
  • Does your org face the frustration of constantly losing your best fundraisers? Higher salaries, the pressure of unrealistic expectations, feeling undervalued, and being micromanaged are driving talented fundraisers out of the sector. In this episode of The Small Nonprofit, fundraising expert Laura Vitelli shares practical insights on how small nonprofits can break this cycle. We discuss the current challenges nonprofits face with attracting and retaining top fundraising talent, and how a focus on values alignment, flexibility, and collaborative leadership can make all the difference.

    Laura Vitelli is a seasoned fundraiser with over 30 years of experience and co-founder of Staiger, VITELLI & Associates. Laura and her business partner Sarah Staiger specialize in helping nonprofits create sustainable fundraising systems through value-based strategies. Together, they provide coaching, training, and strategic planning support to small and mid-sized organizations.

    Key Takeaways:

    Values matter more than ever. Fundraisers are seeking organizations that align with their values and provide opportunities for meaningful conversations around complex issues.Flexibility is key. Options like remote or hybrid work and even the potential for a four-day workweek are becoming major incentives for fundraising talent.Lead with humility and transparency. Leaders who openly admit what they don't know and actively unlearn outdated practices create a supportive environment for growth.Trust your fundraisers. Let them lead on strategy and goal setting. Unrealistic goals and lack of autonomy can lead to burnout and turnover.Invest in your people. Offering competitive salaries, benefits, and ongoing professional development demonstrates that you value your fundraising team's well-being and contributions.

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    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/rv7hdVLFDy4

    Links and Resources:

    Connect with Laura Vitelli on Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/laura-vitelliCheck out the Website: https://www.staigervitelli.com/Director of Development Questions Free Download: https://www.staigervitelli.com/dod Connect with Maria on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariario/Support the show: https://www.buzzsprout.com/208666/supporters/new

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  • Nonprofit workplaces often come with an expectation of self-sacrifice. Staff are expected to work long hours, accept below-market pay, and tolerate unfair conditions – all in service of the mission. But what if there was a way to uphold that passion for the cause while also ensuring fair treatment of workers?

    That's where unions come in. This episode explores the world of unionization with Christina Rousseau. Having led a successful unionization effort in her former nonprofit role and now working as a union representative, Christina offers a unique 360-degree view of the possibilities and challenges unions bring to the nonprofit sector. You are going to love how Christina and I met.

    Key Episode Highlights:

    Unions prioritize workers' voices. They provide a platform to address workplace concerns, advocate for fair policies, and create a sense of agency for staff.Collective agreements offer stability and transparency. They outline clear expectations, benefits, and procedures, minimizing ambiguity and potential conflicts.The process can be challenging, but it's not insurmountable. Seeking guidance from an appropriate union streamlines the process and helps you navigate complexities.Open communication is key for management. Transparency with staff about the process builds trust and smooths the transition to a unionized environment.

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    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/krjZ871CUoo

    Links and Resources:

    Connect with Christina Rousseau on Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/christina-rousseauCheck out the Website: https://psacunion.ca/ Connect with Maria on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariario/Support the show: https://www.buzzsprout.com/208666/supporters/new

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  • Does your nonprofit seem to be just scraping by, even though everyone is working harder than ever? It's not just your organization. The nonprofit sector is in crisis, facing issues like shrinking revenue, chronic underfunding, staffing struggles, and increasing demands from the community. In this episode of The Small Nonprofit, strategic consultant Nicole Gagliardi examines the broken model and warns that the sector needs a major overhaul.

    Nicole brings over 18 years of experience working in and alongside nonprofits. She offers a sober view of the sector's challenges and provides actionable insights on how organizations can start adapting. Whether you're a board member, executive director, or a dedicated staff member, you'll gain powerful knowledge to help you navigate the current nonprofit climate.

    Key Episode Highlights:

    Don't sleepwalk into crisis: It's easy to become complacent about the challenges, but the sector is facing serious threats. Acknowledge the problems and be proactive about finding solutions.Understand the big picture: Don't just focus on your organization; study wider sector trends to inform your approach.Your budget is your strategy: If your strategic plan doesn't align with major shifts in your budget, it's time to reassess.Small steps are still progress: Embrace "radical incrementalism" – make meaningful changes over time to drive deeper transformation.Collaboration and shared resources: Consider pooling resources with other nonprofits to cut costs and improve services.

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    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/ujVXfd7qfmM

    Links and Resources:

    Connect with Nicole Gagliardi on Linkedin:https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolegagliardi1/Connect with Maria on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariario/Support the show: https://www.buzzsprout.com/208666/supporters/new

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  • Does your nonprofit talk a good game about diversity and inclusion, but the action never seems to follow? Maybe you've been part of mandatory trainings that left you asking, "Okay, but now what……?"

    I'm excited to have Jade Pichette from Pride at Work Canada on today's episode of The Small Nonprofit! Jade is breaking down why that "emergency response" mindset around issues like racism and homophobia just doesn't cut it – and spoiler alert, it might actually be doing more harm than good. But don't worry! Jade's got the insider scoop on how nonprofits can proactively build more inclusive, equitable workplaces where everyone can thrive.

    Key Episode Highlights:

    Don't be that company: The one scrambling to seem like a good ally after an incident. True inclusion is built into everything you do.Culture first: Jade busted the myth that training = instant change. Real inclusivity is a culture shift, woven into recruitment, policies, and how you work.Compassionate accountability: Give people space to learn, BUT hold them accountable when they're causing harm.It's a team effort: Form an inclusion council. Don't dump this all on one person - share the work, get the buy-in.Don't go it alone: Learn from other orgs, get help when you need it. Small nonprofits can be powerful forces for inclusivity!

    Don’t forget to become a supporter of our show!

    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/Byz5mGyk0LY

    Links and Resources:

    Connect with Jade Pichette on Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/jadepichette and Website: jadepichette.comLearn more about Pride at Work Canada: https://prideatwork.ca/ Connect with Maria on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariario/Support the show: https://www.buzzsprout.com/208666/supporters/new

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  • Sometimes you feel like you're constantly chasing, juggling, and maybe even losing ground. It's difficult not to get extremely overwhelmed, but Maryanne says it is time to break those patterns! We dive deep into the art of influence with Maryanne Dersch. “It's not about mind control or manipulation. This is about stepping into your own power, crafting a vision, and inspiring your team, board, AND donors to get on board with excitement”

    Maryanne Dersch has three decades of experience helping organizations connect authentically. She's a consultant, coach, teacher, podcaster, purple-enthusiast – she does it all! In this episode, learn how to shift from a scarcity mindset to a place of empowerment by managing fear, building confidence, and mastering that magnetic, influential leadership style.

    Key Episode Highlights:

    Doubt is normal, but don't let it rule you. Fear of criticism is part of leadership. Channel Maryanne's "undefended queen" mindset to stay focused on your mission, not external validation.Invite, don't demand. Influence is all about offering choices. Give donors and your team the option to get to do things – it builds ownership rather than resistance.Release the outcome. When you're overly attached to a specific result, you stifle energy and creativity. Focus on being a value, and the results will naturally follow.Look inward to lead outward. Communicating effectively with your team creates a ripple effect. To be truly influential, start by practicing the skills within your organization.This IS for you! Even if you're a small nonprofit, the power of influence can transform your operations. Learn to inspire enthusiasm in everyone around you for greater impact!

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    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/1-_aVugy33Y

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  • Are you the only one in your nonprofit who understands fundraising? You spend hours crafting proposals, building donor relationships, and strategizing, while your colleagues think it's as simple as posting on Instagram. Well, today's episode is for YOU. We're diving into the power of creating a culture of philanthropy, where everyone in your organization understands and supports sharing your mission, leading to incredible fundraising success.

    I'm thrilled to have Tammy Ebuen, a fundraising superstar with over 15 years of experience, join me on the show. As the Senior Director of Development at Visions of Science, she's coming on to chat about what it looks like when everyone understands fundraising. Tammy shares her insights, success stories, and tangible tips on how your nonprofit can cultivate that collective understanding, creating a more sustainable – and enjoyable! – fundraising environment.

    Key Episode Highlights:

    Shared Responsibility is Key: A culture of philanthropy means everyone from staff to leadership views fundraising as an integral part of achieving your mission, not just “something the fundraiser does”.Psychological Safety = Fundraising Innovation: Staff feeling valued and safe to be themselves bring fresh ideas to the table, leading to more engaging and effective fundraising strategies.Success Stories Fuel Motivation: When everyone celebrates fundraising wins, it creates a positive feedback loop, inspiring the team and attracting further support.Culture of Philanthropy Means Staff Retention: Fundraisers thrive in environments where they feel connected to the mission and supported by the entire organization.

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    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/g0SOACjg-lQ

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  • Think you know how donors behave? Think again! I had the best conversation with Tim Sarrantonio from Neon One about the realities of monthly giving and donor retention. We busted some common myths (even ones I believed!), talked about the psychology behind giving, and got a sneak peek at the groundbreaking report Neon One is just released.

    Tim is a powerhouse in the nonprofit world, known for his insights on fundraising trends and tech. He's passionate about helping smaller nonprofits have access to the same powerful data as the big guys. This episode is full of actionable takeaways that will help you build stronger relationships with your donors and create a more sustainable fundraising program.

    Key Episode Highlights:

    Busting myths with data: Don't base your strategies on assumptions. Look for reliable data sources to ensure you're making informed decisions that will drive real results for your nonprofit.It's not just about the numbers: While data is powerful, don't forget the human element. Donors want to feel like they're part of something bigger than themselves. Build community and foster a sense of belonging.The astonishing value of monthly donors: The average lifetime value of a monthly donor may surprise you. Focus on cultivating those long-term, impactful relationships.Think outside the (December) box: Don't put all your eggs in the end-of-year giving basket. Explore opportunities to inspire giving throughout the year and build a diverse revenue stream.Data is your friend: Embrace the power of data analysis to understand your donors better, tailor your messaging, and create a fundraising strategy that delivers lasting results.

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    Watch this episode on Youtube:https://youtu.be/RidjdI1A-NM

    Links and Resources:

    Email Report's digital reader: https://neonone.com/resources/nonprofit-email-report/report-reader/?section=1-1Recurring Giving Report: https://neonone.com/resources/recurring-giving-report/?ref=mainNav Connect with Tim on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/timsarrantonio/ Website: https://neonone.com/ Connect with Maria on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariario/Support the show: https://www.buzzsprout.com/208666/supporters/new

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  • This one gets me to my core. I sat down with Marisa DeSalles, a Black fundraiser creating and moderating spaces for other Black fundraisers and leaders, to dive deep into trends she sees through her work.

    Marisa leads a cohort of Black fundraisers. She is uniquely positioned to provide key insights on the state of the sector, its treatment of racialized leaders, and the exodus of fundraisers. Racialized leaders do not have the same access to wealth, connections, or power as white leaders. However, like all EDs, they feel the entire mission's weight resting solely on their shoulders. We'll unpack how this impacts the sector, and most importantly, what we can do about it.

    Key Episode Highlights:

    The "Black Excellence" trap: The constant pressure to outperform white counterparts as a means of survival isn't sustainable. It's harmful. We need to embrace "mastery" over unattainable perfection.Harms of donor influence: Institutions are caving to donors driven by whitelash, eroding trust and harming their service users. Fundraisers of colour are often caught in the crossfire.Self-care isn't optional: Unpacking trauma is vital – if we don't tend to ourselves, we can't adequately serve our communities. Self-care is a form of activism.Community is power: It's hard fighting alone. Building a network of peers and allies is crucial, especially finding powerful champions within your organization who will advocate for you.Setting sustainable goals: When fundraising is tough, the answer ISN'T just to push harder. We need realistic targets and expectations so fundraisers aren't set up to fail.

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    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/Nw4LPpPOtS4

    Links and Resources:

    “12 Years a Fly in the Milk”: https://communitycentricfundraising.org/2020/07/11/12-years-a-fly-in-the-milk/Collecting Courage: https://www.collectingcourage.org/Dean Article - https://archive.is/lYjUUGiving Black Conference - https://www.givingblack.ca/copy-of-giving-black-conference-2023Connect with Marissa DeSalles on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marisa-desalles/Learn more about Good Tilth Consulting: https://www.goodtilthconsulting.com/Connect with Maria on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariario/Support the show: https://www.buzzsprout.com/208666/supporters/new

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  • Tired of the same old fundraising that just doesn't reflect your community? Wish you could break free from the stuffy, traditional approaches and find ways to authentically connect with your donors?

    In this episode, we ditch “best practices” and dove headfirst into fundraising in the queer community with Madeline Taylor, Development Manager at Out On Screen. Madeline, a passionate community builder and champion for equity, shares the strategic thinking behind their approach and how to channel the vibrant energy of your community into impactful fundraising. Out On Screen throws fundraising events true to them - drag shows, burlesque, 20-minute land acknowledgements, storytelling, and more.

    Key Takeaways:

    Representation Matters: Building a board and staff that genuinely reflect the community you serve is crucial. It's not just about understanding fundraising – it's about understanding the lived experiences of those you aim to support.Authenticity is Everything: Out On Screen's bold fundraising approaches, from playful drag shows to introspective partnerships, showcase a deep connection to their queer community. Don't be afraid to let your organization's true values shine through in your fundraising efforts.Relationship-First Fundraising: Madeline emphasizes the importance of building lasting relationships with donors and community members, moving beyond one-time transactions and into meaningful partnerships.Room for Growth: Even with the best intentions, there's always space to improve communication and relationship management in fundraising. Acknowledging this allows for continuous learning and evolution.Values Alignment: Out On Screen carefully considers the ethics of funding sources, ensuring partnerships align with their mission and don't allow donors to simply "queer-wash" their image.

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  • Does making your nonprofit feel inclusive seem impossible? Today, we're getting real about diversity, equity, and inclusion in our sector. I spoke with Michelle Okere, an inclusion specialist and nonprofit powerhouse, about how to build anti-racism into your organization's core.

    Michelle shared her own experiences facing systemic barriers, strategies for meaningful communication, and why empowering your frontline staff is the key to success. An accomplished leader with a strong commitment to community, Michelle's insights will help you take actionable steps toward a more inclusive workplace.

    Key Episode Highlights:

    It starts with communication. One of the biggest obstacles to inclusion is staff, volunteers, and service users not feeling heard, understood, or involved at every level of decision-making.Meaningful land acknowledgments can be a step toward action. Don't just rattle off a stock statement. Michelle shares how to make them a bridge for deeper conversation, relationship-building, and systemic change.Fear stops progress. We talked a lot about the fear many well-intentioned folks have of "saying the wrong thing" when it comes to building inclusion. Michelle helps us break that barrier down and just start the conversation.Inclusion isn't optional, it's foundational. We can't make those big promises of supporting marginalized communities, and then fail to build inclusive structures, policies, and practices into every aspect of the organization.

    Don’t forget to become a supporter of our show!

    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/_8Av-EH2nY4

    Links and Resources:

    Michelle Okere (Linkedin): https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-okere/Michelle Okere (Twitter): @michelle0kereOkere & Associates (Website): https://www.okereandassociates.com/Compassion House Foundation: https://compassionhouse.org/Sustainable Style Company: https://sustainablestylecompany.com/Connect with Maria on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariario/Support the show: https://www.buzzsprout.com/208666/supporters/new

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  • Scandals, harmful practices, and image-obsessed leaders plague our sector, but it doesn't have to be this way. My candid chat with Liz LeClair, a fearless fundraiser, feminist, and disruptor, is a breath of fresh air.

    We discuss the lack of accountability in our sector, why real change is hard, and how we MUST do better. Liz calls out the sector (and herself!) for past failings. We discuss boardroom complacency, centering BIPOC voices, and why white moderates need a rethink.

    This episode might leave you uncomfortable – and that's the point. Let's demand a truly accountable nonprofit world.

    Key Episode Highlights:

    Silence breeds more harm: Liz's courageous decision to speak out against sexual harassment by a high-profile donor sparked a much-needed conversation about the pervasive power imbalances and toxic culture in our sector.White moderates hold us back: The desire to stay neutral or avoid difficult conversations is ultimately complicity. To move forward, we (especially white people) must actively dismantle oppressive systems and listen to those most impacted.Accountability isn't about punishment: It's about building transparent, supportive, and safe environments where everyone is held to the same expectations. Leaders, board members, and donors are not exempt!Community is key for support and learning: Liz's transformation came from connecting with BIPOC leaders who modeled true allyship and how to fight for justice while maintaining community care.This IS your fight too: Even if you haven't faced the same issues directly, creating a more equitable sector where everyone can thrive benefits us all. This isn't about charity, it's about justice.

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    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/eVCH1_lgviQ

    Links and Resources:

    Website: https://www.sargassophilanthropic.ca/ Connect with Liz on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/liz-leclair/ Connect with Maria on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariario/Support the show: https://www.buzzsprout.com/208666/supporters/new

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  • What if you could tap into the enthusiasm of your biggest supporters and turn them into fundraising rockstars? That's where peer-to-peer fundraising comes in!

    I had a blast chatting with Tess Conrad of Full Potential Fundraising, a fundraising pro who's passionate about helping small nonprofits do big things. Tess shared her wealth of experience on all things peer-to-peer – setting realistic goals, finding the perfect fundraisers, creative campaign ideas, and the importance of treating those new donors like the gems they are.

    Key Episode Highlights:

    P2P is about relationships, not transactions. Focus on those long-term donors, volunteers, and supporters who already love what you do. Their personal stories are your most powerful fundraising tools.Make it easy (and fun!) for fundraisers. Provide templates, social media ideas, and a simple guide. The less they have to think about the logistics, the more they can focus on spreading the word about your amazing cause.Stewardship is EVERYTHING. P2P donors aren't a one-and-done deal. Treat them like the new donors they are: welcome them, thank them, show them their impact, and keep them engaged with your mission.Your board members can be fundraising powerhouses. With a clear ask and the right support, they can easily tap into their networks. Plus, P2P gives them an action-oriented way to truly make a difference.Start small and celebrate wins! Don't be overwhelmed by the big P2P campaigns you see. Even a modest goal with a handful of fundraisers can be a huge success for a small nonprofit, building momentum for future growth.

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    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/GURy-BbU7ig

    Links and Resources:

    Connect with Tess on Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/tess-conrad-cfreLearn more about Full Potential Fundraising: https://www.fullpotentialfundraising.com/ Connect with Maria on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariario/Support the show: https://www.buzzsprout.com/208666/supporters/new

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  • Why do those "big nonprofits" use those emotional, tear-jerking stories? Well, it's complicated and has a long history. But today, we are sharing a much better (and more ethical) way to inspire donors. We're debunking harmful fundraising and storytelling myths to give you the tools to tell dignifies stories that get results.

    My guest is the brilliant Diana Farias Heinrich, the CEO of Habrá Marketing. Diana is passionate about helping nonprofits share their work in ways that empower both clients and donors. With certifications in DEI and as an Advocate for Survivors of Domestic Violence, she brings essential expertise to our sector. We talk about the long-term harm of those guilt-driven appeals, how to build trust with clients, and the transformative power of letting people share their stories on their own terms.

    Key Episode Highlights:

    Stop using "poverty porn" narratives. Data shows people will give, but they won't stick around. Focus on the transformative power of your services – showcase the positive impact you're making!Clients deserve agency over their own stories. Informed consent conversations lay out exactly how a story will be used and the client's right to change their mind, giving a sense of control and safety within the process.Ask open-ended questions, not leading ones. Avoid retraumatization when interviewing. Instead of asking how terrible their situation was was, focus on what they did with your services and how things changed.Humanizing builds bridges. Portraying clients as more than just service users. Discuss their dreams, families, even fun facts – it helps donors see themselves in those your work serves.Ethical storytelling = better organizational culture. These practices foster communication between programs and fundraising, and ultimately benefit everyone, including your mission!

    Don’t forget to become a supporter of our show!

    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/RKLqPgUfzgE

    Links and Resources:

    Connect with Diana on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dianafariasheinrich/Cultivating ethical narratives workshop: https://witty-musician-3516.ck.page/products/cultivating-ethical-narrativesYour Guide to Informed Consent Conversations: https://informedconsentconversation.habramarketing.com/Learn more about Habra Marketing: https://habramarketing.com/Connect with Maria on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariario/10 Dignified questions guide: https://www.gofurthertogether.ca/sign-upSupport the show: https://www.buzzsprout.com/208666/supporters/new

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  • In this episode, we delve into the critical importance of aligning your nonprofit's actions with its core values. We're joined by Hoang Murphy, CEO of People Serving People, who brings a wealth of experience from his journey as a teacher, a Foster, and a leader in the nonprofit sector. Hoang shares his expertise on creating impactful solutions for those affected by inequality and emphasizes the role of lived experiences in decision-making processes.

    Episode Highlights:

    Identifying Core Values: Hoang guides us through the process of identifying the fundamental values that drive your nonprofit. He stresses the importance of narrowing down to essential values to establish a solid foundation for your organization's mission and actions.Translating Values into Action: Discover how to move beyond merely talking about values to actively incorporating them into your organization's operations. Hoang shares strategies for engaging your team and the communities you serve, ensuring their voices are heard and valued.Cultivating a Committed Team: Learn how to integrate your nonprofit's values into your hiring process. Hoang discusses the significance of real-life experience and cultural fit over traditional qualifications, highlighting the role of shared values in staff retention and satisfaction.Fostering Genuine Funder Relationships: Hoang emphasizes the importance of building authentic relationships with funders who truly understand and support your mission. He shares his approach to fundraising that has consistently helped double their budget year after year.

    Don’t forget to become a supporter of our show!

    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/aJ8-uNCxLvY

    Links and Resources:

    Hoang Murphy (LinkedIn): linkedin.com/in/hoangmurphy Hoang Murphy (Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/hrcapist/ Hoang Murphy (Email): [email protected] Connect with Maria on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariario/

    Support the show: https://www.buzzsprout.com/208666/supporters/new

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  • The nonprofit-industrial complex - are we stuck?

    In this episode, we delve into the intricate - and evolving - world of ethical fundraising within the nonprofit sector, featuring insights from Marie-France Roche, the Director of Community Engagement and Major Gifts at TNG Community Services. We discuss the challenges and opportunities in adopting Community-Centric Fundraising.

    Key Takeaways:

    Navigating Power Dynamics: Marie-France shares her perspective on the influence of power and privilege within nonprofit organizations and their potential to drive systemic change. We explore strategies for utilizing this power ethically to foster meaningful societal progress.Challenges for White Fundraisers: Addressing the unique challenges faced by white fundraisers in predominantly white spaces, Marie-France reflects on her experiences and the importance of supporting diverse voices within the nonprofit sector.Allyship in Action: Learn how to be an effective ally within your organization, advocating for equity and justice, even when you haven't personally faced the injustices being addressed.Innovative Fundraising Strategies: Marie-France discusses her journey in implementing innovative, equitable fundraising practices aligned with Community-Centric Fundraising (CCF) principles, highlighting the practical aspects of such initiatives in dynamic nonprofit environments.Community First Approach: The episode concludes with insights on the transformative impact of prioritizing community needs over organizational goals, emphasizing the value of building lasting relationships with donors committed to justice.

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    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/YsndeUvRwdI

    Links and Resources:

    Marie-France Roche (LinkedIn): linkedin.com/in/marie-france-roche Connect with Maria on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariario/Support the show: https://www.buzzsprout.com/208666/supporters/new

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  • Are you feeling torn between supporting your team's work-life balance and striving to hit those all-important organizational milestones? For those managing small nonprofits, where every hour and every dollar counts tenfold, balancing personal growth and professional success can be a challenge.

    Today, we dive deep into creating a workforce that thrives on the “leading human-first” approach with Lacey Kempinski, CEO and Founder of Balanced Good. Balanced Good provides parental leave coverage – from the day-to-day hands-on work to big picture transition planning. Balanced Good believes that a supported transition to parenthood will benefit both our sector and the parents working in it. Lacey has a big vision, she wants parental leave to become a celebrated life milestone, not a feared employment gap.

    Key Episode Highlights:

    Leading Human First: Leading with a human-first approach is a strategic move. Lacey and I explore the long-term benefits,the pressing need for people-centered policies, and how they play a crucial role in employee retention in a sector that's primarily women-led. Beyond Parental Leave: Targeting the nonprofit sector's approach to parental leave, Lacey addresses the broader spectrum of parental support necessary within our organizations. From the nuances of policy creation to fostering an inclusive and equitable workplace, these actionable discussions could very well set your organization on a path to become a pioneer in employee well-being.Flexibility as a Retention Tool: We analyze how work culture—especially in the context of compensation and benefits—can be critically assessed and reshaped in innovative ways to prioritize the people behind the mission. By valuing flexibility and understanding, Lacey talks about creating a compelling argument for talent to stay, grow, and contribute meaningfully to the nonprofit world.Support at Every Stage: Discussing the ebb and flow of employees' personal lives—like becoming a parent—Lacey reiterates the need for smoother transitions. Learn about the steps for recruitment, hiring, and promotions that take the whole individual into account, ensuring that your nonprofit doesn't just survive these transitions but thrives because of them.

    Don’t forget to become a supporter of our show!

    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/tNxjzz1q6Fo

    Links and Resources:

    Connect with Lacey Kempinski on Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/laceykempinski Learn more about Balanced Good: balancedgood.comBalanced Good LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/balanced-good/ Mat Leave Workbook: https://icy-base-20781.myflodesk.com/1986644d-75ba-476f-a37f-788cd7e5d48dVIP Day Waitlist: https://icy-base-20781.myflodesk.com/vipwaitlistConnect with Maria on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariario/Support the show: https://www.buzzsprout.com/208666/supporters/new

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  • Are you leaving the 'dirty work' to others? It's time for leader to embrace the saying, "no task is too small!" In this episode, we'll delve into the art of leading by example, fostering a culture of collaboration, and the transformative power of saying "yes and" to opportunities.

    Today, I'm thrilled to welcome Lanrick Bennett to The Small Nonprofit. Lanrick is not only the executive director of Charlie’s Free Wheels, a nonprofit teaching young people leadership through bicycles, but also Toronto's first bicycle mayor, a comedian, and a champion of community engagement. Our conversation promises to be an insightful journey into what it means to be a hands-on leader who isn't afraid to get their hands dirty – quite literally!

    Key Episode Highlights:

    Leading by Example: Lanrick emphasizes the value of leadership that doesn't shy away from any task. He's a firm believer that to inspire your team and serve your community, you need to be willing to dive into every aspect of your organization's work, including the grunt work. It's about truly showing that no role is too small and that every task is crucial to your mission.Saying "Yes And" to Opportunities: Drawing from his days in improvisational comedy, Lanrick stresses the power of being open to possibilities and building upon them rather than dismissing them. This mindset helps fuel creativity and innovation within an organization, leading to growth and new ways to tackle challenges.Collaboration over Competition: In the nonprofit sector, it’s easy to slip into siloed efforts, but Lanrick's vision is one of interconnected collaboration. By embracing partnerships and sharing resources, small nonprofits can amplify their impact without stepping on each other's toes.Vulnerability in Leadership: Authenticity and humility in leadership can resonate throughout an entire organization. Lanrick shares his personal journey, including both successes and setbacks, showing that it's not about being infallible, but about being relatable and transformative.

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    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/P9LqhfPMV6c

    Links and Resources:

    Connect with Lanrick Bennett on Twitter: https://twitter.com/LanrickBennettLearn more about Charlie’s FreeWheels: https://www.charliesfreewheels.ca/Email Lanrick: [email protected] | [email protected] with Maria on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariario/

    Support the show: https://www.buzzsprout.com/208666/supporters/new

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  • Advocating for change seems daunting, especially when you're working with limited resources and a small team. What if you knew the insider strategies to make a significant impact in your community and get your voice heard at city council meetings? In today's episode, we'll pull back the curtain on the power of local engagement and show you how a small team can pedal their message to the top.

    Join us as we chat with the super inspiring Alison Stewart from Cycle Toronto. Her passion for sharing the joy of biking paired with her desire to make Toronto a vibrant cycling city led her to take on several volunteer roles since 2013. Her background includes senior leadership roles in the post secondary sector which saw her develop strategic plans that focused on supporting the diverse needs of international and domestic students on the one hand, while also securing funding and developing government and community partnerships on the other.

    Key Episode Highlights:

    The Importance of Personal Stories: Alison spotlighted the strength of personal testimony in influencing policy. By encouraging community members to share their experiences during city council deputations, Cycle Toronto demonstrates the real-world impact of policies on individuals, adding a human element that stats alone can't convey.Strategic Relationship Building: Developing collaborative relationships with city councillors and other stakeholders, as Alison outlines, is critical. Even if some aren't naturally aligned with your mission, finding mutual goals can lead to progress you might not achieve otherwise.Leveraging Volunteer Passion: Alison's own journey from volunteer to advocacy leader exemplifies the multifaceted potential of volunteers in a small charity. They are not just a workforce; they're potential future leaders who bring energy and new insights to your core mission.Effective Messaging Across Mediums: Whether it's supporting communications or getting involved with municipal staffers, clear and targeted messaging is pivotal. Alison's work on providing relevant and compelling content speaks to the importance of how you present your issues to the world, essential for any small nonprofit.The Power of Collaboration: Alison and Cycle Toronto show us that partnerships extend your reach. By aligning with other organizations, community groups, and leveraging varied advocacy approaches, small nonprofits can amplify their influence and achieve common goals.

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    Watch this episode on Youtube:

    Links and Resources: https://youtu.be/NBZsYb21eUs

    Alison Stewart (LinkedIn): linkedin.com/in/alisonvstewartAlison Stewart (Twitter): https://twitter.com/AlisonVStewart Alison Stewart (Email): [email protected] Toronto (Website): https://www.cycleto.ca/ Connect with Maria on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariario/Support the show: https://www.buzzsprout.com/208666/supporters/new

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  • What if walking away from the organization you've built is the bravest and most selfless choice you can make? Struggling to let go, battling founder’s syndrome, feeling like an organization will fall apart without you, and putting your life above your work—these are emotions many leaders in our sector face. Today's must-listen episode is a conversation with one such leader who tackled these issues head-on. Then, he turned that experience into expertise he now shares with others.

    Mike Prosserman shares his story in this episode; from founder, to leaving the organization, to helping others transition gracefully from their roles. Mike ‘Piecez’ Prosserman is a bestselling author, professional B-Boy (breakdancer), university instructor, and certified coach who specializes in scaling non-profits, team culture, and succession. In Michael’s book Building Unity: Leading a Non-Profit From Spark to Succession, he shares practical tools to building resilient and responsive organizations. He founded and scaled Unity Charity, a grassroots movement using Hip-Hop to improve youth mental health. Through EPIC leadership, Michael is empowering non-profit leaders to build more resilient and responsible organizations.

    Key Episode Highlights:

    Recognizing Founder Syndrome: Mike shares his own struggle with letting go of an organization he started and how he overcame the 'founder's trap' to ensure the best for both his well-being and the nonprofit's future.The Journey to Distance: Departing from his role was not a snap decision. Mike walks us through the reflective and brave process of distancing himself from his nonprofit, setting a precedent for leadership transitions that place personal health and organizational growth at the forefront.Teaching Leaders to Prioritize Themselves: Now, Mike's mission is to educate and support other nonprofit leaders and founders. He discusses how he assists them in forging paths toward healthier work-life balances and prioritizing their needs along with their organization's objectives.

    Don’t forget to become a supporter of our show!

    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/cgxK1coghmU

    Links and Resources:

    Mike Prosserman (Instagram): https://www.instagram.com/bboypiecez/Mike Prosserman (Linkedin): https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelprosserman/EPIC Leadership: https://www.epicleadership.ca/ Unity Charity: https://www.unitycharity.com/ Connect with Maria on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariario/Support the show: https://www.buzzsprout.com/208666/supporters/new

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  • Feeling lost in the noise and chaos of social media? Let's shift our perspective and rediscover the power of emails. In today's episode of we'll explore why emails remain a timeless tool for building meaningful supporter connections. While social media can be attention-grabbing, it's through emails that genuine conversations and long-lasting bonds are nurtured.

    Our guest, Sara Hoshooley is a fundraising consultant and coach with a passion for small nonprofit organizations. As a former small charity Executive Director, she understands the challenges and opportunities facing small but growing nonprofits. Her unique approach uses each organization's strengths to grow fundraising in an authentic and achievable way.

    Key Episode Highlights:

    Acquire Donors Through Email: Unlike the fast-paced world of social media, emails offer a cozy space for meaningful conversations with your supporters. Learn why having a strategy to grow your email list is essential.Growing Your List: Provide valuable resources like checklists or guides in exchange for email sign-ups. Sara explains how this exchange can kickstart trusting relationships with supporters.The Strength of Recurring Donations: Small, monthly gifts can have a big impact. Sara reveals how starting these campaigns can provide steady fuel for your nonprofit's growth.Building a Community, Not Just Numbers: Email collection isn't just about quantity. It's about nurturing a community of supporters aligned with your mission. Each email is an opportunity to strengthen this connection. Use clear, simple communication.Email Etiquette - Respect Boundaries and Laws: Sara discusses the importance of complying with local and national regulations. It's all about understanding what is consent and ensuring recipients are happy to hear from you.

    Don’t forget to become a supporter of our show!

    Watch this episode on Youtube: https://youtu.be/W1PAtQ2x7dI

    Links and Resources:

    Connect with Sara on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/Sarahoshooley/Sara’s Website: https://www.charityshift.ca/Email: Sara@charityshiftConnect with Maria on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/mariario/Support the show: https://www.buzzsprout.com/208666/supporters/new

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