In this episode, I talk about the information that has been released by the NTSB.
I go over the staffing at the tower.I go over the use of 2 frequencies by 1 controllerI also give my take on the other information that is out there online versus what you will hear from the NTSB.
Thank you all for listening!!
If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] . I will answer all of your questions. Who knows, your question might be the subject of my next podcast!
In this episode, I talk about some of my initial thoughts on what happened on January 29 at Reagan National Airport.
I give some of my observations from the initial news reports as well as some information from people I use to work with. I also talk about some of my own experiences with working jets and helicopters in the same vicinity.
When an incident like this happens, it shines a bright light on just how much responsibility we have as controllers to ensure that everyone who flies through our airspace gets home safely. 99.5% of the time they do. That number truly is a miracle when you think of the sheer numbers of aircraft that are worked every day in the United States.
I may be updating this podcast in the future as more information is made public. For now, our prayers go out to all of the families affected by this tragedy.
Thank you for listening! As always, you can contact me at [email protected] with any questions, comments, or concerns.
Saknas det avsnitt?
In this episode, I talk about 4 areas that you need to have a plan for BEFORE you get to Oklahoma City.
These areas are:
Getting your relationships readyGetting your mental focus readyGetting you emotional focus readyGetting your finances readyHaving a plan for these 4 areas is crucial to success at the Academy. You MUST have these plans in place before you get there. Do not try to come up with a plan after you're already in OKC.
Thank you for listening.
As always, you can contact me at [email protected] with any questions you might have.
The book mentioned is "success is a Choice" by John Maxwell.
In this episode, I talk about the question of AGE.
The FAA has some strict guidelines for how old you have to be and how old you can be when you apply to become an air traffic controller. What do those guidelines mean when it comes to the Academy and to training at your first facility?
Through my own experiences training at ZFW as a 34 year old and my experiences as an instructor at the Academy, I hope to help answer some questions about what it is like to train at different ages.
The ultimate answer to the question though is this- You're not too old to try and to keep trying until it becomes impossible!
Thank you all for listening! Thank you for your continued support and questions!
If you have a question, or comment, email me at [email protected] .
If you like the music, you can find more of it at gregorianrock.com . He is working on a new album that will be coming out! I can't wait!!
In this episode, I talk about the Evaluators! Yes, those people who hold your career in their hands! There are good ways to deal with them, and I go over those ways in this episode.
Those ways include:
Being polite when you enter the lab.Acknowledging them when/if they introduce themselves.Ignoring them when the scenario starts.Being polite and attentive when they are going over your run.The main things to consider about the evaluators is that they are people too, for the most part they want you to succeed, and ignoring them during the scenario is what they expect.
If you can do these things, you can greatly increase your chances of passing or even increasing your overall score.
Thank you all for listening!
If you have a question or comment, please email me at [email protected] .
In this episode, I talk about John Maxwell's book "Put Your Dream to the Test" and how we can apply it to your dream of being an air traffic controller.
I go through the 10 questions that he has in his book, which are:
Is my dream really my dream?Do I clearly see my dream?Am I depending on factors within my control to achieve my dream?Does my dream compel me to follow it?Do I have a strategy to reach my dream?Have I included the people I need to realize my dream?Am I willing to pay the price for my dream?Am I moving closer to my dream?Does working toward my dream bring satisfaction?Does my dream benefit others?10 great questions. If you can answer "yes" to over half of them, I would say you are on your way to achieving your dream.
Remember: Your dream has to be bigger than you are!
Failure is the price we must pay to achieve success!
Thank you for listening! If you have a question, you can always reach me at [email protected] .
Have a great week! Happy New Year!
In this episode, I give you a more detailed look into who this Tom Hanes character is.
I talk about everything from my love of soccer, to being a nerd, to high school, and college. I go into how I got into coaching; how I got into air traffic control. Hopefully, you will get to know a lot more about this strange guy who has a podcast about air traffic control.
I then talk about some of the reasons why I decided to start this podcast. What I hope to accomplish by doing this, and a glimpse into what the future will hold for Side by Side ATC.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday! I hope you got to spend some great time with your families. I hope you have an even better New Year and that 2025 will be the year you get to start this amazing career that is Air Traffic Control.
If you have a question or comment, you can always reach me at [email protected]
Thank you for listening!!
In this episode, I talk about handoffs: what they are and what they are not.
Join me as I talk about the definition of a handoff, how it is different from a point-out, how you can make a point-out become a handoff, and why this is SUCH a big deal at the Academy.
The handoff, both automated and manual, combined with point-outs, putting in flight plans and giving clearances/releases are some of the most important things you will do at the academy as well as at your facilities. They all involve separation, which is why they will cost you so many points if you fail to do them; or if you do them incorrectly.
So practice these things until you are fluent in them. You'll thank me later!
If you ever have a question, you can email me at [email protected] .
If you like the music and want more, go to gregorianrock.com .
Thank you all for listening!
Have a wonderful Christmas!!
In this episode, I talk about point outs and why you should care about them.
I start with: What is a point out?
I give the definition you will get in the radar class at the FAA Academy.
I then talk about why it is SO important to you as a student at the Academy. I also talk about why they are so important at your next facility. Just remember: if the point out is NOT done, it is a separation error at the Academy, and an Operational Error at your facility. Neither one is good.
To show the importance of point outs, I relate the story of a student who failed by just 5 points on their last radar eval. In talking with them, they said that they were given a separation error on a point out that they tried to do. I'll let you listen to the story on the show, but they DID end up passing the Academy instead of failing.
I end by talking about how you will be doing point outs for your entire career, you just will. You might as well get use to making them. You will make and approve hundreds of point outs at the Academy. You'll do even more at your facilities.
If you have a question you want me to answer on an episode, email me at [email protected] . You can also email me if you just have a question about anything. I'll be happy to answer whatever is on your mind.
You can also find me on Facebook under William Hanes( or Side by Side ATC) and on LinkedIn at Tom Hanes.
Thank you so much for listening.
In this episode, I talk about the 5 worst mistakes I have seen students make during their Non-Radar evals. They include:
Preplanning the scenario in the wrong orderNot having your first moves planned before the scenario startsNot writing down your " W-H-A-T" for each aircraft, in each bayBringing a mistake you made to the attention of the evaluatorTrying to get a departure off without going through your stepsThese are mistakes that students have actually made. Learn from them. Don't make them yourself.
If you have a question you would like me to address on the podcast, or if you have ANY question about ATC or the Academy, leave me an email at [email protected] . If you need help with something at the academy, leave me an email.
You can get more of the music at gregorianrock.com
In this episode, I talk about some of the mistakes in attitude students can have while going through the academy.
They include:
Worrying about what their "score" would be on a practice scenarioWorrying about the final evals before they actually get to themNot learning from each day or scenarioNot taking the Academy one day at a timeUsing my 30 years as an air traffic controller, and my 5 years as an instructor at the Academy, I give you what you actually need to focus on while at the Academy.
If you have a question about the Academy, or training, or anything you've heard me talk about, let me know. You can email me at [email protected] . I will be happy to discuss anything you want to about air traffic control.
If you like the music, you can get more at gregorianrock.com .
Thank you for listening.
In this episode, I give you the five worst mistakes that students make during their radar evals. I give you a couple of things that make these errors happen for the students and how to keep from making them.
They are:
Phraseology and Stripmarking ErrorsNot using a route change instead of altitude to resolve a red alert0M8 departure without getting the point-out done firstBeing late with a manual handoffMissing point-outsThose are the top 5 from #5 to #1.
If you have any questions about today's episode, any other episode, or you just have a question you want to have me answer, you can email me at [email protected] .
Thank you all so much for listening!!
P.S. If you like the music, you can find more at gregorianrock.com .
In this episode, I talk about the Non-Radar portion of the Enroute Academy.
I cover:
The different lessonsThe lessons to really concentrate onWhen your tests will beWhat the lab will be likeHow to practice with classmatesHow important practicing will beHow to stay ahead of the program while you are in Non-RadarI talk about how important it is to stay ahead and not get behind while you are in Non-Radar.
As always, if you have a question or just want to talk, email me at: [email protected] .
If you want information about my coaching program, go to: sidebysideatc.com/coach .
You can also sign up for the coaching program at sidebysdieatc.com/coach .
It is FREE for the first 10 people to sign up!
The next 10 people to sign up will pay only $197!
The next 10 will pay $397!
The next 10 will pay $597!
If you have a problem signing up on the website, email me at [email protected] and I will put you in the group you were going to be in.
Thank you all for listening!!
In this episode, I talk about the Radar portion of the Enroute Academy.
I cover:
The different lessonsThe lessons to really concentrate onWhen your tests will beWhat the lab will be likeHow to practice with classmatesHow important practicing will beHow to stay ahead of the program while you are in RadarI talk about how important it is to stay ahead and not get behind while you are in Radar.
As always, if you have a question or just want to talk, email me at: [email protected] .
If you want information about my coaching program, go to: sidebysideatc.com/coach .
You can also sign up for the coaching program at sidebysdieatc.com/coach . It is FREE
for the first 14 days. After that, we have custom pricing depending on where your class is and how much coaching you feel you need.
Thank you all for listening!!
In this episode, I talk about why it would be a good idea to have a coach on your side as you go through the FAA Academy.
I talk about what has led me up to this point. I talk about some of the reasons for starting this adventure with you. I talk about how your instructors will be giving you details about what you have to know, your classmates will help you practice and put those details into actual situations.
I also talk about the need for support outside the classroom and outside your group of classmates.
That is where Side by Side ATC and I come in. We are offering the Coaching Program for FREE.
It will be free for 14 days. After that, or during that time, you can decide if you need to continue having a coach by your side.
Our goal is to help you so much that the decision is not really an easy one. We want to give you so much support that you can stand on your own, or you can choose to stand with us by your side.
Either way, we want to see each one of you succeed beyond even what you thought you could when you started.
To sign up for the FREE coaching, simply go to www.sidebysideatc.com/coach .
If you have any difficulty with signing up, email me at [email protected].
I can't wait to meet you and help get your ATC career off to a magnificent start!
In this episode, I talk about the schedule at the Academy.
I start with Basics that has to be passed before you actually start either the Terminal Track or the Enroute Track. Basics lasts 19 business days or almost 4 weeks. It was being done in person before Covid, but went to virtual during and after Covid. It is about to start being done in person again starting later this year or early next year.
The Terminal Track lasts for 37 days, or almost 8 weeks.
The Enroute Track lasts for 60 days, or 12 weeks. Both could last longer depending on holidays, which you will not have class on, and weather days, which they DO have in OKC.
I talked about what days the Enroute tests are on and how many points they are worth. I also talked about when the non-radar evals are and how important it is to practice to become as proficient as you can to prepare for those evals. I talked about the tests you will have in the radar portion, their point values and when they happen. I also covered how important it is to continue practicing during the radar portion to prepare for the 2 days of the radar evals. I hope this was a lot of good information for you. If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected] . I will get right back to you with an answer.
If you like the music, you can get more of it at gregorianrock.com .
Thank you for listening!!
I also discussed 2 FREE items that we have for you. The first is a download for you titled,"Top 10 Tips to Succeed at the FAA Air Traffic Control Academy." It has some good tips for preparing for the Academy. You can get this at www.sidebysideatc.com/success
I also announced our new Coaching Program for Academy students. You can sign up for a 14-DAY FREE TRIAL at www.sidebysideatc.com/coach . That's right, it is FREE for 14 days! No credit card is required to sign up!
In this episode, I talk about some of the things that have happened to me in my now 12 years of working in an air traffic control tower. I talk about some of the lighthearted moments and some of the not so lighthearted moments in my career. In the middle, I talk about a free guide we are giving away. It's titled, "Top 10 Tips to Succeed at the FAA Air Traffic Control Academy." We think it will be helpful for all of you who are at the Academy now or are planning on going to the Academy in the near future. You can get the free guide at www.sidebysideatc.com/success . Thank you for listening to our podcast. Have a great day!
In this episode, I tell some of the "Tall Tales" I have from my time as an instructor at the Academy.
Some of the stories are of victories, and some of defeats. Hopefully, you can get something useful from each story.
The main reason for my telling these stories is to let you know that others have gone through this journey you are on before you. They have had highs and they have had lows, but they have always come out the other side. Your journey will not end at the academy.
I hope that you all like the stories. I hope you laugh, and maybe cry as well( I know that I do telling them).
Thank you for listening. Please leave a comment, or, if you prefer, you can email me at [email protected] .
On this episode, I talk about what it is like to work at an enroute center. I discuss what a normal day is like, what the traffic is like. I talk about what kinds of sectors I worked in my specialty.
I describe the different positions there are at a center. What they do and how they are staffed.
I talk about breaks. How often you get them and how long they may last. I also talk about some of the things you can do around the center on your breaks.
I talk about weather, the impact it can have, and how that impact is different from the impact it has at an airport.
From there, I go into what my time was like at ZFW, FT Worth Center. I talk about the impact my trainers had on me; even if I didn't enjoy being a trainee.
I spend a little time on how I DID enjoy being a trainer and helping new controllers learn the ropes.
That is what led me into offering an online coaching program for academy students. I briefly touch on it today and ask for your input about what you might like to see in that type of program.
I want to thank you all for listening and supporting these podcasts.
If you have a comment or question, please let me know and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
My email is: [email protected] .
Thank you again!
In this episode, we’ll dive into the unique experience of working in an air traffic control tower. We’ll explore daily responsibilities, challenges, and the excitement that comes with the job, drawing on my 30 years of experience and insights from former colleagues.
Segment 1: The Basics of Tower Operations
Overview of the air traffic control tower's role in aviation.Importance of tower controllers in ensuring safe aircraft operations.Explanation of the different positions in a tower:Clearance DeliveryGround ControlLocal ControlRadarSegment 2: Daily Life as a Tower Controller
Walkthrough of a typical shift.Pre-shift preparations (briefings, weather checks).The flow of traffic during peak hours vs. quiet times.Interaction with pilots and other personnel.Real-time decision-making and problem-solving.Segment 3: Challenges of Tower Work
High-stress environment: Managing multiple aircraft and communication.Dealing with weather-related challenges (storms, wind).Handling emergenciesThe importance of teamwork and communication among controllers.Segment 4: The Rewards of the Job
The thrill of the job: excitement of coordinating takeoffs and landings.Sense of accomplishment from ensuring safety and efficiency.Long-term relationships with colleagues and pilots.Segment 5: Insights from Former Tower Controllers
Story that highlights a unique lesson learned in the tower.Conclusion
Recap of key points discussed.Invitation for listeners to share their questions or stories related to air traffic control.Thank you so much for listening. Leave a question or a comment at:
If you like the music, you can find more at:
Gregorianrock.com .
- Visa fler