
  • Hello and Welcome to another episode of The Stress Mastery Podcast. This week our topic is Spirituality and today’s Meeting of the Minds we are discussing “What is Spirituality?” Spirituality and Religion are not necessarily the same thing. Religion is taught as an outer form, it is about knowledge, rules and the do’s and don’ts. Spirituality is the knowing of knowledge , it is experience, and as we will discuss today, it is living the truths. While Religion is the Husk, Spirituality is the Seed. Merry Christmas!


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  • This week our topic is “Resolution” and today’s Set-Up Sunday I am discussing Shift the New Year Resolution. In this episode I discuss the Resolution and how to shift your New Year Resolution to guarantee success. Understanding the process in developing new habits will set your New Year on the right path.


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  • This week our topic is Peace and today’s Connection Thursday I am discussing What is Living Your Truth? This is a hard question to answer for the simple reason most people have no idea what truth actually is. To live your truth you must understand truth and then everything will become clear.


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  • This week our topic is Connection and today’s Connection Thursday we are discussing Writing Our Life Code. The reality we live our lives in is dependent on the coding of the identity we hold in mind. If your reality makes you unhappy chances are you are living from a life code set for you as a child. To change your reality you must write your life code as you desire life to be.


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  • This week our topic is Disruption and today we debut Ego-Maniac Wednesday. Bill Cortright and Patrick Garner discuss what is the Ego-Maniac? How does the Ego-Maniac affect all Five Life Categories? How does the Ego-Maniac disrupts your life!


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  • This week our topic is Harmony and today I have a special guest as co-host Lee Kellogg (www.leekellogg.com) and we are discussing the Power of Decision and your Vital Force. To create changes in our lives takes energy to deal with conflict-resolution and move through the comfort zone. In this episode Lee and I discuss some ways that you can free up that Vital Force to gather momentum for your climb of the Mountain toward YOUR light.


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  • This week our topic is Desire and today’s Connection Thursday we are discussing Purpose and Motivating Force. Many people have passion yet cannot motivate themselves to do what it takes to manifest the passion. Then there are those who discover their Purpose yet never attach their passion to the Purpose. The key is discovering your Purpose and unique gifts and attaching your passion, This creates the Motivating Force.


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  • Have you ever had an opportunity that you knew was perfect yet failed or hesitated to act? Why if something or someone can help us progress on our path, we fail to seize it? The answer is…the human being is hardwired for behavior and this behavior is dictated by what is known and familiar anything new will cause the brain to resist. This is the stress response built within each of us dictating our behavior. Once we understand the function and operation of the human being we then can change behavior.


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  • In Part Three of our January series on Optimal Health and Well-Being we are discussing ‘Inflammation’ which has been found to be the connection to obesity and all lifestyle diseases. Inflammation is tied to stress, and it is imperative that you understand the human being and the body and brain naturally combats stress. The issue is that our body functions exactly as it did 200,000 years ago. It was designed for an environment where the stress response was activated when in danger. It was not designed for today’s world. This is the major cause of obesity and disease.


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  • Conflict is defined as a battle or opposing actions. When it comes to our health both physical and mental the key component is the balance of the body. The key players in this balance are the head and gut brain. Much is taught to us about the head brain and little if anything is taught about the Gut Brain. In this episode I will reveal the truth when it comes to creating the well-being so many seek after the truth of the Gut Brain and its impeccable connection to our physical and mental health. It is the conflict of this connection that causes depression, anxiety, and many inflammatory diseases.


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  • This week our topic is Addiction and today’s Health Huddles we are discussing the amazing brain. Addiction is the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. This week I will expand how addiction is affecting all our lives but before I can do this you must understand the brain and its chemical process. The mind holds the programs that sets our perception and if anything goes against this we have conflict. While the body supports the mind it is the brain that holds the conflict in mind and this can lead to addictive behavior.


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  • This week our topic is Pressure and today’s Meeting of the Minds we are discussing The Ego- Creator of Pressure. This is an important episode to understand the mechanics of how the Ego turns pressure that could be used for personal growth into stress and fear. The Ego survives by locking us in the limbic brain so we get stuck in the Red Zone and fail to do what it takes to reach our goals and grow. Today we will unmask the Ego.


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  • Hello and Welcome back to another episode of The Stress Mastery Podcast. Bill and David will be discussing “Spiritual Adversity and Finding Faith” as they continue the week’s topic on Adversity. So many of us see adversity as a punishment or some type of curse. In this show, Bill explains why God brings adversity into your life, it is for You and Your growth. The truth is without adversity we can never grow to our fullest potential. It is all about your view that determines if adversity is divine or evil.


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  • Hello and Welcome back to another episode of The Stress Mastery Podcast. This week our topic is “Letting Go” and today’s Connection Thursday we are discussing Going from Believing to Knowing. To believe is having a connection to the programming received from the Tribalization Process. It is a connection to our identity. To know is a connection to our-self and this knowing creates faith, trust and a living a life out of stress.


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  • Hello and Welcome to another episode of The Stress Mastery Podcast. This week our topic is “Faith” and today’s Health Huddles we are discussing Developing Faith in Our Body. In this episode we are discussing two aspects of what it takes for us to develop Faith in our body. First, is the function of the body. Our body is built for survival and this must be understood. Second, is the purpose of the body. The purpose of the body is to allow us to grow and expand our energy and lives. This is a very different Health Huddles so listen in and enjoy.


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  • Hello and Welcome to another episode of The Stress Mastery Podcast. This week our topic is “Faith” and today’s Connection Thursday we are discussing Connecting to Faith. To connect to Faith is for us to connect to the Heart which faith is a tool. Living in faith is a choice that we each must make if we are to touch God. To connect to faith we must step out of fear and cease letting our differences separate us from others. Faith begins with forgiveness toward ourselves and others. Faith is seeing the inner truth behind the cultural landscape that separates us all.


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  • This week our topic is Hope and today’s special version of Connection Thursday we are discussing Hope versus Faith. My intention for this episode is show the difference in the energies between hope and faith. It is important to understand the difference between hope and faith as you progress on your lives journey.


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  • This week our topic is Perspective and today’s Connection Thursday we are discussing the Teachings of Neville Goddard and the ties to Stress Mastery. Neville was a teacher you may or may not of heard of but his teachings have lived on through great teachers such as Wayne Dyer. Today we will discuss this great man and how it connects to Stress Mastery.


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  • Happy Thanksgiving! In today’s episode Bill and David discuss what its like to step into new spaces. As we grow we need to remove the Ego and its voice from the equation. When we can understand how the Ego uses separation and competition to hold us down we then can begin the process of shifting.


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  • This week our topic is Essence and today’s Health Huddles I am discussing The Societal Programming of Being Fat. The body image that we unconsciously strive for has been programmed over centuries. The diet marketing plays off this programming and is one of the reasons we are now in an obesity crisis worldwide. The first step in correcting the rise in obesity is awareness of the true cause.


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