
  • I've been tuning my life patterns to the seasons of mother earth for a couple years now, and I've got some insights on how it's going. Now seemed as a good a time to share them as any!

    Have you also been living with the seasons, or with the 4 phases of your menstrual cycle? I'd love to hear what lessons you've received and what it is like for you!

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    Available now! www.patreon.com/SoulAmplified
    June theme is Mary Magdalene, there are videos, printables and a group call all on this topic!
    Get a 7 day free trial of the Gush Tier!
    Mary Magdalene Meditation Ceremony happening June 27, 4pm pacific, available to Gush and Bitch, please members
    This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of the inspired messages I have to share, worksheets, videos, and group interaction with me through teaching or ceremony.

    Join my email list--just click here!
    I share insights here not seen anywhere else, as well as coupon codes, early access and bonus' for early sign up! If you want all the cool things, this is the place to be! Email comes out every Monday morning.

    The Text Message service is glitching right now, and I have to fix it so I can restart it. I know it has been silent for months. I promise I'm working on it!

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]

  • Sometimes talking about our inner experience is confusing and we can't find the right words. This can be the case for those who have mental health or health circumstances that impact their energy levels and stamina on a daily basis.

    Luckily, there is an analogy some smart person thought up to relay to others how much energy you have. Enter: The Spoon Analogy.

    Have you used the Spoon Analogy before? What did I leave out of the description? Was it effective for you? I want to know!

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    Available now! www.patreon.com/SoulAmplified
    June theme is Mary Magdalene, there are videos, printables and a group call all on this topic!
    Get a 7 day free trial of the Gush Tier!
    Mary Magdalene Meditation Ceremony happening June 27, 4pm pacific, available to Gush and Bitch, please members
    This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of the inspired messages I have to share, worksheets, videos, and group interaction with me through teaching or ceremony.

    Join my email list--just click here!
    I share insights here not seen anywhere else, as well as coupon codes, early access and bonus' for early sign up! If you want all the cool things, this is the place to be! Email comes out every Monday morning.

    The Text Message service is glitching right now, and I have to fix it so I can restart it. I know it has been silent for months. I promise I'm working on it!

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]

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  • Today's guest, Tiffany O'Hearn, is a master at opening your heart and mind to more love. Yes, she specializes in ancestral healing, past life healing and thought Field Therapy, but these are all tools. Tools to help you, yes YOU, release old programs and allow in more Love.

    Just in my 1 hour interview with her for this podcast, I am noticing my inner world differently, and am allowing myself to love myself more. And it is powerful.

    We talk about practices you can do on your own to move past unhelpful thoughts, forgiveness on an energy level, and how to respond rather than react in life. There is so much more, there is no way to write it all here!

    We mentioned a few things that I want to put here:

    The Book on trees is called The Hidden Life of Trees: What they Feel, How they Communicate by Peter WohllebenKidney Meridian Thought Field Therapy, happens about 20:44. The phrase she says is "Even though _____(negative thought)_____, It's okay, I still love and accept myself."Forgiveness Thought Field Therapy, happens about.

    How to Find Tiffany O'Hearn and work with her:
    Website: heartinsoulhealing.com
    Instagram: @HeartinSoulHealing
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tiffany.ohearn.9

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    Radiance Recipe Circle
    Starting early June, and lasting 3 months
    You can still join in June, even if we've started--it's not too late!
    Pay up front 900 USD (paypal has an option to pay over 6 months with no interest)
    Pay 333 USD/mo for 3 months
    You can expect:
    🔥 Womb communication to heighten your Women's Intuition
    🔥 Ceremonies of depth and transformation
    🔥 Spiritual Practices to use for life
    🔥 Practical knowledge of how to live in sync with your natural hormones and rhythms--Guess What! Most if us aren’t right now!
    🔥 Demonstrations of what to look for, how to do it all yourself and more because we learn by doing!

    Available now! www.patreon.com/SoulAmplified
    May theme is The Moon, there are videos, printables and a group call all on this topic!
    Full Moon Ceremony happening May 23, available to Gush and Bitch, please members
    This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of the inspired messages I have to share, worksheets, videos, and group interaction with me through teaching or ceremony.

    Join my email list--just click here!
    I share insights here not seen anywhere else, as well as coupon codes, early access and bonus' for early sign up! If you want all the cool things, this is the place to be! Email comes out every Monday morning.

    The Text Message service is glitching right now, and I have to fix it so I can restart it. I know it has been silent for months. I promise I'm working on it!

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]

  • Okay, so I'm figuring out that Ovaries are actually pretty fuckin' cool. Before I get into the symbolism and creative power of the ovaries, I go over some science bits and what they do for us.

    This lays the groundwork to understand them symbolically, which is SO cool.

    Things you'll learn:

    Each ovary has it's own energyHow the creative energy of ovaries is different than the uterusWhat part of the creative process ovaries contributeHow I see my ovaries differently now in my own creative process

    Radiance Recipe Circle sign up is extended to June 11th to join us for the first meeting! See details below. And yes! We'll be doing the Lunar/Solar Breathing Meditation in Radiance Recipe Circle!

    Books referenced in Episode:
    Womb Awakening: initiatory Wisdom from the Creatrix of all Life by Azra Bertrand MD and Seren Bertrand
    Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom by Christiane Northrup

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    Radiance Recipe Circle
    Starting early June, and lasting 3 months
    Pay up front 900 USD (paypal has an option to pay over 6 months with no interest)
    Pay 333 USD/mo for 3 months
    You can expect:
    🔥 Womb communication to heighten your Women's Intuition
    🔥 Ceremonies of depth and transformation
    🔥 Spiritual Practices to use for life
    🔥 Practical knowledge of how to live in sync with your natural hormones and rhythms--Guess What! Most if us aren’t right now!
    🔥 Demonstrations of what to look for, how to do it all yourself and more because we learn by doing!

    Available now! www.patreon.com/SoulAmplified
    May theme is The Moon, there are videos, printables and a group call all on this topic!
    Full Moon Ceremony happening May 23, available to Gush and Bitch, please members
    This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of the inspired messages I have to share, worksheets, videos, and group interaction with me through teaching or ceremony.

    Join my email list--just click here!
    I share insights here not seen anywhere else, as well as coupon codes, early access and bonus' for early sign up! If you want all the cool things, this is the place to be! Email comes out every Monday morning.

    The Text Message service is glitching right now, and I have to fix it so I can restart it. I know it has been silent for months. I promise I'm working on it!

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]

  • Are you living your life against the natural flow of your female hormones?

    They have a pretty specific pattern and flow they happen in. Sadly, it's SUPER common for women to not know about this, or how to live WITH the flow of the hormones.

    How can you tell if you're living Against the Flow of your Hormones?
    Well, a lot of things can be signals, but here are a few: burnout, sleep issues, pushing through your body wanting to rest to get 'it' done and ignoring your body. That's just a snapshot!

    Today I cover what it can be like to live in Flow with Your Hormones--giving 4 Specific Thing you can do to Help Yourself Live in Flow with those Hormones!

    Here is a lil sneak peek at what they are!

    Understand the natural hormonal flowKnow their Super PowersNotice when you PushBe Present

    If this episode fascinated you, and you saw yourself in the examples of living out-of-flow with your hormones, you might be interested in my Radiance Recipe Circle Program, which is starting next week! Details Below!

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    Radiance Recipe Circle
    Starting early June, and lasting 3 months
    Pay up front 900 USD (paypal has an option to pay over 6 months with no interest)
    Pay 333 USD/mo for 3 months
    You can expect:
    🔥 Womb communication to heighten your Women's Intuition
    🔥 Ceremonies of depth and transformation
    🔥 Spiritual Practices to use for life
    🔥 Practical knowledge of how to live in sync with your natural hormones and rhythms--Guess What! Most if us aren’t right now!
    🔥 Demonstrations of what to look for, how to do it all yourself and more because we learn by doing!

    Available now! www.patreon.com/SoulAmplified
    May theme is The Moon, there are videos, printables and a group call all on this topic!
    Full Moon Ceremony happening May 23, available to Gush and Bitch, please members
    This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of the inspired messages I have to share, worksheets, videos, and group interaction with me through teaching or ceremony.

    Join my email list--just click here!
    I share insights here not seen anywhere else, as well as coupon codes, early access and bonus' for early sign up! If you want all the cool things, this is the place to be! Email comes out every Monday morning.

    The Text Message service is glitching right now, and I have to fix it so I can restart it. I know it has been silent for months. I promise I'm working on it!

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]

  • Our Wombs are magical places of creativity, portals to the divine and the center of a woman's gnosis. This magic is also held back my personal, matralineal and global experiences of women's suffering.

    Today I tell you about a ritual ceremony I offer in Radiance Recipe Circle. It guides you through the time in your mother's womb, creating a space for connection, clarity and healing. It is a beautiful unfolding where people have questions answered, and have confusion clarified. It is also a great opportunity to fully feel and confirm any beautiful truths you already know about the positives in your relationship with your mother.

    I love this ritual, and have done it several times. Each time was different, and healing.

    Reaching back to this womb space time, also reaches forward. For it helps us to understand our own womb experiences, and their power.

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    Radiance Recipe Circle
    Starting early June, and lasting 3 months
    Pay up front 900 USD (paypal has an option to pay over 6 months with no interest)
    Pay 333 USD/mo for 3 months
    You can expect:
    🔥 Womb communication to heighten your Women's Intuition
    🔥 Ceremonies of depth and transformation
    🔥 Spiritual Practices to use for life
    🔥 Practical knowledge of how to live in sync with your natural hormones and rhythms--Guess What! Most if us aren’t right now!
    🔥 Demonstrations of what to look for, how to do it all yourself and more because we learn by doing!

    Available now! www.patreon.com/SoulAmplified
    May theme is The Moon, there are videos, printables and a group call all on this topic!
    Full Moon Ceremony happening May 23, available to Gush and Bitch, please members
    This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of the inspired messages I have to share, worksheets, videos, and group interaction with me through teaching or ceremony.

    Join my email list--just click here!
    I share insights here not seen anywhere else, as well as coupon codes, early access and bonus' for early sign up! If you want all the cool things, this is the place to be! Email comes out every Monday morning.

    The Text Message service is glitching right now, and I have to fix it so I can restart it. I know it has been silent for months. I promise I'm working on it!

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]

  • If you've ever felt like you had to hide your period products, or felt your menstrual blood was gross and dirty--this is for you.

    I talk about what is in our menstrual blood, the actual contents. How often do we think of looking this up? How often do we consider or question WHY we assume menstrual blood is icky? Links to the articles I used to research this coming soon!

    I also just ponder the link between rejection of our menstural blood and self love. SOOOO much effort has gone into us hiding a part of the natural female process. What does this do to our self worth, level of shame and general love for being a woman?

    I'd love to hear your thoughts on how you're processing what I brought up today.

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    Radiance Recipe Circle
    Starting early June, and lasting 3 months
    Pay up front 900 USD (paypal has an option to pay over 6 months with no interest)
    Pay 333 USD/mo for 3 months
    You can expect:
    🔥 Womb communication to heighten your Women's Intuition
    🔥 Ceremonies of depth and transformation
    🔥 Spiritual Practices to use for life
    🔥 Practical knowledge of how to live in sync with your natural hormones and rhythms--Guess What! Most if us aren’t right now!
    🔥 Demonstrations of what to look for, how to do it all yourself and more because we learn by doing!

    Available now! www.patreon.com/SoulAmplified
    May theme is The Moon, there are videos, printables and a group call all on this topic!
    Full Moon Ceremony happening May 23, available to Gush and Bitch, please members
    This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of the inspired messages I have to share, worksheets, videos, and group interaction with me through teaching or ceremony.

    Join my email list--just click here!
    I share insights here not seen anywhere else, as well as coupon codes, early access and bonus' for early sign up! If you want all the cool things, this is the place to be! Email comes out every Monday morning.

    The Text Message service is glitching right now, and I have to fix it so I can restart it. I know it has been silent for months. I promise I'm working on it!

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]

  • Isn't the Moon gorgeous? Couldn't you just eat her up? I love her so! Which is of course, why I'm doing a podcast episode about her!

    So how do we get started in connecting with the moon, or deepen it? You're so lucky, because that's what I talk about today.

    How to Connect to the Moon


    There is soooo much that we can do in each of these! They are diverse, and you can totally personalize all of them. I talk about rituals, the phases, how the moon connects to the feminine and more.

    What moon practice do you use that I didn't mention?
    What do you want to start doing that you heard me talk about today?

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    Radiance Recipe Circle
    Starting early June, and lasting 3 months
    Pay up front 900 USD (paypal has an option to pay over 6 months with no interest)
    Pay 333 USD/mo for 3 months
    You can expect:
    🔥 Womb communication to heighten your Women's Intuition
    🔥 Ceremonies of depth and transformation
    🔥 Spiritual Practices to use for life
    🔥 Practical knowledge of how to live in sync with your natural hormones and rhythms--Guess What! Most if us aren’t right now!
    🔥 Demonstrations of what to look for, how to do it all yourself and more because we learn by doing!

    Available now! www.patreon.com/SoulAmplified
    May theme is The Moon, there are videos, printables and a group call all on this topic!
    Full Moon Ceremony happening May 23, available to Gush and Bitch, please members
    This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of the inspired messages I have to share, worksheets, videos, and group interaction with me through teaching or ceremony.

    Join my email list--just click here!
    I share insights here not seen anywhere else, as well as coupon codes, early access and bonus' for early sign up! If you want all the cool things, this is the place to be! Email comes out every Monday morning.

    The Text Message service is glitching right now, and I have to fix it so I can restart it. I know it has been silent for months. I promise I'm working on it!

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]

  • Crying out of no where and don't understand? Your nervous system is letting it out, which is totally good!

    Our nervous systems actually decide a lot of things that happen in our lives, because they decide when we feel safe, or in danger. If that lil nervous system doesn't feel safe about something your conscious mind wants to do--your nervous system is going to try and stop you! Insider Saboteur!

    Buuuut, when you're crying out of no-where, or have a really big reaction about something that 'should be no big deal', it's likely your nervous system is releasing an old pent up emotion or pattern. Something that got trapped there from before, an Unfinished Emotion.

    Today I'm going to talk about letting out the unfinished emotions, and why knowing The Story behind them isn't really that important. But allowing out those rando feels will actually really help you out.

    Plus, I share a story about apologizing to somehow and how it brought up SO many reactions in my nervous system!

    Things I mention in the episode:
    Macadamia Nut Honey from Hawaii, I didn't find the link yet, but I'm going to keep trying!
    Jane Ysadora--teaches on trauma informed manifestation--so fascinating!
    @jane_ysadora on IG

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:
    Radiance Recipe Waitlist
    This 3 month program is coming Late May/Early June, add yourself to the waitlist to get all the Exclusive Bonus only shared with the waitlist!

    Available now! www.patreon.com/SoulAmplified
    April theme is Change, there are videos, printables and a group call all on this topic! May Theme coming soon.
    This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of the inspired messages I have to share, worksheets, videos, and group interaction with me through teaching or ceremony.

    Join my email list--just click here!
    I share insights here not seen anywhere else, as well as coupon codes, early access and bonus' for early sign up! If you want all the cool things, this is the place to be! Email comes out every Monday morning.

    Sign up for my Transforming Your Codependency Text messages! I can be in your texts messages every M, W & F. I’ll be giving advice, loving reminders & information to help you love yourself & heal codependency NOW.

    Sign up by texting the word PEACE to 877-338-0875 or visit this web site: https://slkt.io/xlBe

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]

  • Ever notice how so much about you changes when you are bleeding, or about to start? Not just pains and aches in the body, and not only PMS symptoms (so many experience these, but thats not what this episode is about).

    What you focus on, are interested in or are drawn to also changes. Do you notice this in yourself?

    I'll be sharing with you some of the things I've noticed in myself, and ones that happened during my most recent bleed.

    Let me know what you've noticed about yourself, and what you've started doing to take care of yourself better during your bleed.

    Be well, Soul Sister!

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    Available now! www.patreon.com/SoulAmplified
    April theme is Change, there are videos, printables and a group call all on this topic! Group call is TODAY, April 24th at 1pm pacific--go sign up now! You can still get in to watch it live!
    This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of the inspired messages I have to share, worksheets, videos, and group interaction with me through teaching or ceremony.

    Join my email list--just click here!
    I share insights here not seen anywhere else, as well as coupon codes, early access and bonus' for early sign up! If you want all the cool things, this is the place to be! Email comes out every Monday morning.

    Sign up for my Transforming Your Codependency Text messages! I can be in your texts messages every M, W & F. I’ll be giving advice, loving reminders & information to help you love yourself & heal codependency NOW.

    Sign up by texting the word PEACE to 877-338-0875 or visit this web site: https://slkt.io/xlBe

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]

  • What were some things that happened during my Wintering process? Well, there were a few doozies. I talk about a couple tough things that happened, and some intense meditative processes I went through.

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    is coming April 15th! Link will be in to the email list first, but also on Instagram and in the Podcast. Sign up for the email list to get first dibs on Level 3!
    This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of the inspired messages I have to share, worksheets, videos, and group interaction with me through teaching or ceremony.
    Level 1 - $5/mo
    Guided Meditations
    Journaling Prompts
    Workbooks, Guides and other Printables
    Level 2 - $10/mo
    Everything from Level 1
    Wisdom videos
    Group 60-90 min zoom call a month
    Level 3 - $100/mo (limit 10 members a month at this level)
    Everything from Level 1 and Level 2
    One (1) 60 minute private call with me, Vanessa, to do Energy Healing
    Group 60-90 min zoom call a month

    Join my email list--just click here!
    I share insights here not seen anywhere else, as well as coupon codes, early access and bonus' for early sign up! If you want all the cool things, this is the place to be! Email comes out every Monday morning.

    Sign up for my Transforming Your Codependency Text messages! I can be in your texts messages every M, W & F. I’ll be giving advice, loving reminders & information to help you love yourself & heal codependency NOW.

    Sign up by texting the word PEACE to 877-338-0875 or visit this web site: https://slkt.io/xlBe

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]

  • All our daughters deserve to connect more deeply to their womanhood, especially at their first menstruation, or their first moon.

    Today's guest, creative author Jesica Medellin, talks about her book First Moon Manual: Letters to Our Daughters and the collection of books she intends to write for women.

    This book is for daughters, sharing with them what they can expect and how to help themselves care for their body, emotions and soul during their menstruation. It includes poetry, art, design, a calendar with reflection questions and letters to girls.

    This book is gold. I love everything about it, from how it feels in your hands to how it was organzied and the loving and practical information it has in it. If you have a young lady in your life, she should have it. If you want to re-write your story with your period, you should get it for yourself.

    You can follow Jesica Medellin and get the book here:
    Buy on Amazon
    email [email protected]
    wedsite JMMedellin.com
    Insta @firstmoonmanual

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    Available now! www.patreon.com/SoulAmplified
    This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of the inspired messages I have to share, worksheets, videos, and group interaction with me through teaching or ceremony.

    Join my email list--just click here!
    I share insights here not seen anywhere else, as well as coupon codes, early access and bonus' for early sign up! If you want all the cool things, this is the place to be! Email comes out every Monday morning.

    Sign up for my Transforming Your Codependency Text messages! I can be in your texts messages every M, W & F. I’ll be giving advice, loving reminders & information to help you love yourself & heal codependency NOW.

    Sign up by texting the word PEACE to 877-338-0875 or visit this web site: https://slkt.io/xlBe

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]

  • This is a *NEW* Episode! And we are Welcoming Season 2 of the Podcast! Woo Woo!

    I am so glad to be back behind the mic for Season 2 of the Soul Amplified Podcast.
    There is so much to catch you up on, and in this episode I talk about what it was like for me to go deeply within myself and shed. I called it Wintering, as the season of winter is analogous to the process uterus holders go through during menstruation. Namely, releasing, shedding and letting go of what is no longer them.

    I did this all winter long. I'm not gonna lie. It was brutal.

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    is coming April 15th! Link will be in to the email list first, but also on Instagram and in the Podcast. Sign up for the email list to get first dibs on Level 3!
    This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of the inspired messages I have to share, worksheets, videos, and group interaction with me through teaching or ceremony.
    Level 1 - $5/mo
    Guided Meditations
    Journaling Prompts
    Workbooks, Guides and other Printables
    Level 2 - $10/mo
    Everything from Level 1
    Wisdom videos
    Group 60-90 min zoom call a month
    Level 3 - $100/mo (limit 10 members a month at this level)
    Everything from Level 1 and Level 2
    One (1) 60 minute private call with me, Vanessa, to do Energy Healing
    Group 60-90 min zoom call a month

    Join my email list--just click here!
    I share insights here not seen anywhere else, as well as coupon codes, early access and bonus' for early sign up! If you want all the cool things, this is the place to be! Email comes out every Monday morning.

    Sign up for my Transforming Your Codependency Text messages! I can be in your texts messages every M, W & F. I’ll be giving advice, loving reminders & information to help you love yourself & heal codependency NOW.

    Sign up by texting the word PEACE to 877-338-0875 or visit this web site: https://slkt.io/xlBe

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]

  • We all have more energy on some days than others. But we're often given messages the make us feel like we have to produce at an optimal level every day. This messaging can be internalized, resulting in negative self talk for being lazy, useless and much nastier inner thoughts.

    Let's just put this out there: It's okay to have different amounts of energy on different days. It's actually pretty normal. That's exactly what I break down today.

    You may be effected by sleep, how much fun you're having, health conditions, if you're an empath or not, if you are responding with codependent patterns to situations around you, your menstrual cycle and MORE. With this short list I've given, is it any wonder that you have different energy levels on any given day?

    The Books I mention during this episode are:
    In the Flo by Alisa Vitti (this book has more science than the ones below)
    Code Red by Lisa Lister (Lisa's books have more spirituality than the one above)
    Love Your Lady Landscape by Lisa Lister

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    Patreon coming soon!
    This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of the inspired messages I have to share, worksheets, videos, and group interaction with me through teaching or ceremony. Coming this Spring! Stay Tuned for more details!

    Join my email list--just click here!
    I share insights here not seen anywhere else, as well as coupon codes, early access and bonus' for early sign up! If you want all the cool things, this is the place to be! Email comes out every Monday morning.

    Sign up for my Transforming Your Codependency Text messages! I can be in your texts messages every M, W & F. I’ll be giving advice, loving reminders & information to help you love yourself & heal codependency NOW.

    Sign up by texting the word PEACE to 877-338-0875 or visit this web site: https://slkt.io/xlBe

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]

  • Menstruation gets most of the focus as being the main event in the women's monthly cycle, but the Big Deal is actually Ovulation!

    There are many gifts in Ovulation, mainly that it is the time womb holders have outward focused energy. We want to get more done, feel alluring and have more energy. Who doesn't want to feel like that?

    The thing is, we don't just automatically get the gifts of ovulation if we've been living out of sync with our body's natural rhythms. Which if you've been in a patriarchal society, is YOU. So basically everyone, right?

    If you'd like to support the podcast
    Click here to make a one time contribution
    This supports education, overhead, growth and more so I can keep bringing you (my awesome audience) great podcast episodes.

    Just two of the things I mention for how to get the gifts of Ovulation:
    Track your cycle--not just menstruation, but also ovulation. Your body does give signs you are ovulating.
    Be slow and rejuvenate during your period--feel all your feelings and go inward to tune into yourself.

    To learn more about how all of this works, and to live in a way that honors your body, join Radiance Recipe! See below for info.

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    Patreon coming soon!
    This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of the inspired messages I have to share, worksheets, videos, and group interaction with me through teaching or ceremony. Coming this Spring! Stay Tuned for more details!

    Join my email list--just click here!
    I share insights here not seen anywhere else, as well as coupon codes, early access and bonus' for early sign up! If you want all the cool things, this is the place to be! Email comes out every Monday morning.

    Sign up for my Transforming Your Codependency Text messages! I can be in your texts messages every M, W & F. I’ll be giving advice, loving reminders & information to help you love yourself & heal codependency NOW.

    Sign up by texting the word PEACE to 877-338-0875 or visit this web site: https://slkt.io/xlBe

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]

  • Family Secrets dampen people’s self awareness and self trust. They make you question what is right in front of you, because you are supposed to be pretending it isn’t happening. Today I go over how to tell if you were raised with family secrets, how denial of the problem even within the home is even more damaging, and how it effects the inner world of children raised in these homes. One day, all these children grow up. If the family secrets continue to be kept, I’ll explain how even the children and grandchildren of this family can feel something is missing from their family lore, and knowing the missing piece can heal them.

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    Patreon coming soon!
    This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of the inspired messages I have to share, worksheets, videos, and group interaction with me through teaching or ceremony. Coming this Spring! Stay Tuned for more details!

    Energy Healing Session
    So much is shed from you during these sessions, and so much is added to you as well. The universe always provides exactly what you need in this moment for your healing and growth through these sessions. $200 for 60 min on Zoom.

    Website: SoulAmplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail [email protected]

  • Womb healing is a powerful initiator into undoing our pains and hurts, while awakening us to a fuller, more radiant light. It draws to us intuition, guidance and feminine mystery powers.

    Unfinished emotions are trapped in the body, and they create blocks to us seeing our own wonder and beauty, and allowing goodness or magic into our life.

    Womb healing is a specific form of energy healing. It allows healing for ancestral healing and lived experiences. This could include neglect, abuse, sexual traumas, being controlled, feeling less than or limiting yourself.

    Experiencing womb healing releases these from you, while welcoming in all the power of your womb that was held back. Tune in to learn learn more and find out how you can work with me!

    Contact Me or Consume my Stuff Here:

    Patreon coming soon!
    This is a membership site where you will have access to sooo many of the inspired messages I have to share, worksheets, videos, and group interaction with me through teaching or ceremony. Coming this Spring! Stay Tuned for more details!

    Energy Healing Session--
    Use this link to sign up for womb healing!
    Currently 150USD for 1 hour, price going up Aug 12th to 200USD

    ***FREE*** Womb Initiation Workbook
    Get this free printable to walk you through the impact your first period had on you. Simply email me or DM me the phrase 'First Spot' and I'll email it off to you!

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]

  • Communication--ppfffft! It's so important and yet whhhhyyyyyyy is it so complicated to pull off? Today I dive into the famous "I" Message. There are so many ways to get it wrong, lets go over how to do it right!

    The "I" Message (the extended version)
    I feel _________ (emotion) when you __________ (factual observation) because _________ I (unfulfilled need, desire, hope, value, or expectation). I would like us to talk about this.

    When to use it--When someone's actions have caused a reaction in you, and you would like to come together and clarify how to correct it.

    Feelings--You're actually wanting to share an emotion, not just a feeling.

    What the other person did--describe the behavior objectively, like a factual observation. Not with judgement words that are either insulting or diffuse what actually happened.

    Why it bothered you--what value, hope, need, desire or expectation was not fulfilled by the other person's actions?

    Tune in to go deeper, or DM me on IG to sign up for my Free Breaking Free of People Pleasing coaching call! 30 minutes to deep insight and personalized action steps.

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    Intuition Quiz: www.EnlightenedBossLady.com (Update Oct 2022: The quiz is no longer available, sorry babe!)
    Website: www.soulamplifed.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail me about coaching, The People Pleaser Recovery Roadmap Course, or other questions: [email protected]

  • Usually thought of as the main event, & the beginning of the cycle, the period is actually the final stage for an unfertilized egg. Isn't it funny how we got tricked into thinking it's the beginning, when it's actually the end?

    If you'd like to support the podcast
    Click here to make a one time contribution
    This supports education, overhead, growth and more so I can keep bringing you (my awesome audience) great podcast episodes.

    Our periods are a time of rest. Many women beat themselves up for being 'lazy' or 'not their best', when biologically they are wired to go slower during this time. When women resist this, the body will get louder & louder in protest to get the woman's attention to SLOW DOWN & FEEL THIS STUFF. Our society does not run on the feminine cyclical schedule, so it gets ignored.

    I did this, too, for years. But the female body will make you stop by force if you don't choose to do it on your own. When you give yourself rest during menstruation, you give yourself an emotional cleansing and space to consider what you need next. Then, when you're in your zesty ovulation phase again, you take action.

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    Sign Up for the Radiance Recipe Waitlist
    Be the first to know the details on the program, and probably get some cool bonus when you sign up that will only be available to people from the waitlist!

    If you're interested in Upleveling and Getting Support as you go through changes, consider my energy healing sessions, tarot card readings, or ongoing coaching or mentoring.
    You can also click Here for a free Curiosity Call!
    Click Here for a Tarot Card Reading
    Click Here for an Energy Healing Session

    Sign up for my Transforming Your Codependency Text messages! I can be in your texts messages every M, W & F. I’ll be giving advice, loving reminders & information to help you love yourself & heal codependency NOW.

    Sign up by texting the word PEACE to 877-338-0875 or visit this web site: https://slkt.io/xlBe

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]

  • It's time to Manifest! I go all into the various aspects of manifesting--what it is, how to use it, and some tips and tricks to make it work better!

    I go over 7 or 8 of these insights, and the first one is say what you want, not what you don't want! This is so important. Secondly, be specific. The more you can clarify exactly what you desire, the easier it's going to be for the Universe to give it to you. Do you want a hamburger? There's only about 100 kinds, could you be more specific please? lol!

    Remember that manifesting is supposed to be fun! Think big and stretch yourself, but make sure you are enjoying yourself along the way!

    Contact Me or Consume My Stuff Here:

    Sign up for my Transforming Your Codependency Text messages! I can be in your texts messages every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I’ll be giving advice, loving reminders and information to help you love yourself and heal that codependency NOW.

    Sign up by texting the word PEACE to 877-338-0875 or visit this web site: https://slkt.io/xlBe

    Website: Soulamplified.org
    Instagram: @SoulAmplified
    e-mail: [email protected]