I wish we could go back to communicating through cute drawings of dogs and horses on cave walls, but unfortunately, we’re stuck with these damn words. And it turns out that being able to communicate yourself clearly and assertively is super important for your mental health!! It’s the only healthy way to communicate in a relationship (and relationships are super important for mental health!!), it’s essential for communicating your mental health needs to friends, family, and partners, and it’s the only effective way to call people on their sh*t when they’re using stigmatizing language. But what the heck is assertive communication?? And how the heck do you do it?? Lucky for you we’ve dedicated a whole episode of TSIR to different communication styles, and how to communicate yourself clearly, calmly, and assertively!
Remember how we told you that healthy relationships are wonderful and act as a shield? Well the flip side of that is a destructive relationship. This past week people wore pink to stand up to bullying and today we want to talk about bullying in adulthood. It is a real thing and has serious mental health consequences for both the people who experience it and witness it. We are joined by Dr. Wendy Craig, an expert on relationships and bullying across the life span. She discusses with us what bullying in adulthood looks like, what are the effects, and how we can take action.
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Months ago, we established that supportive relationships have big impacts on our mental health because they get us through tough times. We're here today to talk more about relationships, specifically what makes them healthy! And we're talking relationships of all kinds: romantic partners, friends, family members, and the most important, your coscto sample lady.Because while healthy, wonderful relationships do magical things for our physical and mental health, unhealthy relationships cause us stress and mental health problems! But how do you know whether your relationships are meeting your needs?? And are you meeting the needs of the people in your life??
It’s 11pm, bedtime….the perfect moment for your brain to present you with your top 10 most embarrassing memories. Fast forward to 3am... We have a complicated relationship with sleep. We want so desperately to be in a long-term relationship with it but then do things to push it away. Today we talk about how sleep (or not sleeping) impacts our mental health! Having one bad sleep might leave you feeling groggy but weeks and months of bad sleep can seriously affect our mood. Jackie Huberman, a PhD student in Clinical Psychology, is here with us to discuss the connection between sleep in mental health, debunk some sleep myths, and share with us the small steps we can take to have better sleep!
We all have that one aunt that just keeps telling us that "if only we went out and tried the yoga, we'd feel so much better!" They're the worst. But, unfortunately, there's a bit of truth to what she's saying (don't worry, we won't tell her). It turns out that our brains and bodies are NOT completely separate, just YOLOing off on their own. They're very connected! When we move our bodies, our brain finds out. AND because of pesky evolution, it seems that our brains are happiest when we're movin' & shakin', and busting out the Macarena. Because we evolved to move (and quite well, I must say), our brains perform best when our pedometers are hitting those high numbers. Most importantly for us, this means that movement is actually one of the best ways to fend off mental health problems and prevent them from occurring in the first place!!
They are stressful. You spend a lot of money, you eat and drink too much, and who knows what is going to come out around the dinner table! Politics, your single status, religion, unwarranted advice from Aunt Susan about how to cure your so called millennial blues? The holidays can be a wild ride and not necessarily the fun kind at Disney land. Things can get all kinds of stressful... which we know (because we have said it a million times) can affect our mental health.
This is why you need a plan. A Holiday Mental Health Plan. WE LOVE PLANS
As our gift to you this holiday season we are going to help you make your Holiday Mental Health plan and spoiler alert we are going to bring back some of the topics we’ve covered in our previous videos/podcasts. -
Let’s face it. We’re almost always WAY nicer to our loved ones (or even strangers!) than we are to ourselves... And it turns out that being super mean and critical of yourself can put you at risk for mental health problems! Today we want to talk about a kind of thinking style (or cognitive lens for all you fancypants out there!) that acts like a protective shield against, well, ourselves! And how crappy we can be to ourselves! We’re talking about SELF-COMPASSION and how important it is for you and your mental health to give yourself a break every now and then.
SO, you’ve decided that it might be helpful to get some professional mental health support. AWESOME! 100 bonus grown up points for you. But how do you actually do that!? Where do you go?? Who ya gonna call?? Certainly not the ghost busters. This week we’re all about how learning how to actually get help. Because the worst thing you can do is wait until you need help to try to figure out how to navigate this confusing system! We cover the difference between the services you can get from your family dr, a community counsellor, a clinical psychologist, and a psychiatrist, as well as some other mental health supports you should know about.
If you’ve been following along week by week you’ll know that we’ve been throwing a LOT of information at you so far about the things you can do to improve or protect your mental health. Talk about mental health! Be aware of your emotions! Manage your emotions in a healthy way! Make sure you have enough (and the right kind of) social support! We sound a bit like a naggy mom (no offense mom..). So this week we wanted to change gears and focus on what someone else can do to help you with your mental health! And no, we’re not talking about the guy who says he will heal your mind for five easy instalments of $19.99. Seeking professional mental health support is hard for so many reasons… There’s a lot of stigma around needing help with your mental health, and with being “in therapy”! There’s also just the scary question of “When do I actually need to seek professional help?” To help you understand the benefits of seeking help, when you should actually pick up the phone to make that call, and some of the most common misconceptions or barriers to seeking help, we interviewed a phenomenal clinical psychologist here in Kingston, Ontario.
Having good support in our lives is amazing… It means someone is there to pick you up when you’re feeling down, make you laugh when it’s hard to smile, and to feed you pizza when you’re too hungry to move. But sometimes we have to step back and make sure that the people supporting us are actually giving us the kind of support that we need! Check out our latest video, podcast, and articles to learn more about how social support actually changes your body’s way of handling stress, how long this has been beneficial, and the kinds of faux-supporters you may have to watch your back around.
When we're in a situation our brain tries to help us by figuring out what the heck is happening! But our brain can be pretty lazy so it only picks out some information and provides you with a snazzy perspective on that situation. Our EMOTIONS (no surprise) play a big role in what information our brains pick out which has big impacts for how we see the world and for our mental health (no surprise)!
We now know that there are tools to manage our emotions but big whoop, tools are useless if you don't know how to use them. Today we go into detail about what those tools look like in real life and talk about making your own "toolbox" of emotion regulation strategies so you can begin to feel in more control of those wily emotions
Once you get rolling in that ocean of emotion, you gotta learn how to steer the ship. Your emotions are a roller coaster, but you’re the one who builds the track. You gotta check yo self before you wreck yo self. Enough analogies for you? This week we’re talking about what to do with your emotions once they start bubbling up to the surface. We’ve got a cameo appearance from Vanessa and Kalee’s phenomenal supervisor, Dr. Tom Hollenstein, and he’s going to tell you all about the ways that you can keep your emotions from wreckin yo self.
How would you feel if someone called you an "emotional person"? Probably offended. Why? Because for some reason we think emotions are bad. But NEWS FLASH, every person is an emotional person. We all have emotions but often we do our damnedest to pretend that we don't. Today we are going to talk about why emotions are important and why we should start paying attention to our own.
We all know that you're an amazing friend who wants to shower your loved ones with support and respect. But when it comes time to talk about mental health and a problem they're having? It gets a little tricky. Let us shower you with some tips on how to be a rockstar mental health advocate and listener.
We're going to be dropping all kinds of knowledge on you about why it's so important to talk about mental health, what stigma is (we had to look it up), and what you can do to get better at talking about mental health!