Speakeasy c'est 3 créateurs de contenus, représentés par /influx qui échangent ensemble une fois par semaine sur des sujets de philosophie de vie, méthodes de travail et adoption des nouvelles technologies.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
You may be the farmer or married to the farmer - this podcast will help you balance family and merge your personal needs with your farm demands. You can have a profitable biz AND a lovely, fulfilled life. I teach you personal development tools & strategies to finally conquer overwhelm and the feeling that you're not doing enough in your family or in your business. You'll learn step-by-step how to create the results you want in life!
Een fit lichaam met maximale energie en focus voor de beste (werk)prestaties: daar staat Lifestyle Hacking voort. Mijn naam is Tom Tuning, performance coach met een passie voor zelfverbetering, business, sport en een gezonde leefstijl. Ben jij iemand die alles uit zich zelf wilt halen? Tune dan iedere maandag in voor een nieuwe episode. Vergeet ook niet om de podcast op te slaan, zodat je nooit nieuwe Lifestyle Hacks mist!
Onderneem Jezelf is dé podcast voor gedreven groeiondernemers die zichzelf, hun business en hun leven naar een volgend niveau willen tillen. Elke week deelt Mario Haneca van MindTransformers praktische tips, handige tools en inspirerende verhalen van ondernemers en experts rond business, mindset, gezondheid en relaties. Want succesvol ondernemen begint bij jezelf.
Mindset, empowerment and inspiration for more impact, success, money and freedom.
A podcast for passionate and ambitious artists who want more.
More success, more money, more impact, more independence and freedom.
More peace and balance in their life.
By maintaining their creative power and outcome.
The ones who know that it is possible.
The ones who think outside the box and beyond society’s limitations.
The ones who feel this calling and fire inside of them.
It’s time for you, beautiful and talented artist, to step up in your leadership and own your power to reach way more people with your art.
Art saves lives. Heals. Changes. Transforms.
So we as artists have to own the power that we can turn our art into something way bigger.
What it takes first is that the artist themselves see, learn, understand and embody how much more powerful they are.
By integrating the entrepreneurial side and aspect, too.
By seeing their self worth.
By gaining more confidence.
By balancing two extreme worlds inside. The masculine (structure, strategy, clarity, decisiveness) and the feminine (flow, creativity, feelings, mess)
I wanna see you thrive in your brilliance and greatness as successful artpreneur that you are.
Are you ready for it?
Then let’s do this together.
In this podcast you get insights and new perspectives, you get to dive into personal stories, challenges, struggles as well as how to overcome limiting beliefs, insecurities, how to deal with failures, how to keep on track and what is necessary to embody the powerful artpreneur that you are.
Strengthening your confidence. Seeing your capabilities to change the world with your art by changing your mindset and awakening and embodying the artpreneur that is sleeping inside of you. -
Je suis Tawnee, photographe, vidéaste et graphiste indépendante.
Mes valeurs m’animent quotidiennement dans la création de tout ce que j’entreprends.
C’est pourquoi, à travers ce podcast je partage mes réflexions et prises de conscience. Je reçois également des entrepreneureuses qui m’inspire dont j’ai envie de mettre le parcours en lumière.
Entrepreneureuse c’est un peu comme ton entourage business où sont abordées les erreurs du débuts, les leçons, ce qu’on aurait aimé savoir avant de se lancer, ou encore toutes les merveilleuses choses qui nous sont arrivées
Bref un tas de sujets dont c’est pas forcément facile de parler avec son entourage.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
T'es pas toute seule est le podcast qui fait écho aux entrepreneurs et entrepreneuses.
Réflexions, introspection, pistes, outils, propositions sont au rendez-vous de ce podcast.
Des parcours inspirants pour impacter les vôtres et démystifier l'entrepreneuriat.
retrouvez-moi sur Instagram : @julie_arcoulin
Sur mon site :
Et abonnez-vous à "t'es pas toute seule" pour être informé.e de la sortie des nouveaux épisodes.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
In elke aflevering van "Unsandwiched" verkennen we nieuwe gewoonten en technieken die jou kunnen helpen om dagelijkse leiderschapsuitdagingen slimmer en met meer sereniteit te beheren. We richten ons op één praktische gewoonte per aflevering, geïnspireerd door jouw inzichten en onze expertise in Selfcoaching©, om je te begeleiden in het effectief navigeren door je leiderschapsrol.
Maarten Vogelaar, therapeut, mentor en performer voor succesvolle zelfstandig ondernemers en high performers neemt je in deze audioreis mee naar The Wonderzone.
Download gratis The Book of Wonders en ervaar zelf jouw wonderzone.
Volg mij ook op:
Maarten Vogelaar -
Welcome to the Let's Talk Yoga podcast—your ultimate online destination for everything yoga. Think of it as your virtual yoga school, offering something for everyone—whether you’re a seasoned yoga teacher, a dedicated student, or simply curious about the deeper layers of yoga.
Join host Arundhati Baitmangalkar, an immigrant yoga teacher, studio owner, global mentor, and creator of some of the most sought-after yoga teacher training programs in the world. Each week, we bring you valuable insights, in-depth conversations with renowned yoga teachers, and an abundance of yoga resources designed to inspire, educate, and transform.
From mastering the art of teaching to navigating the complexities of yoga philosophy and business, this niche podcast is your go-to resource for all things yoga. Ready to deepen your practice and expand your understanding? Hit subscribe now and never miss an episode of Let's Talk Yoga!
The Business of Fitness is a weekly podcast where we explore all things athletic industry-related through the lens of the women who are kicking ass in their professions. Want to open a yoga studio, work as a team manager, or create your own fitness line? From aspirational interviews with fitness industry leaders to actionable advice from women who are kicking ass in their small businesses, our mission is to go behind the scenes to figure out how these women keep their shit together.
Ge kuiert. Ge stapt. Ge treuzelt. Ge versnelt. Ge rent. Ge botst.
Dit is 'Over de drempel', de podcast van GTB waarin Dominique Van Malder kuiert, stapt, soms wat treuzelt maar vooral de weg bewandelt van en met 5 mensen.
Over drempels van faalangst, van onwetendheid, van vooroordelen, maar evengoed fysieke of letterlijke drempels.
Over de drempel is een productie van GTB in samenwerking met Handelsreizigers in Ideeën, House of Media en Uitgesproken.
Met dank aan Global Estate Group om dit mee mogelijk te maken. -
Welcome to The Shift to Freedom podcast — the place where you will find the courage to show up as your most authentic self. My name is Ben Easter, and together we’ll explore the intersection of business and relationship through humorous and deep conversations. The goal is to move more into the aligned versions of who we are and free ourselves from the stories that limit or hold us back, either financially, socially, emotionally, or mentally. Join me and my collaborators, weekly, to start making the shift into freedom!
This podcast helps business owners reduce overwhelm, beat imposter syndrome, and lead with confidence and clarity by diving into practical strategies for breaking through self-imposed ceilings, tackling the fear of not being good enough or worthy enough, and overcoming the fear of failure. Learn how to become more efficient with your day, stop procrastinating, and manage insecurity, while also mastering delegation, growing your team, and expanding your bandwidth for greater success. If you've ever felt slowed down by self-doubt, this podcast is your guide to breaking free and achieving more.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Are you a mental health professional with a feeling in the pit of your stomach that the system is BROKEN?
Did you start your training full of ideas about changing the landscape of mental health for the better but now you find you are so busy seeing people in crisis that you don't have time to do any of it?
Do you KNOW that we need to get out of our therapy rooms and start reaching people in other ways? Do you KNOW that the key to better mental health is prevention not crisis management?
If you do then join me for a mix practical skills, strategies and inspirational interviews with psychologists and therapists just like you who are using their skills to do BIG things way beyond the therapy room.
Prepare to get your "trainee spirit" back. -
Une expérience de vie, une histoire, une astuce. Des minis épisodes hebdomadaires pour remettre de la magie dans son quotidien;
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Stay Grounded Podcast is hosted by Sofie Kraft.
Every week she has conversations with inspiring guests - talking about lifestyle choices, health & wellness, spirituality, personal journeys and how to stay grounded in a pretty hectic world.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Mental Offload podcast is the podcast for women who want to excel as leaders without sacrificing a fulfilling life. Whether you’re struggling with imposter syndrome and perfectionism at work, mom guilt, or the overwhlem of the mental load of parenthood, the Mental Offload podcast offers both evidence-based strategies and real-world strategies for high-achieving women. Combining business leadership, feminism, and coaching tools, we’ll have important conversations about passions, priorities, perseverance and power. Hosted by Shawna Samuel, Yale MBA and Certified Feminist Coach.