fault divorce to changes to the tax code, they want to take women and LGBTQ people back to a past where we had no rights. And of course this 1950s vision of the American family has plenty of racism baked in too.

    We may no longer be shocked by Trump or Vance’s comments about women (“childless cat ladies” and all), but we can’t just roll our eyes at their rhetoric. They have real policies to back it up, and we have to tell everyone we know.

    After their interview with Julie, Jasmine and Amanda wrap up with a toast to campaign volunteers and First Serve's Day of Service in this week's Toast to Joy.

    If you're wondering to talk to young people in your life around voting, we invite you to join us at 7:30pm on Thursday 9/12 for a virtual Ask Me Anything event with a panel of inspiring young activists: Olivia Juliana, Sam Schwartz, and Haley Lickstein. You can learn more and RSVP here.

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • In the final episode of Sacred Politics, we delve into the intersection of religion and social activism. From advocating for human rights to championing environmental stewardship, we uncover how religious groups and individuals have leveraged their faith to fuel positive change.

    Shane Claiborne: http://www.shaneclaiborne.com/

    Red Letter Christians: https://redletterchristians.org/

    Rev Karla: https://revkarla.com/

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • In episode 2 of Sacred Politics, we discuss the trajectory of Christian Nationalism and its looming impact on the nation's future. From the halls of Congress to grassroots movements, we examine how this ideological force is poised to influence the political agenda in the years to come with the implementation of Project 2025.

    Jess McIntosh: https://x.com/jess_mc?lang=en

    Jemar Tisby: https://jemartisby.com/

    The Spirit of Justice: https://www.amazon.com/Spirit-Justice-Stories-Faith-Resistance/dp/031014485X

    Talia Lavin:

    Wild Faith: https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/talia-lavin/wild-faith/9780306829192/

    Culture Warlords:

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • In our limited podcast series, Sacred Politics, we reveal the dangers of Christian Nationalism in American politics amidst the 2024 election season. Through narrative storytelling and expert interviews, we uncover Christian Nationalism's role in shaping elections, legislation, and public discourse, while also exploring how faith-inspired activism can drive positive change.

    In episode one, we look through American history to uncover the profound influence of Christian Nationalism. From pivotal moments like its role in electing Donald Trump to its impact on the pro-life movement, this episode delves into the intricate relationship between religion and politics in the United States. Through expert analysis and historical insights, we discuss how Christian Nationalism has shaped policies and cultural attitudes, influencing debates on issues such as abortion, LGBTQ+ rights, and education.

    Katherine Stewart: https://kristindumez.com/

    April Ajoy: https://www.instagram.com/aprilajoy/?hl=en

    Star-Spangled Jesus: https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/april-ajoy/star-spangled-jesus/9781546006688/?lens=worthy

    Kristin Du Mez:

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • This episode is family-only as Rachel, Jasmine and Amanda tell us all about their amazing week at the DNC. In fact, they agreed that "amazing" doesn't even begin to capture how exciting and uplifting last week was.

    The joy was palpable, and we heartily reject a recent New York Times headline that "joy isn't a strategy." Joy IS a strategy. Hope and joy got us Obama. Fear might be a motivator as old as time, but extremists can only lie so many times before people realize they’re being manipulated.

    But our joy is more than an emotion - we have actual policy strategies to go with it. It’s no wonder that the US is typically polled as one of the least happy nations. It's hard to be happy when you're constantly stressed about medical bills, housing, grocery prices, and access to reproductive care. VP Harris, Coach Walz, and all of the other incredible speakers at the DNC drew the direct connection between their joy and their policies.

    But we can’t just sit back and hope that joy magically delivers us an election. We need to work. Democracy is a team sport and we can’t stay on the bench - we have to lace up our shoes and get in the game. There's less than 70 days now until the election, so let's make every one count.

    One thing you can do right now is join Rally! Rally is a simple way for you to talk to your friends and family about the importance of this election.

    Next week we'll be taking a short break for Labor Day and instead, we'll have another amazing limited series to share with you. It's called Sacred Politics and it's produced by the same women who brought us The Cost of Extremism last year. Sacred Politics will discuss the dangers of Christian Nationalism, so be sure to tune in to this 3-episode series.

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • Jasmine and Amanda are at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, so on this episode, Rachel is co-hosting with Jess Piper. And it's great timing because as of last week, abortion will be on the ballot in her home state of Missouri - something that she and other advocates have been working hard to achieve. They gathered 380,000 signatures, a full 200k more than they needed!

    It's important to remember that even in "red" states like Missouri, extremists are the minority. But when gerrymandering and misinformation run rampant, the far right can implement damaging policies like abortion bans and book bans. Jess even calls her state a "pilot program" for Project 2025, devastating healthcare and public education. No matter what state we live in, we have to stand up against extremism because it affects all of us.

    And speaking of Project 2025, this week we're also joined by Nancy MacLean, author of Democracy in Chains: The Deep History of the Radical Right's Stealth Plan for America. Nancy walks us through the history of the Heritage Foundation and P2025, as well as where she sees the far right going in the future. Her knowledge and her joy are captivating, even if the topics she studies are anything but joyful. She’s proof that we can take this work seriously while still having fun.

    Finally, Jess and Rachel raise a glass to daughters and to Tim Walz in this week's Toast to Joy.

    Red Wine and Blue is going to be in D.C. Labor Day weekend – want to join us? Moms for Liberty will be holding their annual summit where they double down on hate and extremism. We cannot and will not let Moms for Liberty speak for us. Let’s turn out in big numbers to show that we are the majority! You can find more details here.

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • Every week in this political cycle feels like a decade! It’s hard to believe it’s only been a week since Kamala Harris announced Tim Walz as her VP pick. And if the energy was good before, now it’s downright jubilant. Governor Walz’s free school lunches program in Minnesota is exactly the kind of support we’ve been talking about throughout our Momonomics campaign.

    On today’s episode, we’re talking about the care economy with Dr. Jessica Calarco, the author of “Holding It Together: How Women Became America’s Safety Net.” Jessica’s book is full of data and personal stories about women who, in the absence of a national safety net, have been forced to put their own health, happiness, and careers on the back burner. She tells us about how we can talk to the men in our lives (young and old alike) about how this isn’t a zero sum game… when we strengthen our safety net, it’s better for women AND men.

    Finally, Rachel and Amanda raise a glass to family, empathy, and the power to change your mind in this week's Toast to Joy.

    We’re all feeling excited by the energy of the Harris/Walz campaign and ready to talk to our friends and neighbors about voting. And there’s no better way to start a conversation than with some Red Wine & Blue merch! We have new stickers, t-shirts, and tote bags with messages like “I’m All In To Stop Project 2025” and “I’m in my Activist Era.” You can check them out at shop.redwine.blue.

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • The energy we’ve been feeling since VP Kamala Harris became the candidate has been undeniable. Jasmine says she hasn’t felt this level of hope since Obama’s campaign in 2008. But the more successful Kamala’s campaign becomes, the more concerned we're getting about extremists resorting to undemocratic tactics. (It wouldn’t be the first time, after all!) In Georgia, some very concerning disenfranchisement efforts are already in the works.

    But as much as we need to be aware of those undemocratic tactics, we cannot let them cast a shadow on our joy. Our guest this week, Holli Holliday, was such a delight and shared some words about the importance of doubling – no, tripling – down on hope. She also had great advice about how to respond if we hear neighbors or family members repeating racist misinformation about Kamala. We know the power of real conversations and relational organizing, and we couldn’t agree more!

    Finally, Rachel and Jasmine raise a glass to getting back in the game after an illness and a tropical trip with elected Black women in this week's Toast to Joy.

    The next exciting event in our Momonomics campaign is coming up soon and you’re invited! You’ve probably heard your friends and neighbors worrying about the economy, but it can be hard to know how to talk about it. Join us on Tuesday August 13th at 7:30pm Eastern for an Ask Me Anything event that’s all about the economy. When you RSVP, you can even submit your own questions. Learn more and sign up here.

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • Lately there have been so many exciting organizing events on Zoom. And Red Wine & Blue is no exception - just two weeks after our incredibly successful event with Heather Cox Richardson, we held another event to talk about Project 2025… with Senator Elizabeth Warren!

    Here’s the audio from that call, and if you’d like to watch on video, you can see it here.

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • This week, Red Wine & Blue is launching a new campaign called Momonomics. The economy has been on everyone’s mind, and Republicans present it as one of their strongest issues. But we know that Democratic policies like paid childcare and reproductive freedom are what actually help American families.

    So this week, we’re joined by Sondra Goldschein, the Executive Director of the Campaign for a Family Friendly Economy. Sondra talks to us about what policies actually help working families and how Republicans like Trump and J.D. Vance are incredibly out of touch with what real families need. J.D. even called childcare “class warfare against normal people”! But amongst advanced nations, the United States has some of the worst policies for childcare and parental leave in the world.

    After that, we chat with Jo Carducci, also known as JoJoFromJerz, to share how economic policies have affected moms like her. Like so many single moms, during the pandemic she was put into the impossible position of choosing between childcare and her income. Moms shouldn't have to feel ashamed that they can't "do it all" when there are no systems in place to support them.

    Finally, Amanda and Jasmine raise a glass to community, bipartisan solutions, and the Tour to Save Democracy in this week's Toast to Joy.

    A few days ago, Red Wine & Blue held another incredibly successful event right on the heels of our virtual event with Heather Cox Richardson. This time, we were joined by Senator Elizabeth Warren, who shared her thoughts about Project 2025 and Momonomics. If you weren't able to join us, the video is available on YouTube.

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • Over the weekend, President Joe Biden announced that he would be stepping down as the nominee and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris. We’ve had every reaction imaginable: excitement, appreciation for Biden's great work, fear over the racist and sexist attacks that are already coming, and everything in between. But despite our anxieties we are energized and ready to go! The conversations we have with our friends and family in the next 100 days will be make or break for democracy.

    And we couldn’t have asked for better timing with our guest this week because we are joined by Sam Schwartz, an inspiring Gen Z activist who is currently leading the youth-driven Tour To Save Democracy. Sam’s cousin Alex was tragically killed in the Parkland school shooting, and ever since then Sam has been a passionate advocate against gun violence. We were thrilled to have his perspective on the 2024 election, what young people think about VP Harris, and how we can get Gen Z to the polls in November.

    Finally, Rachel, Amanda and Jasmine raise a glass to Leslie Odom Jr., spending time outdoors with family, and conversations with constituents in this week's Toast to Joy.

    You can watch a video of our virtual event with Heather Cox Richardson here on YouTube and view our Project 2025 toolkit here. And next week we have another exciting event with Senator Elizabeth Warren! She’ll be joining us to discuss Project 2025 and the economy - you can learn more and RSVP here.

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • On a Monday night in the middle of summer, hundreds of thousands of people watched a virtual event where a historian spoke about a 900-page Republican playbook. It sounds like some DC-based strategist’s dream, but it was just another day at Red Wine & Blue!

    This past Monday July 15th, Heather Cox Richardson joined us to talk about Project 2025, and we wanted to share the audio of that conversation with you. Whether you missed the event or just wanted to listen to Heather again, please enjoy this conversation about Project 2025.

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • This week we’re joined by one of our favorite guest hosts, political strategist Jess McIntosh. You know what they say… come to discuss the electoral process, stay to discuss the latest shocking thing to hit our newsfeeds.

    Jess, Amanda and Jasmine discuss the events of the weekend, the recent increase in political violence and violent rhetoric, and emphasize that we need to settle our policy differences at the ballot box. But “lowering the temperature in our politics” doesn’t mean that we suddenly stop talking about extremist policies that threaten our country.

    After that conversation, we’re joined by Scott Anderson of The Strategic Victory Fund to demystify our election process. How do elections work? Are they really secure? How does the electoral college work, and can we change it? Scott answers all of our questions and more.

    Finally, Jess, Amanda and Jasmine raise a glass to Portland, DoorDash, and Rudy Giuliani having to pay the campaign workers he defamed in this week's Toast to Joy.

    If you have questions about Project 2025 and want to learn more, you can view our online toolkit here.

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

    You can learn more about us at www.redwine.blue or follow us on social media!

    Twitter: @TheSWPpod and @RedWineBlueUSA

    Instagram: @RedWineBlueUSA

    Facebook: @RedWineBlueUSA

    YouTube: @RedWineBlueUSA

  • We’re all still recovering from last week’s debate and what it means for the election, but like we said in our last episode, the stakes have not changed. There’s Project 2025, the right-wing plan to overturn democracy in America. There’s the constant attacks on reproductive rights. There’s even Mark Robinson, the MAGA candidate for governor in North Carolina, saying that “some folks need killing”! Democrats might be in the midst of a family debate over our nominee in November, but the most important thing is to ensure that we're united against extremism.

    This week, we’re joined by Emily Amick, a digital media superstar who’s on a mission to make civic engagement part of self-care. Along with Sami Sage, she’s the co-author of a new book called Democracy in Retrograde: How to Make Changes Big and Small in Our Country and in Our Lives. Emily tells us how in the heck politics can feel like self care and how we can make a real difference in our communities by stepping up and getting involved.

    Finally, Rachel, Amanda and Jasmine raise a glass to the people of Arkansas and Ohio, to spending the 4th of July with community, and to good election results across the world in this week's Toast to Joy.

    If you have questions about Project 2025 and what's at stake, we invite you to join us at a virtual event with Heather Cox Richardson on Monday, July 15 at 7:00pm Eastern. You can learn more and RSVP here.

    For a transcript of this episode, please email [email protected].

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