
  • What does it mean to receive beauty for ashes? The phrase comes from Isaiah 61:3, where God promises to bring joy where there was mourning, praise where there was despair, and new life from devastation. In this conversation, we spoke with chaplain and writer Jenna Carson about her journey through two divorces and the hard-won path to healing and renewal. For Jenna, the process wasn’t just about working harder or pushing through pain—it was about surrendering to what she couldn’t control. “I was so held by God,” she shared. “He gives us beauty for ashes.”

    Life often demands that we rebuild after devastations we never imagined. When the terms we’ve built our worth upon fall apart, we have to find new reasons to go on. For Jenna, that journey has not only been about finding her own path forward but also about expanding her emotional capacity to hold space for others. Jenna also shares with us how, as a chaplain, her experiences of heartbreak and healing have strengthened her ability to minister to those who feel lost, broken, or unworthy of love. As she puts it, “Divorce is not a failure.”Along the way, you’ll hear about Jenna’s winding path to becoming a chaplain in the U.S. Air Force. Jenna also previously served as a hospital and prison chaplain. She co-hosts the spiritual podcast "Guiding Light." She earned a BA from Brigham Young University, a Master of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School, and is a Kripalu-certified Yoga Therapist. Her forthcoming memoir narrates her experience as a female chaplain in a men's penitentiary.

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  • “Why is boredom painful? Shouldn’t it just be boring?” Adam S. Miller asks in his book The Gospel According to David Foster Wallace: Boredom & Addiction in an age of Distraction. In this conversation, Mallory and Diana spoke with Adam about boredom has to teach us, including in our relationships with other people. How does boredom impact the way we read and respond to others? How does our dread of being bored with someone shape our relationship decisions, especially around romantic relationships? What do we find on the other side of boredom, when we sit with it and avoid finding distractions?

    The answer, according to Wallace, is that we learn to actually pay attention, and then the world opens up to us. Adam calls this a religious moment: its not the moment when “whoosh!—the magic happens and the world seems full of a pantheon of idols able to satisfy. It’s the moment when—fshzzt—the spell breaks, the credits roll, the lights come back up, and the world must be cared for, again, as just whatever it is.” When we can pay attention, we can finally just be with ourselves and others.

    We hope you enjoy this episode! And please consider taking our community survey, as a chance to share how you’re repsonding to some of our conversations.

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  • Like an itch that won’t be scratched, many of us walk around fearing that love is scarce in our lives, that there’s not enough of it to go around. For that itch, the Wayfare essay ”Overflowing with Family” by Dr. Amy Harris offers triumphant relief. Amy is a genealogist and professor of family history at Brigham Young University. In this conversation, we spoke with Amy about her essay and about the family relationships—living and dead—that make us who we are and provide generous company through the life course, but that our culture leads us to undervalue and overlook. Our special focus today is sibling relationships.

    Sibling dramas fuel some of our greatest cultural stories. The bible opens with the most iconic sibling rivalry of all time, the one between Cain and Abel, which ends in Cain asking God, “Am I my brother’s Keeper?” and running in shame from his failure as a brother. In modern media, the Stark family in Game of Thrones stands out for their dogged loyalty to each other. As Mallory puts it in this conversation, there’s a romance to sibling relationships (not that kind of romance—calm down). There’s a will-they-won’t-they- stick-together dynamic, as though sibling relationships are ultimate test of our capacity to love.

    It’s easy to undervalue siblings because they’re always there. It can be hard to even see our siblings, because they’re always there. Sibling relationships train us to pay attention for no other reason than that “those living, breathing people… belong to me and I to them.” Simone Weil once wrote that our souls have a “violent repugnance for true attention,” but also that we “have no need for anything in this world but people capable of giving [us] their attention.”

    Whether you have many siblings or none, whether your siblings are chosen or the inherited kind, there are lessons from this conversation on the abundance of love that is always available to us if we learn how to look for it.

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  • Provo, Utah is widely known for its hyper-earnest dating culture. What happens when you bring that to reality TV? We talk to a 2nd season winner of Provo's Most Eligible, Scott Anderson, about his experience on the show and the questions he’s haunted by years down the road. What motivates people to go on reality shows? What is it like trying to grow close to someone on camera? Towards the end, we discuss how men and women tend to approach “singleness” differently. Why does it seem like women are so much more willing to talk about it? Why do some people treat it as an ailment to recover from, and others as a situation to learn to thrive in? Hats off to Scott for the unusual candor he brought to the conversation.

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  • Today, we’re sharing a conversation that we recorded with Dan Wotherspoon for his podcast, Latter-day Faith. Dan is a very talented interviewer and drew out perhaps the tenderest conversation we've had yet. He asked how our faith has transformed as romantic disappointments and the slow slipping away of time have made our lives look different than what we expected. We talk about courage — facing our own lives without flinching. We talk about perspective—appreciating the abundance of life and avoiding catastrophic thinking. We talk about worthiness — how we’ve grappled with fears that we’ve done something wrong. We talk letting go of “why” questions, and focusing on “how” questions — how do we live? .What is the next step to take? What is expedient for today? We talk about embarrassment — how embarrassing it is that relationship status features so highly in how we evaluate ourselves, how embarrassing it is to have others speculate about your life, and how embarrassing it is to belong to a religion that outsiders rarely see the magic of. We finish off talking directly about this— why we’ve both stayed in the Church, though it has a role to play in fueling dreams that haven’t come to pass, and sometimes struggles to walk with us in the life that remains. We can’t wait to hear what resonates with you!

    ANNOUNCEMENT: Mallory and Diana will be doing a live event with Adam Miller on Thursday, February 6th, at 5pm MT/7pm ET. The event will be on zoom, and anyone is welcome to join! We’ll be discussing boredom in relationships, and how the fear of being bored impacts romantic decision-making. Tickets can be purchased here.

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  • This isn’t just an episode on dating, though we spend substantial time there. What we’re really straining at is a glimpse of love — a word that can feel as flaccid and overused as a discarded tissue — as a particular, substantive force that we can cultivate in our relationships. Borrowing from Thich Nhat Hanh’s book, True Love: A Practice for Awakening the Heart, our guests Venerable Tien Nguyen and Jonathan Makransky translate Buddhist principles to the many situations in modern dating where love and care seem persistently absent — rejection, hook-ups, ghosting, failed relationships, and the endless agony of waiting.

    This likely isn’t your first time philosophizing about what love is and it certainly won’t be your last, but add this conversation to your queue for a wise, fresh, and rejuvenating answer to sociological observations of waning love attachments and modern pessimism about dating.

    Jonathan Makransky and Venerable Tien Nguyen met as students at Harvard Divinity School (HDS) several years ago. Now, Jonathan works for HDS coordinating Multi-religious Ministry Initiatives, and Venerable splits his time between two Buddhist temples, one in Boston and one in Providence, RI.

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  • We’ve been looking forward to a conversation on “chosen families” for a long time. The concept is especially meaningful to those whose relational support doesn’t take the shape of a traditional family, but who experience deep intimacy, growth, and loyalty within other “relation-shapes.” Historically, this has included LGBTQ individuals as well as the unmarried. As one listener recently said to us, “singleness allows opportunities to establish some of the best friendships-- so many of my best friends I've had along the way have been my fellow single ladies.”Yet there are many reasons the idea of chosen family receives pushback — namely, as we explore in this episode, the suspicion that if relationships are built on preference and positive vibes they will likely not survive the grief and interpersonal friction that family life requires. One writer even suggests that chosen family can scan as “another means of self-branding, self-curation, exclusion — a cynical shorthand for establishing worth through association, without the baggage or responsibilities associated with “real” family.” Thus, the question: can we really choose our families, or does real family depend on something beyond the scope of our choosing?

    We dig into all of this with doctor and writer Samuel Brown, whose study of the restoration’s “adoption theology” insists that family must embrace both chosen and unchosen aspects of life. As he wrote in a 2013 article Believing Adoption, “Perhaps that sometimes desperate dance between the chosen and the inescapable is part of the work of making us divine.” This conversation of was a thoughtful and gritty deep dive into restorationist understandings of the family, ways we could better live up to its possibilities, and how to respond when family life takes us to our breaking points. We were also honored to hear Sam share about the harrowing grief following his wife Kate’s passing, which you can read more about from his piece in Wayfare.

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  • Subscribe to our new Substack!It’s just us this week—Mallory and Diana—for an introspective end-of-year conversation. We ask ourselves Where did the Soloists come from? Why are we here? Where are we going? and how we’ve changed since coming together to work on this project. We also share love from listeners: emails, DMs, and reviews that crack open what it means to live courageously with major parts of our lives unsettled.

    If you’ve been listening a while, you’ll have noticed that the two of us love to discuss the experience of being on the margins of an already-marginal religion. In part this is because our religious identities profoundly shape our social and romantic lives and its useful to talk about. But its also because we believe that the places where we feel most odd, misunderstood, and rejected by the world also offer the keys to understanding, forgiving, and finding love within it.

    Here, we discuss how we find Christ in the gritty, awkward experience of bearing a “mormon” identity in the world (which is the name many still know and call us by, despite the Church’s preferences.) Similarly, Christ can be found smack dab inside the sore spots of the soloist life.

    Finally, we have an announcement! We just shifted platforms over to Substack where we can have more two-way conversations with listeners. You’ll here more about it in this episode. Subscribe to join us.

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  • This week, we’re joined by Candice Gutierrez, Dusty Hulet, and Cheryl Johnson to talk about The Art of Gathering, and how to plan parties that can genuinely change people’s lives. Candice says parties are about interpersonal alchemy; people come in feeling one way and leave feeling another way, and the way you design the event shapes this transformation. Cheryl believes gatherings can be a lifeline for those who live alone or without guaranteed social support in their day-to-day lives, and mentions how just seeing a party invitation in their inbox can remind a person that they matter. Dusty thinks that “the crushing weight of sobriety” forces Mormons to go out to the edge of creativity in how to get people to relax and have a good time at parties. This conversation was all parts fresh, funny, and wise, and we can’t wait to hear what you think.

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    This week we teamed up with our beloved friend Rebbie Brassfield who runs the up-and-coming Mormons in Media Instagram (now a podcast!). As we enter another kind of "mormon moment" as the world fixates on Latter-day Saint lifestyle influencers, Rebbie leads the public in watching closely all the references to Mormonism in media, tracking where representation is going, and making a case for more diverse media portrayals.

    We also get into a fun discussion of Stehanie Myer's Twilight series, and how that shaped our perspective on relationships grow up.

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    This week, we sat down to talk with our friend and writer Kristine Haglund about the envying lives we don't have, and particularly people whose family situations look simpler or more functional than our own.

    Kristine has had a longstanding, studied fascination with Mormon mommy bloggers, the forerunners to today's Mormon lifestyle influencers--sometimes called "trad wives"--that have by now captured the world's attention. A student of American religious history, Kristine helps us set this in the context of the rise of television, print, and digital media that often does the thinking for us of what family should look like. Even the Church has leaned into producing images of the family that can obscure what family is about.

    How do we get past these images to remember the real purpose of family? How do we appreciate the friction and sometimes chaos that real relationships bring, and not feel discouraged if they don't look a certain way? How do we work through feelings of envy, and the illusory versions of family that social media can produce?

    We discuss this and more in this episode, and would love to hear what you think. You can email us at [email protected] with feedback or topic suggestions.

    BTW, Kristine sent over a book recommendation for anyone who wants to dig deeper into these questions: "Till We Have Faces," by C.S. Lewis. Kristine says, "It's completely unlike his other books, and touches on questions of beauty, ugliness, envy, and idolatry. If I had to name one book that has shaped my understanding of faith most profoundly, this might be it."

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    "Dating is the only thing... that gets harder with practice." This is how Faith Hill, writer for The Atlantic, summarized modern romantic pursuits in the August 2024 article, "Should I Quit Dating?" This week, Mallory and Diana chat with their friend Haymitch St. Stephen about this article and another one from The Cut, entitled, "How Much Work Should Dating Be?" Listen in to hear how we approach dating at this point in our lives, and how to value yourself and stay close to your values even as you put yourself up for public scrutiny. We hope you enjoy.

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    We told you we wanted to talk about sex on this podcast, and this is where we wanted to start -- with a talk about not having sex.

    We had a conversation with with Fr. Patrick Briscoe, a Catholic Dominican Friar, and Sara Perla, a single Catholic woman, about the purpose of celibacy for Catholics and how they support a large group of adults committed to it. Catholics take as doctrine Jesus’ statement that “at the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage” and thus that singleness allows one to live as Jesus lived, and as all of us will live in heaven. Following the Apostle Paul, they consider marriage a holy vocation but acknowledge that it requires one to care for “things that are of the world.” Singleness, meanwhile, allows one to care with an undivided heart for “things that are of the Lord.”

    Celibacy isn't considered easy for Catholics, but it is deeply meaningful: it's an opportunity to channel one's individual passions into a universal, Christlike love, and to share that with the world.

    Single Latter-day Saints do not take vows of celibacy so much as vows (or covenants) that imply celibacy, given marital status. The Church’s teachings simply demand “sexual relations to be reserved for marriage between a man and a woman.” Almost nothing is said about erotic and sexual desires prior to marriage. We don't see a distinct theological purpose to nor do we seem to think seriously about how to provide practical, communal support people who live this way.

    What would it look like to see singleness, and celibacy, not as a sad circumstance of not ever having married, but as a dignified life path? What if we saw, in restraint around sexual and romantic relationships, an opportunity to deepen our sensitivity to the unending loneliness of humanity? Has our pro-sex, family-centric theology caused us to overlook the ways we might care for each other through non-family structures?

    We can't wait to hear what you think. Email us at [email protected] or join our conversation on instagram @the.soloists

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    In this episode we brought on political scientist and philosopher Ryan Davis to talk about his muse and favorite teaching resource: the one and only Taylor Swift. Ryan believes that Taylor's discography, more than a catalog account of her romantic failures, is an evolving exploration about what it means to be good. Though she may have hoped her life would follow the trajectory of the song "love story", instead she's allowed her romantic disappointments to turn her into a philosopher. Each experience gives her more to learn from and to turn into beautiful music, which is part of how she redeems them. Ryan also took some time at the beginning to ask some questions about what we're going for with this new project, the Soloists. We hope this conversation helps you articulate and find meaning in some of your own wild trajectory towards love and—what might be even higher for Taylor Swift—goodness.

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    This wild, funny, and revelatory episode felt like an off-road excursion from Ted Talks in India to the vortexes of Sedona, Arizona and places in between. The topic is interfaith marriage: we sat down with McArthur and Ved Krishna to understand how a Latter-day Saint woman living in Washington DC and an Indian man living in rural India ended up marrying each other. We hit all the questions you'd expect on this topic: how did they get the courage and confidence to enter an unconventional marriage? How did they decide to raise their children? How did they bring their separate cultures and religions together? But this is also a conversation about the insights, growth, and even miracles that come from listening closely to what God, or the universe, has to teach us. We hope you enjoy and can't wait to hear what you think!

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    In a recent interview with The New York Times, Actress Chloe Sevigny said, "I think aging is really one of the worst things of all time." In this episode, we chat with our guest Lisa Valentine Clark about the inevitable loss, grief, and change that aging brings. We know though, that the joy of the gospel comes from being anchored in our present reality. How do we stay anchored in reality, and anchored in joy, as we live in a culture that celebrates youth and fears aging?

    Lisa is an actress, comedian, and host of the funny, warm, and upliftingThe Lisa Show. She is also a widow who lovingly cared for her husband of 25 years during the last years of his life as he suffered from ALS. She talks to us about what it was like to pop into the hyper-visible spotlight of the dating market at an age and stage of life when many hope to have put dating far behind them. Her late husband's challenge to her resonates with this question of age: we honor life not by clinging to what is gone, but by moving on and embracing what we have.

    We were so honored to spend time with Lisa, and love her advice that we should live full, gorgeous lives and "invite others to the party."

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    What do you see when you peel back the curtain of a dating app? What does the app assume about love, and how you find it? We sat down with Michael Patterson, the president of the Mutual Dating App, to ask how the app envisions the arc from swiping to commitment. Michael was Mutual's first employee, so he has watched the app grow, learn, and improve over time. Though he's seen thousands of couples find love and get married, he's also heard countless complaints about dating apps, from swiping fatigue to safety concerns.

    Michael shares his own love story, in this conversation; he met his wife as a teen and dated only her until they married years later. This means he doesn't have first-hand experience with swiping for love, but he does have wisdom on what commitment is like: you get to a point where other options--no matter how many of them there are -- simply aren't real to you. Can the rest of us get there, in our tech-enabled dating world, designed to feed us new options endlessly? Michael shares tips on how to maximize the effectiveness of dating apps and, most importantly, not lose sight of what we want along the way.

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    Unmarried people are less religious than married people on almost every measure, according to Pew's Religious Landscape Survey and further findings from researcher Ryan Burge and an analysis by MIssion . In this episode, we lay out the data and play with one possible explanation: that religion, particularly for Latter-day Saints, is so tightly bundled with family life that singles struggle to see a compelling future there. Latter-day Saint singles are expected to wait until the next life, when marriage will be a guarantee, to socially, sexually, and spiritually develop in ways they were primed to look forward to their whole lives, rather than to pursue these experiences through other lifestyle options. How many can tolerate that tradeoff?

    Our guest in this episode is the brilliant Jana Reiss, author of the 2019 book The Next Mormons: How Millennials Are Changing the LDS Church. She and her research partner, Benjamin Knoll, have recently conducted a follow-up survey and are working on a book that will specifically focus on the experiences and characteristics of two groups: those who have left the Church, and those who have experienced a faith transition but have chosen to remain members. Jana is also in an interfaith marriage, and shares from her experience on the topic.

    We begin the conversation by reading an excerpt from Nicole Hardy's viral New York Times piece from 2011, "Single, Female, Mormon Alone", a must-read for everyone interested in this topic, and hypothesize why Nicole ends up deciding that she can't develop the way she wants to within the confines of the Church.

    What if there were another solution, besides exiting? What if the liminal place that many singles feel themselves in were seen as a rich site for spiritual growth, and that the choices and compromises singles end up making were understood in context? Where do liminal people need more from religious communities; and where can they help a religion remember what it is really about?

    Let us know what you think -- what resonates with you, what we missed, and what seems like total quackery. You can join a public conversation on this on our instagram or substack.

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    Today we're taking up a topic that will likely be familiar to all of you who have spent more time dating than you thought you would: am I too picky? We invited our friend, Benjamin Harrison--whom both of us have gone on dates with--to join us in the conversation. We discuss some of the reasons, both silly and serious, that none of us pursued second dates with each other. Were we being too picky?

    The question tends towards circuitous thinking; the answer is often opaque, and the resulting confusion leads us to wonder if we're doing something wrong. Spencer W. Kimball infamously taught that "almost any good man and any good woman can have happiness and a successful marriage if both are willing to pay the price." What is the price he's referring to, and is it worth it? Are we not good, if we find this difficult to implement?

    On the other hand, modern dating culture has us convinced that we can spend all of our youth screening and testing out potential partners with the result that we may spend years of our lives off the mark from where we want to be, forever delaying decisions due to anxious decision-making.

    We draw on our own experiences to try to find anchors and guideposts in answering this question, am I too picky? Let us know what resonates with you by joining the conversation! You can email us at [email protected], or talk to us on instagram, @the.soloists.

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    This week, we're sharing a conversation we had with Tim and Aubrey Chaves from Faith matters about why we wanted to launch this podcast, The Soloists. It was fun being interviewed by a married couple with kids; we focused the question on how married people sometimes--with the best of intentions--miss the mark when talking to singles in the Church.

    We discuss how being single can be an isolating experience, especially in a culture that often views marriage as the ultimate milestone. We share deeply personal stories about what it’s like to navigate a church community where singleness sometimes feels like a problem to be solved rather than a valid and whole way of being, and season or situation of life that all of us, no matter our marital status, can authentically relate to in some way.

    We hope you enjoy this conversation, and let us know what you think!

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit thesoloists.substack.com