Starting off 2024 strong, this episode discusses some of the actions the Building Trades of Alberta will be taking to combat the ongoing system of abuse in our construction industry.
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Rob talks to Ricardo, a worker who was lured into coming to Canada to provide for his family. He was horribly injured on his site and was immediately laid off along with his fellow workers.
Ricardo shares his experiences in a system that exploits undocumented workers in Canada. -
Vukas and Rob discuss the efforts that have been undertaken by the Building Trades of Alberta to address the ongoing crisis of companies sub-contracting undocumented migrant workers.
Este es el primer episodio del podcast Silencio de las Trabajadoras producido por Building Trades of Alberta. La serie buscará exponer el uso y abuso de trabajadores inmigrantes indocumentados por parte de ciertas empresas en Alberta y en todo Canadá.
Building Trades of Alberta representa a 60, 000 trabajadores de oficios calificados de 18 sindicatos locales en toda Alberta. Creemos que cada trabajador merece un salario justo, beneficios justos, una pensión justa y un trato justo. A estos trabajadores indocumentados se les ha negado todo esto y estamos tomando medidas para poner fin a esta práctica. ¿Quiero ayudar? Comuníquese con sus representantes locales municipales, provinciales y federales e instelos a tomar medidas sobre este tema.
This is the first episode of the Silence of the Workers podcast produced by the Building Trades of Alberta. The series will seek to expose the use and abuse of undocumented migrant workers by certain companies in Alberta and across Canada.
The Building Trades of Alberta represents 60,000 skilled trades workers from 18 union locals across Alberta. We believe that every worker deserves a fair wage, fair benefits, a fair pension, and fair treatment. These undocumented workers have been denied all of these and we are taking action to put a stop to this practice. Want to help? Contact your local municipal, provincial, and federal representatives and urge them to take action on this issue.